Crimson Rush A Vampire Romance (Crimson Book 1)

BOOK: Crimson Rush A Vampire Romance (Crimson Book 1)
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Crimson Rush


Lorraine Kennedy


Copyright Lorraine Kennedy 2013

This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.





Chapter One


The air was thick with pure - raw energy. Wave after wave of electricity seemed to sweep across my skin. My chest was so tight with anxiety; it became a struggle just to draw air into my lungs.

They were all around me.

I imagined that I could feel their hunger - their bloodlust. On each end of the stage, there was a large steel cage. Inside those cages were scantily clad women whose bodies moved seductively to the beat of the music.

The black and red decor, combined with the multi colored flashing lights, created a surreal atmosphere. It was almost like being in another reality.

As I eyed the crowd, a bizarre mixture of locals and Goth junkies who came to the club to live out their darkest fantasies, I caught sight of a pretty, but pale redhead standing in a corner. She wore a short black skirt and matching halter top. Her Stiletto heels gave the impression that she was several inches taller than she was. The only color to her was her flaming red hair and blood red lips.

The redhead had her eyes fixed on the young man sitting at the table next to ours. Just by looking at him, I could tell he was a jumble of nerves. He was tapping his fingers against the top of the table, as one leg swayed back and forth to the music.

He didn’t have a clue that the girl with the red hair was watching him.

As she watched him, she ran a tongue across her already shiny lips. She wanted the young man, but not for the reason one might assume. It was the blood pumping through his veins that drew her to him.

Swallowing hard, I forced myself to look away.


They hunted these willing victims, most not even bothering to disguise their bloodlust.

The sane part of me wanted to jump up and run away, as fast and as far as I could, but then I would see Max in my head. I was haunted relentlessly by the vision of his existence in a black - empty void. It was the image of by best friend that kept me in my seat.

He was the reason I was here. I had to go through with this.

Just breathe!

I had to keep telling myself this, otherwise I’d pass out from lack of oxygen.

I couldn’t think of a single time in my life, when I’d been more terrified, or fascinated.

Luke grasped my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “No worries darling. I’m right here with you,” he told me, his words colored with a slight Australian accent.

Yeah right! No worries.

That was easy for Luke to say, on account of him being a vampire and this being a vampire bar.

Leaning down, he whispered, “This is not so much what you’re used to seeing in Cookson Springs.”

That was probably the understatement of the year. Cookson Springs was a small town in Eastern Oklahoma, not really much more than a spot in the road. The most exciting thing to happen in Cookson was Moon Fest, which took place in September, and McDonalds. At least that’s the way it had been until Club Crimson opened its doors. That’s when all hell broke loose.

I opened my mouth to respond, but was cut short when someone stepped on the stage and picked up the microphone. At first I thought he was another vampire, which was an understandable mistake, when you took into consideration his corpse-like appearance. His almost translucent skin covered a too thin body. If someone could be described as skin and bones, this boy certainly fit that profile. The brown hair plastered against his skull, and his sunken dark eyes, added to the illusion that he was death incarnate.

The boy started to say something, but the mic squealed as it came to life. A moment later the sound faded to be replaced by his voice.

“Tonight we have a special treat for all you metal lovers out there!”

And bloodsuckers.
I couldn’t help but add silently.

“Some of you may have heard of these guys … some of you not. Tonight they are going to play a few tunes for you, and they rarely perform live … so this is a real treat.”

The boy was interrupted by the cheers coming from the crowd.

“Are you feeling lucky yet?” he yelled out at them.

The cheering grew louder.

“Night Reign!” he screamed.

Even before his voice had stopped echoing in my head, the room went dark. Suddenly, red light flooded the stage. As I watched, the stage began to fill with rolling fog.

The air around me erupted with applause and screams. The audience was going crazy - many of them jumping to their feet.

If it were not for the fact that our table was only a few feet from the stage, I wouldn’t have been able to see a thing without standing.

Thunder seemed to roll right through the building, shaking it to its very foundation. Unexpectedly, the stage erupted in an inferno that was so close, I was sure my hair was singed. When the flames died away, there were four men on the stage.

Again the crowd went into a wild frenzy.

I’d heard of the band before, but the memory was hazy. I didn’t recognize any of the band members, but that didn’t stop me from gawking as if I were seeing my first sunrise.

I barely saw the other band members. It was the one who stepped forward who caught my attention, or more accurately, mesmerized me.

As his fingers slid across the strings of the shiny black guitar, the room came alive with sound and energy.

One of the men ran around to the drums at the back of the stage, the other two took their places to each side of the guy with the magic fingers.

I pulled my eyes away long enough to glance over at Luke, and was shaken by the look of utter astonishment on his face.

The words were on my tongue. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but even if I’d been able to keep my attention off the stage long enough to question him, there were doubts he would hear me. 

The amplifiers were so loud that I could feel my heart thumping in rhythm with the bass. I let my eyes stray back to the man who had the guitar screaming out a tune that was as electrifying, as the sparks flying from the bottom of the stage.

As quickly as the music had erupted into chaos, it slowed to a haunting - dark melody that was just as hypnotic.

But it wasn’t just the music that had me feeling like a deer frozen in the path of oncoming headlights, it was also the man creating the music. He was tall - taller than the other members of Night Reign.

His face was framed with a mane of wild blonde hair that fell in waves across his wide - bare shoulders.

He was amazing - even breathtaking.

