Damn His Blood (54 page)

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Authors: Peter Moore

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Jones, Samuel 39, 91, 94, 97, 138, 140, 184, 239, 312
justice of the peace 25, 104, 137

Kendall, Joseph 79, 154–6

Knight, William 94

Langford, Thomas 8, 98, 133, 226

Lavender, Mr 230, 238, 281–2, 293
Lee, Valentine 278, 279
Leicester Chronicle
Lench, John: day of Parker’s murder 9–11, 12, 95–6, 97, 98, 102, 103, 108, 113, 122; Heming inquest and 213, 223; Heming murder trial and 279; Parker inquest and 134, 138–9, 148, 160, 161, 204–5
Littledale, Justice Joseph: background and appearance 266–7,
enters Worcester 262; Heming murder trial and 262, 265–7, 269, 270,
, 271, 272, 273–4, 275, 279, 283, 284, 286–7, 288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295, 313
Lloyd, George 75, 122, 139
Lloyd, Sarah 74, 75, 78, 87, 91, 94, 95, 122, 140, 141, 155, 278–9
Lloyd, Thomas 48, 214
London Medical Gazette
211, 215
Ludlow, Ebenezer 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281–2, 283, 284, 286, 288–9, 295

magistrates: Clewes confession and 233, 234, 238, 242, 248, 249, 276, 282, 283, 298; Crown Inn meeting of 157–8, 160–4, 176; Evans as 34, 59, 86, 130, 131, 132, 138, 148, 171, 185, 188, 190; Heming murder trial and 276, 282, 283, 285, 286; Parker murder investigation and 2, 3, 103–4, 105, 122, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142–3, 145, 149, 157–8, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 167, 174, 175, 176, 179; Smith’s inquest 202, 220, 226; system of policing and 103–4, 145–6

Marshall, John 39, 91, 109, 138, 140, 184
Marshall, Sarah 98
Marten, Maria 252–3
Maul and the Pear Tree, The
(James/Critchley) 136
Mayor of Casterbridge, The
(Hardy) 7, 90, 91–2
Miles, Richard 46–7
Miller, Hugh 127, 128
Morning Chronicle
2, 17, 62, 191, 227–8, 247–8, 251, 254, 258, 260, 263, 269, 279
Morris, Mrs 172–3
murder, Georgian society and 141–4

Nash, William 214, 239

Nelson, Admiral Lord 29, 57, 308
Netherwood Farm, Oddingley 5; Clewes and 7, 19, 28, 37, 38, 49, 74–5, 133, 182, 192, 203, 214, 218, 219, 220, 222, 241–2, 253, 261, 287, 301, 302; day of the Parker’s murder 110–11, 123, 133, 218, 222, 241–2, 254, 267, 301; Heming’s skeleton discovered at 191–9, 203–4, 205, 206, 208, 212, 214, 218, 219, 220, 222, 224, 253, 277,
, 278; location and appearance of 37–8,
192, 277;
Parker avoids 78; plan of
present day 310–12, 319; Waterson and 192–3, 194–5, 196, 197, 212–13
newspaper sensation, Oddingley murders as a 1, 2; Clewes and 217–18, 244, 245, 251–4, 262, 279, 294–5; discovery of Heming skeleton and 203–4, 211, 215–16, 217–18, 227–8; Evans and 188–9, 251, 253, 254–8, 306–7; Heming inquest and 215–16, 217–18, 227–8, 235, 244, 245, 249–54; Heming search and 151, 158, 164, 169–70; Heming murder trial and 262, 287, 292–6; report Parker’s murder 141–4
Noake, John 180–1

oaths 89–92

Oddingley, Worcestershire: alcohol and 56; areas of 36–7; changing nature of early 19th century 65–8; farming calendar 16–17; history of 35–6; leading men of 17; location and appearance 15, 16; migration from 1, 66; name 35; reputation 3
Oddingley Lane 36, 95, 125
Oddingley Lane Farm 8, 39, 93, 94, 102
Oddingley Rectory 62–4, 68, 98, 118, 134, 141, 172
Oliver Twist
(Dickens) 100

