Read Cursed Vengeance Online

Authors: Brandy L. Rivers,Rebecca Brooke

Cursed Vengeance (11 page)

BOOK: Cursed Vengeance
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“Oh fuck, yes,” he cried as I slowly tortured him.

He slipped the straps of my dress down and bent his head, capturing my nipple in his teeth, through my bra. His hands kneaded as he teased. Then my bra was pushed down, my breasts bouncing free as he sucked, hard enough to make me gasp. It was so good I nearly came.

“Mine,” he growled around my nipple, his hands going to my ass, squeezing as he lifted me, and brought me down hard. Shit, he was deep, filling me as he directed my body. Another nip and my back arched, pulling a cry of pleasure from my lips.

I gripped the back of the seat, unable to fight his need to control, to claim. Instinct rose up, need to claim as much of him as he had me. Dropping my head to his shoulder, my teeth clamped down as climax hit.

His growl ramped up my desire as I was spun around. The door opened as he bent me over the console and entered me from behind.

One hand on my hip, his fingers gripped me tight enough to bruise while he twisted my nipple. He pounded into me, the sound of skin on skin filling the cab.

Releasing my breast, he caught my clit between his thumb and forefinger. The world exploded into colors as pleasure rushed through me.

His release followed, and mine went on and on until I was blind. I could hardly breathe as I lay there, ass up in the air as he left me.

Panicked, I spun around to find him digging through a bag in the back seat. His smile was wicked as he came back to me and laid me against the console while he wiped me clean with a T-shirt.

I couldn’t help a nervous giggle. “Do this a lot in high school?”

“No.” He met my gaze, hunger still burning in the gold depths. The caress of soft material wrought a moan from my lips. He rubbed harder, my over sensitive flesh alive under his touch as he watched me writhe in pleasure.

“Damn it, Sierra. What are you doing to me?”

“Could ask the same,” I panted as he pushed me closer to another orgasm.

“Can’t resist,” he groaned, pulling one leg over his shoulder as he leaned down to lick and suck.

“Fuck, Dylan.” My legs trembled as my hips bucked. I couldn’t control the desire for all the pleasure. He drove his fingers into me, making me scream his name as I came again.

He lapped at me, cleaning me with his tongue.

When he finally stood, he pulled my panties into place and licked his lips as he stared at my breasts. I couldn’t help staring at the already purpling bruise on his shoulder.
And I couldn’t help wondering if I should feel bad, but damn if it wasn’t sexy.

“Wish we didn’t have to go,” he murmured, shifting the bulge in his pants.

An image of my brother in the same state as I’d last seen Christian exploded through my head. Sitting up, I yanked my bra and dress into place before scrambling over the console.

Dylan was in before I righted myself and put the truck in reverse. “I needed our connection,” he said softly, guilt filling his voice.

Confusion rolled in. I wanted to be sick for wasting time, but I knew if he had wanted another round I would have welcomed it. “Shit,” I muttered, looking out the window.

He squeezed my thigh. “Blame me. I couldn’t live with you mad at me.”

I let out a bitter laugh. “I’m not. This is just overwhelming. I don’t have much time and your damned pack thought it would be fun to waste some.”

“They aren’t all like that.”

“Yeah, I know. It doesn’t matter, though. I’m not doing it for them. I’m doing it for you and Sean. Even Theresa’s boys.”

“I shouldn’t have pulled over, but all I could think about was proving you’re it for me.” He pulled in at Sean’s.

I opened my door and was greeted by my brother’s smirk. “You two make up yet?”

Heat washed through my face. Nodding, I bit my tongue, hoping I didn’t spontaneously combust.

Laughing, he shook his head. “Don’t tell me. I really don’t want to know.” He went inside and we followed.

I didn’t stop there. As I made my way to the backdoor, I announced, “I’m taking the gift out back somewhere out of sight of the house. You’re welcome to tag along.”

“Be right there,” Sean said.

They didn’t follow immediately. I winced. My brother was likely chewing Dylan a new asshole for starting the fight in the first place. I had already done that.

After about ten minutes I heard a screech and stopped to scan the dense woods. “Fucking hate the Pine Barrens,” I muttered.

Ten feet away there was a stump about four feet high and six feet around. The closer I moved, the more I felt my mom. It didn’t make sense.

A tragic accident took her without warning almost a year ago. I had so many questions only she could answer.

Tears fell down my face as I moved closer and touched the smooth wood. When I closed my eyes I could see her spreading a blanket or tablecloth and laying out herbs.

“Feel her, don’t you?” Sean murmured.

I nodded, not able to say a word.

“She liked working magic out here. Said it gave her a sense of peace.”

