Crime & Passion (47 page)

Read Crime & Passion Online

Authors: Chantel Rhondeau

Tags: #romance, #romantic suspense, #love, #mystery, #mystery suspense, #framed for murder

BOOK: Crime & Passion
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“Fine, sir,” the brown-haired boy said in a
small voice.

“We’re going to be family,” Donovan said
gently. “You don’t have to call me sir. You can call me Donovan if
you want.”

Madeline knew how much it cost him to say
that, since what he wanted Colton to call him was ‘Dad.’ They
agreed to wait, though. After Colton had stayed with them for a few
weeks and became more comfortable, they would talk to him about
becoming his parents. However, they didn’t want to frighten him
with too much, too soon.

Colton looked over his shoulder at the social
worker standing on the other side of the car before turning back to
Donovan. “Sharon said you’re my new Mommy and Daddy, and you’ll
take good care of me. She said you’d never hurt me or let bad
things happen.” He looked up at Madeline and shifted his weight
back and forth, obviously nervous. “Is that true?”

So much for waiting.
Madeline smile.
“Well, that’s what we want. Is it what you want?”

Colton looked at his feet and nodded.

Donovan glanced up at Madeline, a smile
lighting his eyes. “Everything we dreamed of has come true.”

She blinked back tears and nodded, joy
cradling her heart. “A real family.”

The boy looked at Madeline and a shy grin
crossed his face. “I brought a book with me. I could read you a
story later.” He swallowed hard as if suddenly afraid she might
react in anger.

“I’d like that very much,” she said softly,
keeping her voice kind to encourage him.

The child looked at her stomach and took a
small step forward, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “Sharon said
you have a baby in your belly. It’s good to read to babies.”

“I’ve heard that too. Looks like this
particular baby is very lucky,” Madeline said. “You’re going to be
an awesome big brother to Josephine.”

“Yes, he is.” Donovan took the boy’s hand in
his own. “Come on, son. Let’s go meet the rest of the family.”

Chapter extras ~
Author’s Note

I hope you enjoyed Donovan and Madeline’s
story. I had such a fun time writing this. Unraveling the mystery
and figuring out the motives for each character was great fun.
Although I loved Madeline, I have to admit that Suzie was a close
second for my favorite character in this book.

While this book is fiction, Donovan’s
childhood history of abuse is something that does happen,
unfortunately. Abuse is an outrage that should not happen. If you
suspect child abuse occurring to someone around you, in American
you can call
the National Child Abuse Hotline
1-800-422-4453. Visit
for more information on things you can do to get
involved and help in the fight against child abuse.

I wish you happiness and joy. Thank you for
reading my story.

~ Chantel Rhondeau


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New Romantic Suspense from Chantel

Coming Fall 2013



Nick Kendall works for a top-secret
government operation as a spy. He takes pride in his job,
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Carlie Hollis is the proud proprietor of a
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Nick sweeps into town, and sweeps Carlie off
her feet, changing her mind about love. She never suspects he is
playing a role, only interested in her secrets. As Carlie falls
deeper in love, Nick struggles with his own feelings. It’s against
the rules to get involved with the target, but his heart doesn’t
want to listen to his brain.

Everything changes with a single phone call,
and Nick receives new orders from his boss: Kill the target.


Be sure to check out this other thrilling
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A suspected murderess flees her former life
in search of tranquility, but the past refuses to die, threatening
to destroy her new found happiness.

Lilly Price is an abused woman on the run,
but she can’t hide forever. Desperate to escape public scrutiny
following accusations that she hired a hit man to kill her fiancé,
Lilly hopes to rebuild her life in a new town.

Widowed Zach Woodbridge is in no hurry to
find another bride. He longs for a peaceful summer, writing at his
lakeside cottage. Things change after an introduction to his
grandmother’s intriguing new assistant, Lilly.

When Lilly’s secrets are revealed, can their
fragile relationship weather the storm? And when a man from her
past wishes to reclaim Lilly, using any force necessary, can she
and Zach protect the people they love?



Zach took the spot next to her, and his thigh
rested against hers as he sat back against the cushions. He seemed
blithely unaware he touched her, but Lilly’s body was all too aware
of his proximity.

The rose perfume Margaret loved to squirt
around the room wafted up as Zach shifted on the couch, and Lilly
managed not to turn her nose up. She wished she dared lean in close
to discover his scent. Maybe it could banish the
essence of old

A member of the kitchen staff arrived with
the coffee and Margaret poured. Lilly snuck another discrete glance
at the clock, relieved to see it moving along. Although she enjoyed
spending time with Zach, this afternoon had been exceedingly
uncomfortable. Only a half hour to go.

“Now, Lilly,” Margaret said as soon as the
three of them were alone in the room, “Zach has a favor to ask you,
and I sincerely hope you’ll consider helping him out.”

Lilly took a sip of her sweetened coffee and
tried not to look apprehensive. What could Zach possibly need from

“As you probably know,” Margaret continued,
oblivious to Lilly’s anxiety, “Zach has come here to concentrate on
writing a mystery novel.”

