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Authors: K. M. Liss

Crossroads (6 page)

BOOK: Crossroads
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I understood her motives and focus in life
very well. It must have been hard to see that happen to her mom. It
would mold her way of thinking about her life.

“How are you doing,
studying the law?”

“It's real hard. Much
harder than I imagined.”

“You'll do fine, you're a
smart girl.”

“I do my best. I may not
be top of the class, but I'm not bottom either. I won a
scholarship, or else I couldn't afford to study. All my tuition
fees are paid. Mom helps me out, when she can, and now I have my
job at the bar, but it's a constant struggle

“Tell me about it. My rich
pa don't pay me much cash either. My Harley is on five year
finance. And, no kidding, it's all I possess.”

She turned toward me, her eyes widening in

“Really? I imagined you'd
be quite well paid.”

“Uh-uh,” I shook my head,
“so if you're expecting expensive jewelry and designer gear, you'll
be waiting a while,” I snorted a laugh.

“I'll ignore that comment.
I don't expect anything, from anyone. But you head the Riders team
don't you?”

“Unofficially, yes. But I
have issues with my dad. He treats me like shit. I'll tell you
about it sometime, right now I don't want to spoil my

She hugged me tighter and kissed my

“Yeah, another time. I'd
like to know about you. All kinds of things.”

I don't know why, but something totally
random sprang to mind.

“While I remember, I
noticed your mom's truck needs attention. If your mom brings it to
the ranch, I'll get one of my guys to take a look, and that'll be
no charge, just in case you were wondering.”

“That would be great. The
garage quoted us four hundred, labor and parts.”

“Col will take a look and
go from there.”

“Thank you. My mom will be
pleased to hear that.”

There was a noise of movement from Philipa,
a yawn and a rustling sound.

We turned as she stretched. “We'd better get
going. It's getting kinda late. Let's get the little lady home to
bed. All this fresh air has knocked her out.”

I packed up, gathering the remains of food
and drink, and turned on the LED night-finder torches, fixing them
on the horses tack. It was amazing, the amount of light they threw
out. Horses could travel the route back in the pitch dark, but I
liked to see where we were going.

We set off on the return journey.

Half way back to the ranch, my cellphone
rang. I took a quick look.


I'd left him in charge, while Col went for a
drink with a few of the guys in town.

“Hey man, everything

“Uh-uh, 'fraid not pal.
Sam and Pete just got back from riding the perimeter at Daisy.
There's four Angus shot in the head. And one... listen to this...
one was only set alight. Fucking half the grazing field has been

But how? No one but the ranch hands knows they're there
Kicker... What the hell...?” My whole body tensed with a surge of
frustrated anger. I felt sick to the pits of my stomach.

“And that's not all. Col
and Lucky are in the slammer.”

“Jesus fucking

“Sheriff Jenkins just
called your old man. Charlie told me... and you ain't gonna like
Tell my useless bastard of a son
to deal with this, if he can spare the time from getting

My whole body was riled up with my father's
words. Wasn't I allowed one day off a week? And all I'd drunk was
Pepsi Max. Shit!

Fuck him, FUCK HIM. The bastard!

I bit hard on my tongue, trying not to
explode in a rage of the worst kind of expletives in my present
company. “Look, I'm forty minutes away, coming back with the
Johnson girls from the creek. I can't do anything about the cattle
until morning, but I'll get to town soon as I can.”

“I was about to leave, to
go see Cherry at her place, but I'll hang around. I guess you need
some support, huh?”

“Thanks Kicker. I'd
appreciate that.”

I put my phone away, staring ahead in the

“Trouble?” Tiffany

“There's always something.
Four cattle down

shot. One burned.”

“Really? Who'd want to do

“I don't know, but I plan
to find out, starting tomorrow.”

We arrived in the yard in thirty minutes,
after quickening our pace.

Kicker came out of the bunk house and I
introduced him to the girls.

“What happened to your
head?” Philipa asked, pointing at his scar.

“Don't be so personal,
sweetie,” Tiffany admonished..

He held his hands up. He
loved telling his tale.“No, it's okay. I'm proud of

I got kicked
by a cranky old bull who was having a real bad day.”

“Oh no! Did it

“Yeah, a whole bunch of
hurt. Knocked me out cold. Concussion for two days,” he

“Where's the cranky bull?
Can I see it?”

“No, he's gone, been moved
through my system.”

“Where's he

“Every last steak and rib,
gone to the Great Valley of Consumption, girl.”

“Where's the Great Valley
of Consumption?”

“You're looking at

We all sniggered but Philipa looked
confused. Probably for the best. Kicker had had the last laugh with
the bull. Insisted he ate it all. It had taken quite a while, and
the meat was dead tough, but he'd got there in the end.


