Dancing Shoes and Honky-Tonk Blues (24 page)

BOOK: Dancing Shoes and Honky-Tonk Blues
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“So, are you here to get fitted too?”
“Yes.” He leans against a table and folds his arms over his chest, looking like he’s about to tell me something, but then Jackie comes rushing back over to us.
“Rio, you need to hurry up and get dressed. Mitchell just called and wants you and Abby on the front page of the Web site. Looks like you two are the front-runners. He said that
magazine might be interested in doing a feature story too.”
Rio gives me a grin. “Looks like you’re no longer the underdog, Abby.”
My heart starts pounding.
“Maggie, get Rio’s costume!”
Maggie glares over the top of her glasses as she hems some pants. Muttering beneath her breath she tosses the pants down and scurries over to a long rack of costumes and grabs one. She’s as sweet as sugar to Rio, though. He has that effect on women except for one and I don’t want to think about
While Rio’s changing, Jackie and Maggie fuss over my costume and then in a moment of inspiration Jackie tucks a big purple silk flower behind my ear. She steps back to take a look while nibbling on her inner cheek.
“She needs hair extension so her hair can flow down her back,” Jackie finally says.
Peering at me over her funky reading glasses, Maggie nods in agreement. “I think we have something that will match her hair color.”
Pursing her lips Jackie says, “Her makeup needs to be bold this week. Red lipstick and fake eyelashes.”
They continue to discuss me like I’m a mannequin they’re dressing up for a window display until Rio comes out from behind the red curtain. We all turn and stare.
He’s wearing a black jumpsuit sort of thing belted at the waist with a high stiff collar in the same gold color as my fringe. Void of buttons, the shirt is open to his navel in a deep V, accented with shiny gold. The pants are tight and narrow but flair at the feet and have gold piping down the outside of each leg. His shoulder-length hair has dried in midnight waves and is tousled from tugging his turtleneck over his head.
“I look like Elvis,” he says and for the first time I notice that he’s scowling.
“But that’s a good thing, Rio.” My mama loves Elvis, as do most of the women in this town. We’ve been to Graceland three times and Mama bought a license plate, a key chain, a shot glass even though she doesn’t drink, and an ashtray even though she doesn’t smoke.
Rio shoots me a look to see if I’m kidding. He’s never quite sure. In my opinion Elvis never looked so good, especially in the fried peanut butter and banana years, although Mama will argue that the King ever consumed such a thing. She also harbors a hope that he is still alive and living in peace in a quaint village in France.
“I think you look hot,” Maggie gushes. “Don’t you, Jackie?”
Jackie nods while tapping her cheek. “Oh yeah. We need to slick his hair back . . .”
“Are you wishing we had gone with the pirate theme? Rio could totally pull off Jack Sparrow.”
“No way!” Jackie argues. “Rio is
Will Turner.”
“Ladies, may I remind you that I specified that Abby and I would not dress as characters? I think it takes away from the dance. So your argument is . . . how shall we say? . . . moot. I’m wondering, then, how I ended up as Elvis.”
“You’re not Elvis, Rio. It’s just a sexy jumpsuit not so unlike other ones you’ve worn.”
“I like to stick to a shirt and pants and forgo the jumpsuit. Can we do that?”
They both shake their heads. “Too late.”
Rio sighs but is a good sport about his Elvis outfit. Personally I like it but decide not to voice my opinion. Plus, I might just like it because Rio is wearing it, so the pirate thing would have been pretty cool too.
“Okay, Mitchell has a limo waiting. Chop, chop.”
“Wait, we’re going into town now?” Rio asks.
Jackie nods. “Mitchell wants the pictures taken at the dance hall. I was told to tell you to bring a change of street clothes so you can dine in town and then head back to the dance hall for the dress rehearsal tonight.”
“But we’ll miss our rehearsal time this afternoon while taking pictures.”
Jackie shrugs. “Don’t shoot the messenger.”
Rio looks at her for a minute as if trying to translate her comment but then shrugs and turns to me. “Maybe we can get some extra time at the dance hall to practice.”
