Damned and Desired (20 page)

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Authors: Kathy Kulig

BOOK: Damned and Desired
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Brad took Sakari by the shoulders and leveled his gaze with hers. “Sakari, why can’t you leave Anartia and stay here with me? I promise to protect you.”

Tears filled her eyes again. “Nothing would please me more. But I can’t. I must return to release my parents. They are also trapped.”

“Trapped how? Are they in prison?”

“In a way, yes. Before I was exiled on Anartia. My parents were executed.”

He pulled her into his arms and held her tight, stroking her hair. “But there is nothing you can do for them if they’re dead.”

She shook her head against his shoulder. “They never received the proper ceremony and burial. Our kind can die, although rarely. When we do, we must have the proper preparations or the souls will be trapped. Their spirits will remain in terror in the underworld until I can return to perform this ritual.”


Kathy Kulig

“But if you go back, you’ll never return,” Brad said.

“There’s no other way. I cannot abandon them.”

The pain he felt for her hurt more than all the animal claw and bite wounds he’d received. How could he fight this? Or challenge a culture he didn’t understand?

He was going to lose her and he didn’t have the power to stop her. All his training and special skills couldn’t fight these people. Even if she loved him, she was honor-bound to carry out her duty. He admired her and loved her even more for that.

He took her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly and fought back the emotion swelling in his throat. “Don’t leave me until we talk to Bill.”

“Who’s Bill?”

“My grandfather. He’s a Navajo shaman and knows about spirits, life after death and special rituals. Maybe he can help. Just promise me you won’t vanish before you talk to him.”

“I promise.”

He sighed. “Good.”

“We’re meeting Haley near Cathedral Rock this morning. Ambros is going to talk about vortexes and auras. I’m hoping this will help me with my duties so I may return sooner to Prygos.”

Great. He hoped this Ambros guy was a fake and could somehow convince her to stay.

* * * * *

Sakari sat cross-legged next to Brad on a blanket listening to the river trickling over stones and trying to stay focused on Ambros’ lecture. Haley sat in front of him in a yoga pose, her hands resting on her knees, her face serene and completely enthralled with every word.

Dante was the only one not sitting. He stood apart from the group, leaning against a tree, observing people who passed or sat at the river’s edge to meditate or stopped to listen for a few moments to Ambros.

A forest of pine trees surrounded them and in the distance, the massive red rock structure called Cathedral Rock with its sheer columns of reddish brown stone jutted high above the trees.

“We’re sitting in the center of one of the largest vortexes in the Sedona area,”

Ambros said. “The Earth’s forces have three types of energy—electricity, magnetism and electromagnetism. Each affects life forms differently. A vortex can have the energy of one of these forces. The vortexes can heighten awareness to bring about spiritual enlightenment.”

“Interesting.” Brad raised his eyebrows, looking at Sakari. He wasn’t being sarcastic. She could tell he was trying to be polite.


Damned and Desired

Ambros paused for a moment and glanced around so Sakari felt it was okay to ask questions. “What other things can the vortexes do?” Tarik had used the energies of a vortex to align the portal as a means to focus energy somehow. She didn’t understand exactly.

Ambros nodded sagely. “The Cathedral vortex has feminine or magnetic energies.

It strengthens those energies. Kindness, compassion, patience. As you sit here and meditate you’ll draw in whatever energy it is that you need.”

“What are those stacks of stones?” Brad asked, pointing to foot-high piles of smooth stones that looked like tiny petrified rock people.

“Cairns,” Ambros said. “Markers representing the location of the vortex.”

“But there are hundreds of them,” Brad said.

Dante left the group and walked over to a woman with long dark hair who was standing at the edge of the river. He started talking to her. Ambros continued with his talk about male and female energies but Haley was watching Dante. After a minute, she stood up and walked over to them.

Sakari gave Brad a look as if to say, “What up with that?”

Haley said something to both of them and returned, sitting back down. “I asked Dante and that woman if they’d like to join us,” she explained to Ambros. There was a slight strain in her voice, especially with the way she said, “that woman”.

The woman got up and sat down next to Haley, far away from Dante.

