Daddy's Boss (2 page)

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Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #kelsey charisma daddy daughter boss sex adult fuck bathroom

BOOK: Daddy's Boss
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Douglas rest his lips against hers, allowing
the smoke she expelled billow into his mouth. As he breathed in, he
let his lips skim across hers with such a gentle sweeping touch
that it tingled. When her breath caught, he closed his lips around
hers for a kiss that was so light she swore she imagined it. Then
he leaned back to where he’d been as he exhaled and then kept his
hand on her leg distractingly. She stared at his thumb that dipped
below her knee. He wasn’t acting like himself, and she wondered if
it was the marijuana.

“It’s been a while since I thought you were
too young for me,” he murmured. “Besides, I want an impressionable
woman young enough to learn to love fucking—and often, because
nothing is more boring than years of missionary style in an
impassionate marriage, or worse yet, no sex at all.”

“I’m sure you don’t need a young,
impressionable eighteen to twenty-one year old for that.” She
rolled her eyes and decided to hand him the weed that was quickly
burning to a nub. There were possibly two drags left, and judging
from his explicit actions each time she smoked, he’d find some way
to seduce her in those last two breaths if she didn’t try to slyly
prohibit it. She was still trying to wrap her head around what he
was doing. He’d flirted with her before, but nothing like this.
Then again, he could want her to do nothing but let him test the

“Not eighteen, no, I don’t want that. When
you’re my age, with my status, twenty-one is acceptable. I could
set you up in a condo for daily visits and it wouldn’t be
tantalizing enough to hit the papers—figuratively speaking, of
course. I respect your father too much to ever do that.”

She snatched her joint out of his hand, even
though he was about to take a puff. If he didn’t automatically
include her in a sentence about respect, she wasn’t letting him get
away with anything else, including helping himself to more of her
stash. “You have real class, Doug.” She did her best to hide her
irritation but still dropped any formality of his name, determined
not to show respect if he didn’t feel she deserved it.

“You have class, too, Liv, which is why I’d
never offer.” He took the joint back, obviously demanding to
maintain control over it, and her. Before she decided if she liked
his answer, he sucked on the paper until it was almost to the end.
Then he walked over to the sink and dropped it into running water.
“Should I assume I can always find you hiding in here when we’re
invited to your father’s bi-quarterly dinners?” he asked while
watching her reflection in the mirror. He glanced down at her
panties once again, reminding her she was in a short dress that
revealed her cream-colored silky panties. She thought to close her
legs, but she was enjoying his newly blatant attention. “Where do
you hide in my house when you accompany your father to my

“I don’t hide. I wander, as you said you do,
and usually I find myself sitting in your gazebo.”

“Which gazebo are you speaking of, the one
by the pond or the smaller one beyond the stables?”

“The pond—though I must say, you really
should get rid of all those damn noisy frogs.”

He shrugged. “I’ve never heard them at
night. They don’t bother me.” He held out his hand and then met her
eyes. He clearly was beckoning her to him, requesting she’d leave
with his company, and because he didn’t feel he needed to ask and
she’d simply do, he said nothing as he waited.

Despite having only a slight high and
disappointed it was the last joint she had, she slid off the
counter and adjusted her dress as she came to him.

He took her hand, and holding his felt oddly
comfortable but equally foreign. If he noticed the peculiar sense
of unfamiliar touch, he didn’t hint of it. He led her to the door,
looking sure of himself like nothing was strange about her holding
the hand of her father’s boss. He unlocked the door, pressed down
the handle and began to open it, but then immediately shut it. The
next thing Olivia knew, he had his hand flat against the door and
she was cornered between him and the hard wood. Her heart raced,
but it wasn’t from fear. She was excited and thrilled that he was
bold enough to back her up against a tight spot. This she could
understand; this kind of passion was unmistakable. He wanted her,
right there in the bathroom.

“Liv,” he searched her eyes, “just tell me
how many more months I have to keep flirting with you before you
give me any sign you want me to pursue you. I’ve done everything
short of removing your clothes, and you haven’t once asked me if
I’m serious. Ask me, Liv,” he demanded.

