Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers (14 page)

BOOK: Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers
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"You don't need to do anything." His thumbs brushed over her distended nipples,
making them pucker even tighter. "All you have to do is let me pleasure you." His
clever fingers unhooked the front closure and the material pulled back, exposing her to
him. "Will you let me do that for you, Sophia?"
She nodded. "Yes."
He smiled then. A real smile that made him
even more handsome and slightly
vulnerable. It was in that split second that she realized that he understood loneliness,
knew it better than even she did. After all, he'd been alone for far more years than she
could even comprehend.
Sophia slid her hands around his wrists. They were thick and almost twice the size
of her own
. She moved her fingers over his muscled forearms, feeling the tension in
them. He was once again wearing a black T-shirt that strained against the girth of his
biceps. She slipped her hands beneath the short sleeves, pushing them up as she
continued her quest. She wanted to see him, to touch him.
As if reading her mind, he pulled back and yanked the shirt over his head and
dropped it on the floor behind him. He was even better than she remembered. Last
night, the light had been dim, but tonight, under the bright lights of her office, she
could see every gorgeous, hard inch of him.
Even though she'd seen his chest last night, she was surprised once again by the
fact that his skin wasn't at all pale. There was a neat patch of dark hair in the center of
his chest that angled downward toward the top button of his black jeans. He could
make a fortune as a male model. Women would drool just staring at his picture.
Jealousy, hot and potent, flooded her at the thought of other women seeing him this
way. He was hers.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she tugged him closer. "Touch me," she
whispered as she nibbled on his bottom lip.
He stood there, frozen like a statue. Sophia started to pull back, wondering what
was wrong. He came alive suddenly, swiping papers from her desk in one mighty
brush of his arm as he lowered her until her back was against the hard wood. His
mouth covered hers, consuming her lips, sucking the air from her lungs until they were
burning with need. When Zane finally broke away, they both were gasping for air.
Taking a step back, he picked up one foot and removed her sneaker and sock. Then
he did the same with the other. The thud sounded extra loud as her second sneaker hit
the floor. The expression on his face should have frightened her. This was a man who
would take whatever he wanted. He wouldn't be denied. Instead, she felt sexy and
powerful. Her jeans felt tight and confining. She wanted to be naked.
Wanted him to see
her, to touch her everywhere.
He was taking too long. She yanked down the zipper of her jeans. Zane growled
with pleasure as she began to push the fabric over her hips. Swooping down, he nipped
at her hipbones, making her gasp. His tongue stroked over her stomach, dipping into
her bellybutton.
His larger hands pushed hers aside as he finished what she'd started. He quickly
skimmed her jeans and panties down her legs and over her ankles, leaving her naked
except for the bra that was caught around her arms.
Zane wrapped his arms beneath her thighs and buried his face against her pubic
hair, inhaling deeply. Sophia braced herself on her forearms, enthralled by the sight of
his dark hair brushing her stomach. She could feel his hot breath on her skin as he
shifted. He raised his head and moved forward until his mouth hovered over one of her
breasts. With his arms still under her thighs, the action pushed her legs high and wide,
leaving her exposed.
She whimpered with need as he lapped at her nipple, circling it lightly and then
pressing hard against the tip. "I could almost make you come just by playing with your
breasts. Do you have any idea how amazing that is?"
All she could do was whimper as lightning shot from her breasts to her core. Cream
seeped from her slit and ran down the cleft of her behind.
He caught her nipple between his teeth and tugged gently. Sophia swore she could
see stars as the world around her disappeared. Each tug on her nipple made her vagina
clench with agonizing need.
"Zane," she panted. "More."
He covered her breast with his mouth and sucked hard. Leaning his pelvis against
hers, he ground his heavy erection against her. The rough fabric of his jeans and the
hardness of his shaft excited her. The fact that she was naked and he wasn't added an
element of excitement, driving her even higher.
She tried to wrap her legs around him, but he shifted his arms, widening them.
