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Authors: Lynn H. Nicholas

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7. S

Geen Tijd voor Tranen
, p. 48.

For a complete account of the activities of this organization, see Amy Zahl Gottlieb,
Men of Vision: Anglo-Jewry’s Aid to Victims of the Nazi Regime, 1933–1945
(London, 1998).

Ibid., pp. 99–100.

Ibid., pp. 66–72.

Sara Kadosh, director, AJDC Archives, USHMM Symposium, 3 April 2003.

IWM, Dept. of Documents, MISC 53/818, Papers of Margareta Burkill, “The Refugee Children’s Movement Ltd., 1938–1948,” p. 3.

De Jong,
Het Koninkrijk
, Vol. 1, p. 488.

Geen Tijd voor Tranen
, pp. 70–75.

De Jong,
Het Koninkrijk
, Vol. 1, p. 489.

Geen Tijd voor Tranen
, p. 105.

Ibid., p. 106.

De Jong,
Het Koninkrijk
, Vol. 3, p. 412.

Karen Gershon, ed.,
We Came as Children: A Collective Autobiography
(London, 1966), p. 22.

Ibid., pp. 22–25.

Paper Walls
, p. 76.

Papers of Robert F. Wagner, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, Alien Files 1938, 1939, Boxes 636–47.

Paper Walls
, p. 78.

This account is summarized from Wyman’s detailed analysis, ibid., pp. 75–98.

Leverton and Lowensohn,
I Came Alone
, p. 30.

Ibid., p. 91, account of Charles Feld.

We Came as Children
, p. 26.

Ibid., p. 27.

Ibid., p. 30.

Ibid., p. 28.

Ibid., passim.

Geen Tijd voor Tranen
, pp. 87–88.

We Came as Children
, p. 64; Gottlieb,
Men of Vision
, pp. 117–19, 123–25.

Island Refuge
, p. 258.

For a touching account of such a home, see Ian Buruma, “Churchill’s Cigar,”
65 (Spring 1999), pp. 327–43; kindly pointed out to me by Paul Kramer.

Ruth E. Wolman,
Crossing Over: An Oral History of Refugees from Hitler’s Reich
(New York, 1996), pp. 8–11.

Speech by Lord Attenborough, June 15, 1999, at the sixtieth anniversary of the Kindertransports, London.

We Came as Children
, p. 49.

Interview, Egon Guttmann, Washington, DC.

We Came as Children
, p. 52.

De Jong,
Het Koninkrijk
, Vol. 2, pp. 114–17, 373–75.

This and subsequent events from Henri Amouroux,
La Grande Histoire des Français sous l’occupation
. Vol. 1,
Le people du désastre, 1939–1940
(Paris, 1976), Chapter titled “Le Moral des Civils.”

Travis L. Crosby,
The Impact of Civilian Evacuation in the Second World War
(London, 1986), Chapter 2.

Edward R. Murrow,
This Is London
(New York, 1941), entries for 28 and 31 August, and 4 September 1939.

Susan Isaacs, ed.,
The Cambridge Evacuation Survey: A Wartime Study in Social Welfare and Education
(London, 1941), pp. 34–35.

IWM, Dept. of Documents, 91/5/1, Papers of Terence Nunn, pp. 41–44.

IWM, Dept. of Documents, 92/9/1, Papers of Mrs. M. D. Brand, p. 2.

The Cambridge Evacuation Survey
, p. 40.

For an excellent discussion of this and other problems, see Ruth Inglis,
The Children’s War: Evacuation, 1939–1945
(London, 1989).

Men of Vision
, pp. 167–71; Sherman,
Island Refuge
, p. 256.

We Came as Children
, p. 91.

Ibid., pp. 92–96.

Interviews, Walter Fletcher and Fred Hochberg, Kindertransport Reunion, 1999.

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
, p. 723.

Berlin Dairy
, May 20, 1940.

De Jong,
Het Koninkrijk
, Vol. 3, pp. 98–100.

Jacques De Launay,
La Belgique à l’heure allemande
(Brussels, undated), p. 44.

La Grand Histoire
, Vol. 1, p. 379.

Ibid., p. 389.

Donald A. Lowrie,
The Hunted Children
(New York, 1963), pp. 29–30.

Amouroux, Vol. 1, p.394.