She was confused by the sudden request and
completely swept away that he’d confronted her this way. She wanted
him to kiss her, but instead he confessed wanting her for far
longer than she’d known. She had no idea he was waiting for her to
act on his little hints. He was a CEO, and they didn’t hint, they
took. But maybe his respect for her father really did hinder him
from doing a lot of things.

“Ask you to sleep with me or ask you if
you’re serious?”

There was a glimpse of a smile, and he
pressed his body into hers. When she didn’t immediately shove him
away, he lifted one of her legs so he could push his groin up
against her. His hand ran up the back of her leg toward her
panties. She almost moaned from the touch, but he caught her breath
by speaking in a sensual, low voice close to her ear. “It’s obvious
I want to sleep with you. Ask me if I’m serious.”

“What exactly are you serious about?”

“I want you, and not just once right now.”
He proved his desire by sliding his hand under her panties and
cupping her ass. She was distracted with lust and could barely
concentrate as he confessed, “You’re the perfect woman with good
breeding. You’re rich, so there’s no way you’d be with me for my
money. If you despised me, you’d have nothing to do with me. But
instead you’re sweet, perfectly wild enough that I know you’d be
fun, but you’re also instinctively submissive. You’re gorgeous,
trustworthy, would never embarrass me, your faithfulness is
unshakable and I won’t deny I’ve noticed your incredible body. I
have more reasons if those aren’t enough.”

Olivia was speechless, because she had no
idea he’d put that much thought into her. Yes, she’d noticed his
attention since a pool party last spring, but mostly he was warm
and polite unless they happened to be alone—then suddenly he spoke
personably about intimate things and was sometimes sensual. Olivia
thought all men simply loved to flirt, especially men who loved an
ego boost, and she’d assumed nothing of it until today. But even
now she didn’t know what to think about his admission. It was
forward and far more passionate than she imagined a man like him
would admit to.

Her thoughts were clouded, too. He groped
her ass and inched toward her inner thigh, close to where his
hardening erection pressed between her legs. Apparently months of
chasing her, and his dick being close to its goal, made it grow
ever more eager—literally.

“Damn it,
kiss me
,” he
ordered with impatience, and then as if he was giving up all
control to express how much he ardently needed her, he added,

Her father would kill her. She knew if she
even toyed with the idea of sleeping with her father’s boss and put
his career in jeopardy, it would devastate any chance of
reconciling in the future when she hoped they could learn to talk


Nevertheless, her lips drew closer to
Douglas’s as her body impulsively moved toward what she had no idea
she wanted until only minutes ago. But when she was so close she
could feel his warmth, she slowly began to change her mind. She
shook her head, knowing she shouldn’t. Not with such great personal
sacrifice. With a second glance at his lips, however, her resolve
melted away. Maybe one kiss wouldn’t ruin anything. She leaned in
closer once more, feeling a strong need to touch his lips with
hers. Her lips grazed his, and the shock about what she was doing
forced her still. Douglas was her father’s boss; she was about to
kiss her father’s boss. She shouldn’t! She had enough sense to look
away, ignoring his tempting lips.

“Okay,” Douglas said when it was clear she
wasn’t going to, and he took a step back. He cursed under his
breath, sounding disappointed she refused him and even confused he
could be rejected. He reached for the door handle. “Goodnight, Miss

As he jerked open the door, the spike of her
heel blocked the way. When the door didn’t budge, Douglas snapped
his gaze toward her. She hadn’t meant to stop him, but since she
had, she turned her head to meet his searching eyes. She
purposefully didn’t move and even debated sliding her hand over his
as it rest on the door handle.

All her doubts and wants circled around in
her head as loud thoughts, confusing her so thoroughly she didn’t
act on anything. She was sure he could read the interest on her
face, and possibly even the nervousness. She knew she was attracted
to him before, but after he’d admitted wanting her for more than a
one-night tryst, she was fully aware she felt equal desire.

