Cursed (18 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Gorman

BOOK: Cursed
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     Nick looked at her
and held out his arms. “Come here.” His voice was barely a whisper of sound.
“Let me hold you.”

     Hope lowered herself
into his arms, feeling them close about her. She laid her head on his chest and
listened to the beat of his heart. It seemed to thump in rhythm to his arousal
that lay tucked securely between her legs. She inhaled his scent and with it,
the fertile smells of the conservatory. Her blood flowed in a heated, syrupy
glide sending a passionate message through her body. Her skin tingled with the
knowledge of what she had just done and what lay ahead. There was no turning
back now.

     If a couple’s need could
be seen with the naked eye, it would appear as gossamer and tantalizing as the
moonlight caressing their bodies, she thought. She closed her eyes and imagined
the moon’s silvery beams seeping into her bones. She felt Nick’s hands slide
over her back, then lower to her fanny. He shifted until she lay beside him. He
removed her panties, lifted one of her legs over his thigh, licked his fingers
then lowered his hand. Gently, he parted her folds and caressed her. A pulse
began between her legs. She felt the fluid of her body cover his fingers like a
soft rain. She knew he would have great hands, a master gardener’s touch
willing and able to nurture her ardor until it surged with life.

     Nick lowered his
head and licked below her ear, then pulled the lobe into his mouth. His hand
worked in a velvet assault on her femininity, warming her, making her throb.
Helplessly she rolled onto her back and raised her legs, opening them wider
like a flower unfolding its petals for the sun’s life-giving rays.

     “That’s right,
baby,” he murmured. “Let me see all of you.” Little fires of ecstasy ignited
inside her. She laid her hand softly over his and felt the movement of tendon
and bone. “Oh God, Nick, that feels so good.”

     “I’m glad.” His raspy
voice echoed the hunger building inside her. A white haze of euphoria clouded
her vision. Everything around her, the smells of the conservatory blending with
Nick’s seductive scent, the night sky overhead, enhanced her undulating ache
for this man. She pushed against his fingers desperately reaching for release.
“Please, Nick.”

     “Not yet.” Nick’s
mouth closed over her femininity, licking, sucking and rubbing her ruthlessly
with his lips and tongue. Before she could catch her breath he covered her with
his body, putting his hands beneath her knees and opening her even wider. With
one hard thrust, he filled her to the brim.

     She gasped. He put
his mouth on hers, his tongue mimicking each lunge of his lower body. He
thrust, massaging every part of her into ecstasy. The head of his penis nudged
the opening of her womb, pushing, insisting and not allowing any chance for
refusal. He demanded yes from her, from every part of her, a total surrender of
body and senses. She wanted nothing more than to give it to him. She listened
to his harsh breathing and the sweet slap of skin on skin, wet and needy. A mad
craving rushed through her while sweat dripped from their bodies. Primal need
shot into her core. The orgasm consumed her like a celestial ball of fire. She
seemed to float outside herself and become one mass of tingling sensation.

     At the height of her
orgasm, she felt Nick stiffen in her arms, his muscles growing taut. She
pressed her palms against his fanny to hold him inside her. A guttural cry issued
from his lips as the warm stream of his fluid emptied inside her. Gradually,
like a fog lifting, she became aware of her surroundings once more. She looked
up through the glass ceiling of the conservatory. The meteor shower was over.
The moon cruised through the sky, sprinkling her light down over them.

     Nick kissed her on
the side of her neck and rolled to his back. “Are we still alive?” His voice
was deep and carnal.

     She laughed. “I
think so.” Hope exhaled a satisfying breath. “I’ve never had sex like that in
my life.”

     Nick touched the
side of her face, drawing her attention back to him. “Me either.” He threw her
a sexy grin. “Give me a minute and we’ll have it again.”

     She had hoped the
clawing need for him would abate once they’d made love but it only began to
rise again at his words.   He pulled her to him.

     A door opened.