There was nothing she could do. Zane was in control of her pleasure. All she could do
was hold on and enjoy the ride.
He tore his mouth from her breast and she cried out at the loss. She was panting
hard now. She was so close. She could feel it in the way her body tensed.
"Tell me what you want." He nuzzled the damp skin between her breasts.
"Touch me," she moaned.
His tongue snaked down her torso.
Sophia had never asked a man to do things to her before she'd met Zane. He was so
unabashedly sexual and raw. Embarrassment had no place between them.
"Between my legs," she panted as his head moved lower. "Touch me with your
Your fingers."
A warm brush of air was the only warning she got as he plunged his face between
her thighs. His tongue stabbed into her core. She fell back onto the desk, her arms
giving out beneath the sensual onslaught. Her fingers gripped the edge of the desk as
he licked up one side of her labia and down the other. "Oh God," she moaned as his
tongue flicked over her swollen clitoris. "Harder."
Zane laughed. She could feel his lips form a smile before he captured her clit and
sucked. Blood rushed through her body. She could feel a dull roar in her ears and was
helpless to stop her climax as it slammed through her. Her body bucked, seeking his
hardness, but met only air. Even as she
, she felt empty and alone.
Her body shook and shuddered. Cream flowed from her core. A tear slipped from
the corner of her eye and she leaned her head over to wipe it against her shoulder. She
sniffed and Zane's head shot up from between her legs. She could see the concern in his
eyes as he lowered her legs, letting them hang over the edge of the desk. "Sophia?"
She didn't have the words. Instead, she opened her arms to him. He leaned down
and kissed her softly as he murmured his thanks to her. The movement brought his
erection back in contact with her sensitive flesh, making her flinch. He started to shift
away, but she latched onto the loops of his jeans, holding him close.
She wrapped her legs around his hips as her fingers tugged at his button and
zipper. Zane buried his face in her neck and shuddered. Finally, she got his zipper
down and his underwear shoved to one side. His cock fell into her waiting hand and
she squeezed gently. He groaned and raised his head.
"Are you sure?"
She nodded for emphasis. She'd never been so sure about anything in her
life. "We need protection." They hadn't used anything last night, but that was no reason
to be stupid.
Zane traced his finger over her cheek. She could see the humor in his eyes and the
slight grin that tugged at his lips. "Vampires don't have human diseases, so you're
"What about pregnancy?" Truthfully, she hadn't been thinking about
communicable diseases, which was stupid on her part in this day and age. All she'd
been thinking about was the possibility of getting pregnant.
He shook his head. "I've never known a vampire to get a woman pregnant. You'd
have to be converted to a vampire in order for that to happen."
"Oh." Sophia had no idea why she felt let down by that idea. She wasn't ready to
have a baby, especially not with a man she'd just met and barely knew.
Except she
really didn't feel that way about Zane.
She felt as if she'd known him forever.
His cock flexed in her hand and all else was forgotten in the blast of heat that
flashed though her body, pooling between her thighs. Zane pushed his shaft against her
palm. "Do you want me, Sophia?" His hands covered her breasts, kneading the pliant
flesh. "You're so hot and wet." His fingers tweaked her nipples, causing another
contraction in her womb. "I want to fuck you until we both scream." Her fingers
tightened around him, making him groan. "And if you don't stop that, it will be over
before it even begins."
Zane gritted his teeth as Sophia slid her fingers down his thick shaft and found the
heavy sac hanging beneath. She was all but purring beneath him. He could feel her
pleasure and knew that she liked the idea that he was as responsive to her as she was to
him. As she gently massaged his balls, he bit back a groan.
A sheen
of sweat covered him as his balls drew up closer to his body. He was out of
time. He wanted to be inside her when he came.
Wanted to feel her body close around
his as she found her release again.
He shifted his hips away and she gave his scrotum one final squeeze before she
released him. He laughed and groaned at the same time. The little witch was teasing
He positioned himself so that just the head of his cock was inside her. Her inner
muscles squeezed the tip and he tensed. It took all his concentration not to come. He
wanted to make sure that she found her pleasure again. Only then would he take his.
