Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3)
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“Don't look at me like that, Miss. I mean
it. You're doing the work of at least four people. I'm not surprised
you're always exhausted.”

All heads around the table turned towards her. Dan
edged closer to her on the bench. She was grateful for his silent
support. She felt incredibly uncomfortable. Everyone there was worth
millions in their own right. Everyone except her, and maybe Holly.
The rest of them would never need to work another day in their in
lives, if they chose. While she needed to clean multiple toilets
every day, just to make ends meet. It didn't normally bother her.
They were her friends. But in this moment she was acutely

“Whatever. We can talk about that on Monday.
What's the other thing you need to talk to me about?” God, she
hoped it was nothing else that would embarrass her!

Ben seemed to realize he'd made her uncomfortable.
“Yeah. The other thing is about you saying you won't be out
again for months. You have to come out for your birthday. Seeing as
you've been working your ass off, I thought you should have a party.
You haven't had one for years. Missy's costume party used to be
something we all looked forward to. Now everyone's back up here most
of the time, I thought it'd be good to kick-start the tradition. What
do you say?”

She smiled. She used to love her birthday parties,
and she knew the others did too. They'd been expensive and a lot of
work to organize though. She hadn't had the time or the energy to
pull one together for the last few years. She'd done one for Scot's
birthday a few months ago and had decided that would be her annual
goal now. “It's a nice idea, Ben. Thanks for thinking of it,
but there's no way I could fit in.” She wasn't going to say
‘afford it’. “It's only a couple of weeks away.”

Ben grinned. “All you'd have to do is
organize your costume and show up. I'll take care of the rest.”

“I'll help,” said Holly.

“And me,” added Emma. “Say you
will, Miss? We all used to love your parties and you deserve one.”

Dan leaned against her. She didn't dare turn to
him with everyone still looking at her, but it felt like
encouragement. She looked at Ben. “You really wouldn't mind
organizing it?” She did love the idea—especially if she
didn't have to pull it together, or foot the bill.

“I wouldn't have offered if I did,”
said Ben with a smile. “Go on, say yes. You know you want to.
Let it be my birthday present?”

She wrinkled her nose. He was such a good friend.
Always had been. What was there to think about really? It'd be fun,
and boy could she use some fun. “Okay, yes. Thank you. Let's do

Everyone smiled. Everyone except Pete. He fixed
her with his supposedly powerful stare. It didn't bother Missy
though, never had. He was such a big softie really. “What,
Hemming?” she asked. “What does perfect Pete want now?”

He laughed. “I have one request.”

Holly groaned. “Always so demanding. Sorry,

“Don't worry, Holly. He's been this way
since we were kids. You're not going to change him now.”

“My request is, if you're going to pick a
theme, we don't have to wear anything too demeaning.”

Missy burst out laughing remembering a very grumpy
Pete, a few years ago, in a ridiculous pixie costume she'd made him
wear for losing a bet. Emma and Ben joined her laughter.

Pete glowered round at them. “If it's
anything too degrading, I may have to be in San Francisco that day,
whatever day it is.”

Holly grinned at Missy. “You have to fill us

“No, Miss,” said Pete. “You
don't. You really don't! Just tell us what the theme is for this one,
so I can decide if I can handle the humiliation.”

Missy was still laughing. “I'll need some
time to think about it, Pete. Let's eat, can we? I don't think well
on an empty stomach.”

“Good idea,” said Jack. “I'm


Dan picked at his fries. He was enjoying himself
this evening. He liked these people. They'd become his friends over
the last few months. He liked that he could dip in and out of the
group up here. He only stayed as long as he felt comfortable, then he
went back to his computers and his work. No one minded. Usually he
spent more time with Scot than with the rest of them, but not this
weekend. This weekend he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

He was still sitting a bit too close to Missy, but
she hadn't moved away, in fact she kept giving him a grateful little
smile. She was enjoying herself, being with her friends, laughing and
telling jokes. She brightened the whole group. He enjoyed seeing her
happy. She still looked tired though. She'd finished eating and he
noticed that her beer was empty. He pulled another from the bucket
and offered it to her. She smiled at him. “Thanks, hero.”