Dylan took my hand as I turned toward them. “You okay?”

“I miss her. She was taken from us without any warning. Her car, it looked like it was thrown in a trash compacter. She was crushed. I saw her. It didn’t look like her.”

He pulled me into his arms and dried my tears. “You’ll figure this out. I have faith in you.”

Nodding, I stepped out of his arms, only to be pulled into another embrace by my brother. “Whatever happens, I love you.”

Attempting to be playful, I nudged him away. “Stop with that. I can do this.”

With a deep breath, I moved to the flat surface and placed the bag. The spell I wanted was right on the edge of memory, still shining when I closed my eyes. If what I read was right, I had only seconds to reverse the spell.
my assumptions were correct.

Gripping the sides of the bag, I pulled it open and tore the paper from the box. Then I lifted the lid, revealing a bright yellow crystal. The hum of evil repelled me, but I touched it and whispered the spell.

All color in the crystal faded to clear. I placed it on the smooth wood. An image flickered over the crystal. A younger looking Anabeth talking to my college heartbreak.

Vertigo hit me, and I reached out, touching the crystal. Then I was in the room with them, though no one noticed.

David and Tom were both there. As well as a couple other familiar faces I couldn’t quite place.

Anabeth touched a man’s shoulder with an evil smirk. “Go to Sierra. Help her see what monsters the wolves are. Bring her back to us. You already have a connection to her.”

“How should I do that?”

“With this.” She handed him a vial of clear liquid.

All I could do was study the man’s face and features, hoping to remember him. I had no clue what was in the vial, but I knew it was bad.

The image faded and my hands flattened on the wood as I tried to catch my breath.

Dylan touched my shoulder. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. My grandmother told some guy I’ve never seen to convince me you’re all monsters. What does she have against wolves?”

“Witches and werewolves have never mixed well.” Sean leaned against the stump. “The part that worries me is she told him to show you we were monsters. How?”

“I don’t know. All this does is prove she could be involved. I need to go back and start looking at the books. Didn’t you guys say something about the funeral? Is it okay if I stay here and work?”

Dylan looked at Sean and back at me. “Might be best. I could stay.”

I took his hands. “No. Go. I need to concentrate, and you need to go. I have a feeling my presence is only going to make things worse.”

“Tonight, I want us all together,” Sean said, taking my other hand. “No books, no trying to sort this out. I want some time with my sister.”

“You got it. I promise. In fact, I’ll see what you have in the kitchen, and if you tell me the time, I’ll have dinner ready.”

“Sounds good.” He kissed my head. “I vote for your chicken tortilla casserole, and I have all the stuff already.”

“Ooh, good choice,” I answered.

“I’ll see you at the house.” Sean hurried into the woods, then took off at a sprint.

I looked up at Dylan.

“Still mad?” he asked softly.

“No. And I was only in a huff after we finished because I realized I’m running out of time. You go, and while you’re gone, I’ll have more knowledge. I can fix this. I know I can.”

He pulled me into his arms and gave me a kiss before nodding down the trail. “You can.”


Chapter 14





Leaving Sierra alone went against my better judgment. Something was seriously fucked up with that crystal. The way Sierra zoned out for a few minutes after touching it freaked me the hell out, but I had to trust Sierra knew what she was doing. Besides, I liked my dick intact, and I had a pretty good feeling I’d pissed her off enough for one day.

While I changed, I prepared myself for what needed to be done. Sean asked if I would drive so we could leave Sierra his truck in case she needed it. Adjusting the tie at my neck, I left for Sean’s. I’d run home to shower and change after walking her back to the house. When I pulled in the drive, I thought about blowing the horn for half a second, then climbed out of the truck. Who was I kidding? I wanted to see Sierra again before we left.

It would settle me and help me survive the next few hours. I walked in the front door and heard their voices coming from the kitchen.

“Are you sure you should be messing with that again?” Sean asked.

“I have to. It may give us the answers we need. I’d rather do it while you guys are gone than deal with Dylan going into psycho mate mode again.”

“You know he worries about you, right? It’s his job to take care of you.”

“Whatever.” There was a distinct bite to her voice. “At some point you both need to realize I’m a big girl and can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for a while now.”

I rounded the corner and interrupted. “Doesn’t mean you should have to. You’re not alone anymore.”

She rounded on me, hands on her hips. So much for not pissing her off again. Taking a few steps forward, I wrapped my arms around her and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I know you can protect yourself. All I meant was that I hope you’ll let me protect you every once in a while.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re not going to talk me out of working with the crystal?”

“No. I trust you know what you’re doing. Like I said earlier, I know you can find a way to fix this.”

