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FBI Counterterrorism Unit,

Broadway, NYC - 2006

Monday - 11.30 AM


Arriving at the FBI office, located on the

26 Federal Plaza, Broadway,  15 minutes before the scheduled meeting, Jonathan Bradley was able to exchange notes on some of the important developments regards the two criminal episodes, with his FBI colleagues,   Allan Banks, and William King, who, as usual, were already present. 

    Sharp on time, walked in the Special Agent-in-Charge, Steve Turner but he surprised them by bringing along the FBI’s Assistant Director in Charge, Diego Gonzalez.   

    The Assistant Director was assigned to the   FBI’s Counterterrorism Division,  based at the J. Edgar Hoover Bldg. in Washington DC., as a part of the JTTF, a Joint Terrorism Task Force, which included the other specialized US Enforcement Federal Agencies.

    A minute later also stepped in two NYPD detectives assigned to the JTTF.

     “Bad business, gentlemen…,” began Gonzalez, assuming a serious countenance in contrast to his  handsome Hispanic looks complimented by a full head of black curly hair, and displaying a set of strong white teeth as he grinned at them, “We have been at the receiving end.  Too much flack already from the bureaucrats, politicians and the media. “

    He paused to look at each of their faces. A graduate of the FBI National Academy at Quantico, the 52 years old Diego was otherwise a quiet and unassuming man but deceptively tough and relentless.  At the Academy, Diego  had an unbeaten record for rifle marksmanship.

    “As always, everyone demands explanations when things go wrong… So, what went wrong with the terror cell operation?”

    “We had a close surveillance going on Sir, “ Steve Turner came in.  “We knew the identity of the four terrorist suspects.  One was on a visit visa sponsored by the Lebanese Educational Trust run by American Shiites in New Jersey, two on student F-1 visas of a university of New York and the fourth a Saudi-American, the oldest of the three terrorists, and presumably their leader.”

    “How long had the operation been going on?” the Assistant Director asked.

    “For a year almost.  They came to our notice through a Lebanese-American informant. The FBI had been running him for some time. 

    “His father rented out a detached hous

to them owned by him in the Yonkers neighborhood. He himself lived apparently alone in the adjoining house. We investigated the landlord .  He appeared to have no links with suspected extremists, but was a devout Muslim fundamentalist.   

    “We were, moreover, tipped by our informant sources about the possibility  of an unidentified mastermind, supposedly a Lebanese-Hezbollah,  suspected to be running this terror cell.

    “We were hoping to trap this  terrorist in the event that he met with the others of this Jihadist gang.    

    “Although we managed to bug the place, they probably were aware of it since we overhead no talk or discussion  to link with their suicide mission. They probably did it elsewhere.”

    “How did your team learn about their plans to suicide-bomb the two Synagogues after taking hostages?’

    That Diego sought direct answers to questions which may have already been reported to him before, was understandable.   

    As the Asst. Director, he had a huge responsibility and agenda of counterterrorism cases in operation in joint participation with several of the US Enforcement Federal Agencies, to keep track of the finer details of each operation under his jurisdiction. 

    “Through our usual source of the FBI underground agents and paid informants who have infiltrated
some suspected extremist groups.  For this, some of the credit must go to Jonathan Bradley, and his two colleagues here, who have overseen the intelligence gathering and surveillance.

    “It was too early for the terror-cell to complete their destructive arrangements,” Jonathan commented.

    “Moreover, two of our Arab informants in this case were suspected of being double or triple agents, reporting to the CIA and the Mossad as well.”

    “How so?” One of Diego’s eyebrows shot up.   

    “You’d know, Sir.  How the friendly agencies are inclined to go off on a tangent.”

    The Asst. Director gave Jonathan a bemused smile.

    “My information,” continued Bradley, “is that the Mossad were impatient.  They did not want to risk letting the Jihadists continue with their plan to bomb the Synagogues. Their foremost concern was the impending threat to the lives of the Jewish hostages and their places of worship.

    “The decision was taken in Tel Aviv, and the Mossad undertook the raid on the terror-cell by flying in the
their assassination team, and flying it back when the deed was done.

    “I believe the CIA was aware of the Mossad’s date and time of the attack. The information was leaked to us after it had taken place,” contributed Steve Turner.

    “If you had the house under surveillance, how come your men failed to detect the Mossad team arriving at the location?” questioned the Assistant Director.

     Jonathan was expecting the obvious question.

    “These officers were not from the FBI, but NYPD surveillance detectives.  They were recalled that night by a call put through their  Assistant Police Commissioner’s office.  Probably acting under the direction of some higher-up in the CIA.”

