Crusader (Battle Born Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Crusader (Battle Born Book 1)
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Then another question eclipsed the first. If his pheromones were arousing her, what was arousing him? An image flashed through her mind, they lay in bed, nearly naked, legs entwined. Not only had she been plastered against his side, she’d also touched him, stroked his chest and belly, never once thinking about what her distracted caresses might be doing to him.

I’m sorry.
She turned her face away and moved her hands to his shoulders.
I didn’t realize holding me aroused you. That wasn’t my intention.

He lightly caught her chin and turned her face back around. “Look at me.” She reluctantly lifted her gaze. The smoldering heat in his eyes couldn’t be faked. Even through the contacts his desire was obvious. Their kisses were affecting him just as deeply as they were affecting her. “There is no shame in what we’re feeling.”

“I know.” She looked at their surroundings meaningfully. “I’m not ashamed of wanting you, but I won’t let it happen again. Not here.”

“I have no intention of entertaining the enemy.” He slid his hand down her neck until his fingers curved around her nape. “Just don’t ask me to stop touching you. I don’t think I can.”

She leaned in and brushed his lips with hers, praying he’d accept the invitation.

Without pause, he took control of the kiss and continued his sensual exploration.

I get that they think I’m yours, but that didn’t seem to bother Erkott at the cabin. He was bragging about getting to have me first.
She shivered, still upset by the memory.
What changed?

He stroked her hair, his lips caressing rather than plundering. She immediately responded to his gentleness, needing reassurance much more than mindless passion.

Akim must suspect that I created a mating bond and it’s to our advantage that he goes on believing it’s true.

Why does that work to our advantage?

A mating bond triggers changes in the female’s body. Until those changes are complete, her body is literally toxic to any male other than her mate. As long as they believe you’re in transition, no one will touch you.

I like the sound of that.
She stroked down his arms then back up to his shoulders. His muscles appeared hard and impressive, and they felt even better.

But transition also spikes the female’s sexual appetite. To sell this, you’re going to have to make them believe you can’t get enough of me.

She pulled back just far enough to nip his bottom lip.
Are you sure this isn’t just a clever way to get in my pants?

I wish that was all this is. I really do.

She believed him and needed him to know she trusted him. Rather than offer hollow words, she decided to show him. Her head tilted and her tongue slid over his, teasing his lips without entering his mouth. With a low growl, he closed his lips around her tongue and sucked it inward. She groaned, the sound muffled by the tangle of their tongues.

Easing her knees farther apart, she lowered her pelvis until her sex pressed intimately over his. Even through the sturdy denim of her jeans she could feel the heat and hardness of his cock. She rocked her hips, rubbing against him. His
flashed through the contacts, warning how close he was to losing control. With a feral growl, he grasped her hips and increased the pressure of her body against his.

“Do you still doubt she’s in transition?” Mockery rumbled through the deep male voice. “That female is clearly in heat.”

Ashley gasped and scrambled off Bandar’s lap. She pressed back into the corner, knees drawn up to her chest. Bandar slid next to her then rested his hand against the wall, partially blocking her from view. A tall, thin man stood on the other side of the energy field, Erkott on one side of him, Letos on the other. His similarity to Erkott and the authority emanating from his stance identified him as Akim Farmon, the true power behind this group of rabble. Both Farmon brothers had the blue-streaked hair and bright blue
of full-blooded Rodytes. Letos’s
were sapphire blue, but his solid black hair hinted at a mixed heritage.

“Maybe she just needs a nice hard cock to ride and doesn’t care who’s wielding it.” Erkott leered at her. “I say we find out.”

“With a simple scan, I can determine her condition.” Letos sounded almost bored and his features were expertly guarded.

“So scan her,” Akim urged with a negligent sweep of his hand.

“I need skin-to-skin contact for this sort of scan.”

“Of course you do,” Erkott snapped. “If you’re going in there, so am I.”

Bandar shot to his feet, shielding her with his body. “No one touches her but me.”

This isn’t the first time Letos kept Erkott from hurting me,
Ashley pointed out.
I think we should let him scan me. I think he’ll tell Akim that I’m in transition.

Or he’ll reveal that you’re not and demand to have you first.

Unwilling to leave the decision in Bandar’s hands, she scooted around him and stood as well. “I’ll allow the scan, if you keep Erkott on that side of the energy field.”

Akim chuckled, his gaze narrowed and gleaming. “You’re not in a position to ‘allow’ anything. Females under my command do as they’re told.”

“She’s not under your command.” Bandar tried to move back in front of her, but Ashley wouldn’t allow it.

“I could easily prove you wrong, but I’d rather have this settled quickly.” Akim motioned Erkott back and then deactivated the barrier with a verbal command. Letos stepped inside the cell and Akim reactivated the field.

Letos approached her with slow, nonthreatening steps. “This will not hurt, but I need to touch you.”

Erkott made a sound part scoff, part snort. “You sound like an old woman.”

Letos ignored him as he placed his hand on the side of Ashley’s face.

Ashley tensed, fighting back the urge to pull away. She didn’t want Letos touching her, didn’t want to be touched by anyone but Bandar. A shiver dropped down her spine at the thought. Maybe she really was in heat. She was no stranger to kissing, but no one had every turned her entire body into a tingling mass with just a few kisses. No one but Bandar.

Letos pushed into her mind with sharp, focused pressure. She gasped and tried to jerk away. He grabbed the other side of her face, preventing her retreat.
He won’t allow this for long, so listen closely
. Somehow, Letos had found her private link with Bandar.

Bandar moved closer, apparently having heard Letos too.