Page, Richard 114–15, 279, 280

Pardoe, John 25, 94, 123, 137, 156, 226
Park Farm, Oddingley 37, 182, 311, 315
Parker, Reverend George 3; accounts of 25–7; appearance of 17–18,
arrival in Oddingley 18–19, 21–4; as Devil 92; background 19–22; ‘Bonaparte of Oddingley’ nickname 50–2, 92, 116, 221; character 20, 21, 24–8; Clewes confession and 239, 242, 245; conciliatory offer from farmers and 31, 53–4; conflict with farmers
see under individual farmer name;
coroner’s inquest 134–49, 151, 262; court cases with Barnett 19, 48, 49, 53; day of murder 9–13, 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, 103, 105; Dorking curacy 21; education 20, 21; election agent 20; Evans and
Evans, Captain Samuel; finances/financial ambition 27, 43–9; funeral 154; haughtiness 27–8; Heming and
Heming, Richard; Heming inquest and 213–15, 218, 221, 222, 223, 224–5, 226, 246, 247; Heming murder trial and 262, 265, 266, 267, 268, 271–3, 289–90; Howard family and 20–2; life at Oddingley Rectory 62–3; man out of time 70; name damned 8, 19, 49, 53, 53–61, 74–5, 76, 77, 86–92, 140, 203, 213, 226, 227, 246, 299; newspaper depictions of 251; night-time disturbances at home 62–4, 71, 227; parish records and
, 24–5; politics and feud with farmers 28–31; reaction to curses and provocation 88–9; refusal to approve annual accounts 42–3; stone 312; tithe and 28, 43, 44–9, 52–4, 68, 73; toasts drunk damning 55–61, 74–5, 88, 278; vanity 27; vestry meeting 42–3, 78
Parker, Mary (daughter of George Parker) 9, 25, 62–3, 99
Parker, Mary (wife of George Parker) 79; background 64–5; Barnett refuses to visit 160–1; death 307; Heming inquest and 227; husband’s murder and 113, 136, 140, 164; inquest into husband’s killing and 136, 140; meets and marries George Parker 25; night-time disturbances at rectory and 62–3; Perkins and 94
Patch, Richard 2, 142–4
Peel, Robert: appointed home secretary 184; Clewes confession and 202, 209, 212, 216, 220–1, 233–5, 236, 237, 238, 305, 306; Clifton writes to 233–5, 236, 237, 238, 305, 306; early life 200; Heming inquest and 202, 209, 212, 216, 220–1, 233–5, 236, 237, 238, 305, 306; ignores request for royal pardon 202, 209, 212, 216, 220–1, 233–5, 236, 237, 238, 305, 306; last prime minister not to be photographed 316; police force and 201; reforms law 184; Smith writes to 199–202, 220–1
Perkins, Betty 94, 102, 157, 226
Perkins, John 159, 166, 167, 312; background 39, 43; Banks and 169; day of Parker’s murder 8, 93, 94, 95, 99, 100, 106, 109, 113, 116, 123, 126,; deputised constable 137, 173; Easter meeting and 57–8, 59–60, 137, 226; Evans and 57–8, 59–60, 85, 87, 155–6; forced back into labouring ranks 181; friendship with Parker 28, 43, 54, 57–8, 59–60, 76, 87, 91, 94; Heming murder trial and 280, 312; Parker inquest and 140; Parker’s funeral and 154; Pigeon House meeting and 87; search for Heming and 147; Smith investigation 204; vestry meeting and 54, 57–8, 59–60
Petty, Lord Henry 71–2
Pickwick Papers
(Dickens) 189
Pierpoint, Matthew 196, 197, 198, 199, 202–3, 208–9, 210, 211, 216, 247–8, 258, 277, 300, 303
Pigeon House, Oddingley 74–5, 76, 87, 88, 94, 140, 278, 312
Pigeon House Field, Oddingley 97, 98
Pineapple Farm, Oddingley 39, 98, 125, 311
Pitt the Younger, William 1, 50, 57, 69, 71, 89
Political Register
Pound Farm, Oddingley: Barnett and 8, 19, 28, 38–9, 48, 49, 64, 76, 79, 137, 138, 149, 161, 246; day of Parker murder 9, 10, 11, 95, 76, 78, 79, 95, 96, 97, 99, 102, 103, 105, 122, 137, 138, 161; Heming and 115, 120; 1930s
, 316; Park Farm and 182; Parker and 48, 49, 53, 78, 246; present day 311; Surman and 8
press gangs 81, 82–3
Priestley, Joseph 86
Pritchard (farmhand) 5, 123
Pyndar, Mary 318–19
Pyndar, Reverend Reginald: appoints deputised constables 137; day of Parker’s murder 99–100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109, 114; death 307; Heming and 114, 122, 123, 125–6, 132–3, 151, 153–4, 159, 165–9; magistrates meetings and 157–8, 160–5; omitted from Parker inquest 140; Parker and 25, 154; Parker murder investigation 99–100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109, 114, 122, 125, 132, 137, 140, 145–8, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156–7, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164–5, 167, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, 200, 204, 215, 220, 234, 237, 262, 279, 299, 300, 318; Parker’s funeral and 154; Read and 152–3; Smith investigation and 279

