Cult of the Hexad (Afterlife saga Book 6) (33 page)

BOOK: Cult of the Hexad (Afterlife saga Book 6)
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“Vincent? What is it?”

“Dom didn’t send me.” I know hearing this should have been one of those ‘shrug of the shoulder’ type moments but it was the seriousness of his facial expression that told me there was much more to why he was here than just to check on me.

“This might be my only chance to speak with you as he is busy with the Prophecy’s council.”

“Prophecy’s council?” I asked wondering if this was a new thing.

“Each powerful Being in that room, each leader has their own council…well, with the exception of Sigurd but that is because he refuses to step up to his position.”

“And what is his position exactly?” I asked knowing I was getting off track but I couldn’t help myself as I was curious about them all.

“He is the King of the Ouroboros.”

“The what now?” I asked jerking back in confusion.

“Just think of him as a sort of shadow King that doesn’t want the title.” I thought about this and saw exactly what Vincent was describing in him. He seemed almost arrogant with power but at the same time not. Almost as though he had lived with it for so long now, that he simply knew what he was but the cocky edge was there hiding the fact that he didn’t want what he had. I could see him as a king though and I didn’t know why, as he was so different from the rest.

“So getting back to the point, the councils have joined together for all things to do with the Prophecy and since they took our Electus, then let’s just say we have had many a meeting and not all of them without bloodshed.”

“Oh no.” I muttered, hating the thought of everyone arguing and fighting because of me.

“Nothing less to be expected I am afraid, not when you put us all in the same room for the first time in history.”

“You never all did things like this before…you know, like when there was some worldly disaster looming or something?” At this Vincent laughed.

“No, most certainly not. In fact, you may be surprised to know that you were the one who brought everyone together.”

“Me?” He was right, this did surprise me.

“There is a lot you still don’t know Katie, but give it time. You will soon know your true path and when you do, you will look behind you to see us all following, of this I have no doubt.” This made me blush as I had no idea what to say. I mean, what was there for me to say, other than I was terrified I would let them all down, or worse, they would discover that they had the wrong girl!

“Don’t look so worried, we won’t make you sit an exam.” He said laughing and it was probably at my horrified look of panic.

“But there is something more I need to discuss with you and this is something I unfortunately had to do in private for a reason.” This I know was code for, don’t tell anyone.

“You don’t want me to tell Draven?” I guessed.

“Especially not my brother…do you think you can do that?” I could tell this was as hard for him to ask as it would be for me to agree to.

“That depends on what it is we are talking about and why we are keeping it from him.” I told him honestly.

“Trust me, I don’t enjoy this anymore than you do, but given what I saw, I know I have no choice…not if we are to save her.”

“You mean Ari?” I asked sitting up straighter as it just got even more serious.

“When I looked into your memories, I saw something that didn’t mean much at the time because my mind was…well, it was elsewhere.” Yes, I could imagine I thought but kept it to myself.

“But after thinking about what Lucius said about not knowing what we are up against, then I thought back to what I had seen and soon realised that whatever my brother plans it won’t work.”

“But why not?!” I said in alarm.

“Because they don’t know about the Hexad wall.”

“The what?”

“The wall you crossed over. It is protected against our kind. It lit with the symbols of the Hexad when you touched it, which is the only way I saw it through your memories.”

“But wait, what are you saying…can you not cross it?” I bit my lip, needing the pain to stop me from screaming the question in blind panic. 

“It can only be stopped from the inside. It keeps those who cast its spells safe as long as they continue to power it with a monthly sacrifice. The research I found tells of six masters that are needed for the ritual and the blood of an innocent soul must be consumed from…I don’t know, some sort of engraved stone, something with the symbol of the Hexad that has travelled straight from place in Hell.” I thought back rapidly and remembered what he was talking about.

“I know what it is! It was round and had the symbol of the Hexad carved into the stone. They killed that girl, they killed her and let her blood drain onto it before filling their cups from the six points. Then they drank it…oh God, eight girls for the eight months I was there.” I said looking down in shame. All those girls gone and all to keep me hidden.

“You know where it is?”

“Yes, it was in a cabin in the woods not far from the wall.” I told him remembering back to that short, manic drive we took until we reached the wall.

“That makes sense as it would have to be close enough to work.” He said looking off to the side and more to himself as he no doubt started to form the plan in his mind.

“Do you think you could find it again?” He asked getting hopeful.


