Cupid's Daughter (5 page)

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Authors: Libby Sparks

BOOK: Cupid's Daughter
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Chapter Nine

I turned and ran up the front steps to the main door. Just as I fished my keys from my pocket, a yellow note appeared on the door in front of my face. My shoulders slumped and my stomach cringed. I knew exactly who it was from.


Come home, I need to talk to you.


I ripped the note down and crumpled it up before sticking it in my pocket. I didn't even get the keys turned in the lock before she showed up in a poof of gold sparkles next to me. The scent of roses was particularity potent today.

"Hello, Ari."

I turned with a sigh. "Hi, Mom."

She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the old metal railing. Just like her two friends, her golden hair radiated, even in the dark, as it poured down to her waist. "Avoiding me?"

I chewed my lip and plunked my butt down on the concrete step. "No, I just had a long day, is all."

"A long day working on your new assignment?"

I couldn't look her in the face. "Um, sure, let's go with that."

"Ari," she replied with a disappointed tone and came to sit next to me. Her thin gold dress pooled around her feet. "You cannot get to close to this boy."

I had to look at her then. "But, Mom, he's immortal. I have to be around him as much as possible, it's the only way I'll sense is soul mate. You know that."

She gave me a curious look that quickly turned to realization. "You didn't read his file, did you?"

I dropped my head onto my lap in frustration. "Oh my god, what is with everyone and that freakin' file?"

My mother shook her head. "Oh, Ari..."

"Is he dangerous or something? I don't get it."

"No, not really. Well, I hope not, for your sake."

"Can't I just give the file back? Ask for a new assignment?"

She let her thoughtful gaze fall to the steps below us. "I wish it were that easy. But, I have no more control over the assignments than you do. It's the universe, sweetheart."

Out of habit, I reached into my jacket and pulled out the cigarettes I stole from Adam's place. Then I realized that my mother was sitting right next to me.

"Ari! I thought you said you were going to quit?"

"Sorry, Mom, but this is a cigarette kind of moment. I'll wait until you're gone, at least."

She grinned, but still had a sad look behind it. "Is that a hint for me to leave?"

"No, it's nice to see you. It's been a while." I twirled the cigarette between my fingers.

"Well, whose fault is that?"

"Mom, please, not now. You know how I feel about living on
Olympus Lane. I don't belong there."

My mother took my hand and held it between both of hers gently. "Yes, you do. You're my daughter."

"Yeah, I'm your half human daughter, only one of my kind and I can't stand being around you guys all of the time. I feel better here, on Earth."

She dropped my hand and it fell to my side. "You're not the only one of your kind, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, sorry. I forgot about the other demi-gods that run around with flashing lights. Even if I knew where one was, they probably wouldn't reveal their identity to me. We're kind of an abomination."

"You are no such thing!" she shrieked, offended. "I created you out of love, you are my child, a perfect being....half human or not."

"Okay, Mom, whatever you say." I couldn't help but smile at her eternal love for me. She truly believed that I was just as special as her. But, in reality, I wasn't. She was Cupid, the God of Love. I was just love's daughter.

"Just be careful with this boy, Ari," she warned with a frown. "You have no idea how trying this job is going to be on the both of you. It's not as simple as just finding his soul mate."

"Why don't you just tell me what the big deal is? Wouldn't it make this easier for me?"

"No, sweetheart, this job is special. You will struggle, as will he. And there are things that you need to figure out on your own." She stood then and straightened out her already perfect gold dress that sparkled in the moonlight.

I glanced down at my dirty converse sneakers and ripped jeans. We were worlds apart, yet, as close as you could get in terms of family. I stood then, too, and gave my mother a hug. The warmth that radiated from her was calming and soothing. I wished I could radiate that kind of energy.

"Goodbye, sweetheart," she said and kissed my forehead. "Are you coming for supper this weekend? Psyche will be so happy to have you."

"Yeah, sure, I'll be there." I pecked her cheek. "Bye, Mom." And she was gone in another poof of gold sparkles, leaving the concrete shimmering in the moonlight. I stared up at the big white circle in the dark sky, like a complete opposite image of Adam's eyes just staring back at me.

"Ari?" called a voice from the sidewalk below. I looked own to find the last person I had ever expected.

"Adam?" I walked down a few steps. "What are you doing here? I thought you were going home."

He came towards me, climbing the bottom stairs to meet me halfway. "I had to come back," he said guiltily. "I had to make sure to do something before you read my file."

"Okay, I'm scared now. What am I going to find in there?"

"More than you want to, I'm sure. You might get freaked out, you might never want to see me again, or maybe...the complete opposite." He closed the distance between us, stepping up onto the last stair. His face was now level with mine and he gazed into my eyes with an intensity I never dreamed he was capable of. "I just had to do this before you read it, before you made a decision."

Adam was inching closer to me, making me feel both uncomfortable and excited at the same time. "D-do what?"

I felt his hand slide under my arm and reach around my back, pulling me closer to him. My breath caught, and I couldn't remember how to breathe...or blink...or move. I froze as I watched Adam lean in, his perfect pink lips getting closer to mine, until they pressed against my mouth. I didn't resist, but I didn't move either. He kissed me slow, sweet, and gentle. My head began to spin and my chest ached with the burning sensation again.

