Crystal Clean (21 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Wollenburg

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Retail, #Personal Memoir, #Nonfiction

BOOK: Crystal Clean
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Chapter 22


The car is idling out front with the passenger-side door open. Andy and my parents are waiting to take me to the Walker Center and I can’t stop getting high. I’ve been up all night frantically getting rid of the last pound of meth. My plan is to get rid of everything
scale, paraphernalia,
so when I come home there will be no temptation. I’ve fronted most of it out, but collected enough to pay off Mario, so I know there will be money for me when I get home.

I’m not smoking the last of my meth
I’m breathing it
. I’ve loaded the bowl with the biggest of the three rocks I’ve saved for myself. It’s almost full and I have to be careful not to let the liquid spill. There’s at least a teener in it and I’m smoking - breathing it in as fast as I can. The only breaths I take
are filled
with my last high. I want to finish the bowl and my last two rocks before I leave so the house will be clean for my return from rehab.

It’s seven-thirty and Allan isn’t up yet, or at least I haven’t seen him.

My dungeon-room is a mess
papers and books across the floor and desk, clothes strewn all over the unmade bed that I haven’t
in for days. It reeks of cigarettes and that indescribable biting chemical smell that only comes from burning
pure meth, even though my window is open. My suitcase is already in the car, which is still idling with the door open. I don’t know if they know I’m in here having my last hurrah. If they do, they won’t say anything. They’ll tell themselves I’m just late
as usual. I’ve been late for family dinners, holidays, parent-teacher conferences, licensing exams, classes, finals, interviews, jobs, dates, awards ceremonies (where I was the recipient), airplanes, time changes, you name it. I was late for my grandmother’s funeral where I was to read the eulogy I had written. They couldn’t start without me.

I’m still inhaling the smoke with mad desperation like gasping for last breaths on my deathbed. I’m trying to get high enough to go to rehab, but I can never get high enough. I feel like I’m going to pass out because I’m hyperventilating the smoke. Dad’s impatiently honking and I know I have to leave, but the bowl’s not empty yet and there are two rocks left. It doesn’t occur to me to get rid of them. The thought honestly never enters my mind. I stash them in the nightstand thinking I’ll just sell them
when I get home. I still haven’t seen Allan, but I hear him in the shower. He knows what time I’m leaving and he hasn’t come say goodbye. I walk out the front door, slamming it as hard as
can (a ridiculously childish, “fuck you,”) and climb in the back seat next to Andy.

“Sorry, sorry,” I say. “I just had to clean up a few things.”

“You nervous?” asks mom.

“Yeah, but I’m okay.” Sure I am. I’m always okay. I’m so high it hurts to breathe and I’m still not high enough for this trip.

“I’m proud of you, Kimbo. You’re doing the right thing.”

This is what makes them proud of me
going to rehab. Never mind everything it took to get me to this point. Never mind anything else I’ve ever done in my life. This is what makes them proud. At first, I’m touched. They’re proud of me. Then, irritation sets in, and I’m thinking, “Fuck you. You’ve never been proud of me for anything else, why start now?”

I’m so happy to see Andy. He’s been staying with my parents for the past three days so I could prepare myself for rehab. It was their idea, but I was grateful. I didn’t want him to feel the energy of desperation in the house.

“Hey, bug!”

“Oh, essa Mom.
Yes!” and he wiggles next to me in the backseat.

“I love you so much, I’ll sing you a
song, that
says: I love you, I love you, and I guess I’ll always love you . . .

“Essa mom, inna hospital?”

But just for a while. I’ll be home pretty soon and Mamma will be all better, okay?”

“Oh. Inna stay gamma pappas?”

Is that okay?”

Enna Allan, enna bus?”

“Allan will stay home and Grandma will bring you here every morning for the bus.”

“Allan stay gamma, pappa’s too.”

“Allan’s staying at home, Andy,” my mom says. “You can see him in the morning when we go to the bus.” My parents have no idea what Allan and my relationship is like. They’re happy I have a man, and they’re impressed with how good he is with Andy. They also know that he’s close with his own family because of the split holidays we’ve done since we’ve moved in
and Andy’s birthday parties where Allan’s whole family comes.

I lean over, put my head in his lap and Andy softly pats my head as I drift off to sleep after smoking enough meth to kill a horse.

Southern Idaho is desolate.
Nothing but sagebrush for miles.
The hour and a half to Gooding is one long, drawn out stretch of freeway. It’s November so the landscape is dead and brown, although it doesn’t matter what time of year it is. Other than when it’s snowing, it always looks the same. I’ve driven

road hundreds of times running drugs from Boise to Twin Falls, Jerome, Kimberly and Jackpot. As we pass Mountain Home, about forty-five minutes out of Boise, I try to pinpoint the spot where I totaled my car.

Riding in the car with my family on my way to rehab, I see the area where the accident happened and a shiver runs down my spine as I think about how I could have died that night
not just from the crash, but alone in the black, cold nowhere searching for that fucking pipe. Something about that scares the shit out of me, but I’m high enough to shake the thought from my head.

During the drive, I’m drifting in and out of sleep until the turnoff at Bliss onto the rural highway leading to the Walker Center. I’m getting nervous. When I get nervous, I play with my hands, twisting my interlaced fingers grossly. I’m in the backseat wringing my hands and bouncing my knees up and down and I know I must look exactly like what I am: a twacked out meth-head.

Thirty miles to go.
My heart starts racing, which kick starts the latent chemicals in my body, and I’m high all over again. I’m nervous and amped and it’s getting worse the closer we get.

“Almoss ‘ere?”

“Yeah, bug. We’re almost there.”

