Crisis and Command: A History of Executive Power from George Washington to George W. Bush (77 page)

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Authors: John Yoo

Tags: #History: American, #USA, #U.S. President, #Constitution: government & the state, #Constitutions, #Government, #Executive Branch, #Executive power - United States - History, #Constitutional & administrative law, #Law, #Constitutional history, #United States History (Specific Aspects), #Constitutional, #United States, #Presidents & Heads of State, #POLITICAL SCIENCE, #Legal status, #Executive power, #History, #Constitutional history - United States, #History of the Americas, #United States - General, #Presidents, #National Law: Professional, #Political History, #General, #History - U.S., #Presidents - Legal status, #etc - United States - History, #Biography & Autobiography, #Government - Executive Branch, #etc., #laws

BOOK: Crisis and Command: A History of Executive Power from George Washington to George W. Bush
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Christian theories, 3

Chrysler, 429

Church Committee, 373

Churchill, Winston, 296, 299, 307

Cincinnatus, 34, 36

Civil Aeronautics Board, 281 civil rights, 44

Civil Rights Acts, 250-252, 368, 388

Civil Rights movement, 387-388

Civil War, x, 44, 135, 197, 199-203, 205-236, 258, 311, 315, 321, 402, 424

Clay, Henry, 139, 145-147, 152, 164-165, 168-171, 173-175, 177-178, 180, 188, 191, 214, 435

Clay-Calhoun tariff, 188

Clean Air Act, 365

Clinton, Bill, 110, 372, 380, 389, 410, 415-416, 418-419, 431

Clinton, George, 14

Clinton, Hillary, 380, 433-435

Cohen, Eliot, 216

Cold War, 329-398, 404, 409

Cole, Donald, 159

Commager, Henry Steele, 339

Commentaries on the Laws of
(Blackstone), 6

Common Sense
(Paine), 12

Communist Party, 381-383

Compromise of 1850, 214

Confederate States of America, 206

Confiscation Acts, 218, 221

U.S. Congress Connally, Tom, 336

Connecticut, 105

U.S. Constitution Constitutional Convention, 1-17, 19, 21-25, 54, 102

Continental Army, 53

Continental Congress, 10, 402

Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty, 359

Cooper v. Aaron
, 388-389

Corwin, Edward, 31, 47, 201, 302, 339

Cox, Archibald, 371

Crawford, William, 151

Creek Indians, 74, 149

Crittenden, John, 214

Crittenden Compromise, 214-215

Crittenden-Johnson resolutions, 223

Cromwell, Oliver, 7

Cuba, 345, 348-350, 356, 413

Cuban Missile Crisis, 330, 331, 397

Currie, David, 75

Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation, 290

Czechoslovakia, 297


Dale, Richard, 112-113

Dames & Moore v. Regan
, xvii

Davis, Henry, 241, 243

Davis, Jefferson, 207-208, 214

Dean, John, 371 "Decision of 1789," 58

Declaration of Independence, 27, 99, 108, 183, 185, 223

Democracy in Action
(de Tocqueville), xiv Democratic Party, 138, 164, 170, 178, 191, 192, 197, 202

Detainee Treatment Act, 414 de Tocqueville, Alexis, xiv-xv

DeWitt, John, 316-317

Dickinson, John, 119-120

Dole, Bob, 431, 436

Domestic Policy Council, 367

Donald, David, 243

Douglas, Stephen, 204-205, 214

Douglas, William O., 275

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 260

Duane, William, 171-172, 175

Dulles, John Foster, 343, 345-346, 443

DuPont, 429


Eaton, John, 159

Eaton, Peggy Timberlake, 159

Egypt, 348

Ehrlichman, John, 371, 383

Eisenhower, Dwight D., xii, xvi, 330, 333-334, 342-349, 353, 355, 363, 368-370, 381-383, 388, 400, 418, 430, 438, 442-443