     They froze.

     “This door shouldn’t
be unlocked,” a voice murmured from below.





Chapter Ten




     Tess strolled into
the grand ballroom of the Brown Palace Hotel with Abel at her side and glanced
at the crowd attending the Carousel of Hope Ball. Men in black tuxedos and
women in long, glittering gowns of every color from crimson to gold stood
together in groups chatting and taking occasional sips from their drinks
waiting for the festivities to begin. Waiters carrying silver trays laden with
flutes of champagne circulated among them while an orchestra played in the
background. The ball was one of the biggest events of the year held on Valentine’s

     The memory of
another Valentine’s Day sprang into her mind like a gift wrapped in colorful
ribbon. Cullinan sat next to her on the sofa of his apartment while she read
the card he’d given her, filled with words of love. She remembered her smile
and the strong emotions exploding in her heart right before she launched
herself into his arms. Another Valentine’s memory followed. She and Quinn were
dancing at the Rainbow Room in New York, his handsome face creased with a
loving look, the feel of his arms and hands holding her making her feel safe
and secure. A sudden lump rose into her throat and tears stung her eyes,
blurring the room before her. She heaved a ragged breath. One of the men she
had loved was gone yet her feelings for Quinn still lived in her heart along
with her love for Cullinan. Why did Quinn have to die? If he hadn’t she’d be
safely tucked into their home in New York and not here having to face her
unresolved love for Cullinan. She tightened her fingers around the beaded evening
bag she clutched in her hand, wishing with everything inside her she was
somewhere else.

     “Why don’t I get us
some drinks?”

     Abel’s voice brought
her back to the present. She blinked away her tears, composed her face and
looked up at Abel. “Good idea.”

     While Abel fetched
their drinks, she withdrew a tissue from her purse and surreptitiously blotted
the corners of her eyes. Thank God, he hadn’t noticed her sudden change in
mood. She’d agreed to attend the ball with Abel because her feelings for
Cullinan were still muddled. She thought if she saw Abel and Cullinan together
in the same room perhaps the differences between them would be clearer and she
could make a decision finally.

     Determined to
lighten her spirits, she focused on the display of decorative carousel horses
erected on a low pedestal in the middle of the room. Draped on the saddles and
bridles of the horses were necklaces, bracelets, and rings that had been
generously donated for the silent auction. While she surveyed the scene, Abel
returned with two flutes of champagne. She sipped at the fizzy amber liquid,
hoping to settle her emotions. She hadn’t seen Cullinan since he dropped by her
house in a fury accusing her of spilling his secret life as a thief to Abel.
She touched Abel’s arm. “What do you think of the jewelry?”

     Unexpectedly his
fingers closed around hers. “Exquisite. Like you.”

     Uncomfortable with
his comment she lowered her gaze. Tess felt no emotional response from his
touch, only the softness of his skin. Cullinan’s hands, however, weren’t soft;
they were rough and callused like a man’s hands should be. Politely pulling her
hand from Abel’s, she smoothed back a strand of hair that had come loose from
the knot at her nape and returned her attention to the carousel. Each piece had
a sign attached stating who had donated the piece.  Her gaze couldn’t help
noticing the beautiful emerald ring that Benedict Antiquities had contributed
for the auction.

     A shudder of warmth cloaked
her skin. Instinctively, she knew Cullinan had entered the room. Tess turned
her head and scanned the crowd at the entrance until she found him. Her breath
caught in her throat at the sight of his tall lithe body dressed in a tuxedo.
He smiled as he greeted a group of people. A flutter of awareness danced
through her stomach and her heart thumped hard against her rib cage.
Mesmerized, she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

     “Tess, there are
some people I’d like you to meet.”

She jerked her attention back to Abel and
nodded, but as he led her to another part of the room, she couldn’t help
looking back for one more glimpse of Cullinan. When she did, her gaze collided
with his. She felt the heat he conveyed to her with that single glance all the
way down to the marrow of her bones. Unwillingly, she had to force her
attention back to the scene in front of her as Abel introduced her to a
well-known jeweler.

