Crossing the Line (The Baltimore Banners Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Crossing the Line (The Baltimore Banners Book 1)
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     Right up until she had turned around to look at herself in the mirror and saw how much flesh the gown exposed—and accentuated. Not even the small wrap that came with it had enough material to completely cover her.

     It was then that she had said "no"...and been promptly overruled by everyone around her.

     "AJ, you're beautiful." Ian's quietly spoken words, issued in a hush surrounded by the plush interior of the limousine, caught her attention and she turned back to face him. The smoldering look of appreciation in his eyes surprised her. Surprised—and panicked.


     He sat back and laughed, a short sound of frustration and humor. "AJ, if I thought there was even the slightest chance that you were interested, I would try. But I know better. Trust me, I will be the perfect gentleman tonight, so don't worry. And you
beautiful. If Alec isn't smart enough to come to his senses after tonight, then you deserve better."

     AJ swallowed against the thickness that had formed in her throat at his heartfelt words, then offered him a small smile in thanks. She was going to be self-conscious no matter what Ian said, but maybe she really was overreacting. So the gown was more revealing than what she was accustomed to. So what? It was still beautiful. And yes, she could admit—at least to herself—that she felt beautiful. Between the gown, the jewelry and accessories, the hair, and the makeup—all carefully chosen, coifed, and applied—she almost felt like Cinderella going to the ball. She was living every girl's princess fantasy.

     Except her Prince Charming was really Prince Chump who was taking someone else to the ball.

     And was she really sitting her, all dressed up in the back of a limo, comparing herself to Cinderella? What had gotten into her? She mentally shook her head to snap out of it. This wasn't a ball, this was work. She had an actual job to do tonight. Yes, she could try to have fun, but this was still about work.

     The limo came to a stop in front of a row of refurbished and converted row homes, and AJ peered over Ian's shoulder to see where they were. Recognition came quickly, and she turned back to face him in laughing disbelief. "Canton? Seriously?" The trendy Baltimore neighborhood had been revitalized several years ago, and was now a mecca of popular night clubs and restaurants.

     Ian shrugged and offered her a smile. "I never said the first part of the night was going to be fancy. But if you're worried about crowds, don't be. The Canton Club is ours for the duration—the team rents the entire place, so it's relatively private." He studied her, then offered her his hand as the driver opened the door for them. "Are you ready?"

     AJ took a deep breath, then rested her hand in Ian's. "Ready as I'll ever be."



     Despite her initial misgivings, AJ was enjoying herself. For another ninety minutes, she was free to relax and just enjoy the evening.

     Except that she had to stop her gaze from wandering around the crowded downstairs, searching for one hockey player out of the dozens that were already here. She tried telling herself she was merely enjoying watching everyone, dressed in tailored tuxedos and escorting dates wearing designer fashion gowns. And it wasn't just the hockey players in attendance; there were several players from Baltimore's football team as well as the baseball team. Apparently some light-hearted party crashing had occurred, which Ian told her was another tradition.

     She glanced to her side and offered him another smile as he handed her a glass of wine, then cupped her elbow and led her away from the boisterous teasing that was going on right next to them. "Having fun so far?"

     AJ sipped the wine then nodded. "Yes, believe it or not. Everyone looks so different, all dressed up."

     "See? Now can you understand my reaction when I picked you up tonight?" Ian laughed and took a sip of his own drink, then stepped closer to her as a huge football player passed by. AJ's eyes widened in recognition as he walked by, and she nearly choked on the wine when the man briefly stopped and gave her an appreciative look. There was nothing dangerous or even lecherous about the look, just pure masculine appreciation, but AJ still felt just a little intimidated and stepped closer to Ian.

     He chuckled and grabbed her elbow in a gentle grip to lead her into an adjoining room. This one wasn't as crowded or filled with as much noisy conversation as the other, due in part to the band that was set-up in the corner. "You should get used to drawing attention, especially tonight."

     "What? Why?" AJ quickly glanced down at herself, wondering if she had spilled something on herself or, worse, if the gown had shifted.

     "I told you: you are beyond beautiful. You'd be surprised at some of the comments the guys have made." He must have seen her look of horror because he quickly shook his head. "All good, don't worry. Now c'mon, let's dance."

     He sat their drinks on a side table then led her onto the floor with the scattering of other couples already there. A slower song was playing, and Ian took her into his arms and led her through the steps of a slow dance. AJ let herself relax, allowing the din of conversation surrounding them disappear, allowing the stress of the last few weeks fade away for at least a little while.