He loved the way she said his name. Her voice was slightly breathy and
filled with desire. "I want it all.
There was no mistaking what she was offering him. That she would give herself so
generously after what he'd done the night before rocked him to his core. The bloodlust
that had been lurking just below the surface surged to life like a wild animal set free
from its shackles, sensing that its needs would soon be met.
The delicious smell of her desire was like a drug, filling his nostrils and his mouth.
He could still taste her on his lips. A red haze filled his brain, blocking out all else but
the desire to fulfill his needs.
He felt his fangs lengthening as he thrust his shaft deep, burying himself to the hilt
in her wet heat. Contractions rippled through Sophia, encompassing his cock from tip
to base. Burying his face in her neck, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders,
holding her tight as he withdrew almost the entire way before driving himself deep. She
was so soft where he was hard. She was life where he was death. She was warmth and
he'd been so very cold.
Sophia's legs tightened around his flanks, holding him close. Her arms curled
around his and her hands clung to his slick shoulders. She lifted her hips to meet his
every thrust, which got harder and more frequent until he was pounding into her with
the force of a jackhammer. He couldn't stop. Blood surged through his body, his head
pounding with the force of his need for her. He would never have enough of her no
matter how many times he had her.
He could hear the rush of her blood as it hurried through her veins. Could hear her
cries of delight as her orgasm crept closer. Could smell her musk and taste the salt of
her skin as he licked her neck.
Sophia belonged to him and he'd do everything in his power to keep her.
He shook his head to try to clear it, but the red haze of bloodlust, of sheer sexual
need wrapped itself around him, shutting out all else. Zane had to mark her, claim her
again and again. He continued to drive himself into her, pushing them both higher and
She screamed his name. Her voice echoed in the room, echoed through him. He
yelled her name as he came, shooting hot streams of cum deep into her. Her pussy
clamped down hard as she came, making him yell out again. He continued to shake and
shudder over Sophia, the strength of her orgasm making his own even sharper. He
could feel the force of her emotions combining with his own.
His teeth ached and he growled as he licked the succulent flesh of her neck. Sophia
arched back her neck, offering him her very lifeblood. Unable and unwilling to resist, he
sank his fangs deep. She jerked slightly and then relaxed as he began to suck. Her blood
gushed into his mouth and he groaned. God, she tasted unbelievable. Every cell in his
body rushed to soak up her essence.
Beneath him, she continued to convulse, her pussy squeezing him tight with every
pull his mouth made on her neck. His cock twitched inside her, prolonging his pleasure.
She moaned softly and he stilled. He would not have a repeat of the night before.
Carefully, he withdrew his sharp teeth and swiped his tongue over the small puncture
marks. He kissed the tiny wounds and raised his head.
Sophia looked up at him, soft and sated. A smile played around the corners of her
mouth even as her eyes fluttered shut. With a faint sigh, she relaxed. Zane knew she
couldn't be all that comfortable against the hard, wooden desk and knew he had to
It wasn't easy, but he pulled his cock out of her. He should have been soft by now,
but instead, he was still as hard as rock. Sophia's breath caught, but then she sighed.
Hitching his underwear and jeans back into position, he tugged up his zipper. He didn't
bother with his shirt, but instead leaned down and lifted Sophia into his arms. She
snuggled close to him, nuzzling his chest as he sat down in the desk chair with her in
his arms.
They sat there, both of them content to just be in the moment. He felt no need to say
anything. The slight weight of Sophia resting against his chest brought him a deep,
abiding peace, which was amazing considering how out of control she'd also made him
He knew they'd have to move soon. They both had
to do tonight, but Zane
was loath to be the one to break the intimate mood between them. He was trying to
decide how to proceed when a shrill ring cut the air. The real world was intruding.
Sophia's eyes shot open as she sat up, reaching for the phone. She blinked and it
took her a moment to find her phone, as it had been pushed to the far side of the desk.

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