Electoral College, 28-29, 34, 54, 103, 146, 154, 170, 177, 191, 222, 430-431

Elkins, Stanley, 82

Ellis, Richard, 99

Ely, John Hart, xiv, 350

Emancipation Proclamation, viii, 200, 219-224, 239, 413, 426

Emanuel, Rahm, 429-430

Embargo Act, 132-133, 207

Emergency Banking Act, 263

Emergency Railroad

Transportation Act (ERTA), 263

Enforcement Act, 133, 135-136

, 112-113 "Era of Good Feelings," 147

Erie Canal, 148

Espionage Act, 299

"Essex Result," 15-16

Ethics in Government Act, 59, 370-372, 375

Ethiopia, 295

executive branch: acquisition of foreign territory, 124; appointment power, 30-31, 35, 62, 82-83, 104, 107-110, 369-370, 374, 390-392; authority over agencies, 33; cabinet, 58-63, 104-106, 277-279, 282; censure, 174-175; Commander-in-Chief power, 229, 336, 341; "competent powers," 43; crisis and use of, xi; critical period and executive power, 9-17; delegated powers, 369; duties of, xiii; election of, 22, 28-30, 34, 51, 54, 103, 137-138, 430-431, 434-437; emergencies and crises power, 122, 209, 425; enumerated powers, 43-44, 90, 403; evolution of, xii, 1-2; executive orders, 367-368; executive powers, xv, 1, 2-9, 12-14, 20-51, 282, 406-410, 417-421; executive privilege, 92-95, 173, 330, 380-385; expansion of powers, 262-263; foreign affairs powers, viii, 7, 28, 31-32, 46-48, 50, 55, 73-74, 81-91, 96, 103, 111-116, 348, 353, 403; impeachment, x, 59, 174, 384-385, 400, 410, 438; implied powers, 100; law enforcement power, 43-44, 46, 66-72, 106-107, 172-173, 201, 330, 377-378; management and administrative powers, 363-385; military powers, 23, 35, 37-38, 47-48, 53, 69-70, 76, 96-97, 115, 134-135, 151, 200-201, 211-212, 229-230, 300-310, 332, 339-342, 354, 404; minimum age, 44; national security, viii, xi, 48, 258, 300, 331-363, 403, 411; organization of, 56-66; pardon power, 35, 46, 106; party leader, 126-137; political position, xix; presidential ranking, xvi; removal power, 58-60, 159-160, 278, 370, 372-373, 379-380, 397; resignation, 384-385, 438; salary, 43; signing statements, 367-368, 414-416; term in office, 21, 42, 49, 100, 257; treaty power, 28, 30, 46, 50, 82, 86-89, 96, 103, 119, 419; unenumerated powers, 90; "unitary executive," xv; veto power, 25, 31, 35, 45-46, 65-66, 142, 167-171, 407; war powers, vii-vii, 26-28, 46, 74-81, 89, 111-115, 216, 352-353, 357, 411, 421; as weak office, xiv-xv

Executive Order 9066, 315

Executive Order 12291, 366

Exparte Endo
, 321

Exparte Merryman
, 210, 227-228

Exparte Milligan
, 233-235, 313-314


Fallen Timbers, Battle of, 79

Faubus, Orval, 369

Federal Advisory Committee Act, 374

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 423

Federal Communications Act, 322, 324

Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), 374

Federal Election Commission, 374

"Federal Farmer," 37-38

The Federalist Papers
, 3, 14, 29-30, 33, 38-40, 42-43, 45, 48-49, 55, 57, 65-67, 138, 394, 420, 434, 437

Federalist Party, 6, 10, 33, 36-39, 41, 45, 50, 51, 100, 102-105, 127, 129, 147, 169

