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Authors: Ronnie Massey

Crimson Dawn (26 page)

BOOK: Crimson Dawn
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Before I could protest, Irulan leaned forward and claimed my lips. The kiss was soft and searching, her lips just grazed mine. She pressed them first to my top lip and then my bottom one before she backed just a fraction of an inch away. Her lips hovered there, so close but still too far away.


I whined and dug my hands into her hair trying to bring her back to me, but she refused to budge. I wiggled my behind and slid farther down her legs bringing me even closer. I tightened my grip and again tried to close the distance, but Irulan was still immovable. She was a stone entity that refused to give me any purchase.


I growled my frustrations and hissed when all I got for my troubles was Irulan’s throaty laugh. "I'm glad you're getting a laugh out of this. I thought you were through making me suffer."


"Believe me, baby, I am. That was just to drive home what I've been going through all these years.” She reached up and brushed a few awkward strands of hair from my face. "I want this as much, if not more than you do. But once I have you, I don't think I'll be able to let you go. Are you sure you can handle it?"


I had her up against the wall and pressed into my body before she knew what was happening. I snaked one of my arms around her back to hold her close to me, and the other against the wall to support us. "I can't change the past, but I can try to make up for my blind ignorance...starting right now."


I slammed my mouth into Irulan’s, swallowing her surprise and channeling my lust through the connection. This kiss was the polar opposite of the chaste kiss she laid on me minutes ago. It was hard and demanding where hers had been soft and questioning. Irulan's kiss was a slow rolling wave that drifted me away. Mine was an overwhelming maelstrom that crashed into her defenses and left them rubble.


I captured her lips with such gusto they were sure to be swollen when I pulled away, if I ever did. The kiss was everything I wanted and nothing that I had ever experienced in my life. I moaned into her mouth, deepened the kiss, leaning farther into her as my aura banished my every want and need, except for that of Irulan.


Breathing became a bothersome nuisance because taking a breath meant pulling away from her. I felt Irulan’s arms wrap around me as she abandoned her control and gave in to me. Her lips parted with a moan and her tongue slid past her lips and caressed mine. The intrusion was too tempting to resist. My fangs dropped into place, and I carefully pulled her tongue into my mouth and scored the surface with the tip of one. The small trace of blood was enough to catapult the already volatile kiss past the danger zone and into the stratosphere.


Irulan broke the kiss and pulled back panting. "Not here, Valeria. Our first time won't be in the garage."


I'd barely nodded my head before I was floating backward again. Irulan pushed me up the stairs and into the living area with no more than a thought. I fell back onto the couch and watched her climb the few stairs with rapt attention.


In all my years, I'd never seen anything so erotic as the sight of Irulan, her hips swaying with each deliberate step she took in my direction. The way her hair wrapped itself around her body with each footfall made me jealous of the silken strands. Irulan climbed the few stairs then stopped.


With her head tilted down, her eyes looked up at me blazing with arousal and her lips drew back into a mischievous smile. She ran her hands down the soft denim of her stonewashed hip huggers before reaching up and undoing the five buttons that secured them.


I didn't realize I wasn’t breathing until the jeans slid down her long legs and hit the ground with a soft whoosh. When they pooled around her feet, the breath I was holding exploded from my body. I pushed myself off the couch, intent on going to her, but she slowly shook her head no.


"Stay right where you are, Val. I want you to see what you've been missing out on all these years."


"Irulan, I've seen you naked more times than I can count," I protested as I took a small step towards her.


Irulan purred and threw out her hand. Her shield pushed me back onto the couch. "You've never seen me naked before, not when it counts."


She turned her back towards me and slowly raked her nails up the sides of her legs until she reached the top of her lacy peach tangas. I forgot how to breathe as she began sliding the delicate lace down her legs. She barely leaned over to reach down and take them off but the glimpse of her that I got was enough to set my body in motion. I tried, again, to get up, but I bounced against Irulan's wall.


"This isn't fair," I complained. "Let me up. I want to touch you."


Irulan slowly turned around and toyed with the edge of her tunic. The shirt was just long enough to cover her center, but as she pulled and twisted the delicate fabric, I caught flashes of the soft nest of deep auburn curls underneath.


"I never said this was going to be fair, Valeria. You want me. I'm going to let you have me, but we're going to do this my way.” She took slow, calculated steps in my direction, inching the silk shirt up her torso at an equally painfully rate. One inch and the defined lines of her abs began to peek out from under the shirt. Another inch, another ab, until the end of her shirt was at the bottom of her bra.


The lacy material was the same color as her underwear and clung to the bottom of her breast like a second skin. She pulled the shirt up farther, and the rounded curves of her breasts lay out, tantalizing my eyes. Her strip tease was just as much for her benefit as for mine. Her small grape sized nipples were both straining against the fabric that held them in place.


My breath hung in my chest when she finally dropped the shirt to the floor and stood there in front of me in nothing but the bra and a smile. "Irulan," I whispered. "You are so beautiful.... I never..."


My voice failed me when she reached back and undid the clasp that held the material together. From head to toe, her body was perfect in every way.


Her firm breasts weren't too big or too small. They were melon sized, just right. Her rose-colored skin glowed from within, making the dark aureoles around her nipples appear more maroon than the dark rose that they truly were.


My desire ran undiluted through me, eliminating every want in my body except for the desire to claim Irulan as my own. She took another step forward and stood there, just a few inches away from me. I growled and bucked against her wall, eager for her to close the distance. She looked down at me and smiled.


