Crossing Values (12 page)

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Authors: Carrie Daws

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Crossing Values
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“Can you be here when he calls?” said Amber.

“I’ve already cleared my day,” said Peter.

“Well, come on, then,” said Faye. “Let’s get some breakfast in you.”

“And some more coffee in me,” said Peter.

Amber appreciated the effort Faye and Peter were making to keep her mind occupied on other things, but her eyes kept wandering back to the clock. When the phone rang at a quarter after nine, she jumped. Peter looked at her then went to the phone.

“Hello? Yeah. . . . Okay . . .”

Amber’s heart pounded. She desperately wanted to know what was being said on the other end of the phone, but she also wanted to go back to yesterday, before she knew anyone was looking for her. She sank down on the floor beside Sassy and rubbed her ears. “Want to trade places, girl?”

“All right. We’ll see you then.” Peter hung up the phone and went to sit on the ottoman near Amber. Faye sat down in the chair across from them.

“We’re going to meet at Andy’s office today at 1:00.”

“So soon?” said Faye.

Amber nibbled on her bottom lip.

“They’re just in Portland. They pushed for sooner,” said Peter as he looked toward Amber, “but Andy refused. He wanted you to have a little time to process this.”

“Who’s looking for me? Who are we meeting?”

Peter gently took Amber’s hand. “Your parents.”

“Both of them?” Amber wasn’t sure what to do with this knowledge. If her dad was still drinking, she didn’t want to go see him. But Mom was so weak when I left that she couldn’t have gotten Dad to go along with the search. Why do they care to find me?

“Amber?” said Peter.

“I just . . . I don’t know.” She held tight onto the security his hand offered. “I have good memories of my dad, but they are all from when I was little. From the time Cassie died, Dad was a mean drunk and Mom was a weakling. Why would they be looking for me?”

“Maybe they’ve changed,” said Faye.

Amber got up and stood looking in the direction of Mt. Hood. Some of her dad’s words still echoed in her mind. “I’m not sure I can believe that.”

“Truth has little to do with belief,” said Faye. “The sky is blue whether I believe it or not. Just try to go into this meeting with an open mind and see what God has waiting for you. He just might surprise you.”

“How about a walk?” said Peter.

Amber turned and looked at him. “That would be nice.”

Chapter 19

way, and she picked the familiar path to his mom’s favorite spot.

“Talk about something,” said Amber.

“What do you want to hear about?”

“Tell me about college. Where did you go?”

“I went to Oregon State University over in Corvallis.”

“How far away is that?”

“Just a couple hours southwest of here. I was home most weekends.”

“And you studied trees?”

Peter laughed. “I guess you could sum it up that way. My degree is in Forest Operations Management. It’s kind of a blend of Forest Engineering and Business Management, so I not only had to learn to identify the trees and get a decent understanding of how the forest works but also take courses like Accounting and Business Law.”

“You were training yourself to take over your dad’s business.”

“Yeah. I’ve always loved it out here. Learning more about the forest fulfilled my curiosity and learning about business just made sense. Andy steps in with the more detailed law stuff, and Allie’s degree in accounting has kept Dad out of trouble with the IRS and Department of Revenue. God’s always provided the people we needed.”

“Have you always known you wanted to do this?”

“Pretty much. I thought about the military for a short time. Many of Mom and Dad’s brothers were in active duty because of the draft. One uncle died in Vietnam. But I just couldn’t see myself leaving my family behind.”

Amber nodded. “I can’t see myself leaving your family either.”

Peter looked at her. “What do you mean?”

Amber stopped at the edge of the river and watched the water flow. “I know that life is going to have its bumps and rough spots. But your family has showed me for the first time ever that problems can bring a family closer together. I know if my parents had walked back into my life six weeks ago, I would have left town before a meeting could be set up.” She turned to look at Peter. “But today, I walk forward to meet them because people like your mom and dad are praying and because you give me courage.”

Peter shook his head. “God gives courage. I just remind you of His promises.”

Amber looked back at the river. “Millions of drops of water, united in purpose to get to their destination. That’s your family, Peter. Your mom and dad, Brittney, Pops, Logan, and Heather. Even friends like Andy and Allie join in the effort. I like being part of that.”

