Damaged Goods (8 page)

Read Damaged Goods Online

Authors: Lauren Gallagher

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Literary, #Romance, #Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Damaged Goods
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beckoned with two fingers, so I put my foot on the chair beside him.

“Oh, now I like that.” He ran the backs of his fingers down my shin. Looking

up at me through his lashes, he said, “Nylons are
much sexier than fishnets.”

“Are they?”

Damaged Goods


“Very much so.” The flimsy layer of nylon created a whisper-thin barrier, a soft

wall between us, rationing unhindered contact to only the rarest rendezvous

between his flesh and mine. “So much easier to feel what"s underneath.”

He put his hand on my knee and let it slide down my calf. Trailing a fingertip

along the thin leather strap over my ankle, he teased my skin until goose bumps

rose beneath my stockings.

His other hand started on the inside of my ankle, drifting up the back of my

calf to my knee. Then his fingertips slid along the underside of my thigh to the top

of my stockings, and when skin met skin, I gasped and nearly pulled away, but his

other hand kept a firm grasp on my ankle.

He looked up. “Something wrong?”

“No.” I licked my lips. “Not at all.”

“I didn"t think so.” He ran his fingers back and forth along the border between

flesh and fabric.

Then he continued higher. His fingers found my pussy, and he looked up at me

with a devilish grin. “No panties. Very nice.”

“I had a feeling you"d—” I gasped when one fingertip made a light circle

around my clit.

“You had a feeling, what?”

“That you"d—” One finger slipped inside me. “That you"d like—” Two fingers.

He clicked his tongue and shook his head. “Tsk-tsk. I expected you to be so

much more articulate with your clients, Ms. Rhodes.”

Oh, Jesus, I loved the way he said my name.

“I usually am,” I said. “But my…clients… They don"t…”

He crooked his fingers slightly, removing my ability to speak and very nearly

doing the same to my ability to stand. “They don"t what?”


His thumb brushed over my clit. Then, eyes locked right on mine, he

whispered, “They don"t usually have their fingers in your tight, wet cunt?”

I whimpered and somehow, heaven knows how, managed to murmur, “No,

they don"t.”

Sliding his fingers a little deeper, he said, “What a pity for them.” He gave a

quiet laugh that was nearly as dirty as everything he"d said thus far. “And for you,

I"m guessing. You"ve been thinking about this all day, haven"t you?”

No point in denying it, not when his fingers moved so easily inside me.

“Yes,” I said. “I have.”

“And I"ll bet,” he said, teasing my clit with his thumb, “you"ve been thinking up

all different things for us to do during this little „meeting." Am I right?”

Guilty. As. Charged. “Oh, yeah.”


Lauren Gallagher

“Maybe you"ve been thinking about me fucking you over your desk.” He was

almost whispering. “Tell me, did you imagine me laying you across it on your back?

Or bending you over it and fucking you from behind?”

“I…” I sucked in a breath. Fuck, I couldn"t speak. He knew exactly how to

touch me inside, how to tease my clit, and I didn"t have a clue how to work my own

mouth right then.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to the inside of my knee, the warmth of

his touch through my stockings making my toes curl inside my shoes. “Or were you

too busy imagining me putting you up against that file cabinet? Or up against your

door, to see if you could stay quiet enough that no one on the other side would know

what we were doing in here?”

I hadn"t even thought of either of those options, and they were suddenly so, so


“Or maybe,” he said softly, “you pictured me sitting just like this, holding on to

your hips while you fucked me.”

My knees trembled and my balance wavered.

“Put your foot down,” he said.

Thank God. With both feet on the floor, my balance was better. A little better.

As much as could be expected with Sabian"s fingers still inside my pussy.

Without withdrawing them, he rose, pushing the chair out of the way with his

foot. Then he guided me up against my desk. Leaning in almost close enough to kiss

me, he whispered, “Do you want me to fuck you, Jocelyn?”

