Cutlass Sharpened (28 page)

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Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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You’ll always be an idiot,
Idiot. That stick between your legs is proof your judgment will
never be correct. Just sit tight, shut up and get some sleep. I’ll
be there in the morning to take over your psionic

Stars, no! Not that! I
don’t need the draconian ball buster helping me. You’re liable to
blow my head off with a kinetic blast if I so much as sneeze

Awe. Flattery will get you
everywhere.” She said in a sugary sweet voice that sent a
terrifying chill down Oliver’s spine. “See you in the

Wait, what about your
patients? Don’t you need to stick around?”

Everyone’s all patched up
and back in their own beds. Nanites work wonders. Add some drugs
and hormones and anyone will be healed in nearly no time. I’ll send
word to the village’s medic to switch with me while we are stuck.
When she or he hears of the sickness they’ll understand. You need
an experienced class twelve Phantom if my assumption is

And what, pray tell, might
that be?”

That your sensitivity is no
mere coincidence. Telling me of psionic sickness proves your
potential lays not just in body, but in mind. You need to develop
powers by a trained professional experienced in high affinity and
Papa is too busy to leave the ship. Besides there isn’t a single
eleven on this backwater rock.”

So you’re saying I’m a much
higher class than your scans say?”

When it concerns you I’ve
learned to never rule out the impossible.”

That is the sweetest thing
you ever said to me.”

Bite me, Idiot.” She
retorted. “Get some sleep. I’m going to work you hard.” He groaned
loud over their conversation and a feral grin spread across her
face. “Hey, get it through your thick skull. You won’t easily get
in my pants like other tramps. Oh, by the way? Find a woman over
there you like?”

Elder Javelin wanted me
sexually,” no one saw Renee bristle at the thought and found a bit
of jealously creep its claws in her chest. “but only you smell the
best. I cannot get hard about anyone other than you. None are
right.” Renee somehow got satisfaction in that. “If I’m going to
die regardless, I might as well be well rested. Night.”

Night, Idiot.” She rather
liked calling him one and it stuck. She touched her ear.

In moments, both contently rolled over and
fell right asleep.


Rise, Brother. Daybreak
approaches.” Elder Scythe knocked on the door fame.

Oliver yawned and slid out of bed to make way
to use the facilities. A hot shower got things working for blissful
bowel and bladder relief. Another quick shave revealed must of the
bruises were nearly finished fading. Another thought made for
comfortable and airy clothing before going to the communal room to
sit and be offered a drink of orange juice, but declined meat.

It was the sexy Elder Javelin who broke the
early silence. “Ancient Brother, I skimmed over the records and
video footage given and truly believe your story true. Your very
being is difficult to swallow, but are not falsified. I agree with
this Stephanie Meann about hiding your identity, but have come up
with a solution.”

What kind?” Scythe

He’s clearly an ancient
Hunter adapted to a world beyond any we know. Even his DNA is not
in our private database, but can eat a Beast’s poisonous brain.
That alone will be a firestorm if we do not use our full resources.
Brother Oliver very likely
be the eldest Grand Elder in existence. My
suggestion is we falsify his records and give him the identity of
the thirty first oldest Hunter in our records and if pressed we say
he was stranded and alone for five and a half centuries when a
passing fighter found him. We enter his blood, but only for
records. Being alone for so long very well could have turned up an
original Star-saber and multi-tool. Even an in-depth search from
Galicom would not find we created an identity since Hunters are
secretive. I’m certainly willing to put my title on the line for
our brother.”

Not a bad one. I’ve got a
hacker who owes me favors and he can set it up where even
would be unable to
discern truth from lie.” The other elder woman

But I can’t be registered
as a Hunter.” Oliver wanted to speak and was allowed. “I’ve got a
promise of a minimum of six hundred thousand credits I want to
spend on something.”

All the elders blinked,
threw their heads back and burst out in loud chuckles. Only he was
confused. Elder Scythe shook his head. “Brother, your mind may be
able to process much, but you do not realize in what we mean by
giving you a retired identify so ancient.” He tapped the temple
where his only patch of hair hung long with beads. “Think for a
moment. You clearly aren’t of our known time as Hunters. No one has
seen you. You likely
a Grand Elder. When the others all arrive and see
what we have, your title will be returned. We won’t act without a
full consensus, but it is near certainty you will be granted
despite the memory loss.

And for credits, none can
deny a Grand Elder
. They go where they want and
do as they fancy. Not even the emperor could tell a Grand Elder he
could not sit in his throne. Their privileges are absolute. The
other Grand Elders chose to come out here of sheer curiosity. If
they don’t feel the need to go, they won’t. You will be part
from Hunters. Whatever your plans are, you need only desire and it
is yours.” He held up a finger. “But until an agreement is reached
in three weeks, you cannot speak of it.”

On to other subjects,
Brother Oliver, I have designed some tests I hope you can compete
in so we may record and expedite the short time you have with

I’m ready whenever you


As the sun lifted off the horizon of Zerika
Renee flew on the back of Sparky with Rose tagging along. Sparky’s
uncanny sense of direction made for a straight path across the sky
and before long Renee spotted the telltale signs of chimney smoke.
Increasing the view with her chip, her natural eyesight discarded
all unnecessary information and enriched the detail of the Hunter
village. Already the other medic had left the village to replace
her without a fuss after hearing of the sickness and wasn’t
ignorant on just how serious the condition could become.

Yet as her gaze stayed focused in the flight
she easily found Oliver completely surrounded by practically three
thousand Hunters. One large man with a pair of axes said something
to him as he stood in a line with five lean Hunters wearing nothing
more than pants and boots.