We sorted out the horses quickly and left
the stable, making for the barn where we left our bikes.

I had my little passenger gripping on for
dear life, digging her nails in my stomach quite painfully, all the
way home, and squealing loudly and excitedly in my ear. It was dead

We dropped the girls at their place. Philipa
insisted on kissing me goodnight. Hard, full on the lips. Kicker
sniggered at my side until he had to have his turn. He got a much
bigger smacker than me. I guessed she was sweet on him.

“Now Tiffany's turn,” she
said, looking at me.

I got off my bike and kissed her cheek. I
felt her smile as my lips touched down.

“There, happy

“That wasn't a proper
kiss. Do it again, on her mouth.” Philipa demanded, crossing her
arms and frowning.

“It's okay, take no
notice,” Tiffany whispered. “She can be a little precocious. It's
not her fault, but she has boundary issues.”

But at the end of the day, I wasn't having
her disappointed. “It's no problem, let's satisfy the little lady's
request.” I took hold of my girl, wrapped her arms around me, and
gave her a long, sexy, knee-weakening kiss, that left us both
gasping. “How's that?” I turned to Philipa, feeling

“That was a lot better.
I'm tingly all over, are you?”

, sweetheart, I'm definitely tingling
somewhere I could mention.”

“I like that feeling,” she
said. It was so innocent and yet so funny, we couldn't help but

“I bet you do. Don't like
it too much, it'll get you in all kinds of trouble,” I warned

“Come on you,” Tiffany
said tutting at her good-naturedly, “enough with the tingling
kissing. Go cuddle Harry bear, you can kiss him all you like. He's
safe enough.”

Philipa's wide smile beamed at us. I guessed
she'd loved her outing. “Night Josh, night Kicker. Have a nice ride
home. I had a lovely time. Lovely horses, Lovely food. Lovely
bikes. Lovely. Thank you. And bye bye.”

“Night guys,” Tiffany took
her sisters hand. We waved as we watched them go inside. Tiffany
waved once more from the door, popping her head back and blowing me
a sweet and very hot little kiss, before disappearing.

I sighed like a stupid love-struck

Maybe I was a love-struck idiot?

Nah...not quite yet anyways.

“Jeez, what a

I know, keep your eyes off my girl.”

“No, I meant her

“Oh ha ha... she's
thirteen years old, man.

“Yeah,” he scratched his
jaw, “maybe I'll come back in five years or so.”

“You've got Cherry. She's
goddamn beautiful!”

“I know, just kidding
around. You know me.” he grinned, his usual carefree

“I suppose we'd better go.
Col must have a fucking good reason for being in jail. But as for
Lucky, I've a good mind to leave him there.”

“Do everyone a lot of
good. Getting shot of that know-it-all sarcastic mouth of

“You sucked the words
right out of my mouth.”

“That sounds pretty damn
disgusting. Keep your words in there. Want me to plug 'em?” He

“You know something? Maybe
you can go in the slammer, I'll swap you for Lucky.”

“Aww, you're my best pal.
Don't you love me?”

Fuck off . . .
you know I do.”


Part three coming
:) !!



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About the Author


I'm a
loveaholic, but not only that, I like intrigue and drama. My
reading interests are spread across several genres. Romance,
Paranormal, Sci fi, Fantasy, Horror and Erotica.

I read
constantly, developing my craft and pushing myself to improve and
to be a better writer. I love to create real people. People you may
find in everyday life. But these people have secrets, hidden
depths, torture, and a wealth of other hidden characteristics to
their personality and in their lives. I love to create steamy
passion, a heated encounter that will make you wish it were you. :)
And I love to weave a spell, to captivate and entrance you with my
words. To take you to another place in your life, where you can
escape for a few hours with me.


I'm a mother
of four, and worked for many years in a bank, monitoring trading
room activities and risk control. You'll see a brief insight in my
world in my novel, Hot Options. There's reality in that book! It's
a New York trader erotic romance which I hope you'll love.

Many years
commuting by train to London gave me ample opportunity to read
many, many books and I appreciate a good story. I hope I can
continue to create them for you.


In my spare
(lol) time I love to watch movies, cook for my family and wander
through the countryside which surrounds my home, pondering my plots
and characters. I enjoy a glass of red wine, completely love
chocolate and am obsessed with spicy food. My husband and I have
been together for many years and have a shared love of reading. He
is an inspiration. My whole family are an inspiration. There's
always drama in my house, one way or another!


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meet you.





Book List



More Erotic
Romance (18+)


by Katrina
Liss (K.M.Liss)


Dr Sex Series

Therapy (I)

BOOK: Crossroads
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