Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation (10 page)

BOOK: Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation
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Chapter Ten
Laurel Rose barely stifled a scream when Stefan pounced. He was little more than a
blur of motion as he swooped across the kitchen, plucked her into his arms and bound
up the stairs. It was as if by simply holding out her hand, she had unleashed a sleeping
Even though she didn't consider herself a small woman, he carried her with
astounding ease. The muscles in his chest rippled as he moved and his arms were like
steel bands around her. Stefan was still a mystery to her. He was different. Like her, he
possessed psychic abilities that set him apart from others. But she also sensed his
loneliness, his sheer isolation from the world around him.
She might not know much about this man, but she knew she trusted him. She
intuitively knew that he was hiding much of himself from her, but she didn't fault him
for that as she did the same thing. It was a protective mechanism. He might not be
telling her everything about himself, but what he did tell her was the truth. He'd
surprised her tonight with his easy admission about Karen. She'd half expected him to
lie. It's what a lot of men would have done.
The top two buttons of his black cotton shirt were undone and Laurel Rose couldn't
resist rubbing her nose against the crisp, dark hairs that peeked out from beneath the
fabric. The scent of fresh air, pine trees and earth filled her nostrils. There was
something very elemental and basic about this man that touched her deeply and, for
her, that was all that mattered.
She wanted Stefan Dalakis. She wanted him in a way that she'd never wanted any
other man in her life, in a way she'd never expected to want any man. So whatever the
consequences, she would enjoy their time together with no regrets.
Without any hesitation, he carried her straight to her room and lowered her until
she was standing next to the bed. She gazed up at him and once again she was struck by
the depth of passion in his emerald green eyes. They seemed to almost glow in the
growing gloom. The shadows were lengthening and although it wasn't completely dark
yet, there was a feeling of intimacy around them, as if they were the only two people in
the entire world.
She felt no fear. In fact, there was a growing anticipation firing her blood and her
body. Tonight would change her in some unfathomable way, but she was not only
ready for it, she embraced it.
This man would not be an easy lover. There was a harshness about him that went
straight to his very bones. This was a man who would take what he wanted, but she
had no doubt that he was generous with his lovers. Any woman who gave herself to
him would not come away unsatisfied. But there would be no poetry, flowers or soft
caresses from Stefan. Instead there would be an intensity and an earthiness that would
overwhelm a woman even as it pleased her. He would demand everything from her.
But would he give everything in return?
His eyes never left her face as he tugged the ends of her blouse out from the
waistband of her jeans. His nimble fingers made quick work of the buttons and pushed
the fabric off her shoulders and down her arms, letting it fall on the floor behind her.
Her bra was plain white cotton, unadorned, and she found herself wishing that she had
something silky and lacy to wear for him.
"You look beautiful as you are," he whispered as he traced a finger over the sloping
cups of her bra before stopping at the front hook. "But you would look ravishing in silk
and lace." With a flick of his fingers the bra was open. He whisked the straps down her
arms and tossed the garment aside.
She automatically crossed her arms over her chest, covering her breasts from him.
"How did you know what I was thinking?" It was very disconcerting to know that he
could reach into her mind at will and pluck out her thoughts.
He wrapped his large hand around the back of her neck, caressing it with his
fingers. It occurred to her that he was more than strong enough to snap it with one
quick twist. His features hardened as he scowled at her. "I would never hurt you. My
strength is for your protection." Using his thumb, he traced a line up and down the
slender column of her neck. "As for your thoughts." He shrugged. "I am trying not to
pry, but you are broadcasting loud and clear to me. I cannot ignore such information."
Laurel Rose thought about that as her body continued to react to his slow and
steady caress. He was only touching her neck, but he might as well have been stroking
her entire body. She felt his touch everywhere. Her nipples were hard buds, pushing
against her arms where they were crossed over her chest. Her sex was moist and she
could feel her panties getting wetter with each passing moment as her inner muscles
pulsed in a deep rhythm. Her limbs felt heavy and her mouth was dry. His gaze was
almost hypnotic, drawing her under his sensual spell. He was like some dark sorcerer
seducing her with little more than a look and a touch to her neck.