“I see.” Muttered Diego González  thoughtfully.

    “I understand you served with the CIA before.”

    “Yes, Sir.  Mostly in the Middle-East.”

    “How would you continue with the investigation now that the terror threat from this Yonkers terror-cell is taken off our hands?”

    “We keep the second part of the investigation going on, that is tracking the mastermind.  I have always felt that the bombing of the Synagogues could have been a diversionary tactic  to camouflage the undertaking of a larger terror plot of international ramifications.  Therefore, the capture of this Hezbollah mastermind is of paramount importance.

    “If I am right, he became an international terror fugitive after going into hiding  in 2003. 

    “I suspect the man is a Lebanese Christian Phalangist, once a prominent businessman, involved in the international arms trade, with his main office in Beirut, Lebanon.  Obviously, he has shifted his allegiance  to the Hezbollah, masterminding terrorist acts on their behalf and supplying illegal arms for their overseas terrorist activities.

    “In 2003, I was involved in an operation in Beirut  to uncover the identity of this mastermind in a combined operation with the British Intelligence Agency -  MI6 there.  After being seriously wounded in the same covert operation, I was repatriated to the U.S.A., ” Bradley concluded.

    “The CIA must be following up with the operation to pursue the Hezbollah mastermind considering that he has not been caught or eliminated till date.” Diego shared his opinion.

    “I agree. They must be.  But, the CIA always keep their cards close to the chest.” 

    “I have a question which skipped my attention earlier. How did the extremists manage to get such a large quantity of weapons stored despite the house being under surveillance?”

    “They were seen receiving a delivery of packed wooden crates in the SOHO furniture company van,” answered Allan Banks.

     “Our men went to the SOHO furniture firm and obtained a copy of the delivery note, and verified that the transaction was genuine.  The only suspicious part was that the payment was made by cash. $3750.  Possible that the consignment was switched somewhere  in transit.”

    “It is also possible that  the weapons were stored before the tenants moved in.  Either the landlord was himself involved or the earlier tenant was responsible.” 

    And, before we could investigate further, the Mossad raided the place.” stated William King.

Steve Turner, who had been listening most of the while, said, “Mr. Gonzalez,  as far as the public is concerned,  the Yonkers terror plot is now an open-and-shut case, merely  involving two drug trafficking gangs. Certain areas of that suburb are known for drug dealing.  The NYPD will probably label the closure as such.”

    “You’re right, Steve.  The FBI already has too many things in hand.  Let those in the CIA echelon
for looking the other way, sort it ou
at the diplomatic level, for allowing the Mossad to create this mess on American soil.”

“Sir, you are perhaps aware of the recent homicide of the former CIA operative, Mr. Eugene Lewek at his residence in the Greenwich Village.  I have my suspicions that his death is somehow linked to the Mossad’s raid on the terror-cell,” said Jonathan since he wanted to talk to the Assistant Director about this case.

    “Again, the NYPD must be investigating that case. Being an ex-CIA operative, the CIA may want to come in,”  Diego Gonzalez stated.

    “They have already, Sir.  Though, not officially yet.  Eugene Lewek was a personal friend of mine.  I was there at the crime scene and the three of us, “ indicating Allan and William, “did some preliminary investigation.  I would need your permission and Mr. Turner’s also to continue the investigation since it may put us on the trail of the person or persons who planned the attacks on the two Synagogues.”

    The Asst. Director thought over it before he said, “If it’s relevant to the terror-cell investigation, I see no problem in that.  But, let me speak first to the Director and the NYPD commissioner’s office.  Steve will let you know what transpires.”

    “Thank you, Sir.”

    “Well… I guess, then, we are done here  for now.”

    Seeing the concurrence on their faces, the Assistant Director of FBI got to his feet to be followed by the others.  However, only Steve Turner went out  of the conference roo
their boss. He returned after about five minutes to address them.

    “It doesn’t mean that we completely close down  this investigation.  This is not an open and shut case for us. We’llcontinue to kee
under surveillance the landlord’s son including whoever he associates with, and the other suspects linked to that Yonkers cell.    

    “There’re  NYPD detectives assigned to the FBI’s  counterterrorism unit, who can be briefed further to take up the surveillance.”

    “Mr. Turner, I shall certainly want to investigate from  the angle of Eugene Lewet’s homicide.  The modus operandi

of his brutal torture and murder reeks of the terrorist method including the beheading.  And, that is not the only indicator.  