“Hey, your picture featured on the front of the Web site will get you votes, Rio,” Jackie points out. “So I would be looking at this as a good thing. Hopefully the
spread will pan out for you too. This show is taking on a life of its own and you two are the sweethearts.”
Rio nods. “Point taken.” He turns to me. “I’ll meet you at the limo in ten minutes, okay?”
“Sure.” I’m acting all casual but I’m a bit stuck on being referred to as sweethearts.
“We’ll meet you there to do your makeup,” Jackie says and then calls for Travis to come for his fitting.
, I think as I hurry to my room. A limo . . . a photo shoot, and a spread in
? What could possibly happen next?
Feeding Frenzy
There is just something so glamorous about a limo ride even in the light of day, and dressed in our costumes makes it more so even though we both have light coats on. Rio has on a black leather jacket and I wish I had something dressier than this raincoat but I didn’t have anything better. If I win this competition Mama, Jesse, and I are going to the mall for some fancy clothes!
The tinted glass and soothing jazz as we cruise down the winding mountain road feel calm and relaxing after the frenzy of activity in the past week. Rio and I are sitting close but not touching in the very back seat and I don’t think I’ve ever been so aware of a man in my life. I want to reach over and touch him, maybe just put a hand on his leg, so instead I lean my head against the cool, soft leather of the bench seat and close my eyes.
“Tired?” The low timbre of his voice is as soothing as the cool jazz.
“A little.” But as I sit here I suddenly realize that I’m more exhausted than I thought.
“You can lean your head against my shoulder and rest if you wish,” Rio offers. “Today is going to be a long one, so catch a short nap. I don’t mind.”
“Thanks. I think I will.” I can’t hold back a sigh when my cheek slides against the butter-soft texture of his sleeve. He smells like leather and a hint of spicy cologne . . . not overpowering, just so damned sexy and sort of, I don’t know . . .
It feels so good snuggling against him like this that I fold my legs up onto the seat and smile just before closing my eyes. Since I want to savor leaning against him for the short ride into town I just pretend to sleep. But I don’t want him to know that I’m savoring. I do have my pride even though it’s so difficult to keep from tucking my arms through his.
Despite my effort to remain awake, the soothing music coupled with my fatigue has me dozing. But that’s okay because when my head almost slips onto his lap, Rio wraps his arm around me and, while I know it’s for safety’s sake, it sure feels nice. Just when I’m feeling comfy and secure, the limo swerves sharply to the left, making me squish against Rio. My hand shoots out for support and comes into contact with the deep V of his Elvis outfit where his jacket is unbuttoned.
“What happened?” I ask in a sleepy voice even though I’m now wide-awake.
“We almost hit a deer,” Rio explains.
“Oh.” I scoot up like I’m interested and remove my hand like I didn’t know it was poised on his bare chest.
“This is insane,” Rio growls.
“Oh, this isn’t unusual. There’s deer up here everywhere and raccoons and . . .”
“I wasn’t talking about the animals, Abby,” he says in the same low growl that, by the way, is very sexy.
“Oh.” I’m really wishing I had left my hand on his chest but I can’t exactly put it back there for no apparent reason. While I’m trying to think of one, Rio leans over and kisses me.
Maybe it’s from the surprise or maybe it’s what I wanted to do but I suddenly find myself falling onto my back with my arms curled around Rio while kissing him right like it’s my job. The hot kiss is deep and a bit wild, I’m guessing from pent-up desire . . . at least on my part anyway.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” he says, pausing to nibble on my neck. Rio is an excellent neck nibbler . . . makes you tingle and shiver.
“It’s a limo. . . . It was inevitable,” I try to joke but it ends with a gasp when he sucks my earlobe into his mouth. I sink my fingers into his hair because I just
his hair and then we’re kissing again.
“I can’t keep my hands or my mouth off you,” Rio says, pulling back to run a gentle fingertip down my cheek. I love it when he does that.
“Me too,” I admit, swallowing hard. “Rio, why are we fighting this?”
He closes his eyes for a moment and then says, “Because I know how much the prize money means to your family. I’m your instructor and I should help you to win, not be the reason why you do not. I know from experience how important it is to stay focused. I could not forgive myself if I ruined your chances of winning.”
“So you’re doing this for me?”
