Daisy's Back in Town (17 page)

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Authors: Rachel Gibson

BOOK: Daisy's Back in Town
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Unable to stop herself, she fell headfirst into a haze of lust and longing. And it felt good. Maybe too good. The carnal thrust of his tongue elicited an equally carnal response in her. The feel of his cotton T-shirt and Levi's against her bare skin sent a shiver down her spine. She ran her fingers through his hair as he fed her kisses from his hot, wet mouth. She moved against him, trying to get closer, trying to feel more of him. Wanting it so much her skin tingled with a powerful yearning. Wanting it all. All at once.

It had been so long. Too long to go so slow. A frustrated moan came from her throat and she dropped to her heels. She felt his long hard erection against her belly as her open mouth tasted the side of his neck. "Jack," she said between kisses to his throat. "You taste good. I want to eat you up."

"Jesus, Daisy," he groaned as his hands roamed her bareback. He pulled the covered elastic from her ponytail and her hair came free and brushed her bare shoulders. He grabbed two fistfuls of her hair and brought her mouth back to his. She kissed him as one of his hands slid down her spine and he unhooked her bra. He pulled the bra from her and tossed it on the trunk of the red and white car. His mouth came down on hers as his hands came up to cup her breasts. Her nipples puckered in his hot palms, and she shoved her hands beneath his shirt and ran them all over him, his stomach, chest and back.

He moved his hands to her behind, and he grabbed the backs of her thighs. He lifted her onto the trunk of the car and her bare feet rested on the wide chrome bumper. The cool metal brought her out of her haze just enough that she was aware of palm. With her tongue, she found his pulse just below the head of his penis.

It seemed she'd just started when he pushed her away. "I don't want to get off that way," he said and gently he lifted her onto the trunk once more. He forced her onto her back and pulled off her panties. Then he stepped between her legs. His gaze traveled from her face, down her throat to her breasts. He leaned over her and cupped between her thighs. "You make me feel eighteen again," he said as he rested his weight on his forearm next to her shoulder. "Like I can't control myself." He kissed the tip of her breast as he stroked her slick, sensitive flesh. "Like I'm going to go off before we get to the really good stuff."

She arched her back and moaned. "Then get to the good stuff."



He kissed her birthmark then brushed the seam of his lips across the tip of her breast. "Your breasts are as beautiful as ever."

She might have laughed or argued or something if he hadn't opened his hot mouth and sucked her nipple inside his wet mouth. Instead she ran her fingers through his hair. She shut her eyes and let the waves of sensation roll through her until she feared that she was going to go off before they got to good stuff.

"Daisy open your eyes and look at me."

She did. He gazed down at her, his own eyes intense and feverish. He grabbed the condom and tore open the package. "I want to see your face when I'm inside of you." He rolled the lubricated latex over the head of his penis and down the shaft to his dark pubic hair. He put his hands beneath her bare bottom and pulled her to the edge of the car's trunk, positioning her. "I want you to see me."

She looked into his green eyes that were so familiar to her. "I see you," she said as he grasped her thighs. He plunged inside of her in one smooth stroke that buried him to her cervix. His grasp tightened on her thighs and her back arched. She cried out in pain and in pleasure, she wasn't sure which was more acute.

"Damn," he said between clenched teeth, then he cupped her face in his hands. "Sorry, Daisy." He placed a soft kiss on her cheek and nose and whispered against her mouth, "I'm sorry. Sorry. I'll make it feel good now. I promise." He withdrew, then thrust himself inside with more care, reminding her how good he was at keeping his promises. Slowly, he gave her incredible pleasure with smooth, measured strokes.

He stared into her eyes as he moved within her. "Is that better?"

"Mmmm, yes.,,

"Tell me."

"So good, Jack." She felt weightless and she grabbed his shoulders and held on to him. "Don't stop. Whatever you do, just don't stop."

"Not a chance." He tilted her pelvis up without missing a beat of his pumping hips.

Heat flushed her skin, radiating outward from where they were joined, and she dug her fingers into him. His slow pace was driving her mad. "More. Give me more, Jack."