She smiled. “Thank you.” She stepped back, taking a hold of my hands. Her eyes roamed down my body and back up again. “I like the jeans and T-shirt, but damn you can pull off a suit.”

“I only wish I had a better reason to wear it, like taking you out for a nice dinner.”

She snuggled back into my arms, holding me tight. “I’m sorry. What can I do?”

I bent low and whispered in her ear, even though I knew Sean could hear me. “You can make me feel better later.”

“We’ll see.” She smirked, desire and lust lighting her eyes.

Turning, I found Sean leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. “I never thought I’d see the day.”

“What day is that?” Sierra asked.

“The day a man could calm that temper of yours without getting burned in the process.”

“Shut up, ass.”

I laughed. “You don’t have the magic touch.”

He scrunched up his nose. “I do not want to know about
touching when it comes to my sister.”

I lifted my hands in surrender. “All right, all right. Let’s go before we’re late.”

I gave Sierra a quick kiss goodbye and out the door we went.

“You know tonight has the potential to be a hot mess when they smell Sierra all over you, not to mention the gossip about the fight probably traveled through most of the pack by now.”

Sighing, I turned onto the main road. “Yeah, I figured. Not much I can do about it. Christian was one of my best friends and I won’t miss his funeral because some whore has a stick up her ass because I didn’t mate with her.”

“Might be her motivation, but she’s going to use the witch card to get people on her side.”

“Then I hope Sierra shoves it in their faces by finding the cure.”

“Me too.” Sean’s voice was soft, unsure.

I parked in the lot and turned to him. “Are you sure you want to be here?”

He stared out of the passenger window. “I gotta face reality sooner or later.” Finally, his head turned toward me, his eyes filled with tears. “I can’t be the asshole who doesn’t show up tonight, when two nights from now it might be me they’re putting in the ground. Promise me one thing.”

“Anything, Sean. You name it.”

“If Sierra doesn’t figure it out in time for me,” he brushed the moisture from his face, “you’ll take care of her for as long as you can.”

“Of course I will. You don’t have to worry about that.” I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a hug. The day had officially gotten worse. “I brought a bag to stay at your place tonight. I know Sierra’s not going to want to leave you.”

“Thanks, man.” He squeezed me tighter and let go. “Give me a minute and I’ll be ready to go inside.”

Nodding, I stepped out of the truck to give Sean a little space. Not that time was on my side, but I had a little more of it than he did. The funeral home loomed in front of me, taunting me. How many times had I been there in the last ten years? Too many to count. There were only two ways it would end, either with my own funeral, or the end of the curse.

I heard the door of the truck slam. Sean walked up to me looking more composed than before. Without a word, we walked side by side through the door. The stares started the minute we stepped into the main room. And I could say that most of the gazes were not friendly.

“Wow, this could be worse than I thought,” Sean whispered low enough so only I could hear.

“Ignore it. I’m not gonna piss Sierra off again by getting into another fight today, at a funeral no less.”

Theresa stood at the front, next to a closed casket. The line to pay our condolences only had three people in it. Many of the other pack members were seated in the chairs, waiting. Theresa looked at me for a moment and sniffed.

“You mated Sierra.”

“I did.”

She wrapped her arms around me. “I’m so happy for you. Enjoy every minute. Even though I knew this would happen I wouldn’t change my decision for anything.”

“I will.” I held her tighter. “I wish we could have saved Christian.” I didn’t try and stop the tears. All of my happiest memories included Christian and Sean. I’d lost one and I was about to lose the other.

“I see the traitor decided to show,” Bradley snapped from behind. “And now he’s mated to the bitch.”

I growled, taking a step forward, but Theresa stepped in front of me. The anger radiating from her sent most people to cower in a corner.

“This bullshit stops now,” she yelled. “This is my mate’s funeral. And while you might not like witches and blame them for all of this, you need to know that Dylan and his mate did everything they could to save Christian. You don’t have to like it, but if you can’t behave you can leave.” She turned to her brother. “That includes you, Bradley.”

His eyes flashed gold, as he looked between the two of us. “You would choose a traitor over your own brother.”

“If my
feels the need to continue to act like an asshole, then yes, I will choose my friends.”

It became obvious Theresa was done when she turned her back on everyone and took her seat at the front of the room. Understanding she was serious, we all followed suit and took our seats.

The director of the funeral home, not a werewolf or witch, but a necromancer, another type of caster, came to the podium to begin the service. Sitting there listening to stories full of memories broke me a little bit more. The weight in my chest threatened to pull me under. Then Theresa stood at the podium, talking about the day she realized Christian was her mate. Memories of that day came flooding back. We were in high school and since we can’t sense our mates until we’re sexually mature, which is between seventeen and eighteen for the girls, it turned out to be a really strange day.


