Dancing Aztecs (43 page)

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Authors: Donald E. Westlake

BOOK: Dancing Aztecs
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“Oh, for God's sake. Chuck, forget it.”

“I don't want to live without you, Bobbi. You're too important to me.”

“That's a lot of bullshit, Chuck, and you know it. How on
did you find out where I was?”

“I'll find you at the ends of the earth, Bobbi. Doesn't that prove how much I need you?” But male voices were speaking somewhere in the background.

“Where are you?” she said. “Who's there? What are those voices?”

“Voices? There aren't any voices,” he said, and the conversation behind him abruptly cut off. “There's just you and me, Bobbi, in the whole world, that's all that matters.”

He had never spoken like that in his life before. Never. Something was screwy, though she had no idea what. “Chuck,” she said, “I'm sorry, but I haven't changed my mind. We're through, that's all. Good-by.”

“Wait! Bobbi, stay there, I'll fly right out, I'll be there this afternoon. Wait for me, Bobbi!”

“Not on your life,” she said.

“Wait for me! I'm coming out anyway,
don't leave without at least seeing me, talking with me. Give me that much,
. You have to!”

“Forget it, Chuck. I'm leaving right now.”

“Don't! I'm on my way, I'll be there just as soon as I can!”

“Don't you dare!” But he'd hung up. He'd hung up, and he was actually going to come chasing out across the world after her, and none of it made any
. That wasn't his style, to act like that; his style was to find out where she was supposed to arrive in California, and be there ahead of her, smirking and looking superior.

And who were those people talking in the background?

had he found her?

Good Lord; was he in league with Van Dinast?

Bobbi marched back to the restaurant, where her two suitcases now stood next to Jerry's chair, with the harp looming in its black case on the other side. He grinned a welcome when she sat down, saying, “I took care of the mechanic.”

“Fine,” she said. “And now you can take care of me. I'll go back to New York with you, if the offer still holds.”

He smiled like Christmas morning. “Glad to have you,” he said.


“This is a fine office you got here, Mel,” Frank said.

“Thanks,” Mel said. He was grumpy, and he didn't care who knew it. He didn't like these guys cluttering up the Zachary George Literary Agency office; they didn't look right.

It had been Angela's idea to switch the command post from their house to his office, since she and Mandy intended to do a lot of intensive spring-cleaning today, but when Mel had agreed all he'd expected was maybe a phone call or two from Jerry. Instead of which, here were Frank and Floyd hanging around for no reason at all, using up his phone and poking into things that didn't concern them and getting Ralphi the receptionist all upset.

For instance. Floyd was out there right now in Ralphi's office, sitting on the sofa with his feet up on the coffee table, trying his miserable chit-chat on Ralphi, and Mel could tell from the sound of her typing that she didn't like it one bit. Also, Frank was wandering around like he was planning to buy the place, opening file cabinets and smelling the plastic ferns and rubbing his hand over the wallpaper. Who
if he thought it was a fine office?

But the worst problem was Floyd. If Ralphi got sore enough—and she hadn't liked Mel being out all yesterday, after leaving early the day before—she might just up and quit, and then what? Because if Ralphi quit she would definitely take Ethelred Marx with her, her zonked boyfriend next door reading the manuscripts and writing the letters, and if
happened Mel would find himself back doing his own reading. The very thought made his head throb and his stomach roll over.

And finally enough was enough. Rising from his desk, Mel marched to the connecting door, ignored Ralphi's glower, and said, “Floyd, come in here a minute. I want to talk to you about your

Floyd looked immediately outraged. Jumping up, knocking half the magazines off the coffee table and not picking them up, he stormed into the inner office, slammed the connecting door, and said, “Goddam it, Mel, wha'd you do
for? I was just making time with that girl!”

“You were making a horse's ass of yourself with that girl,” Mel told him.

“Horse's ass yourself! She goes for me!”