The slow smile that crossed his face was wickedly sexy and she knew that he'd just
read her thoughts again. "If I am a sorcerer, then you are a witch who has cast her spell
upon me."
She cringed at his words.
. She'd been called that many times in her life and it
had always been said with varying degrees of scorn and anger. Stefan stopped her
before she could pull away from him. He reacted so quickly she didn't have time to do
more than think about pulling back.
Grabbing her wrists, he slowly lowered her arms from her chest until her breasts
were totally exposed to him. He licked his lips as he stared at her. A shiver raced down
her spine, making her tremble. Even though she was still wearing her jeans, she felt
more vulnerable than she had last night when he'd had her spread naked on the bed.
"It is just a word." His voice was low, deep and mesmeric as he lowered his head
toward her breast. "Spoken by ignorant fools who do not understand you or your
worth." She could feel his hot breath on the tip of her swollen nipple as his mouth got
closer and closer to her. She swallowed hard, barely able to follow his words. "They do
not matter." He licked the white flesh around the tip, his tongue rough against her skin.
"Nothing matters but this. Us. Now."
Even though she'd been expecting it, when he finally closed his lips over the tip of
her breast and sucked, she cried out. His hands clasped around her waist, his thumbs
rubbing small circles into her torso. Now that her fingers were free from his grasp, she
threaded them though his long dark hair, holding him to her breast, wanting more of
the pleasure he was giving her.
He laughed and pulled away, but before she could protest, he nuzzled his way to
her other breast and began to suckle the swollen mound. As if there was a direct
connection between her breast and her sex, Laurel Rose could feel every pull of his
mouth deep in her core. Her pussy clenched hard, making her aware of how empty she
"No," she moaned when he moved his mouth from her breast and began to kiss his
way down her torso. He ignored her protest and began to taste, nibble and lick his way
down over her flesh. His hands moved to the front of her jeans, quickly opening both
the button and the zipper. Slipping his hands inside her panties, he pushed both jeans
and panties down her hips. The flesh of his hands was hard and calloused against her
skin even though his touch was gentle. The contrast sent goose bumps skating up and
down her legs and stomach.
His tongue swept into her bellybutton, swirling around its depths as he continued
to push her jeans down her legs to her ankles. "Put your hands on my shoulders," he
murmured against her stomach.
She clutched at his shoulders for support as he lifted one foot and pulled off her
sneaker and sock before tugging off her jeans and panties. Then he did the same with
the other foot. Her short nails dug into his shoulders as he placed open-mouthed kisses
on her stomach, moving closer to the soft nest of curls covering her sex.
Her legs opened of their own accord as he rubbed his face against the curls. His
every movement was slow and unhurried even though she could see the light sheen of
sweat on his forehead and hear the harsh sound of his deep breathing.
"Spread your legs wide for me. Open yourself with your hands and show me your
pretty pussy." His blatantly sexual words shocked and excited her at the same time. She
never imagined any man speaking to her in such a way.
He sat back on his heels and waited. She was surprised to realize that he was still
totally dressed and she was naked. The contrast was strangely arousing. She could see
the huge bulge against the front of his jeans and she licked her lips in anticipation. For
the first time in her life, she wanted to do more than just touch a man's penis with her
hand. She wanted to trace the pulsing veins with her tongue and lick a path from root to
tip before taking him into her mouth.
Stefan sucked in a deep breath. His hands, which been relaxed on his thighs,
tightened into fists. She knew that he'd read her thoughts and was excited by them. It
made her feel sexy and powerful and not so out of control.
His next words shattered that illusion.
"You're so wet and hot for me, aren't you, Laurel Rose?" His voice was harsher
now, sexier. "If I put my finger inside you, your pussy would clutch it tight and pull it
deeper, but that still wouldn't be enough. You want my cock inside you. Don't you,
His words shook her to her core and her entire body quivered. "Yes," she moaned,
unable to be anything less than honest with him.
