Crude: A Stepbrother Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Crude: A Stepbrother Romance
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“Tell me about it.”

“You seemed to be OK with it that night at-”

“Knox!” I hiss, shooting a cautionary look back at the house, however ridiculous I know it is.

He sighs; “Oh my
, calm the fuck down, Joan Jett. Look, I’m not going to blow up your spot, I already told you.”

He takes a final drag of his smoke as he stands and flicks it into the yard, making me grit my teeth at the motion. He looks up at me, and his face seems to soften a little; “So what happened to your mom?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” And I
; not anymore, and not with this giant dickhead.

“What, drugs? Cheated on your dad? Is that why he’s all strict?”

“Look, forget it.”

He steps around the table towards me, and I’m eying him until I realize he’s moving behind me, and I suddenly wrinkle my nose at him suspiciously as I whirl my head; “What are you

“Helping you relax, you’re all wound-up looking.”

He moves behind me, and I’m frowning and starting to rise out of my chair when I jump at the feel of his hands on my shoulders; “
are you-”

I bite my lip and close my eyes for a second in spite of myself as I feel his strong fingers begin to dig into the muscles of my shoulders. It feels
, and I almost moan out loud at the release of my tension before I stop myself; “OK, stop. Cut that out.”

“Really?” I suddenly jump again at the sound of his voice
in my ear; “I’ve been told I’m pretty good with my fingers.”

I blush a deep crimson, feeling shocked and scandalized by his innuendo. Well, let me rephrase that; I know I
be blushing because I’m feeling scandalized by his crudeness. Instead though, I think I’m just a little more curious than I should be.

His thumbs dig deep into my coiled muscles, his fingers sliding down over my shoulders and down towards the front of my—

“OK, you have to stop that,” I say quickly, pushing his hands off of my shoulders as I quickly stand and whip around to him.

“Aww, we were just starting to have some fun, princess!” He winks at me, very obviously dropping his gaze to my breasts and arching his eyebrows suggestively.

And if I wasn’t scandalized before, I
now by my own traitorous thoughts and my own imagination running
more wild than it ought to. He looks like temptation on freaking stick standing there half in shadow and half lit by the patio lights like some sort of “good-versus-evil” Renaissance painting. He absolutely
sex, with his rugged, suggestive smile, and those devilish eyes
hinting at something dirty, like some sort of raunchy and scandalous secret you’re just dying to have whispered in your ear.

Um, yeah, you need to walk away from this right now.

“Weren’t we?”

I blink; “Huh?”

Knox grins; “Weren’t we just starting to have a little fun?”

I blush again before I drag my thoughts back out of the gutter and quickly cross my arms over my chest; “
were not about to have a little
, actually.” I purse my lips together, shaking my own dirty little thoughts from my head; “C’mon, I have to take you to your room.”

yes please
, princess.”

I roll my eyes as I push past him; “Oh shut up.”

So, little miss perfect has a weak spot. Little miss piano-queen, china doll is balanced like glass on her pedestal, and all it’s gonna take is one good nudge to knock her off. And for some reason, there’s something about shattering this girl and about stripping away her tightly-wound little habits that sounds like a
of fun.

And then, there’s also the idea of stripping
other things
away from this girl that has my mind wandering to darker, more devious and interesting places. It also has my cock stirring inside my pant as I lay back on the bare bed in the bare room. Forget her convictions and her high-strung ideals, now I’m just thinking about stripping those conservative khaki pants off of her and seeing what’s underneath. Probably granny-panties or something boring and grey and totally un-sexy, but in my mind, there’s this hot thought of peeling away that stuck-up exterior to find something naughty underneath like a lacy see-through thong.

...Or nothing at all, actually.

Of course, there’s something about this girl too that’s got me so wound up right now that I’d probably even find the granny-panties hot.

I grin to myself as I lay back in the bed and close my eyes, thinking about peeling those pants off of her, or popping the buttons of her conservative blouse one by one until I tear it away to get at the soft pink of her nipples. I’m grabbing my cock through my pajama pants, imagining tracing down her stomach past her navel, teasing the soft skin there before going lower.

I want to see if how real a redhead she is.

I’m just starting to groan a little as I pull on my cock, when suddenly, I stop cold.


This is my
, for Christ’s sake; what the
am I doing? I stop and try to rationalize it in my own head for second. We’re not fucking related or anything, we’re both adults, and despite her prissy attitude and dressing like a schoolmarm from the 1800’s, she somehow gets my cock harder than anything in the world.

Fuck it
, it’s not like anythings ever going to happen with that anywa-

It’s the buzzing noise that has me frozen in my thoughts for a second before it suddenly goes quiet again. I hold my breath and lean closer to the wall behind me; the wall between my room and hers.