     Until Ian's shoulders tensed under her hands and he faltered for one small step. That tiniest movement, coupled with the sudden sensation of being watched, set off her internal alarm, and all the tension quickly came back. Ian's hand tightened briefly against her back, and he lowered his mouth to her ear. "Smile and relax, okay?"

     She took a deep breath and forced a smile on her face, then laughed with genuine humor at Ian's grimace. The song faded to an end, and Ian clasped his hand around hers and led her off the floor. AJ tried not to look around for Alec, she really did, but her eyes had their own agenda and automatically sought him out, zeroing in on him without fail.

     And while her eyes might have appreciated his appearance, actually seeing him standing there with his gaze focused completely on her almost made her stumble. Alec dressed down in jeans and a t-shirt was pulse-racing. Alec in uniform, playing on the ice, was jaw-dropping. Alec in work-out clothes was drool-worthy.

     But Alec in a sleek tailored tux designed for his perfect form, his hair carelessly slicked back, his dark eyes slowly drifting over her...that was enough to cause all-out heart failure. And for one fraction of a second, for one-half of a heart beat, she thought he was going to approach her, that he was going to come toward her and take her in his arms and...

     And then reality bitch-slapped her across the face because Alec wasn't alone. Of course he wasn't. His girlfriend sauntered in from the other room and dug her talons into his arm, turning up to face him with a Botox-enhanced pout.

     With the sharp precision of a surgeon's knife, AJ accepted the fact that it was time to let go of whatever fantasy she may have still been nurturing. She may have thought she loved him—no, not thought, did—but it didn't matter. Even if there had ever been any chance at a real relationship between them—and she was beginning to admit that there probably hadn't been—that time was over.

     She took a deep breath and offered Alec a small smile and nod of acknowledgement, then turned toward Ian. The expression on his face surprised her, and her own smile faltered. He was glaring at Alec, not even trying to hide his frustration and displeasure. She tugged on his hand to get his attention, then lifted her shoulders in a small shrug. "Ian, it's over. Really. We both made our choices. It’s time to move on."

     Ian turned to face her, his eyes unreadable as he studied her. And for one selfish second she wished that she really could move on, that she was the kind of woman who could bounce from one relationship—one man—to the next. Because Ian was extremely attractive, and if things were different, maybe she could actually be interested in him.

     Except she felt only friendship for him.

     He must have been able to read her mind; either that, or her thoughts showed too clearly on her face because his expression cleared and he laughed, a warm chuckle that made her smile in return. He draped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, then dropped a kiss on her forehead and led her deeper into the room, away from Alec and his date.

     He paused on the way to the bar and leaned over to Jean-Pierre Larocque, saying something in a low voice that AJ didn't catch. She was going to ask him, but the band started playing again, an upbeat dance version of a popular hit, and Ian quickly detoured so they were back on the dance floor.

     Thirty minutes later and AJ laughingly begged for mercy, shaking her head when the massive football player who had noticed her earlier tried to keep her out on the floor for another dance. At least now she had an idea of what Ian had said to his teammate earlier, because she had been kept on the dance floor by one player or another for the last half-hour. It didn't matter what song was playing, she had a dance partner that kept her moving, that kept her talking and laughing.

     That kept her mind off the goalie standing in the corner, glowering. Not that anybody else except his date was paying much attention to him. In fact, it seemed that everyone was going out of their way to pointedly ignore Alec and his date.

     And AJ was too petty to feel sorry for him, and too human not to get at least a little perverse pleasure out of it.

     She finally made her way back to Ian and gratefully accepted the glass he held out to her, greedily drinking the ice water and catching her breath. He motioned toward the bartender then replaced her empty water glass with a full wine glass.

     "Are you having fun?"

     "Yes, I am. And thank you."

     "For what?"

     AJ raised her brows at him, letting him know that he couldn't get away with acting innocent. She placed her hand on his arm and leaned closer so she wouldn't have to shout. "For making sure I'm having fun. For making sure that there's always someone ready to dance with me."

     Ian continued looking confused, and shook his head at her. "I have no idea what you think I did—"

     "Ian, I'm not completely oblivious. I know you said something to Jean-Pierre to make sure Alec was ignored and that I was kept busy on the dance floor."

     "AJ, really, I didn't—" Ian stopped and glanced at something behind her then grabbed her hand and started leading her away. "But dancing seems like—"

     "Excuse me."

     AJ stiffened as the voice from behind her cut through the conversation and music around them. It wasn't loud. In fact, she doubted if anyone else besides her and Ian had even heard the soft interruption. But the sound echoed in her mind and caused her heart to speed up. Her stomach rolled from nervousness, trepidation, and anticipation, and it seemed as if every person in the room had stopped to watch.