She turned back to Peter, looking into his eyes. “And I like that marriage to you is an option in our future.”

Peter felt lighter than air. His heart soared as he struggled to control his emotions. He wanted to burst with excitement and run shouting through the forest. She can be mine. Father, I’m sorry I doubted You again. Thank You! Thank You!

With a huge smile on his face, He grabbed Amber’s hand with both of his own and held it to his chest. He stood for a moment, just taking in her eyes and face.

Then, without letting go of her hand, he turned and said, “How about we walk a little more then get some lunch with Mom before driving into town to meet Andy. He wanted us there early so we could all pray before your parents arrived.”

“That sounds good.”

Peter turned and led her alongside the river. “You know, OSU offers online classes.”

“Are you thinking about taking some?”

“No. I was just thinking that if you liked doing the bookwork in the office, maybe we should check out the online accounting classes.”

“I didn’t even finish high school, Peter. You really think I’m cut out for college classes?”

“Why not do some training with Allie and think about it? If you want to try a class or two, I’ll help where I can, and once you get in over my head, we’ll call in Allie. She loves the chance to laugh at my accounting skills, and who knows? Maybe I’ll learn more helping you through it than I learned going through it myself!”

Amber laughed at this. “No promises. Let me get through my parents first then we’ll see if whatever Allie throws at me makes any sense.”


: : : : :

Peter focused on the road ahead as he continued to pray over the afternoon. Amber sat in the seat beside him, quietly looking out the side window. He imagined his mom was also praying as she sat in the seat behind Amber.

He made his way around the square and parked beside Andy’s Jeep. Good. No unfamiliar vehicles. He looked at Amber. “Ready?”

She nodded and moved to get out of the Jeep. Peter got out and met the ladies on the sidewalk.

“Your dad is supposed to meet me at Micah’s,” said Faye. “We’ll just wait for you there.” Faye gave Amber one final hug, squeezed Peter’s hand, and turned to walk toward the hardware store.

A teenager zipped around Peter on his skateboard. “Billy!”

The boy came to an abrupt stop. “Yes, sir?”

“Will you walk my mom over to Micah’s?”

“Yes, sir. Be happy to.” Billy stomped his skateboard and popped it up so he could carry it then ran over to Faye and fell into step beside her.

Peter grabbed Amber’s hand and said, “Let’s go.”

Allie greeted them inside, giving Amber a quick hug before ushering them into Andy’s office. Andy sat at his desk talking on the phone.

“Yes, Mrs. Guire,” said Andy.

“Go ahead and have a seat,” said Allie. “He’s been trying to get off the phone with her for ten minutes.”

“Mrs. Guire, I understand that, but if you will stop speeding down Main Street, Sheriff Daniel will stop giving you tickets.”

Peter directed Amber to the chairs in front of Andy’s u-shaped wood desk while Allie sat on the couch beside it. Her trim khaki dress pants, white blouse, and black cardigan gave her a very professional appearance. Only the blonde curly hair she left down hinted at the spunk she harnessed underneath the business attire.

“No, ma’am,” Andy continued. “I don’t have my calendar in front of me. I’ll put you on hold and Rose will pick up and tell you when a good time to come would be. Right now I need to go, as I have another client waiting for me. . . . Yes, ma’am.”

Andy pushed a button and asked Rose to take care of Mrs. Guire then looked at Peter and Amber. “Sorry about that. She can be—”

“Andy, be nice,” said Allie, smiling at her husband.

“Yes, ma’am,” said Andy.

Peter smiled, thinking about the last time he’d tried to help Mrs. Guire pick out a Christmas tree. He was certain he’d held up every tree on the lot for her inspection at least twice.

“Are you ready, Amber?” said Andy.

She sighed. “As ready as I’m going to be, I guess.”

“We’ll all stay in here until they arrive,” said Andy. “Rose will show them into the conference room and then buzz me. We’ll all walk in together, Allie and I first, then you and Peter. If at any point you need a break, just nod at me and you and Peter can exit. I’ll follow you out to see what you think, then I’ll go back in and say whatever needs said. Okay?”

“Okay,” said Amber.

