Damon Snow and the Nocturnal Lessons (9 page)

BOOK: Damon Snow and the Nocturnal Lessons
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This wasn’t how I had ever done such an act. My cock called me a damn fool, even though it liked the violent way I used my own mouth.

My hand slid to the front of my pantaloons, but then froze. I might be a molly, but I didn’t abuse myself.

Price bobbed his head again, his lips descending lower and lower each time. Kendall still stared in disbelief. His lower lip jerked as it sought to hold back his cries. Or perhaps even his own selfish demands.

Kendall didn’t know — did he? He couldn’t feel that beast of lust rousing inside of Price. Only an incubus could feel it. But if Kendall could see over the edge of the bed, he’d see the tent filling up Price’s placket.

“P-please.” The word finally escaped Kendall’s lips. His eyes widened at his daring and he bit down on his lip.

Price smiled around Kendall’s cock, and moved faster. His hand slid down to handle Kendall’s bollocks, while his mouth remaining sucking and licking Kendall’s head, and then down his shaft. Kendall’s hips trembled against the bed, as if it took all his concentration to keep from thrusting into Price’s mouth.

My cock demanded my attention, like the greedy little thing that it was. It strained the placket of my pantaloons and I damned the man who had designed them so tight. I shifted, and had to bite back a moan as my cock rubbed against the fabric.

I never enjoyed the fruits of my labour. Well, not in the way that the men who fucked me did. Why now, when I wasn’t even the one being touched?

Kendall had given up on keeping his hips pinned. He writhed in Price’s care, moans leaving his lips without recourse.

I had never imagined being driven to the brink like that — at least not without seeking to feed my hunger. Now it was so easy. An image flashed in my mind of me being there, me being held down by my hips as a man’s lips caressed me. Suddenly, there wasn’t enough air behind the curtain.

In my head, I swore a long bloody oath and slipped my hand through the buttons on my pantaloons. My hands found my cock and my fingers fluttered against it. I almost smiled when such tiny contacts sent shots of desire running through my body.

Oh damnation, I needed it. Not just my cock, but me. My entire body thrummed as if it were feeding, but there was nothing to feed on. There wouldn’t be this time, with just me and my hand.

I grasped my cock firmly and pumped it in time to Price’s mouth performing the unthinkable, watching Kendall’s face screw, listening to him pant and moan as he came so near.

“Please,” Kendall moaned again.

Price lifted his head for a moment. “Almost there.”

“No,” Kendall said. He flopped his head from side to side. “No.”

“Kendall!” Price reached for his hip. “Kendall, is everything all right?”

I slapped my hand over my mouth. No one had ever asked me that. Well, no flat had when they were ever fucking me into the floor. My balls drew in tight.

“I — I need your cock inside me,” Kendall said. “Please, please!”

What was Kendall saying? He wanted it?

Price locked down at Kendall’s cock, as stiff as a coat rack. It could probably have supported one too, had he been vertical. Kendall’s cock throbbed against his belly.

“There’s no oil,” Price said. “I didn’t think…”

“In my pocket,” Kendall said.

Price fished inside and withdrew a small bottle the size of perfume. Price smiled at him and stroked his hair. Kendall thrust up, too far gone for such pleasures, but he smiled too.

“All these clothes,” Price said. He dropped the bottle next to Kendall and slid his hands under Kendall’s coat. “They need to go.”

Kendall was only all too eager to obey. He raised his chest up just enough for Price to rip off his jacket, his cravat and shirt following, and then Kendall’s hands found Price’s clothes and did the same. Price leaned down and caught Kendall’s lips. Their hands rubbed each other, gripped each other, as if they needed to touch each other more than they needed their next breath. Their pelvises ground together.

My hand stroked faster, while the other held back my gasps, constricted by my own clothes. But I dared not divest them.

Kendall eventually gained enough sense, or his hands randomly had found the edge of Price’s breeches and tugged them down. Damn tight breeches, they always made things difficult. It didn’t help that Price kept grinding into Kendall. Kendall even growled. I hadn’t known he was capable of that.