Ratcliffe Highway murders, 1811 136, 138, 317

Raven, Droitwich Road 77, 87, 246
Red Barn Murder, 1827 2, 252, 317
Red Lion, Driotwich 38, 56, 116, 119, 126, 128, 156, 173, 221, 225, 278, 280
Reed, Thomas 77
Rogers, William 178, 222
Rowe, John 173, 174, 175–6, 179, 204, 237, 242, 300

Sale Green village 77, 125, 194, 213

Sanders, Benjamin 25–7, 322
Sequel to the Oddingley Murders
(Sherwood) 294
Sherwood, Mary 3, 33–4, 84, 180, 260, 294
Sketches By Boz
(Dickens) 85, 276
Skinner, Reverend John 69–70, 71
Smite Hill 9, 125, 196
Smith, William: first hears of discovery of Heming skeleton 195–6, 197; Heming murder trial and 261, 262, 267, 268, 272–3, 281–2, 286, 287; initial Investigation into Heming murder 195–6, 197, 199, 200–1, 202, 203, 204–5, 277; inquest into Heming murder 206, 207–8, 209–10, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 220–3, 224, 233, 234, 236–7, 238–9, 242, 247, 248, 249–50
Southey, Robert 16, 29, 56
Spencer, Earl 158, 159–60, 200
St James’ Church, Oddingley 5,
, 53, 156, 180, 291, 308, 311
statute, 1702: ‘no accessory can be convicted or suffer punishment where the principal is not attained’ 165, 184; repealed, 1826 184, 261–2, 271
Stephens, Edward 123, 137, 156
Surman, Susan: day of Parker’s murder 7–8, 9, 96, 96, 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 122, 137, 140, 144, 214–15, 222; Heming inquest and 214–15, 216, 218; Heming murder trial and 278; Heming sightings in weeks before Parker murder 120; on Barnett on the day of Parker’s murder 104, 105, 148; overhears Clewes say he ‘should be glad to find a dead parson in Oddingley when he came back’ 9; Parker inquest and 140, 141

Taunton, William 271, 272, 295

Taylor, James: appearance 173; character 175–6; Clewes confession and 240–3, 244, 251, 254, 258, 296–7, 296–7, 300, 301, 302–3, 305; day of Parker’s murder 173, 174, 175–6, 254; Heming inquest and 237, 238, 240, 242, 243; Heming murder trial and 283, 287, 293
Taylor, Joseph 130, 237
Taylor, Susannah 237, 238
tenant farm system 39
thief-takers 153, 166
Thurtell, John 254, 317
Tibberton 9, 32, 52, 55–61, 113, 114, 147, 169, 182, 206, 226
Times, The
tithe 1; as motive for Parker’s murder 157, 293; as opportunity to knit community together 69; avoidance of 52; Butt and 172; Clewes spoils tithe milk 53; commissions, 1840s 316; dispute, Parker’s 73, 76, 79, 80, 85, 101, 157, 251, 254, 281, 293, 314, 315, 317; disputes become common 69, 184–5, 227–8; farmers’ offer to renegotiate with Parker 31, 53–4; history of 43; modus 45; Parker assaulted by Barnett collecting 48; Parker haughtiness in collecting 28; Parker raises 44, 45–6, 47; Parker’s tithe men 48, 53, 207, 213; payment in kind 47–8, 49, 54, 59, 68, 76–7; Sanders forfeit of 27; Skinner and 69, 70; vestry meeting and 43
Tithe Commutation Act, 1836 293, 315
toasts drunk damning Parker 55–61, 74–5, 88, 278
Tookey, Reverend Charles 184, 292
Trench Wood 15, 30–1, 36, 37, 45, 62, 76, 119, 125, 160, 168, 182,
, 194, 204, 218, 224, 225, 231, 300, 312, 314, 315, 319

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