     “Tess is quite an
artist. I’ve seen some of her drawings of a necklace and matching bracelet.
They’re wonderful.”

     She smiled and
looked in Cullinan’s direction once more. With his gaze still intently watching
her, he smiled slightly then disappeared into the crowd. That smile caused a
surge of expectation to swirl through her veins. Pushing aside the intense
feeling Cullinan’s presence created, she focused her attention on the jeweler.
“Thank you, Abel. The designs are innovative and I’m hoping buyers will think
so too.”

     The attractive older
man smiled. Lines radiated from the outer corners of his blue eyes. “Good. I
like artists who are sure of themselves, Mrs. O’Brien. A few years ago, I hired
a young designer that Abel had recommended and business skyrocketed. I’d love
to see your drawings. Why don’t you drop by the store next week and show them
to me.”

     Excitement at the
prospect of having an expert critique her work made her giddy but at the same
time she didn’t appreciate Abel’s bold gesture. She still felt unsure of
herself and wanted to take her time. “I don’t know what to say.”

     “Say yes,” Abel
stated with a twinkle in his eyes. Tess sensed he probably referred to more
than just the drawings. She flicked her gaze back to the jeweler. “That sounds
wonderful. Thank you very much. I’ll come by soon.”

* * *

     Later by the bar,
Tess turned to Abel. She needed to be gentle and not show the irritation she
felt at Abel’s interference. “I want to thank you for your introduction to Mr.
Embry. It was a thoughtful gesture, but I thought I made it clear I wanted to
do this on my own.”

     He gave her an
indulgent look similar to many obliging looks Quinn had given her over the
years. “I know and I understand, but there’s nothing wrong with a little help.”

     She sighed inwardly.
Why won’t he listen to me?

     “Matthew Embry is one
of the most prominent jewelers in the city.”

     Why did he have to
use that placating tone?

     “His endorsement and
influence could mean the difference between success and failure.”

     She was tired of the
men in her life smothering her wishes and desires with a dense blanket of their
own. Why couldn’t they ask her first for her opinion? Why couldn’t they let her
run her own life? “Yes, but—”

     “Good evening,

     The sound of
Cullinan’s voice resonated through her like the irresistible lure of home to a
traveler after a long absence. A bloom of awareness and desire burned through
her. Swallowing hard, she turned to him. His penetrating amber eyes fixed on
hers as though he saw into her very soul. She fought against the vortex of
sensation his presence created. If she gave in to Cullinan’s charisma, he might
hurt her again. Did she have the strength to risk her heart again? How could
she resist him when he looked this incredible and smelled so wonderful?

“Cullinan, it’s nice to see you.” Thank
goodness she was able to keep her voice clear and even. “Have you met Abel?”

     Cullinan briefly
turned his gaze to Abel. “We haven’t met face-to-face, just through a search

     Abel nodded. “Yes,
the warrant. Too bad about the stolen jade egg.”

     Cullinan raised a
brow. Tess noticed a muscle working in his jaw. “Stolen? I don’t think so.” His
voice was ripe with challenge.

     “When the museum in
Philadelphia confirms it was part of their collection, you’ll think
differently. In fact everyone will,” Abel answered, shooting a glance at Tess.

     “If you’ll excuse
us, Cullinan, we were about to get something to eat,” Tess said, hoping to
diffuse the situation that was spiraling out of control.

     Cullinan looked at
Tess with observant and compelling eyes, his gaze cruising over her face.
“Would you give me the first dance after I officially start this party?”

     Tess looked at Abel,
who stiffened slightly, then back at Cullinan. “Well, I—”

     Cullinan glanced at
Abel. “You wouldn’t mind, would you, Counselor?” He stared at Abel as though
daring him to refuse.   
Two dogs after the same bone: me
, she

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