Adam pulled away, just enough to look into my eyes. "I wanted to do that all day."

Finally, I figured out how to blink. "W-why did you do that?"

"Because I like you, Ari."

"Adam...I'm supposed to find your soul mate. You can't like me."

"But what if I don't have one?"

"You do, or else the universe wouldn't have given me your file." He dropped his gaze to the ground below and I felt terrible for letting him down. But that was the reality of it. "I'm sorry."

He looked up at me again. "Then we may as well give up now, because we won't find her."

"How can you say that? Don't worry, this is my job. I'll find her."

Adam's hand was still pressed against my back and our chests touched. It felt like there were thousands of tiny strands coming from both of us, like Velcro, sticking us together. I knew this was wrong, I realized that this is probably what my mother was warning me about. Yet, all I cared about was whether or not he was going to kiss me again.

"So, you really can't fall in love?"

I shook my head.

"What would happen? Would you get in major trouble?"

"Well, no, not exactly." I chewed my bottom lip nervously, distracted as his fingers twisted a strand of my white hair. "I sort of made that rule for myself years ago. It only applies to my mother, the real Cupid. Since I'm half mortal it doesn't apply unless I want it too."

Adam face changed and his mouth twisted up into a grin just before he kissed me again. This time he wasn't gentle, his mouth pressed hard against mine and I found myself kissing him back. I wanted to devour every inch of him right there on the step. I ran my fingers through his jet black hair and held him as tight as I could get him to me.

But then reality set in and I pulled away. Despite our obvious feelings for one another, there was a girl out there in the world that was born to be with Adam and him her. Unfortunately, it was my job to find her. Now, I didn't know if I wanted to.


"Shhh, don't, just let me enjoy this." His fingers brushed my cheek as he looked into my eyes. "You're so beautiful."

I could feel myself blush. "You'll think she's more beautiful."

He shook his head. "No, I don't think so."

"Look, even if I nullified my rule, I'm still half mortal. We could never really be together." That rule was not mine, it was the universes.

But Adam didn't seem to be too worried; he just kept staring at me with a devious grin. "I'm going to go home now, for real this time."

I was confused. "Alright..."

"You go upstairs and read my file, and then we'll discuss this." He pointed back and forth between us.

"Adam, there's nothing to discuss."

He kissed me once more and pulled away to hop down the steps. Just as he hit the sidewalk he turned back to me. "There's a lot to discuss, Ari. You have no idea."

"Whatever you say," I replied. My chest was tight again but this time it was with an aching for him to come back, to hold me and kiss me.

"See you tomorrow." He blew me a mocking kiss and then began to jog down the street in the moonlight.

I stood on the steps for a good long while, trying to collect my thoughts and feelings about what just happened. I had never kissed a boy before, never let one even hold me. My lips were tender from Adam's kisses and it brought an unexpected smile to my face. I reached up to lightly brush my bottom lip, hoping to feel the kiss lingering there.

My mind turned instantly to the file and I had a sudden desperation to read it. The keys were still dangling in the lock so I gave it a quick turn before barging in and running up the stairs. It only took second for me to reach the fourth floor. Hayden wasn't home, no surprise there. I spotted the blue file on the kitchen counter but was distracted by the whimpering of a tiny animal at my feet. Spencie.

"Damn dog," I muttered. "You need to go out, don't ya?"

She barked in response and began wagging her tiny tail. I grabbed her leash, scooped her up and ran back downstairs, skipping a few of the steps as I went. I stood nearby as Spencie did her business, only I was shaking more than she usually did. I was so anxious to get back upstairs and finally read Adam's file.

I wondered what I would find. Would I be disappointed? Does he have some deep, dark secrets? Would I even care?

Spencie trotted over to me, letting me know she was finished and ready to go back upstairs. I scooped her up again, too impatient to let her walk herself, and ran up the steps two at a time.

Once inside the apartment, I dropped the dog on the couch, threw my jacket down and grabbed the file. Then I plopped down on the couch next to my little friend and just held it in my hands. Suddenly, I couldn't bring myself to open it. I stared for a few minutes, lost in contemplative thoughts. Suddenly, Spencie yelped at me, as if she knew what I was thinking.

"Fine, fine, geez, I'll open it."

I slowly peeled open the blue folder, revealing just one piece of paper. I thought it was strange. I never read the files but I knew they usually contained a whole whack of papers, documents, pictures, and other stuff.

I sucked in a deep breath and began to read. Two sentences later, my jaw dropped in disbelief. Mom was right; this assignment was going to harder than I thought, for both of us. The only question in my mind was why. Why would the universe give me Adams file? I tried not to think of the answer; for fear that I could be wrong. I stared at the document in my hand, unable to even blink.

Adam, only son of Hades and Persephone.

Demi-god, half-mortal.

My eyes were stuck on the last two words, and my chest began to swell with warmth.

End of Part 1


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Libby Sparks

The Mute- A man that could show his love, but not speak it

The Mute 2- A man without words, trying to win his love

The Assassin and Her Forbidden Love

Valcour- Enchanted by a Demon

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