“The conference room isn’t large,” Andy continued, “but at least you’ll have a table between you and them. Rose will sit them facing the door, so you’ll also have direct access to the exit.”

Amber just nodded.

“Al, I want you to go in first and take the chair at the far end of the table. Amber, you take the chair in the middle and Peter and I will sit on either side of you. Any questions?”

Peter looked at Amber as she shook her head.

“All right, then. Why don’t we say one more prayer before we go in?”

Andy’s phone buzzed and Peter heard Rose’s voice. “The Griffins are here.”

“Thank you, Rose,” said Andy. “Go ahead and show them into the conference room. I’ll be there in just a couple minutes.”

The intercom clicked off. “Pete, want to pray?”

Peter grabbed Amber’s hand and felt it trembling. He bowed his head. “Father, we may wonder what You are doing, but we know that You are in control. Thank You for going ahead of us into this meeting. Daddy, we ask that You provide whatever is needed, including courage and grace. I ask that You give Amber peace as she steps out in faith and trusts You. Allow her to see Your purpose in this. Give Andy great wisdom as he seeks to both protect Amber and mediate the discussion. And, Father, let the outcome be blessed with Your results. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

Andy and Allie both echoed Peter’s “Amen” and then Andy looked at Amber. “Okay?”

Peter felt her tighten her grip on his hand.

“Let’s do this,” she said.

Chapter 20


“Frank, you’re going to owe Micah wood for his floor if you don’t stop,” said Faye. “Come sit down.”

“I got wood,” said Frank.

“Let him be, Faye. The floor’ll be fine.”

“What time is it?” said Frank.

“Probably about two minutes past the last time you asked,” said Faye.

“It’s 12:58, Frank.”

“Franklin Yager,” said Faye. “Where’s your trust in God with this?”

“Trust I got. It’s patience I’m lackin’.”

The front door opened and two people entered. “Care if we join the party?”

“Brittney!” said Faye.

“After you called, Mom, I called Pops. He refused to wait at home. He said if I didn’t bring him down, he was hitchin’ a ride with the first delivery man he could find.”

“Pops! What on earth?” said Frank.

“That girl’s got spunk. I see no sense waitin’ at home. Peter’s gone with her?”

“Yes, Pops,” said Faye. “Peter, Andy, and Allie are all with her.”

“Well, then. Where’s the coffee, Micah?” said Pops.

Brittney just rolled her eyes as Micah led Pops to the back of the store to grab a mug. “Whatever happens, Mom, one of us must call Heather right away. She’s pacing the floor at home with a teething baby, although I don’t know if the pacing is more for Heather or the baby. She’s been calling me about every ten minutes.”

Chapter 21

door and Allie walked in before him. Amber paused a moment and then walked through the door, heading straight for her chair.

“Rachel!” said her mom, Victoria.

Amber stopped behind the chair and looked across the table at a woman she barely recognized. She looks old.

Peter reached around to pull out her chair. She half-consciously sat as Peter took his place beside her. Her mother’s short brown hair and pale skin looked familiar, but something was different. She almost glows. Is it just because she’s found me? Or is it for real? Is she truly happy?

“Rachel,” said her father, Thomas. “It is so good to see you.”

Amber looked at her father, who also seemed to have aged considerably. At just forty-eight years old, he nevertheless had completely gray hair, and his tanned face boasted many wrinkles. Wrinkles in all the right places from smiling. Could they both be happy? Could things have changed that much?

“Why don’t we start with introductions?” said Andy. “Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, you clearly recognize Miss Griffin. This is a friend, Peter Yager, and my assistant and wife, Mrs. Williams. Perhaps it would be best if you began by telling us what you hope to accomplish.”

“Mr. Williams, we want nothing more than to reestablish contact with our daughter,” said Thomas.

“And your private detective?” said Andy.

“Matthew just helped us search,” said Victoria. “Rachel, you were so hard to find. When you left, you just disappeared. The police barely found any trace of you.”

“You called the police?” said Amber. That surprised her.

“Rachel,” said Thomas, “I know I was a horrible father those last few years. I didn’t know what to do after . . . I-I-I was so lost after . . .”

“You can say it,” said Amber. “After Cassie died. Your world was Cassie, and when she died your world fell apart.”

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