Price lifted away, his hands leaving Kendall even as he whimpered, and undid the buttons of his own breeches. Kendall pulled them down for him. His mouth sought Price’s cock, but Price stopped him by holding his chin.

They stared into each other’s eyes. Kendall’s smile grew sloppy. Price undid the buttons of Kendall’s trousers and they giggled as they tried to tug them off. Fucking giggled.

I bit my hand. Fuck, fuck, fuck those two.

Price emptied the bottle of oil onto his hand, and then took his cock, sliding the oil on thickly.

Oh, now that was something I knew. A flat too absorbed in his own desire to probably stretch his bottom.

Price spread Kendall’s knees apart. My own hand slowed. Kendall was going to scream…

Price slid his fingers under Kendall’s balls and behind him. Kendall gasped, and I imagined that those fingers had found purchase.

It was slow, it was languid. I wanted nothing more than to shout at them to hurry up, for my cock ached something awful. The precum gave my cock some slip so I wouldn’t wake horribly chapped, but I needed… I needed…

“Oh, oh, bollocks,” Kendall said. “Bloody, fucking, bollocks.”

Price chuckled, but not the sort of demeaning chuckle that it should have been.

“Now,” Kendall said, squirming. “Please, now. I need you…”

He tried to shift downward, harder onto Price’s fingers. What nonsense was this? Kendall didn’t even need to feed. Why was he so eager to be penetrated? My cock answered with a spasm I found difficult to repress.

Price refused, continuing to probe Kendall further. I couldn’t see it, but it was almost as if I felt it, the muscles massaged until they gave way, just like I could feel their beasts of lust.

Nor were those beasts the usual sort I encountered, ramming themselves against their meat cages, eager to break the barrier and escape. It was almost as if they were reaching out to each other, eager to touch, eager to escape, but not the mindless fucking that I had always known.

Kendall couldn’t keep his buttocks still. He shoved his arse onto Price’s fingers. I felt Price enjoyed it too. Hell, even I enjoyed it, if my cock had anything to say on the matter.

Price swore, unable to withstand it any longer, and grabbed Kendall’s thighs.

Finally, finally, my cock told me, and I agreed.

Price opened Kendall’s legs and nudged his cock between his cheeks.

“Do it, do it,” Kendall moaned, as if the feel of his cock was enough to drive him mad.

Price pushed his hips forward and sank in.

Inch by fucking inch. I had heard the expression before, but flats didn’t use that on me — they slammed themselves in. Even Price had. And I would groan at the sudden intrusion, but my cock throbbed, and so did theirs. It had suited me just fine. But perhaps, judging by Kendall’s reaction, I was missing something.

Kendall squirmed and moaned under each inch, an expression of pain flashing over his face before it settled back to desire, his muscles seeming to accommodate the stretch and yearning for more.

If I had had a spare hand, I might have even tried it.

Inch by inch, Price moved until he gasped and leaned over Kendall, inserted to the hilt. “Are you all right?” Price asked. He shifted his weight off one arm so he could caress Kendall’s face, but Kendall moaned since the shift also meant Price had moved inside of him.

My hand still, I waited with bated breath. Price chuckled again, a manful chuckle I had heard gentlemen use when speaking, or not speaking, about sex. Price withdrew just as slowly as Kendall moaned, and then sank back in just as slowly.

“I’m going to die,” Kendall said.

“No, you’re not,” Price said. “You’re safe.”

“Not if you keep that dawdling pace.”

Price chuckled again, and this time moved faster. My hand followed his pace. Faster, faster, as Kendall adjusted, and Kendall moaned, squirmed under him, and then gasped as Price hit the sweet spot inside of him. I nearly gasped too, feeling the shock go up my spine.

Faster, faster. Kendall’s moans were my own moans. I gritted my teeth. My hand moved faster and faster to match Price. I felt it. I felt Kendall getting so close, and it was even better and more torturous than when I felt it in a client.

