Dance For Me (32 page)

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Authors: Alice Dee

BOOK: Dance For Me
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Hope stopped in her tracks and turned around, following the nurse back into the room where her doctor wasn’t.

 “She’ll be right back.” The medical assistant stepped out of the room while Hope read a text from Shamayla. Hope responded with

  “I woke up in the middle of the night and caught him praying.”  Hope smiled in retrospect. Her doctor walked into the room so Hope dropped her phone into her purse.

 She lowered her reading glasses when Hope stepped back in.

“Hi again Miss Flores. I totally overlooked this.” The doc smiled but didn’t say anything more.

“Over looked what?”

“We found HCG in your urine.”

Hope didn’t seem to understand what the doctor was saying, may as well be speaking German. She stared at the doctor’s dirty blonde hair and the lines around her eyes and mouth. Maybe she said THC?

 “You’re pregnant. Surprise!”  The doctor smiled. “When was your last period?” She held a laminated paper wheel with dates in her hands.

“Dominic,” Hope said under her breath, adrenaline surging through her.

“This is good news right?” The doctor held her brows up at Hope.

Hope turned around and walked out, stepping on her own foot. Both her doctor and the medical assistant tried to stop her with words but Hope couldn’t hear anything. She was calculating days and weeks in her head, fear bleeding through her body. Her period hadn’t come in almost two months but she hoped she was only skipping one, that it would come any day now. This hit her like a bag of bricks and she couldn’t catch her breath. She could see the exit doors glowing at the end of the dark hall and motionlessly walked through them. 

Shane was sitting on the hood of his car in the parking lot, squinting in white sunlight. He pulled his lips into a smile that melted her heart but for her, there was nothing to smile about. Her phone vibrated against her rib. She stopped in her tracks and reached in her purse, just to buy time.

      “I love you” displayed across her screen in a text box from Dominic. She felt shades of strange, levels of elevation when she saw those words associated with Dominic’s name. Two seconds later another followed, refreshing her screen with “I want to tell you in person but you won’t take my calls… please see me”.

Suddenly the sun was intense and hot, the world folding in on her. She was flustered from the inside out and felt like she might lose consciousness. If hearts were made of glass hers would be mosaic. Dominic and Shane would have their equal sweeps of the bits but that would only happen in a perfect world. Life is far from perfect, ever. Hope hated that she’d been indulging in love like it was a giant cocktail. But love is a giant cocktail; a cocktail bomb just waiting to blow up in your face.

She looked from those three words in her phone to Shane’s smiling eyes. No matter where we sign off in life, it’s far from over.







Table of Contents

1… Dominic

2… Hope

3… Tristan

4… That’s her

5… Shamayla

6... Zefar

7… The dancers

8… The anniversary diss

9… The Make up

10… Night at the Flamingo

11… Hammer’s proposition

12… Set me off

13… screw ups

14… Rooftop Angeles

15… Crap

16… Vegas grit

17… Why not?

18… Not telling

19… It begins

20… This is your night

21…The big nothing

22… He was with who?

23… Dirty Showers

24… Here comes trouble

25... Busted like Pamela

26… The party

27…She’s preg

28…We need a plan

29…This is making me sick

30… Shamayla’s in west L.V

31… “Plan” in Motion

32… Can’t help myself

33…She’ll pay for this

34…No power over him

35…Cotton candy

36…Can’t hate her

37… Fight Night

38…Tristan tells Dominic

39... Slamming brakes

40... Back to normal?

41... Birthday suprises

42... Making love with our clothes on

43… Morning after thrill

44…Jealousy lingers

45… Shane’s got balls

46…The guys upstairs

47… Date Night

48... Morning Glory

49... Looks like finally

50... Confusion

51... Interruptions

52... Serious?

53... Hospital

54... The Return of Zefar

55... Choked up

56... Loose lips bomb ships

57... Contemplates

58... Righting things wrong

59... No hope

60... Love is a cocktail

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