I will help you escape, but I need a diversion.
He slid his right hand down along her neck and onto her upper chest. She instinctively grabbed his wrist, but his hand continued its descent.
Don’t move. If this falls to the floor, you’ll lose your only ally.

Bandar shifted restlessly at her side, but didn’t interfere.

Ashley closed her eyes and forced herself not to fidget. Something cool slipped beneath her sweater and into the valley between her breasts.

“Enough!” Akim yelled. “Is she in transition or not?”

Give me a few minutes to get into position, then make the diversion last as long as possible. Do you agree?

She opened her eyes and added,
Thank you.

He responded with a tiny nod then lowered his hands to his sides and turned around. “She is definitely in transition. Sorry, Erkott, you’re out of luck for at least three days.”

Three days? Dread cramped Ashley’s stomach at the thought of being at Erkott’s mercy for another hour, much less three long days. Letos made it sound like his plan was going into effect immediately. Hopefully, she’d be long gone by the time the fictitious timer ran out.

Akim lowered the barrier long enough to let Letos move out of the cell. “This creates a different sort of opportunity, however.” Akim smiled at Ashley though the expression was totally devoid of humor. “Your father protected his research with a complicated code. My scientists are struggling with the encryption. They assure me they can unravel it, but it could take some time. My patience is unusually taxed at the moment, so I have an offer for you.”

“What sort of offer?”

“Don’t believe a word he says,” Bandar cautioned.

“It’s simple really. Give me the encryption key and I’ll allow you to remain with your mate. Refuse and I’ll lock you in a cell right over there. You’ll be able to see him, hear him, perhaps even smell him, but you won’t be able to touch.”

Erkott laughed, clearly amused by the idea. “She’ll be so desperate by the fourth day, she won’t care who fills her.”

“If she lasts that long,” Akim muttered, his gaze still fixed on Ashley. “I’ve seen women in transition go utterly insane because they were separated from their mates.”

“I don’t have the key. I didn’t even know it was encrypted.”

“I don’t believe you.” Akim shrugged, a cruel smile still curving his lips. “You have one hour to reconsider your position, then I’ll let Erkott move you to the other cell.”

“And I firmly believe prisoners should be kept naked.” Erkott rubbed his hands together as if he couldn’t wait to begin.

Akim just shook his head. “You can’t have her while she’s in transition. Why torture yourself?”

They walked from the room before Erkott replied, but Ashley was left seething. “I can’t decide what irritated me more, Akim’s smugness or Erkott’s obsession.”

Argue with me. Disagree with whatever I say.
“You have to give them the key. Nothing is worth what you’ll go through if they take you away from me.”

“I don’t have the key and I think you’re all full of shit. Sex is no big thing. I’ve always been able to take it or leave it. I’m certainly not a slave to my libido.”

“You’ve never had sex with a Rodyte before. Your body is changing, becoming more compatible with mine. That’s why you feel restless. You need more of what I gave you last night.”

She huffed, crossing her arms over her breasts. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She needed to retrieve whatever Letos had slipped down her shirt, but couldn’t allow their captors to see her do it. “I feel fine.”

“Sure you are.” He closed the distance between them and grasped her hips. “You don’t ache like I ache?” He pulled her against him then up until their pelvises aligned. “If they take you away, this emptiness will become painful, completely overwhelming. You have no idea how bad it will get.”

She shoved against his chest, trying to twist away. “Oh my God! You’re working with them, aren’t you? You probably have been all along.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Is it? I think it makes perfect sense.” She swung for his face. He caught her wrist long before her hand made contact. “This is why you were so desperate to get me into bed. You knew you’d be able to control me.” Her voice grew shrill as she tugged and shoved, twisted and stomped in an effort to break his hold.

He backed her into the perimeter wall and pulled her hands above her head. “Calm down and think. You know I’m not working with them. I’ve fought them every step of the way.”

“Good cop, bad cop. You were there to rescue me, so I’d be foolish enough to trust you.”

“And you do trust me.” He leaned in, his dark gaze searching hers. “I would never do anything to hurt you. That’s why you need to listen to me now. You have to give Akim the key. There is no other way to keep you safe.”

“I won’t do it. I mean, I don’t have it.”

He shook his head as he shifted both her wrists into one hand. “Always so stubborn.”

Letos slipped something down my shirt. Can you put it in my front pocket and see if you can figure out what it is on the way down?

My pleasure
. A sexy smile parted his lips and desire made his
shimmer. “You seem to have forgotten how wild it got last night. Maybe all you need is a little reminder.” His mouth descended, claiming hers with breath-stealing intensity.

She tugged against his hold and arched away from the wall, but all that did was draw her attention to the considerable bulge pressing into her belly. They might be playing roles in an effort to distract their captors but that didn’t keep their bodies from reacting to the stimulation. She ached like she had never ached before and the torture was just beginning.

He slipped his hand up under her sweater, boldly cupping one of her breasts. Her bra still separated their skin, but heat sank into her flesh and made her nipple tingle. He squeezed firmly then rotated his hand so his thumb could explore. “This was much more fun when you were naked.” He whispered the words against her kiss-dampened lips.

“No.” She turned her head to the side, her panting genuine. “You get me naked and we both know what you’ll do.”

“We have an hour.” He pushed his thumb deeper, finally locating the mystery object. “I need to be inside you, angel. And we both know you need it too.”

“Will that make it better or worse when they take me away, because I really don’t have the key?”

He pulled the object from between her breasts and lowered his hand, smoothly slipping it into her pocket as he pulled his hand out from beneath her sweater. With a heavy sigh, he released her wrists and pressed both hands against the wall. “Do you know where he might have left it? We have to give Akim something.”

BOOK: Crusader (Battle Born Book 1)
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