“I’m Leah,” she said to Ambros. Flipping her waist-long hair over her shoulders, she turned to the group and gave everyone a smile.

Brad gave Sakari a puzzled look. She in turn studied Dante, looking for an explanation. He mouthed, “Sha Warrior”.

She shot the woman a glance and a chill ran up her spine. How could Dante see the excess energy? Could he feel it? She didn’t notice anything different among any of the mortals.

Dante walked away from the group and stood by a large tree. Leaning up against it was Valdon.
How long has he been there?
Sakari turned to Brad. “Stay here,” she whispered.

Brad looked over her shoulder at Dante and Valdon. “What’s up?”

“Nothing. I’ll be right back.”

“I’m here if you need me,” he said and gave Dante and Valdon a warning stare.

Sakari groaned. Challenging Valdon was not a smart idea. He was a demon who had a chip on his shoulder. He also didn’t get along too well with Dante because Gwyllain favored him and he argued with Zorian many times because of Natesa.

Valdon was fond of Natesa and her sexual appetite couldn’t be satisfied with only one man. With Valdon it was always about competition and position. Sakari couldn’t help but feel her heart skip with Brad’s attempt at protecting her, even though he couldn’t protect her against two demon Drones. She got up and stood by the two Drones.


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“An interesting gathering,” Valdon said.

“Isn’t it though.” Dante sighed and crossed his arms, showing his annoyance.

“You up on all this vortex stuff?” Sakari asked Valdon, trying to sound casual but she knew there wasn’t anything casual about his visit. He only showed up when there was trouble.

Valdon shrugged. “Haven’t thought about it much.”

Dante was a tall and muscular man but the blond Valdon was still a couple inches taller and heftier. “I came to check the area out for myself. I hear it’s full of power and there are people with heightened energies.”

Dante narrowed his eyes at Valdon. “Yeah, I hear that too.”

“My range of vision is enhanced here.” Valdon tilted his head toward Brad, Haley, Ambros and their visitor, Leah. “This area must elevate the senses. Have you noticed, Dante?”

Dante didn’t answer.

“Sedona is full of Sha Warriors,” Valdon added while he turned toward the group sitting by the river. “It appears this is a fine hunting ground for them. I can see powerful ones close by.”

Sakari slowly stood and positioned herself between Valdon and the group.

“How can you tell?” Dante asked, lowering his voice. “Only I can see them.”

“Usually, I can’t see them like you but in this location I can sense them.” Valdon’s voice dropped to a dangerous growl. “Tarik is getting impatient. He wants to begin his project. Bring the Sha Warriors to the lower chamber, or I will.”

“There’s still time,” Dante said. “No need to bother with this group.”

Sakari knew Brad was in danger but didn’t know how to warn him. Valdon must know Brad was Sha too.

“I think you both realize that if I bring them, it won’t be pleasant.” Valdon gave Sakari a feral look that chilled her. “These humans are our only chance for freedom.”

“It won’t be long,” Dante assured him.

“I’ll pass the word on to Tarik.” Valdon gave them all one last hardened look, then turned and walked up the trail.

Sakari relaxed a bit and glanced at Ambros, Haley and the woman Leah. Frowning, she watched Valdon, making sure he wasn’t returning.

“Bloody demons,” Dante murmured.


Damned and Desired

Chapter Sixteen

Sakari walked down the corridor toward Tarik’s lower chamber. The stone floor vibrated as she got closer. Through the chamber’s doorway, rainbow colored lights, reflected off the walls. A loud, pulsating hum came from inside the room. Cautiously, she entered and found a woman standing beneath the three giant quartz crystals but she was turned away and Sakari couldn’t see her face. The crystals glowed and flashed, colors shimmering in different directions like a prism.

“A Sha Warrior or a Drone?” she asked Tarik as he looked up at Sakari from his control panel.

He smiled, made a few adjustments on the instruments, then came to her and took her arm. “Come in. This is interesting.” As she moved into the room, the woman lifted her head.
The woman they’d met by the river with Ambros.

Leah had her eyes closed and was moaning as if in pleasure, her body swaying.

Valdon, damn him. Or was it Dante?
She wasn’t sure who was responsible for bringing this woman here for Tarik’s experiment.