He popped the top with a grin. He liked it when
she said that.

The band was playing a set of country music. “What
do you think?” asked Ben. “The guys thought some country
would go down well with the weekend crowd in here.”

“Works for me,” said Jack. “But
then we're just country boys, huh, Dan?”

Dan grinned and spoke in the Texan drawl he'd
mostly lost over the last ten years. “Yes sir, thankin' you
kindly sir. Just a pair of good-ole, down-home, southern boys.”

“Oh, my God!” cried Holly. “That
is so damned sexy. Do it again!”

Dan laughed as Pete nearly choked on his beer.
“Excuse me? Fiancée of mine!”

Holly laughed at him. “Sorry, Bigshot, but
that is damned sexy!”

“S'true partner,” Jack drawled. “All
the purdy lil’ ladies sure do love us country boys.”

Emma smiled at him. “They most certainly do,

Missy laughed. “Okay between this
conversation and this song, I just decided the theme for the party.”

Everyone went quiet to listen to the band. Dan
recognized the song immediately. He smiled at Missy. “Cowboys
and Angels?”

“Yep! It's great, don't you think?”

He did.

“I reckon that'll work for us little bro,
don't you?” asked Jack.

Dan grinned. “Sure do. Tall, dark and

“Oh, I can go for that,” said Missy.”

“I can live with it,” said Pete.

“What do you think, ladies?” asked

“I love it,” said Emma.

“Me too,” said Holly. “And if we
can all get into the city one day, I know the perfect place to get
angel costumes.”

“Slutty angels?” asked Pete hopefully.

Holly smiled at him. “We'll see.”

“At least we won't have to search too hard
for costumes,” said Pete. “I'll bet you two Texan boys
already have something that will work?”

“Maybe,” replied Jack.

“Looks like it's just you, me, and Ben
shopping for cowboy gear,” said Michael.

“You'll have time,” said Missy. “And
you know what makes it even better?” She looked really happy
now. “It means Chance might come to the party since it won't be
a costume for him, just work clothes.”

“Chance is coming?” asked Ben.

“Yep!” Missy grinned. “I talked
to him last week and since my birthday falls on a Saturday he said
he'd come for it.”

“That's fantastic!” said Michael.

“Chance is really coming?” asked Emma.
Her hands were clasped to her chest and she had a dreamy look on her

Missy laughed. “Yes, Em, he's really

“Oh, Miss, that's the best news I've heard
in ages! I get to see Chance!”

“Um, hello, wifey?” Jack put an arm
around Emma's shoulders and gave her a gentle shake. It didn't shift
the rapturous look on her face, though. “Hello? Your husband is
sitting right here, remember?”

“Oh!” Jack laughed as Emma's hand came
up to cover her mouth. “Oops! Sorry. But it's Chance!”

Jack looked at Missy. “Who is this Chance
character? And do I need to worry?”

“He's my big brother,” said Missy
proudly. “He is wonderful. You can't blame Em. He has that
effect on everyone.”

“Yeah,” said Ben. “You need to
lock up your women when Chance is around. He's awesome.”

Jack raised his eyebrows at Pete, who laughed.
“Sorry, partner. You really can't hold it against Em. I think
even I have a crush on him. He's just one of those guys, you know?
Good looking, good guy. He was like the home town hero, captain of
the football team, played guitar, sang.” Pete paused and looked
at Missy. “Then there's the tragic past that makes him a little
bit mysterious, a little bit dangerous. He left town years ago on a
Harley, but his legend lives on.”

“Ooh,” Holly grinned, “I can see
the appeal.”

Michael laughed. “You really do need to lock
up your women when Chance hits town. Dan's the only that's safe.”

Dan was surprised by that. Michael gave him a
small nod and a friendly smile. How about that? Dan smiled back,
relieved that he didn't need to worry about Chance, or Michael.

“I don't need locking up,” said Emma.
“I'm perfectly happy with my own cowboy, especially if he'll
dance with me?”

Jack grinned as he got up from the table. “Want
to come scoot some boots, bro?”