Ibid., p. 400.

The Hunted Children
, p. 28.

Joël Mettay,
L’Archipel du Mépris: Histoire du camps de Rivesaltes de 1939 à nos jours
(Canet, 2001), pp. 14–15.

Marrus and Paxton,
Vichy France and the Jews
, p. 65.

Ibid., pp. 165–66.

See Lowrie,
The Hunted Children
, Chapter 8.

Paper Walls
, p. 129.

Ibid., p. 134.

L’Archipel du Mépris
, pp. 45–49.

Ibid., p. 130.

Ibid., pp. 64–67.

The Hunted Children
, pp. 122–23, 144.

The Children’s War
, p. 82.

Ibid., p. 83.

Ibid., p. 85.

Paper Walls
, p. 117.

Ibid., pp. 98–101.

Ibid., p. 133.

The Children’s War
, pp. 105–9.

Paper Walls
, p. 119.

Ibid., pp. 120–21.

Ibid., pp. 124–25.

Vera Brittain, cited in Inglis,
The Children’s War
, p. 113.

IWM, Dept. of Documents, 88/26/1, Papers of M. A. Walford, p. 4.

IWM, Dept. of Documents, 91/37/1, Papers of Mrs. A. W. Winter, pp. 12–14.

IWM, Dept. of Documents, 97/3/1, Papers of Cadet Officer D. Haffner, “The Torpedoing of the SS
City of Benares,”

IWM, Dept. of Documents, 91/37/1, Papers of Miss B. Walder, letter to Miss Simonis, 1 October 1940.

IWM, Dept. of Documents, 97/3/1, Haffner, “The Torpedoing of the SS
City of Benares

PRO MT9/3461/51557, clipping,
Montreal Gazette
, 23 September 1940.

For a charming account of the experiences of a Seavac, see Anthony Bailey,
America Lost and Found: An English Boy’s Adventure in the New World
(New York, 1980).

8. G

NA RG 59 LM 193/12/333–336, 344, Dodd cables, 7/17/33, 7/21/33, and 8/15/33.

Otto Schaefer,
Sinn und Wesen des VDA
, Frankfurt, 1933, p. 21, as cited in Alton Frye,
Nazi Germany and the American Hemisphere, 1933–1941
(New Haven, CT, 1967), p. 17.

, Series C, Vol. 2, Doc. 140. 12/14/33, pp. 255–59.

LC/MS, Captured German Records, DAI, Reel 290.

Ibid., Reel 443.

Ibid., Reel 290, Correspondence German Consulate, Chicago, 9/27/37, 11/8/37.

NA RG 59 LM 193/12/274, Scanlan memo, 8/18/38, 862.012/122.

LC/MS, Captured German Records, DAI, Reel 292.

Ibid., Reel 443, VDA Rundschreiben Nr. 6-Karteikarten, 7/11/38, to DAI.

Ibid., Reel 292.

Ibid., Reel 474, Kloss to Stahmer (VoMi), 2/15/38.

Ibid., Reel 474, unidentified clipping.

At The Hands of Persons Unknown
, p. 497, n. 339.

See Frye,
Nazi Germany and the American Hemisphere
, Chapter 6, pp. 82–91.

, Series D, Vol. 4, Docs. 500–502, 11/8–15/38.

Ibid., Docs. 509, 510, and 513, 12/16–19/38.

NA RG 238 M894/16, Doc. NO-5630, Himmler memo to Bormann, 4/23/42.

Nazi Germany and the American Hemisphere
, pp. 65–79.

LC/MS, Captured German Records, DAI, Reel 474, “Politisches Bericht uber das Mandatsgebiet Neuguinea,” 9/22/36.

See Robert L. Koehl,
RKFDV: German Resettlement Policy and Population Policy, 1939–1945: A History of the Reich Commission for the Strengthening of Germandom
(Cambridge, MA, 1957), pp. 40–41. This is the definitive study on the RKFDV.

, Series D, Vol. 8, Doc. 153, p. 162, Weizsacker to Ribbentrop, 9/28/39.

, Series D, Vol. 8, Doc. 176, p. 188, “Memo of a Conversation Between the Führer and Count Ciano,” 10/2/39.

Nuremberg Doc. NO-3075, “Decree by the Führer and Reich Chancellor for the Consolidation of German Folkdom, 10/7/39, cited in Koehl,
, p. 247.