     Which was just her ridiculous imagination, of course. There was nothing to watch, nothing to anticipate, nothing to be nervous about. AJ took a deep steadying breath and slowly turned around, keeping her face carefully blank as Alec gazed at her.

     "AJ, I was wondering if you'd like to—" Alec motioned to the dance floor behind him and cleared his throat. "Would you care to dance?"

     She felt Ian's eyes on her, along with the stares of several other players who were nearby, and knew that all she had to do was shake her head. If she did that, she knew that Alec wouldn't bother her the rest of the night, that he wouldn't even be able to get close to her.

     She opened her mouth to say 'no', but there was a flash of something in Alec's eyes that changed her mind. She didn't know what she had seen—or thought or even hoped she had seen—but she found herself giving him a simple nod before she could think better of it.

     Alec took the wine glass from her, his eyes never leaving hers as he handed it off to someone before guiding her out to the floor with a gentle hand placed in the small of her back. She was still reeling from the heat of that small touch against her bare skin when Alec pulled her into his arms as the band started a Jason Aldean/Kelly Clarkson duet. AJ stumbled when she recognized the song, wishing they had played something different.

     Because she was very much afraid that if Alec asked her did she want stay, she would foolishly say yes.

     But as Alec wrapped his hand around hers and drew it against his chest, as his other hand rested low and warm against her back, she realized that it didn't matter what song the band played. Because any song would bring her too close to Alec.

     AJ stiffened and tried to put some distance between them, to stop the heat that was already smoldering. Alec looked down at her, his eyes dark and hooded, and pulled her just the tiniest bit closer. She briefly considered pulling away, then quickly decided against it. Alec's body seemed to relax, and she realized that he had been worried she would do just that.

     "You're beautiful." His voice was rough, like he hadn't used it in some time, and she tilted her head up to look at him again, to ask him if something was wrong. Her breath left her in a rush at the look in his eyes, at the heat and desire so clear in the dark depths. She expected him to look away, to pull away, to say something, but he just kept looking down at her as he eased her even closer, their bodies pressed again each other.


     He shook his head, stopping her before she could even think of what she should say. Her pulse hammered in her throat as he continued watching her, his eyes hypnotizing, drawing her in, drawing her closer as the plaintive lyrics and soft music wrapped around them.

     Alec flattened her hand against his chest, directly over his heart, and she could feel the steady beat racing beneath her palm. The heat from his body seeped into her, warming her. "I'm sorry I never took you dancing. I'm sorry for a lot of things."

     AJ lowered her gaze away and stared at his chest, at his hand covering hers, and she wondered if he could feel her fingers trembling. All she wanted was to wrap her arms around him, to lift her face to his for a kiss. But she couldn't. He was no longer hers; she didn't know if he ever had been hers.

     She closed her eyes and followed the sway of his body as the heat between them intensified. She should pull away, she knew she should, before he completely consumed her.

     AJ opened her eyes and looked up at him, but the words died on her tongue before she could even open her mouth. Alec's face was mere inches away, his gaze searing, demanding as the strains of the chorus grew around them. She lifted her face to his, felt herself reaching for him as he lowered his mouth slowly toward her. He was going to kiss her, she knew it with every molecule of her being, and she was helpless to stop him.

     She didn't want to stop him.

     Her eyes slowly drifted closed, waiting, both anticipating and dreading the touch of his mouth against hers.


     AJ's body went rigid at the whiny shriek, and she opened her eyes, startled at the noise but not surprised to see Alec's date standing less than a foot away, her face contorted in anger and frustration. One clawed hand reached out and closed over Alec's arm, trying to jerk him toward her.

     AJ was slightly surprised when Alec's hold on her tightened, as if he was trying to keep her close. She shook her head and pulled away, not understanding what he was trying to do, if he was playing a game or not. It didn't matter, because she refused to let herself get drawn into it.

     Never mind that she had very nearly done just that.

     She took a deep breath and stepped away as the song died, and offered Alec a smile that felt forced and faked. "Thanks for the dance, Kolchak. I, um, think your girlfriend wants you."


     She turned and walked away, not caring to hear whatever he had been planning on saying, not wanting to see him touch or hold or even talk to his new girlfriend after he had so easily held her in his arms.

     Ian was waiting for her at the edge of the dance floor, a glass of wine held out to her, a look of concern on his face. "Are you okay?"

BOOK: Crossing the Line (The Baltimore Banners Book 1)
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