Federalist Society, xv

Federal Power Commission, 278

Federal Reserve Bank, 163, 260-261

Federal Reserve Board, 281, 287, 327

Federal Trade Commission, 279-280

Fillmore, Millard, 437

First Seminole War, 151

Fishbourne, Benjamin, 62 "Flexible Response," 333, 354-355

Florida, 117, 123, 124, 145, 149-158, 160, 190, 217

Foner, Eric, 253

"Force Bill," 187-188

Ford, Gerald, 46, 354, 366

Ford's Theatre, 247

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 373-374, 423

Fortas, Abe, 392

Fort McHenry, 210

Fort Sumter, 206-208, 213

Foster, Vince, 380 "The Four Horsemen," 267, 275

France, 9, 11, 47, 73, 83-86, 92, 97, 99, 116-117, 130, 136, 140, 260, 296, 334-335, 347

Franken, Al, 430

Frankfurter, Felix, xviii, 275, 312

Franklin, Benjamin, 19, 32

Freedman Bill, 251

Freedmen Bureau, 250

Freedom of Information Act, 374

Free World, 333

Fremont, John, 192, 215, 217-218

French Revolution, 62, 83-86

Friedman, Milton, 260, 287

Frost, David, xi Fugitive Slave Law, 214


Gaddafi, Muammar, 356

Gaddis, John Lewis, 332, 354, 443

Gallatin, Albert, 68, 104, 111-112, 118-120, 128, 132-133, 135

Gallup polls, 302

Garner, John N., 272, 297

Gates, Robert, 433

GATT, 180, 192

General Motors, 429

General Orders No. 100, 217

Genet, Edmund, 84-85

Geneva Conventions, 419, 421, 440

Genovese, Michael, 33

George III, King, 2

Georgia, 150, 153-158, 217

Germany, 259-260, 290-311, 329, 331, 334-335, 335-340, 356, 360, 362, 421

Gerry, Elbridge, 26-27

Gettysburg Address, 223, 239

Glennon, Michael, xiv, 341

Glorious Revolution, 7-8

Goldsmith, Jack L., viii, 399

Goldwater, Barry, 390, 419

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 354, 358-359

Gordon, Thomas, 9

Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act, 378

Grant, Ulysses S., 195, 215-217, 235, 245, 247, 252-253

Gray, Colin, 307

Great Britain, viii, 1, 6-9, 11, 13, 21-24, 27, 32, 35-37, 41, 46-49, 79, 83-84, 92, 97, 116, 130, 136, 140-143, 147, 347, 440

Great Compromise, 23-24

Great Depression, ix, 258-288, 325, 327, 329, 429, 432, 438

Great Society, 390

Greece, 335, 340

Greeley, Horace, 220

Greenland, 304-305

Greenstein, Fred, 348

Grenada, 356

Grier, Robert C., 213

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 413, 421-422, 439, 442, 444

Guatemala, 345

Guzman, Jacobo Arbenz, 345


Habeas Corpus Act, 233

Haiti, 84

Haldeman, Bob, 371, 383

Hamilton, Alexander, xv, 3-4, 10-11, 14, 22-23, 29-30, 37-49, 55-56, 61, 63-65, 67-69, 78, 84-91, 93, 100-104, 109, 114, 118, 122, 125, 128-129, 161-162, 202, 276, 291, 394, 402, 420, 425-426, 434