He kissed her forehead and his breathing rasped against her temple. He plunged faster. Harder. In and out.

Building. Thrusting her toward climax.

"Daisy Lee." Her name on his lips sounded almost like a question, as if he pushed them both closer and closer.

She was mindless to anything but the building pleasure, until she opened her mouth to scream. The sound died in her throat as wave after luscious wave rolled through her. Her muscles pulsed and contracted, gripping him hard.

On and on it went as he plunged into her. His breath hot against her temple until finally he shoved into her so hard he pushed her farther up the trunk of the car. He cursed her and God in the same incoherent sentence. He crushed her to his chest as if he wanted to absorb her and gave one final thrust. He made a sound deep in his throat, a sound somewhere between a guttural groan and a long drawn-out ahhh.

Daisy saw spots behind her closed eyelids, and her ears began to ring. She was going to faint. Right there on the Custom Lancer It was going to happen. Just like he'd said she would, and she didn't care.

She didn't faint, though. Not really. She was just so light-headed she was afraid to move. She hadn't had sex in a long time, but she didn't recall it being so good. It had been. Of course it had been. But where his skin was stuck to hers, still tingled. She'd forgotten that part. Or maybe that had never happened before.

He remained embedded deep in her body, his chest smashed into hers and his forehead resting on the car next to her right ear. She could feel his heartbeat against her breast.

She opened her eyes and looked up at the ventilation overhead. Jack Parrish had just taken her some place she'd never been before. He'd just given her a devastating orgasm that had curled her toes and about made her faint.

She didn't know what to think about that. In fact, she could hardly think at all. She was too stunned.

He raised onto his forearms and looked down into her face. A slow satisfied smile lifted the corners of his mouth. "Wow. You're even better than you were at eighteen."

Daisy looked into his sexy green eyes and felt alive again. Like she'd been dead inside for a very long time and hadn't even realized it until that moment. Like coming into the sunlight after being trapped in the dark. Raw emotion swept through her, and she did the worst possible thing she could do.

She burst into tears.

Chapter Ten

No one had ever cried on Jack before. Not after sex, anyway. Hell, Daisy hadn't even cried the night he'd taken her virginity.

He tossed his T-shirt on the kitchen counter and glanced over at Daisy who stood across the room from him, her arms folded beneath her breasts, staring at her toes. He was reminded of the first night he'd seen her since she'd been back. She'd been wearing a yellow rain slicker then. Now she had on that stupid Winnie the Pooh dress, the one he'd helped her get back into a few moments ago.

She'd thrown him a curve that was for sure. One second she'd been having a good time, moaning and scratching, and telling him she wanted more. In the next she'd burst into tears. What the hell had happened?

He'd excused himself to get rid of the condom in the employee's bathroom, and when he'd returned she'd been fighting to get her dress over her head. He was halfway convinced that if she'd been able to get her clothes on faster, she would have been long gone by now. Which might have been for the best.

She'd been so agitated he had to help her with her dress when what he'd really wanted was to toss it in the garbage. He'd put her purse on her shoulder, and instead of sending her on her way, like he would have any other hysterical woman who'd burst into tears on him, he'd brought her into his house. Why, he did not know.

Except maybe because he'd told her he'd let her talk after they'd had sex.

Yeah, that was it, but now that his head was dear, he was pretty sure he didn't want to hear anything she had to say. Unless it had something to do with her getting naked and climbing on top of him.

He'd thought once they'd had sex, his desire for her would be sated. He'd be over it. He'd been wrong, and that bothered him because he didn't want to think, about what that might mean. He didn't want to feel anything for her now. Not even lust.

He reached inside the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of milk. Before his mind traveled any further in the direction of the bedroom, he stopped and reminded himself that she was upset and crying and that she was Daisy Monroe. Three very good reasons why he had to stand across the room from her and keep his hands to himself.

"Before I apologize," he said as he shut the door with his foot, "I need to know what I'm apologizing for."

She looked up at him. She had black smudges beneath her red eyes and her face was all splotchy. "You didn't do anything, Jack."