Dan stood and looked down at Missy. “Does
the little lady want a turn around the floor?”

Missy nodded happily and followed him. Out on the
dance-floor, Dan curled an arm around her waist, glad for the excuse
to hold her again.

“I didn't realize you were such a dancer.
You surprised me with the Latin stuff at Em's bachelorette party,
then ballroom at the wedding, now you're a country boy too?”

Dan smiled. “You never asked.” He
loved to dance. It was a skill Jack had shared with him in his junior
year of high school.

Missy gave him a mischievous grin. “Seems I
need to start asking about your many hidden talents, don't I?”

He held her a little closer. “You can ask,
or I'm sure I'll get round to showing you soon enough.”


Missy's body reacted to his words, even as her
mind struggled to believe them. She was enjoying seeing more of his
true personality. She was used to him being quiet, but was beginning
to realize that he wasn't really shy. He said what he wanted to, and
what he meant.

“I'll look forward to that.” She
rested a hand against his chest.

He covered it with his own, his eyes twinkling
down at her. “Not as much as I will.”

The band launched into a new song and his hands
dropped to her waist. He pulled her hips against his so she could
have no doubt what he was talking about. The feel of him pressing
against her like that sent shockwaves coursing through her. It had
been a long time. She panicked and looked around. She shouldn't be
feeling like this. He wasn't free yet. What would the others think?
She tried to break away from him, but he only held her closer.

“Dan! We shouldn't. I can't. Everybody's

He dropped his head to bring his mouth next to her
ear. The feel of his breath on her neck, his lean body pressed
against her, made her feel dizzy, her breath shallow. She closed her
eyes and leaned into him, panic forgotten as he overwhelmed her

“It doesn't matter who's looking, Miss.”
He stroked her hair away from her ear. She trembled all over as his
lips touched her ear when he spoke again. “You've gotta dance
like nobody's watching.” He rested his lips against her hair.
She kept her eyes closed, giving herself up to him and all the
sensations he filled her with, as he moved her body to the music. All
she could do was cling to him. If this was what dancing with him did
to her, she could only hope to survive if they took it any further.

When they returned to the table, Missy caught a
few raised eyebrows, but none of them looked disapproving. And why
should they? She and Dan had done nothing wrong. Yet.

Emma was sitting in Jack's lap. “What do you
think, Miss? We're all going to head back up to North Cove. Do you
want to come?” she asked.

“No thanks, Mouse. I'm about ready to keel
over. I'm going to call it a night and head home.”

“Lightweight!” said Michael. “What
happened to my little hell-raiser?”

“Life. Motherhood. Bills. Responsibilities.
Need I go on?”

Michael’s teasing smile vanished. “No,
sorry critter. I guess not.”

She felt bad; she hadn't meant to shoot him down.
“No apology needed. I think I’m just a bit worn out
around the edges. You know how cranky I can get.”

Dan stood at her side. “Want me to walk you
back?” he asked quietly.

Oh, the things that voice did to her! She met his
eyes. It may not be the best idea to let him come back with her, but
the shivers running down her spine tried to convince her that it was.
“Yes, please.”

Missy was pretty sure there were more than raised
eyebrows around the table after they left, but so what? Nothing was
going to happen. She was just going to enjoy his company a little
longer as they walked home. There was nothing wrong with that. She
and Dan had been hanging out for months now. He'd stayed at her place
plenty of times. Granted, Scot had always been there too, ’til

Dan put an arm around her shoulders as they walked
across the square. He didn't need to say anything. Just like when
he'd sat so close to her on the bench earlier, he was silently
letting her know he was there for her. She slipped her own arm around
his waist. He might not be as tall or as big as Jack or Pete, but he
was perfect for her. She fit neatly under his arm.

“Thanks, Dan. I'm so tired right now, I'm
not sure I'd even make it home under my own steam.”

He squeezed his arm tighter. “Gotta take
care of ma lil’ lady,” he drawled.

Holly was right, it
damned sexy when he
talked like that. It did funny things to her stomach—and other
places too. “Well the little lady appreciates it, very much.”

“No worries. We'll get you to bed. You look
like you need it.”

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