Read Daisy's Back in Town Online

Authors: Rachel Gibson

Daisy's Back in Town (31 page)

BOOK: Daisy's Back in Town
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"Are you ready to go now?" Jack lowered his face to the top of her head. "I want to get you out of here before Cal comes over and hits on you again."

He wasn't really fooling her. She could hear the pain in his voice. "What hurts?"

"My shoulder," he answered as they moved toward the parking lot, "like a son of a bitch."

"I don't understand why you guys don't wear pads." She held up a hand. "Don't say it. I know. Pads are for sissies."

Jack opened the passenger-side door for her. She moved to get inside but looked back across the field one last time at Nathan. "He's growing up too fast," she said as she watched him walk in the other direction with Brandy Jo on his arm. "He was always so rowdy and independent. I couldn't take him anywhere cause he'd just run off.

So I got one of those leashes you put on little kids so you don't lose 'em. I always felt so much better knowing he was on the other end of the leash. I'd give a hard tug, and he'd come rolling out from wherever he was hiding from me." She grasped the top of the car door that separated her body from Jack's. "I wish I could just give him a tug now and make sure he stays out of trouble."

Jack put his hands on the outside of hers. "He's a good boy, Daisy. He'll be fine."

She looked up into his eyes and he leaned forward and gently pressed his mouth to hers, easing into a kiss so slow and sweet, it just seemed to melt her heart. He smelled of sweat and grass and Jack. His thumbs brushed over the backs of her hands as the tip of his slick tongue touched hers. Jack took his time, and the kiss turned more deeply intimate. It touched places deep in her soul that recognized hint. This was more than a mating of mouths. More than the hot rush of sex that demanded to be satisfied.

When he pulled back, he looked at her the way he used to all those years ago. His guard down. His wants and needs and desires unmistakably clear in his green eyes.

"Come home with me," he said as his hands moved to cover hers in his warm palms.

She swallowed and the corners of her mouth turned up. She didn't have to ask what he had planned. "I thought your shoulder hurt?"

"Not that bad."

"I could massage it for you."

He shook his head. "You need to save your energy to massage other things."

Chapter Nineteen

Daisy ran her hands across Jack's smooth shoulders and pushed her fingers into his knotted muscles. She massaged his back and ran her thumbs up and down the indent of his spine. A bead of water dropped from his wet hair, slid down his back and was absorbed in the thick blue towel hung low on his hips.

The drive from the park to Jack's had taken less than ten minutes. Usually it took fifteen, but Jack had run several stop signs and blown through a traffic light.

At present, he sat on a ladder-back kitchen chair next to the dining room table. His legs straddled the seat while his arms rested across the top rung. He'd insisted on taking a quick shower to get rid of the grime before he'd let her touch him, and when he'd come out wearing nothing but a towel, she'd about jumped him then and there.

"How's this feel?" she asked as her palms slid down his hard muscles, then up again.

"Like something I could get used to." The heat from his skin warmed her hands, and she felt the contours and textures as she learned the definition of him all over again.


She looked down at the back of his head. The dining room light shone through his dark hair, picking out strands the color of coffee. "Hmm?"

"When we were at Lake Meredith, you said you've missed me." He reached up and grasped her by the wrist. "Is that true?" He looked over his shoulder at her. His intense gaze told her the answer was very important to hint

"Yes, Jack. It's true."

He pulled her arm down around his chest and said, next to her right cheek, "I missed you too, Daisy Lee. All these years I've missed you more than I knew." His placed his free hand on the left side of her face. "More than I ever wanted you to know."

Her chest got light and achy, and she lowered her mouth and said against his lips. "I love you, Jack."

He closed his eyes and let out his breath. He was quiet for several long moments then he said, "I have always loved you. Even when I didn't want to."

"Turn around," she whispered.

His eyes opened. "What?"

"Stand up."

As soon as he stood and turned toward her, she put her hand on his shoulders and pushed him back down again.

"I don't know what happens next for us," she said as she pulled up her dress and sat in his lap facing him. He spread his thighs and her bottom hit the seat of the chair. Her bare feet hung over the sides. "Whatever it is, I will always love you. I can't help it."