“But we need to tell Draven this new information, he won’t know and won’t be able to get over the wall so it will all be for nothing.” This is where Vincent winced slightly before he told me exactly why he had come to me with this and not his brother.

“I’m sorry Katie but if Draven were to find out then there would be no saving Ari in time.”

“But why not, we could…I don’t know, think of something together, re-evaluate and…”

“It would be no good. The stone would need to be destroyed before we could even step foot into the Colony. It’s why we couldn’t sense you, why it seemed as if you had simply vanished. It hid you as it continues to hide them. For us to even begin our plan of attack we would need that barrier down…and, well…”

“I am the only one that can make it over…aren’t I?” I finished it off for him and he nodded. Now I understood it all.

“Draven is never going to let me go is he?”

“No. He wouldn’t let you set foot in there alone, not even if you were willing or begged him to let you save your sister.” I closed my eyes for a second and let this sink in, falling to the pit of my stomach like a dead weight.

“You can’t blame him for that Katie, for if it was me and I had to let my Chosen do the same, I wouldn’t allow it.”

“But you’re letting me?”

“Yes because it is my Chosen in there and because of that I hate to say I would risk it all, as would my brother.” I nodded knowing this was something he just couldn’t have helped. I didn’t take it personally as it was simply the nature of love.

“Have you thought what would happen when Draven realises what you have done?” I asked knowing that I had to put the question out there. He sighed and got up from his seat, to rake a hand through his short curls. The action reminded me of Draven and I would have smiled if our circumstances weren’t so dire.

“I know what it is to love my brother to the death but until now I have never known what it was like to extend that love further than him or my sister…and this I know is merely a taste, a drop in the ocean compared to how he feels for you. But to know that I too could have that, if there is only the possibility of such a thing, then I would be going against the Gods and fates in between if I ignored what I knew in my heart to be true. If he can’t accept that once everything is said and done, then I will have lost my family doing what I know is right and nothing more, take nothing less with me.” Once he had finished this all I knew that if there was any way I could, then I needed to protect him from this ever happening. Because I believed that Draven would forgive me. However, I wasn’t so sure how far that forgiveness would stretch if he knew what Vincent had risked to get what Draven had already found.

“I will do it.” I told him and he closed his eyes for a moment in what I can only say looked like great relief.

“You realise what I am asking of you?” He said making sure and I nodded knowing that this was my chance to make things right. This was my one shot at getting Ari back and erasing the night I left her. So I told him…


“It’s my sacrifice to give.”     




























Chapter 31

Revealing the Hexad




Playing the waiting game wasn’t easy but knowing what I knew since Vincent and I had made our own plans made it even harder. Knowing what I was keeping from Draven was like swallowing sand every time I was around him. Vincent knew of my struggles as I had confided in him whenever I was given the opportunity to do so. But the simple fact of the matter still stood, we had no other choice.

I was the only one who could do this as the Hexad’s power had to be destroyed before any of them could step foot into the place. The problem with that was that it had to be done on the ritual night as that was when it was at its weakest and most vulnerable. Vincent told me how the power that the six evoke from it only lasts until the next full moon and if the ritual went uncompleted after this point, then the Hexad’s power would vanish.

When I asked him how I was going to destroy a solid piece of stone, he just said, ‘I’m still working on it.’ Which was the only vague answer I could get from him. Well as long as he came up with something and damn quick as tomorrow tonight was the night we were going through with our plans. We were leaving via a helicopter, so it wouldn’t take the eight hours it had taken me to get here.

Vincent kept telling me there was something we had missed but after going through it all, piece by brutal piece, we came up with nothing. Because without knowing what we were searching for then how we were supposed to see it I just didn’t know.

That night after Draven and I had fallen sleep in each other’s arms after making love into the small hours of the morning, I started to dream. I was back walking that lonely road to nowhere, the one I first found when making my escape. I remember my feet making the steps but my mind was solely on what felt like my betrayal. The rain pelted my skin with heavy droplets and each one that fell felt like a defeat against us all…but why?

I looked harder and then I started to run through the storm that raged on all around me. I ran and I ran like I had done that night, not knowing where I was but knowing where I would end up. Because now I knew why I was here. I knew what we needed or destroying the Hexad would never work. But before I knew how to defeat it I first needed to know what it was. I needed to know its true nature or what hope did we have? It was like Lucius had said, we first needed to learn what it was we were up against and stopping them had nothing to do with first defeating Celina but it had everything to do with the power they stole.