My first name sounded even dirtier, even more intimate, than any word that

had ever left his lips.


His fingers crooked inside me again, just enough to take my breath and

balance away. I grabbed the edge of my desk with one hand, his shoulder with the

other. Then he slowly withdrew his fingers, and as his hand broke contact with my

pussy, I could finally breathe. Maybe even form a coherent thought.

Sabian didn"t let that situation last. He seized my hair with his other hand,

gripping it tight enough to hurt and make my nipples harden that much more. “I

asked you a question,” he growled.

“Yes,” I breathed. “I want you to fuck me.”

“I thought you might,” he said and kissed me lightly. “I"m not sure I"m ready to

fuck you, though.”

His grip on my hair was tight enough to keep me from moving, which meant I

couldn"t look down to see what his other hand was doing. The metallic clink of his

belt buckle clued me in, though, as did the sound of his zipper. My mouth watered.

The way he held me now, he was one twist of his hand away from forcing me to my

knees to suck his cock.

Damaged Goods


Yes, yes, please
, I wanted to beg. As much as I wanted him inside me, I

desperately needed to kneel in front of him and make him come.

“Tell me what you want,” he said.

“I want…” I swallowed hard. “I want to suck your cock.” I"d barely whispered,

but I was sure everyone in the building heard, and I didn"t care at all. I only cared

that he"d heard me.

“Do you?” His lips almost touched mine, and the hand in my hair kept me from

closing the distance enough for them to do so.

“Yes.” I tried not to notice the way his shoulder moved, tried not to imagine

what his hand was doing just beyond the lower edges of my peripheral vision.

“You want to get on your knees,” he whispered, “right here in your own office,

and suck my cock?”


“I thought you wanted me to fuck you.” He dipped his head to kiss my neck,

and both his lips and goatee against my skin made thinking nearly impossible.

“Which is it? Do you want to suck my cock? Or do you want me to fuck you?”


“I already know what"s going to happen.” His tone was caught in some spine-

tingling gray area between teasing and growling. He raised his head and looked

down at me. “But I want to know what you

I moistened my lips and forced myself to look in his eyes. “I want to…suck your


“Do you?”


“Mmm, I love to hear that.” He leaned in to kiss me. “Nothing quite like a

woman who wants to get on her knees and do just that.”

I shivered, my mouth watering with anticipation. I couldn"t remember the last

time a man had talked so dirty to me.

He kissed me lightly. Then, using only the hand in my hair, he turned me

around and forced me over my desk. I had to bite my lip to keep from yelping from

both pain and surprise, but somehow stayed quiet. He leaned over me, pressing his

cock against me and pulling my head back so he could whisper in my ear.

“But I want to fuck you.” His goatee brushed the side of my neck when he

added, “Don"t move.”

He released my hair and stood. I didn"t move. Couldn"t have if I"d wanted to.

Sabian had me turned on and bent over my desk in the middle of the day, and—

Oh, God. I never knew the sound of tearing foil could be so damned arousing. I

gripped the other side of my desk, certain I"d melt the second his cock touched me.

Closing my eyes, I held my breath as he pushed my skirt up over my hips.


Lauren Gallagher

“Jesus,” he breathed. “I love the way your ass looks like this.” He traced the

edge of the garter over my hip. “Red garter, no panties, thigh-highs. You know

exactly how to get to a man, don"t you?” Then he leaned over me. He cupped my ass

in one hand and whispered in my ear, “I can"t tell you how tempting it is to leave a

handprint right there.”

I sucked in a breath and shivered beneath him.

“And I would.” He kissed the side of my neck. “But someone might hear, so I"ll

just have to save that for another time, won"t I?”

He didn"t give me a chance to answer. It was impossible to speak or think or

fucking breathe when his cock pressed against my pussy, into my pussy, sliding

deeper, slowly, slowly deeper. That very first stroke was enough to turn my vision

white, and each was more intense than the last.