His hands slid up and down her thighs as his green eyes looked at her through his lashes. "I'll show you what happens next." His palms moved to her waist and his fingers searched the lie on the side of her dress.

She settled more firmly between his legs and asked, "is that a tent pole or are you happy to see me?"

A blatantly sexual smile pushed the corners of his mouth upward. "Both. Wanna see?"

"Oh yeah." She moved her hands from his shoulders and down his chest. Her palms covered his nipples and she leaned forward and kissed the side of his throat. The thick towel and the thin layer of her panties separated them.

Jack tugged and the top of her dress loosened. "Raise your arms," he told Daisy. She did as he asked, and he slid the dress above her waist and pulled it over her head. Her hair fell free about her bare shoulders, and Jack looked into her brown eyes, at the passion staring back at him. He tossed the dress on the floor, then covered her naked breasts with his hands. Her puckered nipples poked the centers of his palms and he brushed them with his thumbs. Her lids lowered a fraction and she licked her lips. He knew her. He knew the weight of her against him and the beat of her heart in his palms. He knew the sigh of pleasure on her lips and the scent of her skin.

This was Daisy. His Daisy.

"Are you sure your shoulder doesn't hurt?"

Shoulder? He didn't give a shit about his shoulder. The only pain he felt was in his groin. "Nothing hurts as bad as wanting you." Every fantasy he'd ever had had begun and ended with Daisy Lee. Now here she was. Except for a strap of silk panties, naked in his lap. If he had his way, she would never leave.

Her soft hand slid down his belly and she pulled at the towel around his waist. She unwrapped him like a Christmas present, then reached inside and closed her fist around his erection. He was so hard he throbbed. He sucked in his breath. He looked at Daisy, past the rose-colored lips of her breasts, down her tan abdomen and belly button to her tiny white panties. Within her small hand, she held his thick shaft. She brushed her thumb over the head. Lust pulled his gut into a hard knot and he had a difficult time drawing air into his lungs. He wrapped his hand over hers and moved it up and down, sliding within the soft velvet of her palm. She leaned forward and kissed his throat. Her warm moist tongue leaving a trail of fire.

He raised her face to his, and his hungry mouth slanted across her lips. He gave her hot, feeding kisses; there was nothing tender or soft in what he gave this time. The moment his mouth touched hers, it was greedy, a maddening chase and follow. A slick advance and retreat of hot tongues and mouths. She arched into him, crushing her hard nipples into his chest and shoving her crotch against his erection.

He wanted this. He wanted it every damn day of his life. He wanted the drive of her tongue in his mouth, the weight of her in his arms, the catch in his chest when he looked into her eyes or buried his nose in her neck.

He wanted her. All of her. Forever. He loved her. He'd always loved her.

Jack stood and the towel fell to the floor. He set Daisy on the kitchen table in front of him and looked down into her dazed eyes.

"Lie down, buttercup." She rested back on her elbows and watched as he kissed her breasts and sucked her puckered nipple into his mouth. He worked her over until her breath was choppy, then he worked his way south.

He sucked a patch of skin next to her belly button and reached for the chair behind him. He pulled off her panties then sat between her thighs.

"Jack," she said, her voice a dry whisper. "What are you doing?"

He put her bare feet on his shoulders and kissed each ankle - "I'm going down." He bit the inside of her thigh as he brushed his thumb across her slick clitoris and pushed a finger deep inside where she was very hot and very wet. He parted her slick flesh and placed a hand beneath her bottom. He raised her as he brought his mouth down on her.

She tasted like Daisy. Good. Like sex and desire and everything he'd ever wanted.

She moaned his name as her head fell back. He kissed her between her legs. In the same spot he'd kissed her fifteen years ago - only he was better at it now. Better at knowing how to use his tongue and how hard to draw her into his mouth. He teased and sucked until she used her feet to push him back.

She rose from the table and stood in front of him, a little unsteady on her feet as she looked down at him. "I want you, Jack."

He picked up the towel from the floor and wiped his mouth. "I need to get a condom."