“Time, Truth…Life.” Why was it that these words suddenly hit me just as I saw it standing there in the distance? Because there it was,  

The Wall.

The whole reason I had to go at this alone and if I was going back there then I was doing so knowing what I faced. So I reached the start of it just as lightening lit the sky but I didn’t flinch, not in this dream. There was nothing to fear anymore. Because this was it, this was my Time, my Truth and my Life…

And I wanted it back!

So I hit out at it like I had done in the marble room, giving it all that I had until symbols all around lit up, baring themselves for me at the same time another lightning bolt struck the night sky.

“I am not afraid of you!” I told it and the bright lines pulsated brighter as if responding.

“Tell me how…how to stop you?” I asked it but again it just flickered brighter for a second as if trying to tell me something.

“What are you trying to show me?” I asked it again but only received the same thing back.

“AHHH! SHOW ME!” I roared in anger, hitting out again without touching it. The wall hit back as great energy boomed out in a flash, knocking me backwards onto the road. I shook my head, still feeling the pain of the impact, even though I knew it was all a dream. I pushed my hair back but that’s when I noticed something in the wall had changed.

“What the…?” I uttered as now the symbols had changed slightly. Instead of only seeing the light blurring the lines that were hard to read now it was as if someone had given them an outline. Framed this way I could finally make out what I was seeing.

“They’re…” I never finished as a beam of light coming from my side hit me. I looked just in time to see a car coming straight for me and just before it made impact I woke with a start.

“Katie?” Draven bolted up and had his arms around me before I fully came back from the dream.

“It’s okay, it was just another…”

“Nightmare?” He finished off for me and instead of telling him no, that it wasn’t, I simply remained silent, letting him think that it was.

I knew that there had to be some way that I could get word to Vincent. Because now I finally knew what we were dealing with but all I had was a name and that was the extent of my knowledge. In truth the only reason I had heard of them in the first place was when seeing one of the lads playing with a bag of stones that had symbols on. Once he was caught his punishment had been to be severely whipped in front of the entire Colony. I remember Ari telling me what they were soon after and the name had stuck
That’s why when I saw them that I knew what they were.  It was like fate had kept it stored away, ready for this very moment, because there it was, the word so easily found…  


“You still restless?” I nodded as he must have been able to detect my unwillingness to sleep.

“Do you mind if I get up and, I don’t know, go for a walk or something.”

“You mean around the manor?”

“Yeah or do you have a library or something?” I asked when I could tell he didn’t like the idea of me wandering around the place, no doubt fearing the worst.

“We have a library but these days it is mainly occupied by my brother. I don’t know what he hopes to find in those old texts and scriptures but I am worried about him.” Hearing this made me feel like the worst person in the world. He didn’t deserve to worry but what could I say. Because right now, hearing that Vincent was usually in the library and would be that easily accessible, was like someone turning on the light in the dark room when you were looking for the key to escape it.

“I’m sure he will be fine and besides, it’s probably the only thing that is keeping his mind from going crazy worrying about my sister.” I told him, knowing that I wasn’t exactly lying. He gave me an ‘Umm’ sound as he thought about it that way.

“Do you think he will mind me being there…I promise not to disturb him.” I asked and Draven smiled.

“We could sit together and read if you like, it has been too long since I picked up one of my old favourites and I do have quite a collection I wouldn’t mind showing you.” Now this made me feel like an utter bitch! But I knew I had to say it and the worst thing was that it sounded like a perfect way to spend time together as I adored reading.

“But I take it from your face that you would prefer to be alone right now…am I right?” I winced again and said,

“I’m so sorry. It’s just that I can’t think knowing all that could happen tomorrow, all that
happen. I just need a little bit of time to sort my head out before I go back there…you know?” He nodded brushing a piece of my hair back behind my ear and said,

“I understand love, and don’t worry, you have mortally wounded me…well, my ego maybe.” He teased before whipping back the covers.

“What are you doing?” I asked as he started pulling up his jeans over his bare behind and I swear the sight made my mouth water.

“Why escorting you, my fair lady.” He said bowing in such a way he looked as if he had done this a fair few times in his life.

“Oh, of course.” I said in one of those ‘duh me’ moments as how else was I expecting to get there. I got out of bed and redressed in what I had taken off earlier and as I was bent over sat on the bed putting my shoes on a thought came to me,


“Yes love?” He said after pulling down a plain black t shirt and unfortunately hiding all that sexy goodness from view.