    “Eugene was an active CIA field covert agent operating – outside the Embassy’s diplomatic cover -  in Beirut, Lebanon when I was first posted there. I suspect Lewet’s identity was known to the leaders of the Hezbollah  extremists there. It is also possible Eugene knew of the terrorist cell’s plot in Yonkers to seize and destroy the two Synagogues in the New York City.”

    “Do you suspect Mr. Lewek had links with the Mossad?” asked Steve.

    “That has been obvious to me.  I knew that he was probably a Mossad helper-agent,
The CIA would have known about this because any such 
“friendly “

arrangement served their interests as well.  After all, the Mossad’s raid on our soil, couldn’t have happened without the knowledge and silent nod from the clandestine hierarchy in the CIA.”

    “Before I came here,” said Allan Banks, “this morning I heard that the CIA intended to carry out their own investigation into the murder of their ex-CIA man, Eugene. But what surprised me to learn was that your name, Jonathan,  is being mentioned as the one to head this investigation.”

    “That’s certainly news to me,” Bradley said, but he knew that you soon learn to expect just about anything, working and living among the intelligence fraternity.

    “Well, they haven’t  spoken to me yet,” Steve Turner said matter-of-factly. “Anyway, we’ll wait to hear from the Assistant Director.“  

    He then looked up at the electronic clock on the wall of the conference hall.  It showed 12.30 PM.

    “That’s about it for now.  Allan, you’ll continue to update and send the summary reports to my office.  We shall meet again to review the case when we have a reason to do so.”

    Turner  stopped speaking as Jonathan’s cellphone started to ring. He excused himself to take the call.  Meantime, Steve Turner turned to walk towards the door and left.

    “Jonathan Bradley.”

     He heard the familiar voice of Detective Liza at the other end.

    “Can you come see me at my office at  2.00 PM?  There has been an incident in Ms. Clarke’s case.”



New York City - 2006

Monday - 2.00 PM


Detective Liza of the NYPD Sex Crimes has had her lunch postponed not because of her meeting with Jonathan Bradley, but because she had just returned from the scene of an apparent case of drowning related to one of the rape cases under her investigation.

    She was going through the notes when Bradley knocked on her door.

    “Come in,” Liza said absent-mindedly, then looking up from her notebook and seeing that it was Jonathan, “Oh, yes. Do come in, please. I’ve bad news, Mr. Bradley.”

    “What happened?”

    “A homeless person was found drowned this morning. One of the Park Enforcement officers reported seeing a man’s body floating in the reservoir of the main fountai
in the Greenview Park. It is of one of our alleged suspect’s, Andre Poinsteur.”

    Jonathan at once realized what he had feared earlier had come true.  The clever murderer had eliminated a possible witness in Samantha’s rape case.  The man was nothing less than a psychopath. 

  “Any clues or signs as to how he might have drowned?”

    “The M.E. places the time of his death,” she referred to her notes,    between 11.30 PM and 1.00 AM, based roughly on his examination of the exterior body organs. The man was apparently drunk. His legs and bare feet protruded outside the fountain. We will know more after the autopsy is done.”

    “Could be a case of accidental or forced drowning. The doctor will need to look for physical abrasions or injuries on the body,” surmised Bradley and asked, “The medic must have certainly checked for signs of water in the lungs?”

    “He did remark about the absence or rather the presence of very little water in the victim’s lungs.”

    “That could be our answer.  He was nearly dead or barely semiconscious before he was placed or forced face-down into the water of the fountain’s reservoir.

    “I too have serious doubts that he drowned himself accidentally.  He lived around parks and water fountains for too many years, not to have known his way around them, even in a drunken state,” Detective Quadros voiced her views.

    “For a man of his physique, only a much stronger man than he would have managed to subdue him before drowning him,” opined Bradley.

    “Anyway, he is out of our hands now,” she went on to tell Jonathan. “If it’s a case of murder, the homicide detectives will handle it

According to me, he did not appear to be a serious suspect in Ms. Clarke’s case.”

    “I have spent a few hours perusing her case folder.  The other suspect, Samuel Morse, comes close to the victim’s description.  He has a history of sex offenses, but a strong alibi and the fact that he is currently undergoing psychiatric treatment for reform,  lets him off from being indicted.  Has he been tested for a match of his sperm DNA with the sample kit of the victim’s?” 

    “The forensic dept. was supposed to follow up on that.  I will check with them.”

    She then dialed the code number on her desk intercom and asked Randy to see her.

    “Detective, did you consider holding a police line-up?”

    “We did consider it, but the victim was not in a proper state of mind.  We can have one as soon as she is fit to  do so.”        “Alternatively, Detective, I would suggest a photo line-up.  If you could arrange that, I could bring over Ms. Clarke here and she could examine the set of photographs, including Samuel Morse’s for some possible identification of the perpetrator.”