“She doesn't go for you, you chowderhead, she goes for an insane spaced-out poet named Ethelred Marx that she's

“Living with, huh?” Speculation glinted in Floyd's eye. “Not married, huh? But living with the guy. I
she put out.”

“I married into a lot of wrong families,” Mel said. “Frank, get outa that filing cabinet!”

Frank looked vaguely surprised. “What's the matter with

Floyd, having settled onto the sofa, said, “What about this guy she's living with? Is
married? Maybe she likes married men.”

Pointing a finger at Floyd's nose, Mel said, “You say one more word
or about that girl, I'll call Barbara.”

“You wouldn't!”

Frank, still poking in the filing cabinet, said, “Is that what's wrong? Floyd, you been pestering that girl?”

“What pester? A couple of jokes, that's all.”

“You were the only one laughing,” Mel said.

Frank said to his brother, “Lay off, Floyd.” And just as Mel was about to thank him for the assist, he spoiled it all by grinning and winking at Mel, saying, “You got a little something going there, eh, Mel?”

“Oh!” said Floyd. “Jeez, Mel, why didn't you say so? I wouldn't try to beat your time, pal.”

“Listen,” Mel said. “You clowns may not believe this, but a woman is more than a sex object.”

“Is that right?” said Frank, and went back to examining the contents of the filing cabinet.

“For instance,” said Floyd.

“For instance,” Mel told him, “
one is a
And a goddam good one. And at the salary I pay, it's not easy to find a good receptionist. Also her boyfriend is a reader for me, and
good, and if she quits and he quits I'll never be able to replace either of them, and especially him. So lay off!”

“Okay okay,” said Floyd. “What's the big deal?”

Then Frank said, “Hey, listen to this! ‘Her hand unzipped his trousers, and what she found inside brought a smile to her moist mouth. “Don't worry, Doctor,” she said. “I don't bite.”'”

Floyd said, “What's

was a manuscript in a box that Frank had found in a file drawer. It was, in fact, as Mel immediately realized, his own manuscript,
The Neurotic and the Profane
, his novel about the girl who kidnaps a psychiatrist to force him to cure her nymphomaniac twin sister. “Stop!” he yelled, flinging out both arms in Frank's direction. “Put that away, right now!”

But it was too late. Floyd was approaching Frank, saying, “What is that thing?”

“I dunno,” said Frank. “Some kind of fuck book.”

“Who wrote it? Lemme see it.”

Mel shouted, “Put it

Not a chance. Frank was turning it this way and that, was finding the title page, was reading it aloud: “
The Neurotic and the Profane
, by Mel Byrne.” He frowned at the title page, frowned at Mel, frowned at the title page. “Mel Byrne. Mel Bernstein. Mel Byrne.” He frowned at Mel. “
wrote this.”

“No, I didn't.”

“Sure you did. You're writing a fuck book!”

Floyd, who had grabbed a chunk of manuscript, shouted, “Listen to this part!”

“Not out loud!” Mel screamed.

Frank said, “You're writing a book. What's to be ashamed of?”

“It isn't finished,” Mel told him. “I'm embarrassed, all right? I didn't want anybody to know until it was done.”

“Jesus,” Floyd said. “This is raunchy stuff.”

Mel pointed a trembling finger. “If either of you bastards tell anybody—Anybody.”

“Not a word,” Frank promised.

“Not your wives, not Angela, not

“Angela doesn't even know?”

knows,” Mel said, and the buzzer rang. He picked up the phone: “Yeah? Yeah?”

Ralphi's cold voice said, “Somebody named Jerry calling you.”

“Oh. Okay. Listen, Ralphi, I'm sorry about the problem before. It's all over now, guaranteed.” (He could say that because Frank and Floyd were immersed in different parts of the manuscript and not listening to a word he said.)

“That's perfectly all right,” she said, and hung up.

I'll give her the day off, Mel thought. No, I'll give her tomorrow off, and take tomorrow off myself
. And he pushed the other button and said, “Hello?”