He didn't think he had either, but with women, you just never knew. If there wasn't a problem, they'd invent one. "Do you want something to drink?" She shook her head and he raised the milk to his mouth and watched her over the bottom of the quart container. He lowered the milk and licked his top lip. Maybe he'd been too rough with her. He'd forgotten that she hadn't had sex in awhile. "Did I hurt you?"

She wiped her cheeks with her fingers. "No."

He set the milk on the counter and opened a cabinet. He filled a glass with ice and water then moved across the kitchen and handed it to her. His fingers brushed hers and he asked, "Why are you crying, Daisy?"

"I don't know."

"I think you do." She looked like crap. Kind of scary, but for some reason, the only thing that scared him was how much he still wanted her. "Tell me, Daisy."

She took a long drink of her water then pressed the cool glass against her cheek. "It's embarrassing." As if to prove her point, her face turned red and kind of connected the splotchy parts.

"Why don't you just tell me anyway?" Instead of putting distance between her body and his like he should, he leaned a hip into the counter next to her and folded his arms over his bare chest.

She glanced up at him out of the corners of her eyes then cut her gaze to the Elmo cookie jar on the counter.


"Billy's girls gave it to me last Christmas, along with a bag of Oreos. Don't change the subject."

Her gaze remained on the bright orange cookie jar and she took a deep breath. "I just forgot about sex for a while." She shrugged. "And you reminded me."

"That's it?" There had to be more.

"Well, it was good sex."

"Daisy, it was better than good." They'd gone at it like two starving people at an all-you-can-eat. All hands and mouths and insatiable hunger. Racing for satisfaction. She'd come harder than anyone he'd ever been with, squeezing an orgasm from him that he felt clear to the soles of his feet.

It was a good thing she was leaving tomorrow. Because he could tell himself that he wouldn't go after her again, but he'd probably be lying about that. "Saying it was good is like saying the Rio Grande is just a river. It's a hell of an understatement." He put his fingers to her jaw and lightly brought her gaze back to his. Her eyelashes were stuck together over her shiny brown eyes. He brushed his fingertips across her soft skin then dropped his hand. "Why has it been so long since you've had sex?"

If it was possible, she turned even redder. "That's really not your business."

"You haven't had sex in two years, but you have it with me. I think that makes it my business."

She frowned and set her glass on the counter. Just when he thought she wasn't going to answer, she said, "For about the last year and a half of his life, Steven couldn't."

That surprised him. "And you didn't go elsewhere?"

"Of course not. What a horrible question."

He didn't think he was out of line. Fifteen years ago, she'd been having sex with him but had married Steven.

"Some women might have."

"Not me. I was always faithful to Steven."

"He's been gone seven months."

"Almost eight now."

"Eight months is a long time to go without getting laid."

Her gaze slid from his to his mouth, down his throat and stopped on his chest. "Maybe for some people."

"No, most people."

She looked away. "You know that old saying, 'If you don't use it, you lose it.' It's true."

"You obviously haven't lost it."

She grabbed her glass and he watched her move to the kitchen sink. She looked out the window into the backyard and took a long drink. She set the water back down and her hands grasped the counter. "I did for a while. When you live with someone who is dying, sex is not a high priority. Believe me. Your life becomes consumed with doctor's appointments and trying new therapies. Figuring out the right medication to combat strokes and seizures and pain management."

He turned to gaze at her profile. He didn't want to know any of this. He didn't want to feel sorry for Steven, but he couldn't seem to help but ask, "Was Steven in a lot of pain?"

She shrugged. "He never liked to admit it, but I know that he was. I'd ask him and he'd just grab my hand and tell me not to worry about him." She laughed without humor. "I pretended not to worry, and he pretended everything was okay. He was better at his part than I was."

"Steven was always better at pretending than either you or me." For years he and Steven had pretended that Daisy was just a friend. A girl who was a buddy Steven had been so much better at it than Jack.

She nodded. "He pretended right up until the last day. The night he died, he slipped into a coma, at home." She looked across her shoulder and her eyes met his across the distance. "Nathan and I watched him take his last breath. If you've ever seen something like that, it changes you. You get real clear about what's important." She swallowed hard and added, "About things you have to make right."

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