She stared at him as if she didn't know what he was talking about. Then she said, her voice heavy with passion,

"How long has it been since you've had sex without a condom?"

So long he couldn't remember. "Probably the last time I was with you fifteen years ago."

She smiled as she grabbed the towel from hint and tossed it aside. She grasped his shoulders, then she put her feet on the low rung at the bottom of the chair and stood. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her stomach. "I had my period last week," she said as she lowered herself over his lap. "I won't get pregnant this time."

He might have protested. He might have questioned her more, but the head of his penis touched her slick crotch, and he slid inside her hot wet body. There was no thought of protesting anything after that.

A groan tore into Jack's chest. Her hot flesh surrounded him and a shudder worked its way up his spine. Her lips were parted. Her breathing shallow, and her cheeks were flushed pink. The hunger in her brown eyes was focused on him as if he were the only man who could give her exactly what she needed.

She squeezed her muscles around him and he felt every ripple of her fight passage. He had to fight to keep from coming right then and there. Every cell in his body was focused on her. On the way she felt inside. On the warmth of her contracting muscles. On the sharp pain and dull ache twisting his groin.

"Goddamn," he swore and he moved his hands to her hips. "You feel so good." He lifted her and brought her back down. It was like white-hot liquid enveloped him, and he didn't think he'd felt anything as good as the inside of Daisy.

She raised her hands to the sides of his head and brought his mouth to hers. "I love you, Jack," she said as they moved together, building a slow and steady rhythm that turned into a fever. He grabbed her behind and brought her down hard, again and again. Driving up as she pushed down, and everything got a whole lot hotter and wilder. Their breathing became ragged with the punctuating thrust of his hips. She grasped his bare shoulders and clung to him as the walls of her body pulsed around him. It went on and on faster, harder, pumping into her again and again until the air whooshed from his lungs.

Daisy moaned and squeezed him fight, pulsing and constricting around hint. The strong contractions of her orgasm wrung a release from him that he felt up into his chest. He came deep inside where she was hot and slick, and even as he pumped into her one last time, he knew he wanted more.

He wanted it forever.

Daisy didn't burst into tears this time. She almost did the next time, though. Jack took her hand and led her to his bed where he made love to her again. He was so sweet and loving and drew out the torture until she'd had a multiple orgasm. The first of her life, and that had her feeling kind of weepy.

She lay on her stomach on blue sheets. The rest of the bedding was in a tangled heap by her feet. Jack lay half on top of her; his arm around her waist, one leg between hers. His groin pressed into her behind and hip. A lamp flooded the bed with warm yellow light, and the only sound in the room was of heavy, spent breathing. Their skin was glued together and a warm fluttery afterglow settled on her flesh. She hadn't felt this happy and content in a very long time. Jack loved her. She loved him. Things were going to work out for them this time.

She thought Jack had fallen asleep until he moaned. "My God, it just keeps getting better. I didn't think anything could top the chair."

Daisy smiled.

"Damn, did you just come twice?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

His hand stirred at her waist, as if he tried to lift it but didn't have the energy. Carefully, she turned onto her back and looked at him. His hair was stuck to his forehead and his eyes were closed.

"What time is it?" she asked.

His lids fluttered open and he lifted his arm from across her stomach. He looked at his watch and said, "Early."

She grabbed his wrist and looked at the digital face. "I have to get going before Nathan gets home."

Jack rolled on his side and spread his fingers wide on her stomach just below her breasts. "Don't leave," he murmured as he kissed her shoulder.

"I have to." She sat up and pushed the hair from her face. "But I'll come back for breakfast."

"Don't leave Lovett." He lay on his side and raised onto his elbow. "You and Nathan should move here."

She'd been thinking along those lines too. She just hadn't known he had also. "When did you decide this?" she asked and looked down into his green eyes.

"Probably when we were fishing, but I got serious about it yesterday when we were swapping spit in your momma's front yard and I didn't care who was watching." He sat up and took her hand in his. "I wanted people to watch. I wanted people to see us together. I wanted people to see us kissing today. I want everyone to know that you're mine." He kissed her fingertips. "I want a life with you and our son.”

BOOK: Daisy's Back in Town
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