    “Yes, that can be arranged.”

    She glanced towards the door to see Randy walk in.  After he had greeted Jonathan, Liza instructed him about the DNA forensics report status and the photo-array. 

    “Randy, you get in touch with Mr. Bradley when it’s done.”

    “Just a moment, Officer Nogart,” interposed Jonathan, “Could you also please arrange with the Computer Artist to prepare an extra set showing the photo line-up faces wearing a black balaclava mask with only the eyes and mouth exposed?”

    Then went on to explain, “That was how the victim saw him.”

    “I shall look into it, Mr. Bradley,’ Randy said and left the room.

    “Meantime, I am taking in Samuel Morse for further interrogation.  I’ve had my suspicions about him. If only I can break down his alibi.” Detective Liza said with determination.

    “I had also intended to question him, but  if you are taking him in, I’d like to join you during the interrogation.”

    “That’s fine with me.  The faster we get done with his case, the better it is for all of us.  I will be in touch with you.”

    “Appreciate that, Detective.”




    He was driving back to his FBI office  when he heard his cellphone ring.  It was Samantha. 

    She didn’t even give him time to respond. Her voice sounded distraught.  “Jon, where are you? Please go check on Elaine at the apartment.  We were supposed to meet this morning.  She did not turn up and I have been calling her ever since. Her mobile just rings and disconnects after a while…”

    “Sam, Sammy… take it easy.  Listen, please. Don’t panic.”

    He heard her calm down at the other end, “That’s better.  Now tell me again… “

    “Late last night, that is after you dropped me home, she phoned telling me that things were not going right between her and Jamie.  I know her well. I think she had been crying for a while.  Said she’d meet me today and explain.  Could something bad have happened between them since?  Please Jon…”

    “Tell you what, love.  I am turning around the car and am heading for the apartment.  You calm down.  Can you do that for me? Can you, please?”

    “Yes, my love,” her breathing was returning to normal as he tried to quieten her.

    “I will call you no sooner I am at the apartment and have spoken with her.  Till then, there is no reason  foryou to worry or to fear abou
anything.   Agreed?”

    “I will try to, Jon.  You be careful, alright?”

    “That’s a good girl.  Now wait for my call.  I will be there in a short while.  Love you, Sam.”

    She reciprocated and he waited until she had disconnected.

    The apartment was located on the second floor of the Crossley Apartments building.  Jonathan took the lift up while he thought about the next course of action.  

    From the car, he had made several attempts to reach Elaine on her number, then changed to her landline,  but without any success.

    A sliver of fear was beginning to bother him when he reached the door of the Apartment B2.

    First, he rang the door-bell. Next, he knocked a few times on the door. Then, he called out aloud,” Elaine… Elaine, it is me, Jonathan Bradley.  Jonathan here, please open the door…”

    He repeated, and knocked on the door again.  Just as he was about to call out again, he heard his cellphone ring.  It was Elaine calling.

    He spoke quickly into the mobile, “Elaine, it’s me Jonathan. Please open the door.  You have nothing to fear… “

    “Are… are you alone, Jon… ?“ Elaine’s voice sounded fearful.

    “Yes, I am alone.  You can trust me, Elaine.  Please open the door.”

    He could hear the soft thud of the footsteps coming towards the door, the latch slides and the chain rattle, and finally the door open, but not before she had made sure that it was Jonathan on the other side.

    Elaine rushed into Jonathan’s arms, and next as if sensing their close physical contact, hastily stepped back, letting him come inside the apartment.

    To Jonathan, she made a pitiful figure.  She had a hideous left black eye, which she had tried to hide under make-up, and her lower lip was grossly swollen.  Elaine was looking at him embarrassedly.

    “I am sorry, Jonathan, I made you wait,” she mumbled.

    “That’s alright, but why have you not been responding to calls from Samantha and me?  She is worried to death about you and asked me to check on you.  What’s wrong, Elaine?  I can see that you have been hurt badly.  Who did this to you? Have you reported to the police?” He let out a flurry of questions, anxious as he was for Elaine’s welfare.

    Actually, Jon was angry with himself for failing to prevent harm from befalling Samantha’s loyal friend.

    “Please come inside and sit down.  I will explain everything, Jonathan.  I have had the time to rest and think.

    And then when Jonathan Bradley heard Elaine speak next, he was startled at her steadfast conviction with which she made the accusation.

    “Jonathan, I believe I know the masked man who raped Samantha.”

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