Jerry's voice said, “I'm on the way back.”

Mel clutched the receiver. “You got it?”

“Not yet The girl's coming with me.”

“You're bringing her back to the city?”


“Not all the way, Jerry.”

“Listen, Jerry,” Mel said. “Get the statue along the road somewhere and ditch her. You bring her all the way back, she'll blow the whistle on us before we unload the thing. We don't know what friends she has, we don't know anything about her.”

“Whadaya mean, Mel? Just leave her beside the road?”

“She'll be okay, Jerry. She's got some money, she's a grown-up person, she doesn't need anybody to take care of her. Besides, you can't keep her with you
you get it or she might catch on, and you don't want to wait till you get her all the way to the city, because then maybe you can't get it at all. So grab it on the way, ditch her, and come on back.”

“Jeez, Mel—”

Mel said, “What's the matter with you, Jerry? You're usually smarter than everybody.
about it, here's nothing else to do.”

A pause, a silence, a hesitation; what sounded to Mel suspiciously like a sigh, and then Jerry's voice saying, “Okay, Mel, I guess you're right.”

“Of course I'm right You

“Anyway, we're leaving now. The way I figure, we should hit the city right in the middle of rush hour.”

“By yourself. With the statue.”


“We'll be waiting,” Mel told him, and hung up, turning to the others to give them the news.

Not likely. Both of them were on the sofa, each with a chunk of Mel's manuscript and the intensity with which they were reading suggested that maybe he did have a best seller there after all.

Mel sighed. Well, at least it was keeping them out of trouble.


Mel was right, of course. Jerry knew that, he'd known it before he made the call. His only choice was get the statue as quickly as possible, skip out on the girl, and hotfoot back to New York. That was the idea, wasn't it? Always had been, still was. Like, what was the alternative?

That's right; there isn't any alternative.

Leaving the phone booth, Jerry walked back to the restaurant and found her touching up her lipstick. Yet another cup of coffee had been poured at his place. “Good Christ,” he said. “

“I told her I didn't think you wanted it.”

“They don't push the coffee like that in New York.”

Bobbi looked sour. “They don't give you
in New York.”

“They don't have to. You ready?”

She was. He'd already paid the check, so he grabbed her suitcases while she pushed the harp, and they walked out together to Angela's station wagon in the parking lot. Which bag had the golden statue in it? He hefted the things as though he'd be able to tell by the weight.

“Well, it isn't a Jaguar,” he said, when they reached the car, “but it'll take you the same places.”

She shook her head. “No it won't The Jaguar would have taken me to California.”

“Sorry,” he said, grinning at her. “That's a little off my route.”

“I know.”

He stashed the luggage, they got into the car, and he headed for route 80.

A funny thing happened—or almost happened—when they got to the interchange. Jerry saw the sign beside the road, saying
Junction 80
with an arrow to the right,
with an arrow straight ahead. And it suddenly came over him to get on
80 West
instead of
, and line out for California. Tell the girl the truth about the statue, call the guys later on when they stopped for lunch, and then just head out to see the world. Floyd could take over the Inter-Air route, at least for a while, and Mel could arrange for the sale of the statue back in New York, with Jerry to make delivery when and where the buyer wanted. So what if the world wasn't New York? He could go
at it, couldn't he? And go back to the city any time he got bored.

All of this flashed through his mind, as a complete and detailed plan, in the blink of an eye. Then he turned to look at Bobbi's profile, and the whole thing vanished, like breath off a window.

In the first place, he didn't even know this girl. They weren't shacked up together or anything, and even though he was pretty sure she liked him that wasn't any guarantee she wanted to hop in the rack with him.

In the second place,
it was her statue
. If he told her the truth, why would she have to split with him, or anybody else? Then he'd have to take it away from her by force, which he didn't want, and if he did she'd have a perfect bitch to the cops, and he wasn't all that sure she couldn't find him and identify him later on.

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