I expected him to fuck me hard and fast, but he didn"t. He took long, smooth

strokes, and he made sure I couldn"t move to encourage him to go faster. He leaned

over me, resting his hands beside mine, using his body weight to keep me from

moving. The edge of the desk bit into my hips, but I didn"t care, not when Sabian"s

cock slid back and forth across my G-spot like that.

In theory, anyone in the building could have come through that unlocked door.

They wouldn"t, of course. No one dared walk in during client meetings, and even if

they did, they"d have to get past Laura first. Still, just knowing anyone

walked in at any second made this infinitely hotter.

Sabian stopped. When he withdrew this time, he pulled all the way out.

“Turn around,” he said.

I pushed myself up and faced him. He grabbed my hair again and kissed me.

Passionately, violently, like he knew I"d let him part my lips with his tongue, like he

knew I"d let him draw my tongue into his mouth. He kissed me like no one had any

business kissing anyone in this office, and thank God he held me upright, because

his kiss melted my spine one vertebra at a time.

Still kissing me, he put a hand between my shoulder blades and laid me across

my desk. His mouth didn"t even stop when he reached between us to guide his cock

to me, and we both moaned against each other"s lips when he thrust in. My desk

squeaked in protest beneath us and pens rattled in the drawers, adding a muffled

metallic rhythm section.

He stood upright and slid his hand down my leg, drawing my knee up to his

hip. He wrapped his fingers around my ankle and brought it up to his shoulder. He

rested it there, pausing to kiss the inside of it, and even through my nylons, the

warmth of his lips made my breath catch. Then he put my other ankle on his other


That angle was amazing, but I wasn"t prepared when he leaned forward just

enough to roll my hips back. I gasped, screwing my eyes shut and clapping a hand

over my mouth to muffle the delirious cry that almost escaped.

“Like that?” he asked with a grin in his voice.

Damaged Goods


I whimpered something close to a yes. Understatement of the decade. This

angle. His cock. That rhythm. My G-spot. Oh, fuck.

“Touch yourself,” he said. “I want you to touch yourself so I can feel you come.”

I wanted to be embarrassed. Sure, I"d done this the first time we"d fucked, but

I hadn"t been able to see his face. He hadn"t watched. He hadn"t so brazenly told me

what he wanted and why.

I wanted to be embarrassed, but more than that, I wanted to come, so I did as I

was told. It barely took any contact at all to put me into orbit, so I tried to hold

back. As much as I wanted to come, I didn"t want this to be over quite yet.

I didn"t have much choice, though. Between my own fingers circling my clit,

Sabian"s cock showing me exactly why my G-spot was where it was, and this whole

hot, forbidden situation, I was an orgasm waiting to happen. A loud one too, so I bit

the second knuckle of my index finger, digging my teeth in to keep myself quiet.

“That"s it,” he whispered, his thrusts punctuating his words. “Let yourself go.

Jesus, your pussy is so tight when you—”

My orgasm took over, and I didn"t hear another word. Trying to keep it quiet

only made it more intense, as did Sabian"s perfect, steady rhythm. I swore it went

on for several minutes. Probably only a few seconds, but damn if it didn"t feel like


Finally, I exhaled and relaxed. Sabian slowed to a stop. I blinked a few times,

staring up at the ceiling and letting my vision clear before I looked at him.

He bent to kiss me lightly. “Still feel like sucking my cock?”

Did I ever, and his grin told me he already knew the answer.

I nodded. Sabian pulled out, then eased my legs down and helped me up. Then

he sat in my chair.

Nodding toward the floor, he said, “Get on your knees.”

With pleasure
. I went to my knees and went down on him, something I"d been

dying to do since the first time we"d fucked.

The faint bitter taste of latex didn"t last long, but the sweet smell of my pussy

remained, reminding me with every breath that he"d been inside me. Not that I

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