Dancing with Deception (15 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Dancing with Deception
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Brandt understood why the other club members were so captivated with the scene—hell, it was beyond hot. What amazed him was how unaware Ryan seemed to be of his surroundings. The man had been a Navy SEAL for fuck’s sake. Dom-space was a great place to be, but it could be dangerous. The scene was taking place in a BDSM club, so there was a lot of support close by, but this clearly illustrated why it was always advisable to play in a club or with a third person nearby. When both Dom and sub were this focused, they were both far too vulnerable.

He felt Kyle West step up beside him before he actually saw him. Kyle had always exuded the kind of presence associated with leaders and alpha males—he was one of the few men Brandt had ever known who could walk down the crowded streets of Hong Kong without so much as a single physical encounter. No one jostled Kyle West. Hell, people unconsciously cleared a path for him to walk unobstructed through markets that were a labyrinth of humanity others had to weave through. Tobi was the only person Brandt had ever seen stand up to Kyle—aside from his twin brother, of course.

Brandt remembered hearing about Tobi and Kyle’s first meeting. She’d been on her way to interview Kent for some local magazine, but her car hydroplaned off the highway during a thunderstorm leaving her stranded along the side of the road. After several unsuccessful attempts to stop a passing motorist, she’d stood in the middle of the highway so she wouldn’t be missed by the next vehicle driving by. Kyle had nearly hit the petite blonde bundle of trouble. When he’d stopped and made his way back to her, he’d been furious. His anger fueled by fear at the close call and adrenaline drenched relief she was unharmed. But she’d stood toe-to-toe with him, despite the fact Kyle was easily a foot taller, refusing to back down as he’d questioned her intelligence and sanity.

The night Kyle shared the story with him, Brandt had struggled to keep from laughing at the mental picture flashing through his mind. But after meeting Tobi, Brandt didn’t have any trouble imagining her fire, and it was obvious to everyone who knew Kyle, she’d been exactly what he’d needed. While Kent had always been far more flexible and easy-going in general, Kyle had been well on his way to becoming isolated by his own rules. Brandt knew Tobi had won the hearts of Kyle’s friends and family for that alone.

“They don’t know there is anyone else in the room, do they?” Kyle’s whispered words brought Brandt back to the moment. “Tobi can do that to Kent—it’s one of the things I envy about my brother, his ability to soar in Dom space.”

“I was just thinking the same thing. I’ve never seen Ryan completely lost in a scene before.”

“And you’re worried about their safety.” It hadn’t been a question, Kyle had already known what Brandt was thinking. “He knew he was safe here. As a matter of fact, Ryan went to a lot of trouble to ensure their safety ahead of time. If you take a look around, you’ll see several men stationed around the area who aren’t focused on the scene—they’re watching exits and the audience for anything even remotely threatening.”

Brandt felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from his shoulders. He hadn’t even realized how worried he’d been until he saw how much care Ryan had taken to ensure Joelle’s safety. “I know it might seem like over-kill on my part, but she is incredibly special. And I don’t mean she is only special to us—hell, her discovery is going to make a huge difference in the world someday. I think we all know it will be years before the full effects are felt, but the ripples will start the minute she drops the pebble in the pond.”

“I agree. I believe my dads are getting involved in the process as well. They’re coordinating with your dad and uncle to make sure Joelle’s announcement is heard round the world.” Brandt turned to him, curious about the note of amusement he heard in Kyle’s voice. “I think they are trying very hard to keep Mom from
She has a way of attracting trouble, much like the little mischief magnet I’m married to. I’m just grateful they are still in Florida. Hopefully, that’s far enough.” Brandt heard the worry in Kyle’s voice and had to fight back his laugh.
Hell, with Lilly West, the width of the Gulf of Mexico might not be enough distance.

He stifled the laughter threatening to break free because saying Lilly West attracted trouble was one hell of an understatement. The last Brandt knew, she was on Homeland Security’s “avoid if at all possible” list. When she’d found out Brandt was a sniper, she begged him to teach her how to shoot one of his preferred rifles. Her husbands and sons had been horrified and threatened him with great bodily harm if he did any such thing. To this day, she still asked every time he saw her if he’d changed his mind. From what Brandt could see, Tobi was well on her way to becoming the next Lilly West—or worse.

Chapter Ten

oelle tried to
bring the world into focus, but the only thing she knew for certain was she was warm and safe. Trying to sort through the source of her confusion felt like swimming in a pool filled with chocolate pudding. The more she strained to see past the goo, the more confused she became. Finally giving in to the lure of sleep, Joelle let the stinging skin on her back and ass warm her so sleep could easily pull her under. There would be time to figure out what happened later, for now, she was going to relish the sweet oblivion of slumber.

Ryan was damned
glad Brandt was the one carrying Joelle up the spiral staircase because he wasn’t sure he would have trusted his legs to carry such precious cargo up the curving metal stairs. Hell, he wasn’t entirely convinced they were going to carry
up the stairs. The scene with Joelle had blown apart everything he thought he’d known about topping a sub. He’d known from the outset it was going to be intense but it exceeded his wildest expectations. From the moment he’d told her to strip, Joelle had shifted all of her focus to him.