Theresa and I were heading to lunch from our Algebra class, talking when she stopped dead in the middle of the hallway.

“Theresa, what’s wrong?”

“Oh God, it can’t be.”

“Can’t be what? Did you not want to go to the cafeteria?”

“It’s not that. It’s him.”

Following the direction her finger pointed, I saw Christian standing, frozen at the other end of the hallway. It hit me over the head like a ton of bricks. “Holy shit, Christian’s your mate.”

Her eyes were focused on him as she nodded. We’d all been friends since elementary school. To think of all of the secrets she shared with him over the years about guys she thought might be her mate. How embarrassing to find out your mate was the one you shared all of your secrets with.

“Go talk to him,” I encouraged. “You both have a lot to say to each other. Besides, I’d rather not end up in a fight if he thinks I’m staking a claim on you.”

Christian knew we were only friends, but who knew what protective instincts would take over.


That day, Christian and Theresa became a couple only to be separated by death. It made me think of Sierra sitting alone at Sean’s house and all I wanted to do was to go there and hold her all night long. Theresa had almost twenty years with Christian. Two weeks didn’t seem like enough. When the service ended we followed the procession out to the cemetery.

Watching Theresa say her final goodbyes to her mate was humbling. Would Sierra have to do that for me? Bradley helped her to the car. While he kept his mouth shut throughout the service, I knew it was only for the benefit of his sister and we’d still have to deal with his shit later.

Shoulders hunched, I walked back to the car, side by side with Sean, neither of us having anything to say. I found myself more on edge during the drive back to Sean’s. Of all the things I needed, Sierra in my arms was at the top of the list.

I turned off the truck and hopped out. Immediately my nose caught one of the most delicious smells ever.

“What is that?” I asked.

Sean laughed and it was good to hear the sound. “Sierra’s chicken tortilla casserole. You’ve never had anything like it.”

“Smells amazing.”

“Well, let’s go in and have some.”

Grabbing my bag from the back, I followed Sean into the house. Sierra had cleaned up all of the books that had been all over when we left. I could see a giant pile of notes on top of the box. Unsure of what she accomplished, I wasn’t going to ask. Sean wanted a night where we didn’t talk about a cure and I planned on giving it to him.

“Hey, you two.” Sierra came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel. She came over, looked at the bag in my hand, and kissed me. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you.”

“Why don’t you guys get changed while I bring dinner out here?”

“Sounds good,” Sean said.

I followed him down the hall, stopping in the guest room. Pulling off the suit, I threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Dropping my suit over a chair to keep it from wrinkling, I went back out to the living room to find Sierra had not only put out dinner, but bottles of beer as well.

“This is exactly what I needed,” I said, taking the seat on the couch next to her.

“I’m glad I could help.” She leaned in only to be interrupted by the clearing of a throat.

“I want to eat dinner,” Sean said. “Not watch you two make out on my couch all night.”

I laughed and picked up my beer. “Just for you, my friend.”

The first bite of the casserole was like heaven on a fork. “Holy shit, that’s good.”

“Told ya,” Sean winked with a knowing grin.

Throughout dinner we laughed and joked. It was nice getting to hear more about Sean and Sierra’s childhood with their mother. They’d been close all of their lives. Something I never had being an only child. I think my mother was too afraid of having another boy, then my dad got sick.

“Well, you didn’t need to try and flush my makeup down the toilet,” Sierra said, laughing.

“You were the one who decided I needed pink lipstick and nail polish while I was sleeping.”

“It made you prettier,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him.

“Wait,” I interrupted. “Are you telling me you let her put makeup on you like a girl?”

“No,” he groaned. “Don’t let her innocent act fool you. Mom let me stay up late the night before to watch a movie. Sierra decided to get revenge with her makeup.”

I couldn’t stop the deep, rumbling laugh. “Remind me not to get on your bad side.”

“Oh, I’m sure you will. Just remember revenge is sweet.” She clasped her hands together in front of her.

Laughter filled the room until we couldn’t breathe. Eventually we calmed down enough to talk again.

“Shit, I didn’t realize how late it was,” Sean said.

Glancing at the clock, I saw it was almost two in the morning. The fun of the evening almost made me forget what it was for. “Wow, and I’ll need to stop at the office sometime tomorrow.” I looked down as I said it.

“The office?” Sierra asked, a confused expression on her face.

“Yeah, we haven’t been there in a while.”

“We?” Sierra gazed between Sean and me.

BOOK: Cursed Vengeance
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