Rio nods. “Of course. Winning this would be fun and I’m a fierce competitor, but in the long run it means nothing to me. Is that what you thought, Abby? That all I wanted was to win?”
I shrug. “I didn’t know how much money, you know, a bonus or whatever that you got for coming in first.”
“It doesn’t matter to me.”
“Couldn’t you use the money for your studio in Mexico City?”
“That’s not an issue,” he tells me with a tender smile.
“But why? I mean surely—” I begin again but have to hold that thought when the limo stops.
“We’d better sit up,” Rio warns, “because there are bound to be cameras. We’ll finish this discussion tonight in the privacy of my room, okay?”
I nod and he’s right because a moment later when the door swings open letting in bright sunshine, cameras from several news stations are there to film our every move. While this makes me feel important and everything I also realize how hard it must be for celebrities to deal with this all the time. It’s enough to make a person nervous.
With his arm protectively around me Rio smiles, so I do the same thing.
“How do you feel about being the favorite?” a tall blond reporter asks while thrusting a microphone in Rio’s face.
“Like we need to rehearse,” Rio responds, widening his smile a bit.
“Think you can beat Danny Becker and the new threat, Angelina Perez?” she persists. “And weren’t you and Angelina once partners?”
Rio’s smile remains but he picks up the pace. “Yes to both questions,” he tosses over his shoulder, and more questions are shouted at us but sometimes long legs come in quite handy.
We enter the dance hall a bit breathless. “Wow, I didn’t know how popular this show is becoming,” I comment.
“I have to admit that I’m surprised. I just bet that it will be a bit crazy as we approach the finals.”
“Mama told me yesterday that business is great at the diner and the whole town is booming.”
“That’s good, Abby.” His warm smile tells me that he really does care.
“So, are you happy that you’re a part of this now? I mean, do you think this has helped or harmed your ballroom dance reputation?”
“I was wrong. Although unconventional, this has turned into a real competition and you should be proud of Misty Creek. I don’t think that even Mitchell Banks anticipated this reaction.”
“Oh, don’t be so sure,” says a cultured voice that has us turning around. Walking in the opposite door is Mitchell with my mama on his arm!
“Abby!” Mama shouts and rushes over to me. We hug like I’ve been away for years.
“I’ve missed you, Babycakes.”
“I’ve missed you and Jesse too! And your cooking . . .
, I miss your meat loaf and mashed potatoes.” We hug and sniff back tears so as not to make our mascara run. “How’d you get in here?” I ask in a stage whisper. “We were told that no one was allowed in except for us.”
“Connections,” she says with a pretty blush and a glance up at Mitchell. I swear he gives her an adoring look right back. I peer closely at Mama and I don’t believe I’ve ever seen her this relaxed and . . .
Ohmigod, they aren’t . . . she
. . . holy cow; okay, I refuse to even go there. But still, it’s so nice to see her happy. Not that she wasn’t before but oh my, how wonderful it would be for her to find someone to share her life with. Mitchell Banks sure isn’t whom I ever would have pictured her with but I’m finding that love happens when you least expect it. I remember Mama and Daddy being happy but she deserves another chance at love.
“Mama, are you missin’ the lunch crowd?”
She grins behind her hand. “I’m playin’ hooky. Mitchell
and we’ve hired two extra waitresses so he said that they could do without me for a couple of hours.”
Well, I’ll be . . . I never thought I’d see Mama leave the diner during regular hours.
“Abilene, are you tryin’ to catch flies, child?” Mama asks with a girlish giggle.
I realize that my mouth is gaping open and snap it shut. “Well, I have to admit that I thought pigs would fly the day I saw you leave the diner in the middle of the day.”
Mama giggles again. “I know,
I know
I glance over at Rio, who has a perplexed expression on his face. “You’re thinking about pigs flying, aren’t you?”
He grins while nodding. “I have that expression figured out, I think.”
Mama gives me a look that seems to be asking if there is something between Rio and me and I feel heat creep into my cheeks that I’m sure answers her question.
Mitchell clears his throat and says, “Well, Sadie, we had better get going. I’m sure they want you both in makeup for the photo shoot. I think Jackie just arrived.”

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