Berlin Document Center,
The Holdings of the Berlin Document Center: A Guide to the Collections
(Berlin, 1994), pp. 12, 37, and n. 50.

Dietrich A. Loeber,
Diktierte Option: Die Umsiedlung der Deutsch-Balten aus Estland und Lettland, 1939–1941
(Neumünster, 1972), Doc. 109, p. 136, German Legation in Reval to Foreign Ministry, 10/15/39.

, Series D, Vol. 8, p. 227, Hitler’s speech to the Reichstag, 10/6/39.

NA RG 59 T1243/40, 7601.62/37, Wiley (Riga) to SecState, 10/8/39.

NA RG 59 T1243/40, 7601.62/35, Leonard (Tallinn) to SecState, 10/8/39.

, Series D, Vol. 8, Doc. 239, p. 266, 10/11/39.

NA RG 59 T1243/40, 7601.62/46, Steinhardt (Moscow) to SecState, 10/14/39.

(London), 10 October 1939.

See Loeber,
Diktierte Option
, Docs. 310–15, pp. 635–62.

Ibid., Doc. 39, p. 163,
Rigasche Rundschau
, 10/9/39.

Ibid., Doc. 142, p. 185,
Revalsche Zeitung
, 10/11/39.

Ibid., Doc. 321, p. 672, Arvid von Nottbeck,
Baltische Briefe
, 1963, No. 11, p. 4.

Ibid., Doc. 153, p. 207, 10/10/39, and Doc. 154, p. 208, 10/15/39.

Ibid., Doc. 132, p. 167, “Frau Kurtson will nicht,”
Rigasche Rundschau
, 11/9/39.

Ibid., Doc. 156, pp. 210–11, November 1939.

Joseph B. Schechtman,
European Population Transfers, 1939–1945
(New York, 1946), p. 103.

Rigasche Rundschau
, 12/9/39, cited ibid., p. 98.

European Population Transfers
, p. 105.

Olrik Breckoff, “Zwischenspiel an der Warthe-und was daraus wurde,” in
Jahrbuch des Baltischen Deutschtums, 1994
, p. 142.

Berndt von Staden, “Erinnerungen an die Umsiedlung” in
Jahrbuch des Baltischen Deutschtums, 1994
, p. 62.

A. Meyer-Landruth, in Steinhoff et al., eds.,
Voices from the Third Reich
, p. 103.

Karen Grunerwald, “Ich werde Landfrau in Kalisch,”
Jahrbuch des Baltischen Deutschtums, 1994
, pp. 101–2.

Ibid., p. 102.

Berlin Document Center,
, pp. 43–44.

, pp. 106–7.

Breckoff, “Zwischenspiel,” pp. 144–45.

N. N. Metz, “Heim ins Reich,” in
Jahrbuch des Baltischen Deutschtums, 1994
, pp. 131–33.

A. Meyer-Landruth, in Steinhoff et al., eds.,
Voices of the Third Reich
, p. 103.

NA RG 238, Nuremberg Doc. No. 2916-PS.

Account Rendered
, pp. 63–75.

LC/MS, Captured German Records, Reel 490, “Der BDM-Osteinsatz hilft Heimat schaffen.”

NA RG 242 T81/277; Frames 397640–962 contain a series of required diaries and reports on their Eastern Duty experiences, which are excerpted here.

Account Rendered
, pp. 126–27.

Ibid., pp. 93–97.

Ibid., pp. 115–17.

Ibid., pp. 81–83.

NA RG 242 T81/277/397 958.

A Hitler Youth in Poland
, p. 82.

Milton and Friedlander, eds.,
Archives of the Holocaust
, Vol. 11, BDC, Part 1, Doc. 150, p. 276.

NA RG 242 T81/277, L. Hintz diary, summer 1940.

Account Rendered
, pp. 119–22.

NA RG 242 T81/277, “Generalbericht vom studentenischen Osteinsatz, 1940–1941,” Josef N. report, pp. 124–27, 397, 813–16.

Requiem for a German Past
, Chapter 6.

Account Rendered
, pp. 130–31.

LC/MS, Captured German Records, Reel 490, “BDM-Osteinsatz,” p. 17.

Hitler’s Children
, pp. 155–56.

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