Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3)
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“Good on you, it suits you. Now, where's
that beer?”

Once they were settled at the kitchen island with
their beer, Dan asked. “So what brings you? I know I'm your
favorite nerd and everything, but I don't normally warrant an
in-person visit.”

Ryan nodded. “I'll cut to the chase. I need
some help with security and can't think of anyone better than you.”

Dan laughed. “I may have been working out,
but I don't think I'll ever be much use for your kind of security.”
He didn't even know what Ryan really did. He worked for some
government agency, spent most of his time overseas. The last time Dan
had seen him had been about eighteen months ago, Ryan had been back
Stateside on forced R&R while he recovered from a gunshot wound
to his shoulder.

“I'd sooner take you into the field with me
than the kids they're sending me these days. But no, I mean
cyber-security, not physical security. I've still never met anyone
who can do what you do.”

They had first met at Berkeley. Dan still wasn't
sure what Ryan had been doing there. They'd only shared one
cryptography class, and Ryan had been gone after that semester.
They'd formed and maintained a close, if unlikely, friendship though.
Ryan would pop up out of the blue like this after months, sometimes
years of silence. Dan was never surprised, and always glad to see
him. Right now, he was intrigued. “What kind of

“I need someone to hack our systems. The
agency's nerds have come up with a new system that they claim is
unhackable, impenetrable. Before I take a team into the field with
our lives depending on that, I want to be sure. When I kicked up a
shitstorm, they gave me the budget to hire an independent contractor
to test everything. Course you're the only man I'd trust to do it. I
never forgot when the whole world was saying your systems were
impenetrable and you told me they weren't, that no system ever truly
could be. When the agency guys started claiming that this new system
of theirs is unhackable, I knew they were more invested in their egos
than in my team's safety. I want, and need, the best nerd there is,
and that's you. And I've got the budget to pay for it. So, what do
you say?”

Dan's mind raced. He'd just been thinking that
whatever he did next would have to be something he enjoyed and
valued. Getting the chance to hack government systems in order to
expose their weaknesses, and to keep Ryan and his team safe, fit the
bill on both counts. The timing couldn't be better, which made him
pause. He frowned and looked at Ryan. “And what makes you think
I'd have the time to do it? I have a company to run.”

“Not for long you don't. Word travels fast,
Danny boy.”

How the hell could he know?

Ryan waggled his eyebrows, apparently
understanding what Dan was thinking. “It's probably best not to
ask. But I know you, you don't actually need the money, but I'm sure
you'll find some use for it. I do know you need the challenge. It'll
save you from sitting up here playing video games and dreaming about
getting laid by a real woman instead of that Olivia. So, say you'll
do it.”

Dan laughed. Ryan disliked Olivia immensely and
loved to tease him about her. “Okay. It sounds good. What needs
to happen?”

“First we'll have to get you a security
clearance. That shouldn't take too long, we can expedite it. Then
we'll get you read in. You'll have to work remotely, get in past all
the firewalls and shit from the outside, just like a malicious hacker

Dan grinned. It seemed this might be a good fit
for the plans he was starting to make. He'd be able to work from
wherever he wanted, and he was beginning to think he knew exactly
where that was.

“Sounds good,” he said. “I've
been talking to my attorney about this merger and my selling out of
the company, this should tie in nicely.”

Ryan's face was expressionless. “Your

! Why hadn't he thought before he
opened his mouth? “Yeah. Leanne.”

Ryan nodded, a faraway look in his eyes, then his
grin returned as if the moment had never happened. “I always
knew we'd end up working together someday, nerd!”

Dan nodded, he had hoped they might. He just
wished he hadn't mentioned Leanne.

Ryan left that subject behind as he continued,
“What do you say, want to get some dinner? Maybe afterwards
we'll see what we can do about finding you a real woman.” He
grinned, “I'll be your wingman, see if we can't get you laid.”

Dan shook his head. Ryan had always busted on him
about women. Ryan himself seemed to attract them like bees to honey
and he worked his way through the adoring crowds one after the
other—ever since Leanne. “There's no point trying to find
me a woman,” he said.

“Don't tell me you've given up trying, nerd.
Never give up! We'll find you one, I'll help,” he mocked.