“That idea you had, about me and you in the library, reading together.”


“When this is all over, promise me that we will do that.” I said looking back up and over to where he stood watching me by one of the bed posts. He took two steps to where I sat, lifted my face up by my chin and said,

“I promise.” Then he bent at the waist and kissed me softly.


“Seriously, how big is this place?” I asked after what felt like half an hour of walking. Okay so it probably wasn’t that long at all but it certainly felt like it!

“It’s bigger than it looks.” He said smirking down at me as we walked side by side.

“Are you getting tired yet?” He asked and I had to laugh.

“Are you?” I teased back and then ended up losing the battle as I squealed like a girl when I was suddenly swooped up into his arms.

“Not at all, in fact, I may refuse to ever put you down.” I burst out laughing and then couldn’t help it when I said,

“Well that will make going to the toilet interesting, if not slightly challenging.” He actually had to stop walking he started laughing that hard, probably doing what I was doing and trying to picture it.

“Seriously, if you don’t stop I might throw up here, I am jiggling all over the place.” I told him as his whole body shook from laughing so hard. As soon as I had said it his eyes went to a certain area on my body and he grinned down at them.

“Men!” He tried to hide his smirk and then jiggled me harder making my girls wobble in my bra.


“I’m sorry, did you say something?” He said pretending not to hear me. I rolled my eyes at him and he started chuckling to himself.

“Do you think we will get there before Christmas?” I asked sarcastically.

“Right in front of you my Patient Queen.” He said making me giggle. I looked to where he nodded and saw a pair of massive double doors in carved oak that resembled the front doors to Afterlife. He let my legs swing down and held me a moment longer to make sure I was steady. It was sweet the way he thought of these little things and I was grateful enough of his attentions that I noticed them all.

He walked up to them, paused and said,

“Welcome to the Afterlife library.” Then he pushed the mighty doors open with what looked like little effort but the way it made his muscles stand out on his back was a delight to see. The doors opened and the sound echoed in the vast space.

“Oh…my…God…” I uttered in complete awe! The place was by far the most incredible room I had ever seen…which made me ask,

“Have I ever seen this room before?” He knew what I was asking,

“No, this is the first time.” I don’t know why but this made me smile as I would have hated knowing that I wouldn’t have been able to remember such beauty. It was hard enough thinking about the things that I had seen in my life that I might never get back. So seeing this for the first time was a little slice of happiness I would always hold with me, for it was going nowhere this time.

“It’s…Oh Draven, its stunning.” I felt him come up behind me and after placing both his hands on my shoulders he whispered in my ear,

“It pleases me to hear you think so.” My body reacted and a little spark tingled down my spine at both his touch and praise.

But what else would I have said in sight of it all. In fact, it was hard to take it all in there was so much to see. The floor wasn’t made from stone for once and I was glad to see it, as I thought the rectangles of wood all slotted together with its high shine, instantly gave it a warm, inviting feel. The golden colour of the wood on the floor complimented the darker red of the mahogany walls. Walls that were row after row of shelves full of books. Great square pillars of the same wood broke up the shelving into sections and were embellished at the top with carved flourishes.

The ceilings rose up to two levels and at the far wall an enormous black fireplace stood at the centre. It was the biggest and meanest fireplace I had ever seen and looked more like the gates to Hell with its two iron statues that stood like sentinels guarding their realm. There were two spiral staircases that framed it either side made from fancy, delicate metal work. But both were then encased in curved wooden pillars, arched in sections like some gothic glassless windows that interlocked to create an intercut pattern.

It was stunning craftsmanship and I think if the men that made it had been here I would have shaken their hands. And then there were of course the books. Thousands and thousands of books. There were sections of old versus new and as I moved around the room, you could tell the age came down in height. The oldest of the old were kept on the second floor and the newest closest to the door. It was like an aging wave of words travelling through the room before leaving through the doors into the world of reality.

“Oh my word, don’t ever make me angry in this room Draven or I will never forgive myself.” Of course I was referring to my temperamental ‘gift.’ Draven laughed and then said,

“Nothing broken can’t be fixed.” I had a feeling that when he said this he wasn’t solely referring to the room I had destroyed. Not surprisingly I quickly changed the subject.

“I wonder which shelf you’re up to.” I said tapping my lip and humming.

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