The axe man dropped his hand
and the five took off as the crowd jumped up and down.
They’re cheering?
decided as all, but Oliver stood. The crowd settled down with
uncertainty by the time all five jumped over the stream cutting
through the village do dive and swim across. The people began
shouting and gesturing, some rather angrily, but Oliver seemed
completely at ease, also naked from the waist up. Renee grinned as
she figured it out.
So that’s your ploy.
Cheeky bastard.

A shout had heads turn to her arrival. Two
Drakes were not uncommon as they usually lived in nearby mountains
and often stopped for a visit. A rider though was less common as
only bonded companions were allowed to ride a single Drake.

The barrier didn’t stop them and Renee caught
Oliver’s smile widen as Sparky landed nearby. She dismounted to
punch his bulging arm. “Stop showboating, Idiot. Do the race.”

Alright. Alright.” He
crouched and took off.

Anger from the crowd died that day as he sped
over the ground, gouging lines as he sped up further. Even with the
minute and a half lead the other racers had, he passed them in just
fifteen seconds. He was so fast he ran horizontally along the
perimeter wall to keep up speed rather than slow and turn. In a
dozen steps he had to return to the ground and sped headlong to the
rock wall and leapt a quarter the way up and climbed like a monkey
in a tree before flipping over the edge and charging beyond sight.
After a few seconds Renee spotted him again as he leapt straight
over the waterfall, all the way back to the exact place he started.
His heavy landing drove holes in the grassy ground by his bare

Trying to show off?” Renee
asked, not the least outwardly impressed. Inside though was another
matter. For a second she imagined he would land on
. Only remembering how
he caught her the other day kept her in place. That and the six gee
environment was enough of a strain to stand up.

I proved a point. Those
five were the fastest runners and rock climbers in the village.” He
shook his feet after stepping out of the holes.

Behind came a woman’s voice “Elders, is he
even human?”

Aside from a total
blowhard, I’ve found no proof he isn’t.” Renee said as the twelve
nearest women clustered together were dumbfounded at such a
display. Renee could practically hear construction crews
rearranging the women’s’ wombs for readying to bare his children.
Deep down she felt like ripping their throats out. If not for
Sparky emanating soothing emotions she knew she may have acted on
the dark thoughts.

Then I want to bare his
babe and get started right away.” The same questioner

Me too!” another said. “I’m
ovulating already!” yet another boldly shouted.

Oliver snapped and not since Renee attacked
him had she heard his commanding voice slam down harder than his
amazing landing. “ENOUGH!” more silence followed as the many women
stopped vying to sleep with him. “None of you are strong enough for
me. Only one may be my mate. So no.” with that he walked away.

Sparky grinned and winked at
“At least he didn’t call you by
name. The other females will hold wrath against you if they

Like I care what those easy
whores say.”

Keep telling yourself that,
but you should first look at your left hand.”

Renee did and swallowed dryly as tiny sparks
were firing between her fingers. She didn’t even realize her anger
got to that point. She quickly let the gathered go. From the corner
of her eye she saw Oliver diving into the stream to cool his anger.
Renee then turned and offered a slight bow. “Elders, I’m Renee
Dorgen. Did Oliver or your medic inform you as to why we

Brother Oliver did.” The
largest of them with two battleaxes said. “Had I known of the
sickness I would have changed how…”

Don’t worry. Children
usually show early signs at eleven and twelve. Since he was not
medically monitored as a child, the Phantom program would have
acted immediately if they knew. No one
have known, but it was smart of
him to know how to stabilize himself by doing the standard
practice. Had you started the wrong way it could have killed. It’s
also why it is done this way, to screen for the rare psionic
superior individuals. Have you made a room for me or may I go to
bunk in the med bay?”

The med bay is at your full
disposal Ms. Dorgen. Let me or anyone know if you require

She nodded and yelled “HEY! IDIOT!” Oliver
stopped and turned in the stream to stand in water up to his chest.
“Med bay, NOW!” and turned back to the suddenly ginning crowd
liking how she bossed him around. “After I clear him, you can do
what you want in searching as for why all the fruit’s gone. And I
must insist you refrain from further psionic training. When you
return, send him back to me for lessons.”

Agreed.” The head speaking
elder accepted and she walked off, crossed over a bridge and
disappeared in a building displaying a large red cross over

A medical area.

Oliver waited inside, still
wet from the swim. The room was made of crystal too and was cold,
but had the same standard design. Renee pulled her injector and
shot him in the arm saying “Since you didn’t tell everyone I’m the
one you are infatuated with I’ll not punch you in the throat too.
is for
nearly landing on me, Asshole.” She punched the arm she got a blood
sample from.

Hey! You knew you weren’t
in my way. You saw I mastered all gravities this past week. You
might have forgotten that kiss, but I haven’t. It’s been the best
thing I’ve experienced in the week and a half since you uncovered
me. By the way, you look beautiful in your flight suit.”

Oh, ha ha. Like you haven’t
said it before. You like it because it’s skin tight and my tits and
box really stand out in it. Park it and let me see if you got
additional brain damage, aside from the obvious.”

A white crystalline bed slid from the wall
and as he sat down to say “Not that those are a perk to my day, but
white is your color. I often imagine you in a white dress similar
to those Stephanie wears. Snowy colors really makes you green eyes

Keep flattering me and I’ll
cancel that date you got in the works.” She warned, but didn’t mean
it. She liked pure white clothes too.

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