Cultural Amnesia (51 page)

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Authors: Clive James

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You have everything that I lack. You are forging the spiritual
tools for the renewal of Germany. I am nothing but a drum and a master of ceremonies. Let’s cooperate!

Langages totalitaires
, P. 30

Berlin’s Motzstrasse, to the south of the Tiergarten, the Juni-Klub, or June Club (the name breathed defiance at the Treaty of Versailles), was a twenties talking shop for right-wing
intellectuals concerned with revolutionary conservatism. The consciously oxymoronic idea of revolutionary conservatism had almost as many forms as it had advocates, who found it easy to mistake
their dialectical hubbub for the clanging forge of a new order. Of the one hundred and fifty members, thirty were present on the afternoon Hitler dropped in. They thought he had come to hear what
they had to say, and they found out that he had no intention of listening to any voice but his own. Their scholarly qualifications counted for nothing. Best qualified of all was Arthur Moeller
van den Bruck. Before World War I, Moeller had been a translator of Baudelaire, Barbey d’Aurevilly, Defoe, De Quincey and the complete poetry of Edgar Allan Poe. He had written essays on
Nietzsche, Stefan George, Hofmannsthal, Büchner, Strindberg and Wedekind. With Dmitriy Merezhkovsky and others he had edited the first complete German-language edition of Dostoevsky,
published in Munich in 1905. He knew Paris well, and spent time also in London, Sicily, Venice, the Baltic countries, Finland, Russia, Denmark and Sweden. For cultivation he was up there with
Ernst Jünger, one of Germany’s most gifted modern prose writers and likewise a revolutionary conservative. As a kind of back-to-the-future movement, revolutionary conservatism depended
for its force on advocates who embodied established values. Moeller embodied learning the way Jünger embodied storm-of-steel militarism. Both had their rationale
for a
conservative revolution worked out in detail, with all the nuances duly noted. Possibly because of this meeting at the Juni-Klub, Moeller was the first to grasp that Hitler didn’t care
about any of it.

Moeller’s revolutionary conservatism was meant to safeguard the nation’s
(the original essential stone) from the corrosive encrustation of
(mixed blood). Nominally, the
tainted blood he was most concerned about was the Latin blood of the German south. (In France at the same time, the future arch-collaborator Drieu la Rochelle had the identical bee in his bonnet
about blood from the south: he thought even the south of France was dangerous.) Some of Moeller’s colleagues thought that Hitler might have picked up the dreaded southern infection from
spending too long in Bavaria. But it hardly needs saying that Jewish blood was the real bother. If anyone is still looking for the linking factor between the resolutely thuggish Nazi movement and
all those long-forgotten, highfalutin nationalist groupuscules that superficially seem so much more refined, anti-Semitism is it. To Ernst von Salomon, one of the assassins who found so many
excellent reasons, that same year of 1922, for murdering Weimar Germany’s most creative politician, Walther Rathenau, Jünger actually said it: “Why didn’t you have the
courage to say that Rathenau was killed because he was a Jew?”

What we should say to Jünger’s ghost is still in question. When, during World War II, he finally allowed
himself to find out exactly what the Nazis were doing to the Jews in the east, he was suitably devastated. But during the twenties it never seemed to concern him much that all the various
nationalist groups—even the national Bolshevist group fronted by Ernst Niekisch—always seemed to have this one characterisitic, anti-Semitism, in common. Not, of course, that it would
have come to anything much if Jünger and the rest of the intellectuals had been left to themselves. It wasn’t mass murder that they had in mind: just the purification and protection of
the folk heritage, brought to the point of irreversible decay by the curse of liberalism. Like Niekisch, who was coming from the other direction but with the same prejudice, Moeller thought that
the nineteenth-century theorist of Prussian conservatism Julius Stahl was not convervative enough. Stahl was baptized a Lutheran, but he was Jewish. So the objection was racial, although Moeller
would have resisted being defined as a mere racist. He had
bigger ideas than that. The biggest of them was that liberalism was the real enemy. To the Juni-Klub’s
collective testament, an album by many hands called
Die neue Front
, he contributed a fragment of his forthcoming book. The fragment was called
“Through Liberalism Peoples Go to Ruin.” The book, published in 1923, carried a title which would gain in resonance beyond his death:
The Third