Although the words of his song were frighteningly sinister, his smooth - silky voice was soothing enough to persuade the soul to accept that darkness. I found myself yearning to get closer to him - to know that darkness on a very intimate level.

Just then, his eyes locked with mine, and as if against my will, I felt myself sinking into the searing blue flames that reached out to burn their way into my soul.

No matter how I tried, I could not force myself to look away.

He was there - everywhere, in my head, my soul - reaching out to touch the very essence of my being. His tight - black leather pants and bare chest was enough to melt any woman’s resistance, but it was the heat of his gaze that set my body on fire.

Luke snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, successfully breaking the spell.

“Don’t do it darling,” he warned. “He’ll rip you apart and leave you for the buzzards.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

His smile was all knowing and irritating. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

When I looked back at the stage, he was still watching me. Almost immediately, I felt myself surrendering again. This time I tore my eyes away.

“I need some air,” I told Luke, before jumping to my feet.

Pushing my way through wall-to-wall people was no easy task, but finally I managed to make it to the exit. I tore through the door of Club Crimson like I were being chased by the hounds of hell.

The night air was balmy, but fresh. I drew in deep breaths of oxygen, hoping the fresh air would help to calm my nerves.

With my attention being so focused on the simple act of breathing, at first I didn’t pay any mind to the moans I was hearing. The sound just didn’t register until the groaning grew louder - more erratic.

It was coming from the shadows beyond the neon lights of the club, but I wasn’t sure from where exactly. I started in the direction the sound seemed to be the loudest.

On the side of the white brick building, I found a blue dumpster. This is where the moans seemed to be coming from.

My head filled with images of murder victims - stuffed in dumpsters, only to be found later in the local landfill.

The sound of my stomach churning was nearly as loud as the groans, but there wasn’t much choice but to get some backbone and look inside the dumpster. 

Being short has its drawbacks, and it would seem that one of them was looking into tall dumpsters. Even in my three-inch pumps, I had to strain to see over the edge of the oversized metal trashcan.

What little illumination there was, came from the outside lighting attached to the eaves of the building. Unfortunately, they didn’t do a lot to light up the interior of the dumpster. All I could see was an old pair of white running shoes, thrown carelessly on top of a pile of smashed cardboard boxes.

It would appear that the owners of Club Crimson weren’t much concern with recycling.

There was another groan, followed by a muffled whimper. Now I could tell that it wasn’t coming from inside the dumpster at all, but from behind it.

Slowly I stepped around the dumpster, but froze when I rounded the corner. I was too shocked to look away, though that’s exactly what I should have done.

The woman who was making all the noise had her back up against the white brick, but her legs were wrapped around the waist of a man. As he held her hips, he slammed into her with so much force, the skin on her back had to be rubbed raw.

I’m not sure whether it was the noise of my pumps clicking against the blacktop, or instinct, but the man pulled his face away from the woman’s neck to peer at me.

A scream caught in my throat.

He hadn’t been kissing her neck like it had first appeared. The man - the vampire, had been feeding from her while they were having sex.

The woman didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she was pulling him deeper into her with her legs.

I spun around and tried to leave, but the vampire was at my side before I could take my first step.

“Now where do you think you’re going?” he asked, as he was zipping up his trousers. There was still blood dripping down his chin. His onyx eyes would have reminded me of black ice, if it were not for the light of hunger in them.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, but wasn’t sure if I dared take my eyes from the vampire to see who the hand belonged to.

“This one is mine.” It was Luke’s voice, and it was like music to my ears. Never in my life had I been so happy to hear someone’s voice.

The other vampire bowed his head and backed away.

I was thanking my lucky stars, but then I felt Luke’s fingers clamp painfully around my arm. “A little girl like you has no business walking about by her lonesome … at night … in a place like this.”

“Sorry,” I said, yanking my arm out of his grasp. “I heard someone back here and thought they might be hurt.”

Even in the dingy yellow light, Luke’s striking good looks was evident. The gentle contours of his face gave him an almost angelic appearance. Not only that, but he had a set of green eyes to die for.

It was hard to believe he was a vampire, and just as dangerous as the one he’d just scared off.

“I need you to come with me,” he said, clamping his hand around mine.


“Back inside. Marcus wants to see us,” he informed me.

“Well who is Marcus, and what does he want to see us about?” I was torn between my confusion and irritation. You would think that if this Marcus wanted to see us, he’d come to us.

Luke smiled, but without humor. “Marcus Savoy is the oldest vampire here … maybe even the oldest in this part of the country. He is also one of the Five Lords … so when he asks to see you, it’s not really a request.”

Well by my way of thinking, bowing to this Marcus’s commands was all good for the vampires, with him being one of the Five Lords and all, but seeing how I wasn’t a vampire, I didn’t see how it applied to me.

“I’ll just be waiting in the car,” I told him. “You go ahead and go talk to his lordship … or whatever they are supposed to be called.”

Luke shook his head. “That won’t work. He wants to see you, darling,”

Scowling, I placed one hand on my hip. “I didn’t hear the word please.”

His lips twisted into a wry grin. “And you probably never will hear that word from Marcus either, but since you practically wet your panties watching him in there … I didn’t think you’d mind too much.”

Two emotions bombarded me at once. The first was total and complete embarrassment, evident by the heat flooding my cheeks, and then there was the absolute terror. All the angels in heaven wouldn’t convince me to talk to that guy. Not after the way he’d made me feel by simply looking into my eyes.

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