Or was that me? Did I have lust inside of me, able to be spent and gobbled up?

“I’m — I’m—” Kendall managed to say before he shuddered throughout his whole body.

My body shuddered too, and I exploded. The warmest, sweetest sensation filled my belly. My hips thrust into my hand as if that could prolong it. As if that could make it even better — if such a thing was possible. My body was desperate. Or at least, that’s what it felt like. I would have screamed, if not for my clenched jaw and hand over my mouth.

I heard Price shout too, but he didn’t call Kendall a whore, like he had called me.

I leaned my head back against the wall, my eyes closed. My hand felt sticky, and I had probably left a mess against the curtain. I almost chuckled, but my other hand was still there, and a good thing too, for if I were to go mad, I didn’t want witnesses.

Nor did I want anyone else to observe the drops gliding down my cheeks. If no one else saw them, they didn’t exist.

Price fell heavily onto his side, then flesh hitting flesh until they were entangled in each other. “I really do love you.”

“I… I guess… Mother Dover is always amenable to you…”

Price pulled away as if Kendall had just thrown a torch at him. Kendall reacted as if Price had bitten him, or perhaps as if Price had turned into a snake.

Damn it, Price! If he had ruined it, after all of this… My wet hand twitched, sending white droplets against the curtain.

“I’ll go,” Kendall said. He tumbled from the bed and stretched out his arms, seeking his clothes. His hands came too close to the curtain for comfort. I really did not want him to discover me in this state. “You won’t have to see me, I swear… I’ll — I’ll go back to the street—”

“No!” Price snapped. He came around the bed and grabbed Kendall’s shoulders. “No, I didn’t mean that. It’s just… I can’t stand the thought of paying you, like it’s some dreadful duty you must perform… I mean, it isn’t, is it?”

“No,” Kendall said. “But Mother Dover — she won’t just—”

Then, in a night when I had thought my universe had already expanded beyond any possible imagining, Price said the last thing in the world that I would have expected.

“I have a house — an empty house,” Price said. “Come live with me. I can tell my girl that you’re a friend from the country, or — or a new servant or — or anything you wish to be, really.”

“I couldn’t do that, sir!”

“Of course you can,” Price said. “You give me… you give me a reason to live. Come with me. I have more rooms and more money than I know what to do with. I want nothing more than this.”

“But…” Kendall was caving. As he should.

“I won’t force you,” Price said. “But if you would like to…”

Kendall breathed in. “I would,” he said, and half laughed, half sobbed. “I would love nothing more.”

Price laughed, and I never thought I would ever hear such a laugh. It sounded like pure happiness to me. Price and Kendall helped each other to collapse back onto the bed.

I had to wait until they slumbered. This was… this couldn’t have really happened. Things like this didn’t happen.

I leaned back against the wall, wishing I could curl up in a ball in a corner with a fresh bottle.









Chapter Eight



Byrne was sitting up at his table when I arrived. His fingers clenched around his tea cup, as if my presence made him tense.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” Byrne asked. “It’s barely breakfast.”

“It’s ten in the morning,” I said. Well, I suppose, most of my colleagues would be waking now or later, having worked long into the night, but the rest of my class would have been up at dawn. “Are you waiting on someone?”

“Undressed?” Byrne asked.

“Oh good, then, you can entertain me today.” I dropped the leather book on his plate of eggs and took my seat across from him, hands folded in my lap. He only kept two chairs there, as no one else was eager to visit.

Byrne took a deep steadying breath, either due to a pain in his abdomen or because he hadn’t expected me to return for days yet. “Damon…”

“Read it,” I said.

“Are you sure you wish me to read your work in progress?” Byrne asked.

“It’s finished,” I said. “I spent all night… well, a good deal of the early morning finishing it. Go on.”

Byrne’s fingers trembled over the cover. “Did you ask the questions?”

BOOK: Damon Snow and the Nocturnal Lessons
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