The sound of a zipper lowering was loud in the quiet room. Her gaze flew to his lap
and she watched with undisguised anticipation as he opened his jeans and released his
swollen cock from the confines of the stiff fabric. Her eyes widened when she realized
he wasn't wearing any underwear. His erection was long and thick and looked
incredibly hard. Her fingers itched to touch it just to see if it was as hard as it looked.
"If you want to touch it, taste it, you've got to show me you want me." His voice
was pure seduction as he took his cock in his hand and gave it a long, slow pump. She
licked her lips as a bead of white liquid escaped the tip. She wanted to lick it, to run her
tongue across the swollen head of his penis. "Show me, Laurel Rose." His harsh
command startled her out of her sensual reverie.
There was no thought of denying him. She was filled with the desire to share her
body with him, to give herself to him. She felt totally uninhibited in a way that she'd
never experienced before. She felt a sexual freedom with Stefan. Being naked in front of
him was empowering and sensual. A thing of beauty. It was something to celebrate.
There was no sense of shame between them. They belonged to one another.
Raising her hands to her breasts, she cupped the mounds. They weren't overly
large, but they were well-shaped and firm. But the size didn't matter. She felt sensual
and beautiful under his lustful stare. Taking her time, she rubbed her thumbs across her
swollen nipples, gasping with pleasure at her own touch.
Stefan growled low in the back of his throat as she slid her hands down her torso to
her sex. He continued to pump his cock with his hand and she found the sight
incredibly arousing. Spreading her legs wide, she reached between her thighs and
pulled back the slick folds of her labia and exposed her pussy to him.
Looking down at herself, she could see the wet, pink folds as well as the hard nub
of her clit just begging for his touch. As he reached his hand out toward her, she could
feel her cream slipping down her inner thighs. The smell of sex wafted up around her
and she unconsciously arched her hips toward him.
He inserted the tip of his middle finger just inside her slit. Her body clenched hard,
as he'd predicted, desperately trying to draw his finger deeper. Instead of satisfying
her, his touch was making her feel hotter and needier. She couldn't stop her gasp of
disappointment when he pulled his hand away. She bit her lip to keep from screaming
at him to fuck her. She'd never felt this needy or out of control in her life.
Stefan came to his feet in one swift motion. He hauled off his boots and socks and
shucked his jeans. She stood there with her hands still between her legs, with her pussy
spread wide as he tore his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. He sat down on
the side of the bed and spread his legs wide in invitation.
"You showed me your pussy." His eyes almost set fire to her skin as he stared at
her sex. "And it is hot and wet. So damned beautiful." He held out his hands to her.
"Come here, baby. It's only fair that you get what you wanted."
Laurel Rose let her fingers slide from between her thighs and allowed her arms to
drop back by her sides. Stefan's hands were large with long, thick fingers. She wanted
them on her body, pleasuring her. He might be naked, but there was nothing remotely
vulnerable about the man in front of her. If anything, he seemed even larger with the
civilized veneer of clothing stripped from him.
His shoulders were as wide and as strong as the mountains that she loved so well.
There was a solid timelessness about Stefan as he sat motionless, waiting for her. His
arms and chest were massive, the muscles prominent beneath his warm flesh. Even
sitting at ease, his abdomen looked like something out of a bodybuilder's magazine. His
cock was hard and thick as it sprung upright from the nest of curls at its base.
Last night, Stefan had brought her to orgasm, giving her more pleasure than she
had ever experienced, more pleasure than she'd thought possible. Tonight, she wanted
to give the same to him.
Taking a step toward him, she slowly sank to her knees in front of him. She could
feel the muscles in his thighs clench as she pushed them wider with her shoulders.
Sitting back on her feet, she placed her hands on his knees, looked up at him and
smiled. Having all this barely leashed male power under her control was intoxicating.
Taking a deep breath to help calm her own raging desires, she lowered her head ever so
slowly toward him. This was going to be fun.
Chapter Eleven
Stefan clenched his hands at his sides to keep from tossing Laurel Rose facedown

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