He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a sub fall into subspace so quickly or so completely. He and Brandt would have to remember to always secure her safely before beginning a scene. Ryan wondered briefly how she would respond to shibari. Even though he was out of practice, he couldn’t help wondering what she would look like bound in the decorative rope designs showcasing her for their erotic pleasure. He’d studied the ancient Japanese bondage technique years ago because he’d felt drawn to the artistic expression of eroticism. The two elements were simply different sides of the same coin. Sex was, by nature, frenzied and messy, but the artistry of shibari required time and patience; and it showcased not only the subject’s trust in the artist, but it displayed his or her body as well.

Nate Ledek had asked him to do a series of demonstrations at Mountain Mastery once he was settled in Montana. Ryan hadn’t been particularly interested—until now. How would Joelle react? Would she enjoy the intensity of a shibari scene? Because the entire process was extremely intimate, and he’d want to make sure every inch of her sex was beautifully displayed for all to see. Hell, he was getting hard again despite having just experienced one of the most crushing orgasms of his life downstairs a few minutes earlier. He hadn’t intended to fuck her after the flogging, but he’d had to open his leathers and take her or he’d have embarrassed himself in a way he hadn’t since puberty.
Christ, if just thinking about how she’ll look in ropes does this to me, I really need to get online and order some supplies.

Stepping into the private room was like stepping back in time. The entire space was decorated in an old west motif reminiscent of every museum he’d been forced to visit as a kid. Ryan’s mother took their Texas heritage seriously, he swore she’d dragged him from one end of the state to the other making sure he understood exactly how wonderful the Lone Star state was. Looking around the room, Ryan wondered if Miss Kitty had picked out the furnishings herself. “Christ, I feel like we’ve just walked onto a

Brandt’s laughter woke Joelle, and Ryan watched as her eyelids fluttered open as she took in her surroundings. “Wow, this is…well, it’s just…we’re still at the Prairie Winds Club, right? Because this sort of looks like a museum. And I’m not sure how I’d feel about being naked in a museum.”

Ryan couldn’t hold back his bark of laughter. “Hell, I was just thinking the same thing. Next time I’m choosing the room, we’re not letting Marshall Dillon here decide.”

“Har, har. You’re a real comedian. Personally, I think you watch too much late night television, most people probably don’t even take notice of this room.” Ryan stared at his cousin in disbelief—he didn’t think he knew anyone with an I.Q. over dull normal who wouldn’t see the room and wonder what sort of movies had been shot inside. Ryan’s teasing faded quickly when Brandt slid open a hidden panel and began flipping switches. A large screen lowered from the ceiling and flickered to life.

Tobi stomped her
foot in frustration.
Damn, they make me so stinking mad I could just spit.
Kent had scooped her up the minute she and Gracie stepped back into the main room after their conversation with Joelle. He’d begun herding her toward one of the more secluded areas of the club when she’d noticed someone setting up a stage. When she’d inquired about the scene, he’d told her it wasn’t any of her concern and that’s where things started to go south.

“I don’t understand why you won’t tell me who is doing the scene. Is it one of your old girlfriends or something?” The look he’d given her might have deterred a lesser woman, but sometimes Tobi didn’t have the good sense to walk away from a fight.

“Be very careful, baby. You’re getting dangerously close to the edge of my patience.”
Oh yeah? Well, news flash for you, husband mine. I’m pretty close to my own limit. When you won’t tell me what’s going on it just makes me all the more curious.

“Is that right, well, hell….o. Sure wouldn’t want that, now would we?” He moved so quickly, all she saw was a black leather blur before he’d thrown over his shoulder. Well, it looked like he hadn’t been kidding, his patience had indeed been hanging by a thread…a thread that seemed to have snapped. Even from her upside down position, she could tell he was heading out the back door. Damn and double damn, she’d hoped he’d, at least, stomp through the main room so she could get a glimpse of who was putting on the demonstration.

“Find my brother and tell him I need his help. I’ll be waiting for him at the gazebo, but he better hurry it along.” Kent’s voice sounded rough and Tobi wasn’t sure who he’d sent to find Kyle, but the young man’s voice had been all breathless and sickeningly sweet with its “Yes, sir. Anything you say, sir.” Good Lord, she wanted to gag. Hell, she was never going to be that kind of submissive. Cripes, so much for trying to go a whole week without a punishment paddling. The last she knew there was still some kind of betting pool among the club Masters about how long she’d make it each week.
They really should be donating all that extra money to charity if you ask me.

The air blowing up the
pretend skirt
they’d given her to wear was warm, thank God Spring had decided to drop in on the Hill Country early this year. “You made it almost six days this week, kitten.” Tobi shrieked in surprise as Kyle stepped out of the shadows as Kent moved down the path.

“Holy shit, you…” A stinging swat landed on her ass and she gasped as the heat spread quickly between her thighs.

“Watch your language, baby. I’m really not it the mood for you to push my boundaries.” Kent was usually the easier going of the two of them, but something had clearly set him on edge and for some reason, Tobi didn’t think it was her.

“I believe you were going to inquire how I knew where you were. Well, I was tipped off by the new fellow we have working in the control room. He is going to work out well I do believe.” The smug tone laced through Kyle’s voice told her he knew he was going to get to play
good cop
tonight and the jerk seemed to be looking forward to the change.
Fuck a fat fairy. There just isn’t any way this is going to work out well for me.

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