Dallas Nights (6 page)

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Authors: Em Petrova

BOOK: Dallas Nights
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A tingle lit between Lilly
’s thighs. She contained the urge to squeeze them together.

Lilly,” Katie warned when Juss rang the nurse’s bell again.

Jeez—all right!” She burst through the door of room four.

He lay there like a
tanned god. Long, sooty lashes framed gorgeous chocolate eyes that melted every woman in his vicinity. He always wore a goatee, but since coming here, he’d trimmed it extra-short. Probably because he’d injured the shoulder of his dominant hand—his left—and was forced to use his right.

Her heart flipped at the sight of his lazy smile. “
Glad to know my money is employing the most attentive staff available,” he drawled.

Insufferable. Fucking gorgeous, yes. But insufferable.

She leaned against the door and stared at him. “How’s your pain level on a scale of one to ten, according to that chart?” She gestured toward a mint green chart taped to the wall sporting ten faces in various stages of distress.

Ten,” he said, his gaze unwavering.

Is that so? I’m sorry to hear it. One would think a big, strong cowboy who gets hurled off the backs of two-thousand-pound beasts could handle a little post-surgery pain. Ah, no matter.” She came forward, withdrawing a syringe from the pocket of her scrubs.

He waved her away. “
Get out of here with that. Damn, girl, you’re a wildcat.”

Let me show you my claws.” She uncapped the syringe with her teeth.

He leveled his gaze at her. “
You touch me with that needle, and you’ll be sorry, Whiskey.”

She jerked to a stop. “
What did you call me?”

His gaze flickered over the top of her head. She raised a hand to her hair, putting two and two together. “
Oh, my whiskey-haired gal and all that. Why, Juss, you
a genuine cowboy.” She said “genuine” like gen-u-EYEN.

He scowled and folded his good arm over his hard middle. He refused to wear a shirt, and the ridges of his abs were on display for every Buckle Bunny who came to visit
—and so far there had been at least a dozen.

As Lilly stared at the handsome Slick Rider, she felt her temperature rise a degree. What would he do if she crawled over his bed, careful not to jar his injured parts, and straddled him?

“What’s on the agenda today, Assistant Hall? Torque my shoulder and overextend my knee?”

ter bubbled up her throat. She pocketed her syringe and came forward to help him out of bed and into the wheelchair. “Every exercise we perform is to help you make a full recovery.”

Exercise?” He squinted, creating perfect creases around each smoldering eye.

She reached to the small table beside his bed and grabbed a roll of special tape that would keep his wound dry. He was wearing loose shorts, and his hurt knee was propped on a wedge pillow. She pulled off a length of tape and wrapped it around his knee, t
aking care not to hurt the small incisions for the laparoscopic surgery they performed to fix his medial lemniscus tear.

Thank goodness he only has a few small incisions. It means he can be ridden properly.

She jerked upright at the errant thought. Where had that come from? He was a devil, urging women to sin. Even those who were no longer nineteen and didn’t sport inflatable breasts.

What the matter, Whiskey?”

Lord, was he going to start calling her that? A shiver traced down her spine. She bent over his kn
ee again.

As a country girl, she
’d watched her share of rodeos and drooled over her share of cowboys. She’d always envied the women who went after those guys. She’d never have the guts to throw herself at someone like Juss Rossie. Just once in her life, she’d like to grow a pair of girl-nads and take what she wanted.


She folded the tape snugly around his knee and set aside the supplies. Then she slipped an arm around his waist and tugged him with little effort into the wheelchair.

His heat
along with his clean, soapy scent sent her body into overdrive. Her pussy squeezed hard, and juices flowed into her lace panties. Under her scrub top, her nipples were two aching pearls begging to be rolled between thumb and forefinger.

Easy. Down, gi

Once she had Juss situated in the chair, she circled behind him. Pushing him out of the room meant going past Katie and several other assistants. As she wheeled the famous cowboy
past the desk, every mascara-ed eye raked over the hunk.

We’ll be in the pool if anyone needs us,” Lilly sang as she wheeled him by.

The pool, huh?” Juss asked when they exited the double doors.

Yes. Hope you’re up for a swim.”

’d had Juss in the pool once before, and her senses were still reeling from seeing his shorts conformed to his hard hips and outlining his groin. But he’d also been surly as hell and still hopped-up on post-op pain meds.

Not that he was much more agreeable now. Was he?

They reached a barrier, and she pushed a silver button on the wall. The door swung open, and she wheeled him in. The scents of chlorine filled her nose. The low lighting of the space gave the small pool a spa feel. The pool itself was only waist-deep and the size of a double bed.

She stood behind his chair and stripped down to the bath
ing suit she wore under her scrubs. All physical therapists received a regulation suit for this job—they spent time almost every day in the pool with a client. She hung her scrubs on a peg near a stack of towels and adjusted the tank straps of her suit.

ddenly, she wished it was a sexy string bikini. That was more along the lines of what a man like Juss would like to see. She glanced at her undersized chest. He probably liked to see the double D’s other women had too. Lilly had a handful, but nothing more. Her body was horribly ordinary. Not fat, not thin. Not curvy, not straight. Just
right for piquing the interest of hunky cowboys.










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