“Essa mom, essa hospital.”

I’m jumpy and agitated as we pull into the parking lot of the Walker Center. I don’t want to get out of the car.

“You ready?” my dad asks. The three of them are already out, waiting for me.

“No. Shit!” It takes me a minute before I work up the nerve to put my feet on the ground and stand.

Dad has my suitcase and I’m carrying my down-filled pillow and blanket, and my purse hangs from my elbow as we
’re buzzed
in the doors. Near the front desk is a little sitting area with a couch, a loveseat and coffee table scattered with pamphlets about the dangers of various drugs. It’s a pleasant place
kind of homey, and
it makes me want to scream. I want to run. This is a mistake. What the hell have I done? What have I gotten myself
? My voice is trembling as I give the lady behind the desk my name. “Have a seat,” she says. “Someone will be right with you.”

I can’t sit down. I’m way too antsy. “I need a cigarette.”

She looks at my parents. “We’ll go with her,” Mom says. Outside, I’m having trouble breathing. I think I’m
. My hands shake as I light my cigarette. Mom moves toward me to put an arm around my shoulder, but I jerk away. I think if someone touches me now, I’ll unravel.

I pace the sidewalk in front of the center rapidly up the long sidewalk and back, walking as fast as I can. I finish my cigarette and immediately light another. Dad’s standing by the front door keeping an eye on me while Mom is inside reading anti-drug pamphlets to Andy
they’re storybooks. I go back inside. I’m shaking all over and it’s still hard to breathe.
For no reason at all, I’m suddenly pissed off at my dad and decide to ignore him.

I sit next to my mother and whisper, “Mom, I can’t do this. This is wrong. I can’t be here. I’ll be okay. I just want to leave, okay?”

“Kimbo, you’re doing the right thing.”

“Mom’s right,” my dad says. “You’re very brave to do this. We’re proud of you. You can do this, Kimbo. Just calm down and try to relax.”

My brain is screaming, “Fuck you! Fuck! Can’t you see I’m not
? I feel like I’m going to lose my mind. I’m going mad right here in this stupid waiting room in front of my son. You can’t leave me here,” I’m thinking. “Jesus, I can’t do this! Please don’t leave me here, Mamma. I’ll be good. I’ll be a good girl, Daddy. Just don’t leave me here. I want to go home.”

Hot tears are burning my eyes, threatening to fall. Oh,
! What have I done? This was a mistake
a bad idea. I go to Andy and put my arms around him, soaking his shoulder with my tears.

Mom puts a hand on my shoulder. “Kimbo, you’re scaring him.

You fucking bitch, leave me alone! I shake like a wet dog, trying to get her hand away, because I can’t say these things to her. I don’t want to hurt her feelings.

The intake woman comes out and takes me to the back office to fill out my admission papers while a counselor takes my family to tour the facility. I’m answering questions and signing
papers and my fear has turned to rage. I’m pissed off and giving
answers to the same fucking questions I’ve been asked by everyone. I won’t look this woman, Laura, in the eyes. Fuck her. She’s a fat bitch with ugly flowers on her smocked shirt. I hate the way I’m acting right now, but I can’t help it. I’m in fight or flight mode and flight is not an option.

I’m pissed off at my behavior. I’m acting like a spoiled brat who
’s been brought here to be locked up against her will and
forced into unwanted treatment. I know this isn’t the case. I know I have no reason to be acting the way I am, but I seem powerless to stop. I feel like I’m outside myself watching everything happen, and I’m looking at myself thinking, “What a bitch! Would someone please put her in time out?” 

My intake complete, I’m back in the sitting
area saying
goodbye to my family. I’m still pissed off and give my parents the briefest of hugs as if this were
all their
as if this whole rehab thing was their idea and I have no choice. The Walker Center is an unlocked facility. Admission is voluntary, meaning I can always leave but if I do, I can’t come back. It would mean leaving AMA – against medical advice.

I soften when I hug Andy and tell him to be a good boy. “Mom will be home soon, okay? I love you, honey.”

“Ayu you.”

I grab my suitcase and other things and follow the woman down the hall to my room. The building is long with the men’s side separated from the women’s by a section of counselors’ offices.

I have no idea what to expect. The website mentioned drug education, a rope course, counseling and mental health care all wrapped up in a twelve step program. I can’t imagine what this place can possible teach me about drugs that I don’t already know, and the only thing I know about the rope course is that there will be physical activities designed to help me overcome my deepest fears.
What I know is that I need help with my depression, since I feel that this is the core of my problem, and I’m looking forward to one-on-one therapy with a counselor.

“This is your room.”

There are two beds, a bathroom and long desk on each side of a big room divided in the middle by a half-wall. Two women are lying on their beds; one is sleeping, the other keeps pushing up her glasses while writing in a little notebook. A matronly woman is sitting at one of the desks taking notes from a book. County music
is playing from a radio/alarm clock. I hate country music. The room is too bright. It hurts my eyes.

“Okay, Kimberly, this is your bed. Go ahead and open your suitcase for me.”


“So I can search it.” No one looks at us. It’s business as usual.

She goes through everything: every pocket, sock, nook and cranny. “You think I’d bring drugs to rehab?” It suddenly occurs to me that this isn’t a bad idea. I’ve smuggled drugs on every plane trip I’ve ever been
Why not rehab?

“Some people do,” she says, still rummaging through my things. “We also have to check for mouthwash, perfume, aerosol sprays, that kind of thing. You would be amazed at what some people will do to get high.” No, I wouldn’t.

When she’s finished, she points to the closet and dresser next to my bed. “You can put your things away. If you don’t have hangers, ask the others. I’m glad you’re here.”

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