I have a copy of
Das dritte Reich
in front of me as I write. An ugly little volume
bound in paper, it was put out in 1931 by the Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, a Nazi publishing outfit based in Hamburg. This particular example was purchased in Jena in 1934 by someone signing
himself Wm. Montgomery Watt. Presumably he was a Scot, because I found the book in a dust pile in the back of an Edinburgh second-hand bookshop. Whether in approval or disapproval it is hard to
tell, but Wm. Montgomery Watt was a great underliner. You soon spot that he underlined the same point over and over. It was the point Moeller couldn’t help making: he got around to it
whatever the nominal subject. The point was that Germany had never lost the war, except politically. Militarily it had triumphed, and all that was now needed was a revolution in order to put
reality back in touch with the facts. It just never occurred to Moeller that to say Germany had never lost the war except politically was like saying that a cat run over by a car had never died
except physically. It never occurred to hundreds of thousands of present and future Nazis either, but Moeller was supposed to be an intellectual. So was Jünger, whose book
Der Arbeiter
was also published by the Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, with a resonant line of publicity material: “Jünger sees that bourgeois individualism,
the cult of personality, the conceit of the ego all belong to the nineteenth century, and are now visibly melting before our eyes through the transformation of separate people into a
collectivity.” (Memo to a young student of cultural flux: when you buy old books, keep the wrappers if you can. Nothing gives you the temperature of the time like the puffs and quotations.)
All these finely articulated arguments were going strictly nowhere, because nobody in the Nazi hierarchy ever found much time to read them, and certainly Hitler never read a single line. What
continues to matter, however, is not where the arguments were going, but where they came from. They came from the same source that gave the chance of action to the thugs who used them as a
warrant: the chaos,
the dislocation and the demoralization of a civil order. To that extent, and to that extent only, superior minds like Moeller and Jünger were right.
They were like Groucho Marx turning up his nose at any club that might admit him as a member: a society that led them to write such stuff had no future.

At the end of the meeting in the Juni-Klub, before Hitler set off on foot through the Tiergarten to doss
with an old comrade, Moeller politely offered him a free subscription to the club’s monthly magazine
(Conscience), but was later heard to say
that Hitler had understood nothing. If, as seems likely, Hitler had given nobody time to speak except himself, it is hard to see how there could have been anything to understand. Finally,
however, Moeller understood Hitler in the only way that counted. The following year, the Munich putsch was a fiasco, but it caused enough uproar to show Moeller the difference between
well-polished words in small-circulation magazines and raw charisma in the streets. Suddenly Moeller remembered Hitler’s little farewell speech. Shouting feebly from the sidelines, Moeller
made the classic obeisance of the man of letters to the man of action. “Beat the drum, drum of nature!”

With a brief pause for unsuccessful psychiatric treatment, Moeller committed suicide in 1925, so he never had to see what
became of his subtle theories. What became of them was nothing. They had never mattered. What mattered was the stuff he took for granted: anti-Semitism, and his certainty that the Weimar Republic
had only one destiny—to be destroyed. It was the second of those two things that turned out to be crucial, and the steady subversion from men like him that helped to make it happen. After
Moeller’s death, the Juni-Klub was succeeded by the Herrenklub, the gentlemanly conservative ambience of which provided a support group for von Papen, who in turn thought that he had found
a suitable ruffian to clear the way for a return to the traditional ascendancy. Hitler, the suitable ruffian, could never have done it on his own. He could never have done it with all his party.
He needed a climate of belief—the belief that Weimar was a problem requiring a solution. Having solved it, he was free to answer his version of the Jewish Question—the question that
the intellectuals had fooled with on paper. Only the madmen among them had ever thought it needed to be answered with fire. But the sane ones had
helped open the door for the
avenger that the madmen had dreamed of. Moeller was lucky he didn’t live to see the results.

When intellectuals conspire to undermine vulgar democracy in favour of a refined dream, it might seem
unfair to condemn them for failing to foresee the subsequent nightmare. And Moeller, though outstandingly qualified, was only one among many. But there were too many: that was the point. Too many
well-read men combined to prepare the way for a pitiless hoodlum who despised them, and they even came to value him for being a hoodlum: for lacking their scruples, for being a drum of nature.
Among the revolutionary conservative intellectuals, Jünger is the real tragic figure. Unlike Moeller, Jünger was condemned to live. He saw the light, but too late. In his notebooks he
gradually de-emphasized his call for a conservative revolution led by men who had been “transformed in their being” by the experience of World War I. In 1943, in Paris, he was told
the news about the extermination camps, and finally reached the conclusion that he had been staving off since the collapse of the Weimar Republic he had helped to undermine: one of the men whose
being had been transformed by their experience of the Great War was Adolf Hitler. The quality Jünger valued most had turned out to be the only one he shared with the man he most



Ricarda Huch (1864–1947), the first lady of German humanism in modern times, can be thought
of as a bridging figure between Germaine de Staël and Germaine Greer. Poet, novelist and above all historian of culture, she started out as the very model of the stylish female
troublemaker, the upmarket bluestocking as inveterate social bugbear. Breaker of many male hearts, including those of her husbands, she began her career of role reversal as one of the first
female graduates from Zurich University, where she studied history, philosophy and philology. (The universities of her native Germany still did not admit women.) Her books on romanticism
retain their position as key works. Her historical novel
Der Dreißigjährige Krieg
(The Thirty Years War) richly demonstrates her uncommon
gift for talking about the powerless as if they had the importance of the powerful. She got into history herself in 1933, when she publicly rejected the blandishments of the Nazis, who were
keen to co-opt her prestige. After quitting her position as the first woman ever elected to the Prussian Acadamy of the Arts, she went into internal exile in Jena. A lifelong rebel against
the class structure of capitalist society, after the war she stayed in the East, spending her last years as
a figurehead: in the year of her death she was honorary
president of the First German Writers Congress in Berlin. If she had lived to see the regime ossify, she would probably have written yet another book that her would-be masters would not have
liked. But she was an old lady, and her studies of history had given her everything but clairvoyance.

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