Before coming to any conclusion, Douglas
grabbed her. He kissed her hard, and with a groan he opened her
mouth by wetting her lips with his tongue. Any hesitation was
immediately forgotten, and he convinced her to follow his lead to
deepen the kiss with a subtle roll of his tongue in one direction
and then back around in other. She thought of nothing but the
pleasure of his tongue as it caressed her and the strength of his
hands as he captured her waist while he groped for the zipper of
her dress. He was fast, greedy and didn’t stop gathering fistfuls
of fabric until his hands came to the top of the zipper and he
pulled it down. Apparently he needed to feel her skin, because he
groaned when his palm lay flat on her bare back. He let his fingers
wander, and the exploring touch was almost unbearably hot.

She knew the exact moment he realized she
wasn’t wearing a bra, because suddenly he squeezed her to him,
pressing her tits to his chest. Then he began to round her ribs
with hands that soaked in her every curve and soft inch of her. He
made his way to her breasts while keeping the skin-to-skin contact
he clearly craved. He was going to fondle her, and she breathed in
deep, hoping he’d find her nipples with his mouth as well.

He slowed and groaned as if it pained him to
try to have some restraint for her pleasure, but between the new
touch, his tongue licking the tip of hers with great pleasure and
the thrill of knowing he was about to cup her, she’d needed nothing
but air to cool her heated body.

She lifted a leg, hoping he’d grab it as he
had before and take the hint to hurry until he was in her, driving
into her and banging her hard up against the door with thrilling
knocks that could be heard throughout the floor, but instead he
stopped when his thumbs were teasingly close to her nipples. He
gripped her dress straps and then slipped them down her arms. The
fabric pulled, and even bent her nipples as he tugged. The chafing
was the touch she needed, and she inhaled a quivering breath as the
dress passed over her nipples, flicking her deliciously.

He didn’t even take the moment to marvel
over her body but kept his mouth sealed to hers and seized her
tongue by sucking it into his mouth. Again he rolled his tongue
around hers, and somehow his kiss seemed more enthralling than any
before. His passion was distracting. His wet kiss was so sensual,
he weakened her knees. She was so swept away with his obsession
over her, he rendered her powerless and still. As he took total
control over her, she soaked in his every touch. She wasn’t sure
what captivated her: the suppleness of his lips, the skill in his
tongue or the perfect, devouring softness of his mouth. Whatever he
did to make kissing feel as erotic as sex excited her. She was
panting from his kiss, but then she noticed his hands again.

He slid his thumbs under the material of the
dress that hung on her hips and then dipped them into her panties
as well. He wasted no time undressing her, making them drop to the
floor. She was in nothing but heels. She felt exposed and
incredibly turned on because of it. Once again, she lifted her leg,
hoping he’d grind up against her. But his ravenous kiss was
insatiable. He savored the taste of her until she had no doubt he
was taking great pleasure in seizing her mouth. By his groans she
knew he needed little more at the moment other than the feel of her
naked skin and the satisfaction that he could undress her.

Olivia took the opportunity to remove his
clothes and worked around his refusal to part lips. As he pressed
his tongue harder against hers until she began to tremble, he
arched enough she could peel off his jacket. Lust seemed to take
over her; she frantically loosened his tie and began to slip it
off, but his clip nearly broke before stopping her. She was so
frustrated, needing to progress things along, that she abandoned
her efforts and began to unlatch his belt. Douglas helped, removing
his clip and tie while she unzipped his pants. They were like two
teenagers who couldn’t reach the goal fast enough while lip-locked.
They ripped off his clothes until he was standing with his dress
pants around his ankles and thousand-dollar pair of shoes.

She practically creamed on his finger when
he slipped one between her legs and finally accepting to secure her
leg around his waist as his stiff cock prodded her inner thigh.
When he willingly broke the kiss, he breathed hot air against the
corner of her mouth as he slid his finger into her sex. She gripped
the door handle, just for something to hold. She moaned loudly,
welcoming his entrance, the moment he penetrated her wet core.

“It’s been a couple of months,” she admitted
when her unusually loud approval seemed excessive.

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