Dan Sharp Mysteries 4-Book Bundle (113 page)

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Thanks to Red Cruz, Mark Round, Luba Goy, David Tronetti, Keith Garebian, Sheila McCarthy, Geordie Johnson, Phil Bedard and Larry Lalonde, Tim Leonard, the staff of The One in the Only Café, John Scythes (current owner of the Lockie House), Shannon Whibbs, and the good folks at Dundurn who give me a reason to keep doing what I do. A tip of the hat to Scott and Ken of the Crystal Method for the groovy late-night vibes that kept me up writing way past my bedtime. Thanks also to you, the readers, who write to tell me how much you enjoy Dan and his world!


Copyright © Jeffrey Round, 2015

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Ontario Arts Council
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Government of Canada
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Canada Book Fund
Livres Canada Books
, and the
Government of Ontario
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Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit
and the
Ontario Media Development Corporation

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