“I've not given up, asshole! I've done it
all by myself, I've found one.” He rubbed at his face and gave
Ryan a look. “And I think she's
the one

Ryan rolled his eyes and laughed. “Don't go
talking like that nerd, there's no such thing as
the one
There's just this one, then that one, then another one, and another
one. You get it?”

“I get that's how it works for you these
days, but not for me, you know that.”

Ryan was serious now. “I do know that. I
just don't want you to escape from Olivia only to have some other
bitch getting her claws into you, sucking the life out of you.”

“Missy's not like that, Ryan. She couldn't
be less like that if she tried.”

“We'll see.” Ryan looked skeptical.
“And we will see. She'll have to be checked out as part of your
security processing.”

Dan didn't like the sound of that. “Why?'

Ryan shrugged. “Pillow talk.”

Dan bit his lip.

“Don't worry about it, nerd. Come on, let's
go get some dinner. You still got the Lambo? Gonna let me drive?”

Chapter Ten

“Hey, hero!” Missy couldn't help the
big grin on her face as she answered the phone. Dan had been texting
all week, but they hadn't spoken since he left on Monday.

“Hey, beautiful. How are you feeling?”

“Better! I'm all better, I promise.”

“Did you get a good rest?”

“I did. Not that I had much choice with
everything you arranged. There was nothing left for me to do but
rest. Thank you.”

“You're welcome. And it was for me as much
as for you. I wanted to take you out tonight, but we couldn't do it
’til you were better.”

“Well, I am now, so where do you want to

“It's a surprise.”

“I like surprises.” She couldn't think
of anywhere too surprising around the lake, but she appreciated the

“Good. I should be there by six. Would you
mind meeting me at the airport?”

“Of course. Ben's picking Scotty up at five
thirty to take him up to North Cove.”

“I know.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I talked to him earlier. Wanted to
make sure he's okay with it all.”

Missy loved that he had a relationship of his own
with Scot, one that wasn't about her. “Thank you.”

Dan laughed. “I'd say you're welcome, but I
didn't do it for you.”

“I know, that's what I like best about it.”

“Good. I'm glad you don't mind that he and I
have our own thing.”

“Mind? I love it!”

“Me too. I've got to go now though. I'll see
you at six, okay?”

“Yep, see you then.”

“I can't wait.”

Shivers ran down her spine. “Me neither.”

Missy hung up and looked around the kitchen, the
big silly grin still plastered across her face. Finally it was here.
She was going out on a date with Dan! She really did feel better too,
maybe not back to a hundred percent, but the tingly excitement more
than made up for any lingering tiredness. She went upstairs and
knocked on Scot's door.

“You nearly ready to go, son?”

“Yep. I've got everything in my bag.”

“And you really don't mind spending the
night at Auntie Em's?”

“Are you kidding? I can't wait to see Ethan.
And besides, it means you get to go out with Dan! I'd stay at Poppy
Jim's so you could do that, Mom.”

She gave him a hug. “Thanks, I am looking
forward to it.”

“You really like him don't you?”

She smiled. “So do you.”

“Yeah, but I wouldn't date him!”

She laughed at that. “I'm glad to hear it. I
don't think I could handle the competition.”

“You've got no competition. He really likes
you, too.”

She raised an eyebrow. “What makes you say

Scot grinned. “Guy talk, Mom. Don't worry
about it. Is it okay if I take my Xbox? Me and Ethan can play while
the rest of them yack.”

“Course you can, but please turn it off and
go to bed when Auntie Em says”

“Sure. Auntie Em's cool.”


Dan sat in the right seat next to Smoke. He loved
to sit up front, and watch and listen as Smoke flew the plane. He
enjoyed it so much he was starting to think about getting his pilot's
license. They'd taken off twenty minutes ago and would be up at
Summer Lake a little before six. He couldn't wait to see Missy. He
hoped she would like the surprise he had in store. That it wouldn't
too much
of a surprise. Smoke grinned across at him and
spoke into his headset.

“You've got no need to look so nervous.
She's into you in a big way. I can tell.”

“You reckon?”

“I do. It was obvious at Jack's wedding. I
kept comparing you and her to Ben and Laura.”

Dan cocked his head. “Why?”

Smoke laughed. “Because I was trying to
reassure myself that Laura wasn't into Ben!”

“Ah! I forgot you like my cousin.”

