Cross Current (44 page)

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Authors: Christine Kling

Tags: #Suspense

BOOK: Cross Current
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As I swung round the bend and headed into boatyard row, it looked like an entire fleet of small vessels was there to greet me. Every yachtie in the area who had been listening in on channel 16 had jumped into his dinghy and come out to assist in getting the sinking yacht into the slipway. Charlie, the boatyard foreman, was in the yard launch, and he pulled alongside the aft port quarter of the wallowing sport fisherman to help slow her down. In the basin off the slipway, out of the current, I shortened up my towlines, got
back off the starboard quarter, and, together, we eased
into the slings that dangled deep in the slip. The Travel Lift engine blew off a puff of exhaust and the slings tightened under the Hatteras just as the Fort Lauderdale Marine Patrol boat came screaming around the bend, blue lights flashing in the gilded morning light.





Christine Kling has spent more than thirty years messing about with boats. Her articles and stories have appeared in many boating publications including
Cruising World
, and
Motor Boating & Sailing
and her short stories have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies. It was her sailing experience that led her to set her first nautical suspense novel, SURFACE TENSION (2002), on the New River in Fort Lauderdale.  Featuring Florida female tug and salvage captain, Seychelle Sullivan, the first book was followed by CROSS CURRENT (2004), BITTER END (2005), and WRECKERS’ KEY (2007).  Her latest book CIRCLE OF BONES (2011) is Christine’s first stand-alone sailing thriller. Having retired from her job as an English professor at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale, Christine lives aboard her 33-foot boat
and goes wherever the wind and free wifi may take her. 


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In the Seychelle Sullivan Series

Surface Tension

Bitter End

Wreckers’ Key


The Short Story Collection

Sea Bitch: Four Tales of Nautical Noir


Available in both print and ebook format

Circle of Bones: a Caribbean thriller

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