Crete: The Battle and the Resistance (59 page)

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Authors: Antony Beevor

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #War, #History

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La Crete — Tombeau des Paras,
Presses de la Cit6, Paris, 1982 Mack Smith, Denis,
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1981

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Greek Fire,
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Met By Moonlight,
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William Kimber, 1975 Papagos, General Alexander,
The Battle of Greece,
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British Policy
Towards Greece During the Second World War,

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The Crucible of War,
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and the Middle East,
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Heaven and Hell,
Spellmount, Tunbridge Wells, 1988 Powell, Dilys,
The Villa Ariadne,
Hodder & Stoughton, 1974 Psychoundakis, George,
The Cretan Runner,
John Murray, 1955 Rendel, A.M.,
Appointment in Crete,
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— Greek Resistance Army,
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Hitler's Interpreter,
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Unpublished Sources

Reports, diaries, letters in private collections Public Record Office ADM 1/11056, 202

DEFE 2/ 711

DEFE 3/ 686, 687, 891 and 894

PREM 3/ 109

WO 169/ 914, 915, 919, 923, 1334A, 1500, 1736 and 1751

WO 179/ 723, 724, 721, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736 and 746

WO 201 and 202 Imperial War Museum

Middle East Commando Historical Research Group National Army Museum War Museum, Athens


The extract from General WavelPs verse 'The Jug' is quoted by kind permission of the joint owners of the Wavell papers. Crown copyright material in the Public Record Office is reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Conversations and Correspondence

Part One
The Fall of Greece

Lord Caccia GCMG, GCVO (First Secretary, British Legation, Athens); Sir Geoffrey Cox CBE (New Zealand Division); Major G.W.F. de Winton (Middlesex Yeomanry and HQ 1st Armd. Bde.); Sergeant R. Fletcher (New Zealand Division); Major General M. Forrester CB, CBE, DSO, MC

(Queen's Regiment and British Military Mission); Professor Nicholas Hammond CBE, DSO, FBA, DL (MI(R)); Brigadier R.W. Hobson CBE (Brigade Major, 1st Armoured Bde.); Sir David Hunt KCMG, OBE (Welch Regiment, intelligence staff BAFG); Major Patrick Leigh Fermor DSO, OBE

(Intelligence Corps, British Military Mission); Lieutenant Colonel Guy May (Northumberland Hussars and W Force HQ); Sir Charles Mott-Radclyffe DL (Rifle Brigade and British Military Mission); Lieutenant Colonel Mark Norman CBE (Hertfordshire Yeomanry and Yak Mission); Lieutenant Colonel John Pumphrey MBE, TD (Northumberland Hussars); Brigadier Ray Sandover DSO (2/1 lth Australian Infantry Battalion).

Part Two
The Battle of Crete

Miki Akoumianakis; Tom Barratt (HMS
Tom Bevan (Welch Regiment); R.B. Brown (RFA
Lord Caccia; Evangelos Christou (Heraklion); Marine J.W. Clayton (MNBDO); Horace Cowley (HMS
Sir Geoffrey Cox (Creforce HQ); Alexander Dow (Black Watch); Sergeant Ron Fletcher (19th Battalion, New Zealand Division); Major General Michael Forrester (British Military Mission); Vassilios Fourakis; Alfred Gotts (Royal Artillery and 'Royal Perivolians'); Professor Nicholas Hammond (SO2 and HMS
Professor Freiherr von der Heydte (3rd Parachute Regiment); Captain Myles Hildyard (Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry); Lord Hollenden [Lt Gordon Hope-Morley] (Black Watch and HQ 14th Infantry Brigade); Sir David Hunt (Welch Regiment and intelligence staff Creforce HQ); F.M. Hutton (HMS
Thurland Castle);
Lieutenant General Sir Ian Jacob GBE, CB, DL (Military Assistant Secretary to War Cabinet); Manolis Kougoumtzakis; Major Patrick Leigh Fermor (HQ 14th Infantry Brigade); Clifford Pass (Welch Regiment); Lieutenant Colonel John Pumphrey (Northumberland Hussars); Brigadier Ray Sandover DSO (2/1 lth Australian Infantry Battalion); Major J. Smith-Hughes OBE (RASC); K. Stalder (RAMC); Norman Swift (Leicesters); Dr R.E.S. Tanner (Layforce); Eleutheris Tsinakis; Sir Peter Wilkinson KCMG, DSO, OBE (Royal Fusiliers and SOE).

Part Three
The Resistance

Miki Akoumianakis; Major Dennis Ciclitira (Staffordshire Regiment and SOE); Major Xan Fielding DSO (Cyprus Regiment and SOE); Captain Hugh Fräser (7th Hussars and SOE); The Earl Jellicoe PC, DSO, MC (SAS and SBS); Major Patrick Leigh Fermor (Intelligence Corps and SOE); Manoussos Manoussakis; George Psychoundakis; Major Jack Smith-Hughes (RASC and SOE); Captain John Stanley MC (Sudan Defence Force and ISLD); Captain Ralph Stockbridge MC and Bar (Field Security and ISLD); Major Stephen Verney MBE (RAOC and PWE); Major Michael Ward (Green Howards and SOE Cairo).

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