The buzzing comes again, quiet and muffled, but it’s got the blood rushing right back to my dick again as the reality hits me.

You’ve gotta be kidding me.

I listen closer, this time wrapping my fingers around my shaft as I press my ear against the wall. It’s louder with my ear against it like this, and when I’m
pretty sure
I hear what has to be a fucking
, my cock throbs like steel in my hand.

Holy fuck, she’s masturbating

I mean it’s that or she’s tattooing herself, but I somehow seriously fucking doubt that. I grip my cock harder and lean closer to the wall, listening to the muffled buzz of the vibrator and the quiet, almost imperceptible gasps falling from her lips as I stroke it up and down.

I suddenly stop again and frown;
fuck this
. I mean, I don’t want to toot my own horn
that much
, but I’m pretty damn confident it’s me she’s thinking about in there after our little exchange before. And the more I think about it, the more it all just clicks. We’re both eighteen, we’re both adults, and we both want each other.

I’m suddenly failing to see why we’re in separate rooms right now.

I’m up out of bed before I can even second guess it; walking right into the bathroom connecting our rooms with no shirt on and my cock making a tent out of my pajama pants. I think about knocking for a probably
than a second, before I just put my hand on the doorknob and burst right in.

She freaks the

I almost laugh at the mad scramble as she screeches and yanks the blankets up around herself; “Are you
” She hisses at me, her hair wild around her freckled, bright red face; “What the
are you doing in here?!”

I grin at her as I close the door behind me; “Shhh, mom and dad’ll hear.”

She wrinkles her nose at me and hugs the blankets closer; “What are you
in here, Knox?!” She swallows heavily, still catching her breath.

“Oh, please; don’t play games.”


“These walls are pretty fuckin’ thin, Paige. I mean, you know, just for the record.”

If her face was red before, it goes positively magenta now as I pretty much tell her flat out that I know she was hoping to God I didn’t. She actually almost looks like she’s about to cry as she cringes and drops her face into her hands

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God
.” She shaking her head into her hands, her red hair framed around her face as she starts to squirm her way down into the covers.

“Hey! Don’t sweat it, it’s cool!” I’m suddenly seeing this starting to backfire, quickly; “Paige, I’m serious.” She looks up at me miserably, just for a second before she looks away, biting her lip and looking as mortified as I’m sure she feels; “Look, we’re both adults here. You want me,
” She cringes; “And I-” I nod at the bulge in my pajama pants, and I see her eyes drop there and go wide; “I obviously want you, so what’s the matter? We’re two consenting adults, and we’ve got a stupid summer stuck here until we both never see each other again.
failing to see the downside here.”

She’s still bright red and utterly silent as she shakes her head and hugs the covers to herself. OK, she’s nervous; I freaked her out, I get that. Time to slow it down a

I slowly walk towards the bed. She’s not moving, and her eyes
onto my hard-on; “Let’s go slow then, we can-”

“Knox, I-” She bites her lip, looking up at me with those big blue eyes as I sit on the side of her bed.

“What is it?”

“Nothing,” She says quickly, pulling the blankets up to her chin and staring at me big, wide blue eyes.



I grin as I lean closer before I see her mouth go tight and her hands clench tight on the sheets; “
, jeez,” She mumbles; “I mean, I’ve never- you know.”

“What, with parents so close?” I grin, leaning in and seeing her eyes get wider as I move close. She’s not pulling away, and I can see the thrum of her pulse in the soft white skin of her neck; “Relax, let’s just see what hap-”

“No, Jesus, Knox.” She suddenly looks up at me sharply; “I mean I’ve never…” She trails off, and suddenly it all just clicks.

Oh, fuck

She can’t be. She’s eighteen fucking years old; there’s
no way

“Wait you mean you’ve never had

“I’ve just never, OK?” She snaps, before she quickly looks away.

Fuck, that’s it. Little miss perfect is a virgin.
Of course
she is, and here I am being a giant douchebag trying to crawl into her bed like this.

“Shit, Paige, I didn’t-”

“Look, it’s nothing, OK? I’m not a fucking leper or something, I’ve just never had sex” She narrows her eyes at me; “And I
going to with you, so just get out,
And fucking knock next time.”

“Yeah, I should-”


“OK! OK! Jesus.”


If I was having trouble falling asleep before, I’m fuckin’ insomniac after that. Because it was driving me crazy enough just thinking about all the dirty, lurid things I wanted to do Paige McCauley as it was. But why is it that knowing little miss perfect is a virgin
even hotter?

BOOK: Crude: A Stepbrother Romance
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