Smoke nodded and returned his attention to flying
the plane. He had programmed the autopilot, but ATC had just asked
him to adjust course for traffic. When he was done he looked back at
Dan. “I do, and seeing the way Missy was dancing with you
compared to Laura with Ben, made me feel much better. Thank you.”

“Hey, the pleasure was all mine.”

“Looked like it, too. Where did you learn to
dance like that anyway?”

Dan grinned. “Now that's a long story. Jack
taught me.”


“Yep, really. Maybe I'll tell you someday.

Smoke nodded.

It wasn't a story Dan wanted to share right now,
so he changed the subject. “Have you seen anything of Laura
since the wedding?” He hadn't talked to her in weeks himself,
but he hoped she would come up for Missy's birthday party.

“No. We tried a couple of times, but either
her schedule changed or mine did, mostly mine though. We've never
quite made it work.” He shot Dan a quick look. “I think
she thinks I'm jerking her around, but I'm not. You know yourself how
my schedule can change on short notice.”

Dan had a horrible thought. “Please don't
tell me you were supposed to see her last Sunday?”

Smoke pursed his lips, but said nothing.

“Shit! I screwed you over by not leaving
’til Monday, didn't I?”

Smoke shrugged. “It goes with the job.”

“Oh, man. I'm sorry.”

“No, don't be. It is what it is.”

Dan didn't like it. He'd talked to Laura about
Smoke. He knew she liked him and was hoping they might go out
together. She'd be madder than hell with Dan if she knew he'd cost
her a date with ‘her pilot’. Then again, she wouldn't,
because she'd understand why. He'd only changed his plans so he could
take care of Missy and Scot. Still, he would have to figure out a way
to make it up to them. For now though, his own date was most
important. He'd had a busy week, despite mostly staying away from the
office. He'd met with Leanne a couple of times about how best to deal
with the sale of his shares. As he'd expected, she'd dissociated
herself from the company and was acting as his attorney. He smiled;
she hated Olivia with a vengeance. She'd been excited to hear that he
was finally taking Missy out and had wished him luck for tonight.
She'd even suggested he wear the black shirt and slacks he had on. He
felt good in them, he just hoped Missy would like them.


Missy turned the ignition off and sat in the
minivan when she arrived at the airport. She had to wipe this silly
grin off her face before she went in there. She hugged herself and
took a few big, deep breaths. “Get with it, girl!” she
muttered to herself. She got out of the van and smoothed herself
down. She'd decided to wear jeans and a red top. They were her nice
jeans, and the top was dressy enough, with a cowl neck that slid off
one shoulder, but it was nothing too over the top for the muted
nightlife of Summer Lake.

As she walked across the parking lot, she saw the
plane coming in to land. There were no commercial flights that came
into the resort, just private light aircraft. Pete and Jack's plane
was probably the biggest of them and easily recognizable, even to
her. She quickened her step as she watched it taxi towards the FBO

The girl at the desk nodded to her. “Hey,

“Hi Rochelle.” Rochelle had been a
couple of years ahead of her at school and had kids a couple of years
younger than Scot.

“Are you here to meet Papa Charlie?”

The fact that they all called that big hunk of
metal such a silly name always made her smile. “I am.”

Rochelle grinned. “I
that plane!
It delivers hot men to Summer Lake every time it comes. And you never
know which one it's going to be. Doesn't matter though, they're all
gorgeous, even the pilot.” She looked out of the window as Papa
Charlie's steps came down and Dan appeared at the top of them.
Rochelle gave a little squeal. “Ooh! This one! He's my
favorite. He's like the strong, silent type, you know?”

Missy had to laugh. “Yeah. This one's my
favorite too!” She went to the door and watched Dan stride
across the tarmac. There was no question in her mind. He was, for
sure, the hottest of all the hot men that traveled in that plane. He
spotted her and that beautiful smile spread across his face. She was
glad he hadn't shaved off his scruff. He was gorgeous! Dressed all in
black. She went out to meet him and caught her breath when she met
his twinkling eyes. She felt like she might explode with the
excitement, happiness, and desire which all mingled to fill her with
that wonderful tingly feeling. He strode right to her and wrapped her
in his arms. She reached her own arms up around his neck and smiled
at him. “Hey, hero!”

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