Hancock, John, 33, 55

Hanoi, North Vietnam, 352

Hanoverian Kings, 8

Harding, Warren, 436

Harmar, Josiah, 77-78

Harper's Weekly
, 235

Harrison, William Henry, 139, 142

Hatch, Orrin G., x

Hayden, Michael, 440

Hayne, Robert, 181, 186

Haynsworth, Clement, 392

Madison, James

Hendrickson, David, 130

Henkin, Louis, 341

Henry, Patrick, 49, 57

Hiroshima, Japan, 337

Hiss, Alger, 381

Hitler, Adolph, 293-294, 296

, 115

Hobbes, Thomas, 4

Hofstadter, Richard, 127

Holder, Eric, 439

Holland, 84

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 265-266

Homeland Security Council, 367

Home Owners Loan Act (HOLA), 263

Homestead Act, 203

Hoover, Herbert, ix, 261-262, 278-279, 352, 403, 429, 438

Hoover, J. Edgar, 316, 322-323

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 381-382

Houston, Sam, 153

Howe, Daniel, 156, 198

Howell, William G., 399

Hughes, Charles Evans, 267, 272-273

Hume, David, 42

Humphrey, William, 279

Humphrey's Executor
, 280-281, 379

Hunter, David, 217, 238

Hurricane Katrina, 364

Hussein, Saddam, 359, 411


Iceland, 305

Ickes, Harold, 297

Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA), 377

The Imperial Presidency
(Schlesinger), xiii, 33, 336, 399

Indiana Peace Democrat, 233

Indiana Territory, 139

Indian Removal Bill, 155, 190

Indian wars, 75-81, 97, 112, 139, 149, 153-158.
See also specific

Indian tribes
Indochina, 306

Indonesia, 345

INS v. Chadha
, 377-378

Inspector General Act, 372-373

Intelligent Oversight Act, 373

Intermediate-Nuclear Forces Treaty, 359

International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), 373, 376-377

Interstate Commerce Commission, 276

Iran, 293, 345, 353, 356-358, 371, 376-377, 379, 430, 433, 438

Iraq, 348, 410-423, 429, 433, 443

Israel, 347, 440

Italy, 259, 295, 335


Jackson, Andrew, ix, xii, xvi, 142, 145-198, 195, 199, 201, 207, 211, 231-232, 245, 278, 389, 402, 408, 415, 426, 430, 435, 438

Jackson, Robert, 297, 299-301, 311, 320, 322, 341-342, 377

Japan, 259, 289-310, 329, 335, 362, 421

Jaworski, Leon, 383

Jay, John, 11, 14, 82-83, 92-93

Jay Treaty, 92-95, 97, 118, 174

Jefferson, Thomas, ix, xvi, 12, 44-46, 55, 61, 63-66, 68, 72, 78-79, 82-91, 93, 99-143, 146-147, 161, 166, 172, 174, 176, 189, 201-202, 206-207, 222, 276, 291, 320, 358, 389, 402-403, 408, 412, 417, 419, 425-427, 430, 435, 438

Jim Crow laws, xix, 387

Johnson, Andrew, 235, 237, 249-255, 407, 410, 423, 437

Johnson, Lyndon, 138, 330, 333, 351, 368, 388, 390, 392, 407, 431

Johnston, Joseph E., 226

Jones, James, 433

Jones, Paula, 380

Jones v. SEC
, 270

Judiciary Act, 71, 105, 108, 155


Kansas, 157

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 214

Katz v. United States
, 323

Kennan, George, 335

Kennedy, Anthony, 393

Kennedy, John F., xiii, 138, 253, 330, 333, 348-350, 355, 368, 370, 388, 390, 400, 411, 436

Kentucky, 150, 217

Kentucky Resolutions (Resolves), 101, 106, 181

Kerry, John, 436

Ketcham, Ralph, 101

Key, Francis Scott, 142

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, 440

Khrushchev, Nikita, 347-348

King, Rufus, 26

"King Caucus," 137, 147, 435

Kissinger, Henry, 352

Knox, Frank, 298

Knox, Henry, 11, 61, 63, 69, 75, 77-78, 85

Koh, Harold, xiv, 341

Kohn, Richard, 77

Konoye, Prince, 308

Korea, 334

Korean War, xii, xviii, 74, 332, 336-342, 362-363, 397, 430

Korematsu v. United States
, 318-321

Kuwait, 356-357, 359


Landon, Alf, 270-271

Landy, Marc, ix Lawson, Gary, 118, 122

League of Nations, 295, 326

Lebanon, 348, 356-357

Lee, Robert E., 195, 226, 232, 245

Lend-Lease, 301, 303-304

Lessig, Lawrence, 67

Leuchtenberg, William, 264

Levy, Leonard, 99, 133, 135

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