Lilly smiled despite her nerves, excitement
overcoming her. There were few things she’d rather do than lose
herself in a novel. “Yes, we already talked about that.” She
flicked her gaze to Zach. “Did you need some help researching? I’d
be more than happy to help if you’ll let me read your book as you
go along.”

Zach looked amused, though he didn’t display
his devastating smile that had shaken her so much. “The book is not
what I need your help with.”

“Oh.” Lilly stifled her disappointment. She’d
hoped Zach would trust her with his work. She loved books more than
anything else. During her darkest times she could always escape
into a book, travel to a different world and forget her troubles
for a while.

Zach leaned forward to set his cup on the
coffee table and grinned at her. “I could probably be persuaded to
allow you to see it.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” It might also
provide more opportunity to spend time with him.

Margaret smiled at both of them. “I knew you
two would hit it off. That’s what makes you so perfect for what we
need, Lilly.”

Lilly’s anxiety flooded back. “And that would

“Here’s the thing.” Zach shifted in his seat
and picked at a piece of lint on his pants. “It’s been over three
years since I was widowed, and Mother’s worried about me being on
my own. She set up a dinner party on their boat for tomorrow
night.” He shook his head, irritation in his green eyes. “I’m going
to be trapped for hours with a group of women my mother has hand
selected. Apparently, they all think one of them will be my new
wife, that this is some sort of game to win my affection. If I show
up alone, they will be on me in an instant. I can’t imagine what
Mother was thinking.”

“Everyone wants to marry a Woodbridge, you
see.” Margaret reached forward to pat Lilly’s hand. “That’s where
you come in. You can be his date.”

This was the last thing Lilly expected.
However, Zach’s comment about a fish disaster now made sense. What
were they thinking? She was the hired help, not a pretty socialite
appropriate for a man in Zach’s position. “His date?” she finally
asked in a small voice.

“Well, of course, dear,” Margaret said, “to
keep the other women away. Zach’s mother won’t stop this unless we
dissuade her. If Zach comes to all her events with you, she’ll have
no choice but to give up and stop forcing women on him.”

“I really don’t understand,” Lilly said. She
turned to Zach. “Why don’t you go on a few dates and make your
mother happy?”

“I don’t have time for romance right now,”
Zach explained. “Besides I came here to spend time
When I arrived on Wednesday, Mother told me about the party and the
women who are attending. She seems to think I’ll fall madly in love
with one of them. If I allow her to, Mother will force prospective
girlfriends on me all summer.”

“It would be really good for you, Lilly.”
Margaret’s voice held a coaxing note. “You could get out on the
town and meet people in the area. You told me the other day you
really haven’t connected much with anyone here or found new

Lilly wondered whom Margaret imagined she
would make friends with; perhaps the staff hired to wait on the
guests. As far as any of the people there would be concerned, Lilly
would be only an employee of the family. If the partygoers ever did
learn who she was, learn she was actually their social equal, her
shady past would put an end to any good will.

“I don’t think this will work out.” Lilly
picked her words carefully. “I’m sure your parents have certain
expectations. Your grandmother’s employee is hardly going to
fulfill your mother’s dream of the perfect date.” Besides, if she
lost her heart to Zach, she’d only face heartache when he no longer
had use for her.

“You’re wrong. You’re perfect.” Zach reached
out and took Lilly’s hand in his own. “When I spoke to Mother, I
told her I was capable of choosing my own relationships. As far as
Mother knows, you’ll be totally devoted to me, since you have no
family or other social connections to distract you.” He winked.
“Besides, you are so beautiful, my family will be won over in no

Lilly pulled her hand out of his and brushed
aside the compliment. She tried hard not to feel offended by his
unconscious arrogance. Before she lost everything, she probably
looked down at poor people the same way he now looked at her,
without ever knowing she did it. What would Zach think if he
discovered she used to have money and connections and family of her

The silence stretched out between them. Lilly
tried to think of a way to refuse him without putting her job in
jeopardy. She couldn’t afford to offend Zach or Margaret.

If only Zach had asked her on a date without
all this explanation. She would have loved to go with him.

Zach seemed no longer able to take the
tension. “I would pay you for your time, of course.”

Lilly sucked in a breath and leaned away from
him, her heart clenching. “You want to pay me to date you?”

“Now, dear,” Margaret said quickly, “that’s
not really what he meant.”

“I didn’t mean that to be insulting.” Zach
leaned forward to capture Lilly’s free hand in his own. “I need a
date and Grandma said you are in a tight situation financially. It
would be fun and benefit us both. Just hang out with me on the
weekends. I’ll even buy you new dresses. No one outside the family
has to know you don’t have money.”

Lilly’s heart beat fast. “It’s such a lovely
offer,” she managed through clenched teeth.
Stay professional,
She stood, ignoring the lance of pain that jabbed
through her thigh. “I’m afraid I really must decline. Mrs.
Woodbridge, my shift is over now. I’ll see you Monday.”

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