"I've dreamed about you looking at me the way that you are right now, but my dreams didn't even come close."


I felt it the second her barrier was gone. The faint shimmer of magic dissipated as she climbed into my lap. With both hands clutching the back of the couch, she straddled my legs and leaned forward to kiss me.


I didn't think it was possible for her kisses to get any sweeter. I groaned into her mouth and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer. Irulan arched into me and put more force into the kiss. My head swam with dizziness under the weight of our combined desire.


After weeks of teasing and frustration, I was finally going to have her. "Yes, you are," she breathed against my lips, pulling the thoughts out of my head.


I smiled and flipped her forward onto her back, putting me on top. Irulan gripped a ragged edge of my tattered shirt and began to pull. I grabbed her hand, smiling as I took her lips again. She moaned into my mouth as she tried to rip the fabric away that was between us.


So you think you get to call the shots huh?"
I thought, knowing she could hear me.
"I'm not good at following orders. You of all people should know that.


I pulled away from her lips to move down her body and take one of her nipples in my mouth. Her gasp of surprise turned into a moan as her body arched into me, urging it deeper into my mouth. I bathed the tight bud, marveling at the way it rolled on my tongue. If I didn't feel it get harder, I wouldn't have though it was possible. With each stroke of my tongue and pull of my lips, Irulan’s already hard nipple turned to stone in my mouth.


Any apprehension I may have felt, given my inexperience, ripped away when I heard the moans that were coming from Irulan. I don't know how long I paid attention to that nipple, but by the time I moved on to the next one, Irulan’s nails dug firmly into my back.


Her teeth clenched together, and she threw her head back as she tried to contain the moans I was eliciting from her. "Don't," I said, pulling my head back. "I want to hear you. Don't try to hold it in."


Her nod turned into a hiss as I began kissing my way down her body. I pressed my lips to the soft skin of her stomach and smiled when her breath caught in her throat. I traveled farther down her body, tasting and touching my way to her navel. When I reached the dip in her stomach, I swirled my touch around the outer edge before dipping it inside.


She giggled and tried to scoot away from me, but I grabbed her by the thighs and held her tight. I kissed and licked until I was at the short, soft curls at the apex of her thighs. I smiled up at her and slid off the couch, pulling her by the hips until she hung off the edge of the seat at the angle I needed.


I gathered myself on my knees and looked down at her core as I pushed her knees apart. "So beautiful," I murmured as I ran my hands along the inside of her legs. I looked into Irulan’s eyes as my fingers found her for the first time. Her eyes widened and glazed over as I swiped my thumb across her clit.


Her breathing became fast and shallow as I manipulated the hard little ball of nerves between two fingers. She moaned aloud, and her body jerked against my hand as two of my fingers found their way inside of her. "Val," she moaned. "Oh, baby.” Her voice was no more than a whisper. "Please," she begged. It was my undoing. I thought I was going to teach her a lesson on giving me orders. I wanted the seduction to drive her out of her mind until she was screaming my name.


It took much less than a scream to make my plan backfire. Her soft pleas crashed into me and destroyed the sliver of control I was desperately holding. My mind was gone. I couldn't hold back anymore. I had to taste her.


I brought myself down to her legs and kissed the inside of her thigh. Her heart sped up into a fast staccato when my lips made contact. Her legs shook as I traced my way up one thigh, coming within inches of her center. Irulan became deathly silent waiting for my contact. She didn't have long to wait. I couldn't have held out any longer if I wanted to. My own body wouldn't have allowed it. It screamed for Irulan.


In one motion, I picked up Irulan’s legs, wrapped them around my neck, and ran my tongue across her wet folds. Her back arched off the couch pushing her center against my mouth. Her own mouth was locked open in a soundless moan. I ran my tongue up and down in slow strokes, trying to savor the taste of her for as long as I could before my already taxed control shattered.


Her moans were music to my ears. They fueled my own passion, pushing it past my limits into unchartered territory.


My slow caresses became quick swipes, up and down, back and forth across the hard little nub. Her entire body quivered as it raced towards the destination I chartered for it. I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked it into my mouth. She screamed, and my world came apart. I couldn't think straight, didn't remember anything except the taste of her. My only function in the world was to make her happy and take her where she needed to go. Where we both needed to go.


I pulled away from her for the smallest of moments to make my tongue as rigid as possible and drive it up into her tight center. My reward was a steady flow of her wetness as she cried out my name. As she scraped and clawed at my shoulders, the dam released.


We came together. Irulan bucked and shook against my mouth, and I shook and fell into her. Through the trembling, I sucked at her clit. Each pull of my mouth coaxed another jerk from her body until she was trying to pull away from me.


"No," she moaned, completely out of breath. "I can't...please, baby.” Oh, but she could. I flicked my tongue against her in one long stroke. Everything exploded.


I don't know how long it was before I came to, but if I were woken up by Irulan’s tongue stroking me, every morning...well, never mind. I'd never get anything done.


I arched my back into her mouth unable to lock onto one coherent thought whatsoever. There was only the feel of Irulan’s tongue and the heights my body reached.


I twisted my head to one side and clenched my teeth. I was scared to let the scream building inside me free, but it was so powerful it ripped itself free of the confines of my mouth.


The last thing I remember seeing before giving in to the blessed oblivion of passing out, was our living room table lying in a broken, twisted mound of metal and glass.

BOOK: Crimson Dawn
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