It looked as though power from the crystals was holding her up. Then Sakari remembered that she had been paralyzed when she was beneath the crystals.

Standing by the control panel, Tarik pointed out the readings. “The energy draw from this human is shown here. It’s quite high but not as high as a Sha Warrior.”

“She’s not a Sha Warrior then?”

“No.” Tarik made a face. “Valdon brought her. He thought she was. Even Dante thought she might be. He can detect the Sha Warriors the best. She does have high levels of bio-energy. Still not Sha.” He walked up to Leah and stroked her cheek, her breast and between her legs. The woman writhed and groaned beneath his touch.

He looked over his shoulder at Sakari. “I think she’s had enough.” He approached the control panel. “Time to release her.” He tapped a few keys and the lights dimmed.

Picking up her clothes from a chair, he helped her dress. Leah moved with sluggish movements. Her expression was blank. “All finished now,” Tarik said.

“Will she remember?” Sakari asked. At least Tarik hadn’t intended to kill her.

“No. No more than your Kithra. A dream perhaps.” He put an arm around Leah’s shoulders and assisted her toward the door. “Stay here, Sakari, I’ll be back in a moment.

A Drone will return her to Earth.”

While he was gone she studied the control panel. The dial still measured the excess bio-energy from the woman. What would the reading be with three Sha Warriors?

There were other dials and keys. She remembered the ones he hit to release the woman.

But the other ones were unfamiliar.


Kathy Kulig

Tarik returned and rushed over to the control panel. “Sakari! You didn’t change any of the settings, did you?”

“No, of course not. I’m interested, trying to understand your work.”

He frowned. “Very complicated. Only two other engineers on Prygos understood this technology.” He checked the readings then walked over to the three crystals and made sure they were angled correctly. “All looks well.” He came back to the panel and stood beside her, giving her a seductive look that she knew was Tarik’s invitation for a Drone to give their offering.

She stalled. The idea of being put under this machine frightened her. “How will this work when the Sha Warriors are here?” She gave him an innocent smile and touched his arm in a friendly way. She didn’t want to appear uncooperative.

He sighed, resigned to give her a tour first. “These crystals are aligned in such a way to draw the bio-energy from the Sha Warriors and direct that energy into Anartia’s interior. It works like a floodgate opening. Once Anartia’s energy is overflowing, I can direct the center controls to propel our world out of this dimensionally constructed prison and have it reappear in the range of Prygos.”

“What will happen to the Sha Warriors? Will they be harmed?” She moved behind him and rubbed his shoulders so he wouldn’t see her face, fearing her eyes would give her away. She didn’t want him to know she didn’t like the whole idea of Tarik’s project.

He shrugged his shoulders and didn’t answer.

“Will you release them to Earth after the experiment?”

“Why should you be worried about three humans? When their sacrifice can free us from exile?”

“I know but I don’t like harming humans. You know that,” she said in a playful tone.

“If there was another way, I wouldn’t harm them.” He turned in her arms and pulled her in an embrace. She had to force herself not to resist.

Would she have to give him his offering as the other Drones did? “I do have an offering, Tarik. But the demoness warned me when I came down here.”

Tarik swore. “I know, she told me too.” Then he lowered his mouth to her ear and she thought he would kiss her there. “What do you think about being my queen when we return to Prygos?” he whispered.

She leaned back and stared in horror at him. “What?”

He nodded. “Gwyllain and Cragen have served their purpose. This exile was an inconvenience but I will be able to finish my plan soon.”

“What plan?”

“I intended Cragen to find out about Gwyllain and me. I was to bring him to Anartia and trap them both in this exiled prison. But Cragen outsmarted me. He found out too soon.”


Damned and Desired

“So you built this to be a prison for the rulers, not a retreat for lovers?” And she had thought Tarik was the meek one.

“I also hadn’t counted on Gwyllain’s jealousy or her arranging for my wife’s murder. Their destruction will be a fitting end. Cragen executed your parents and all they did was follow the instructions of their mistress.”

“I need to release them,” she said.

“Become my queen and your parents will find peace.”

Sakari nodded. “A generous offer.”

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