Crescent Bound (26 page)

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Authors: Karli Rush

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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Tea huh?” I breathe out
as I feel his fingers release my black silk bra.  I have a feeling that this perfect meal is not going to go to waste.  He picks me up after he removes my dress and sits me on the counter.  I watch as he blindly moves his hand behind him trying to grab a bowl. 

Laughing I say, “It’s ok
move, I promise I won’t go any
where.”  He winks and quickly moves around the island grabbing a few dishes, placing them beside me.

“What do you want to try first?” He pauses
with a mischievous glint in his dark eyes
, “Or do you trust me enough to experiment with you?”

I think,
Well I must feel trusting
I’m sitting on his kitchen counter half naked.
  Apart of me
feels a little nervous
What if his parents suddenly decide to make a surprise appearance and I know how uptight the mundanes feel about their or anyone else’s sexuality.

Chastising myself and shaking off my inhibition, “Experiment with me, study me, have me...I’m all yours for the next few hours.”

He positions his body
directly in front of me, holding my face in his hands, “What do you mean you’re mine for the next few hours?” I raise an inquisitive brow at him and then he leans next to my ear whispering, “I thought you’re mine for eternity.” When he moves back I lean in and kiss his lips tenderly at first then our kiss becomes steamy
and arousing

Not wanting the food to go completely to waste, and before we forget everything,
I place my hand on his chest moving him gently back, “ me what you got?”

That makes him laugh roguishly, “Thought I already did?”  Shaking my head at him, I run my fingers through his soft golden strands.

“Food is what I’m r
eferring to.”
I notice he is trying to keep his
body close to mine as he maintains a firm grip around my thigh as he moves around.

I watch as he picks up a small bowl, “Ok
, here
goes, close your eyes and describe to me what you taste.”

I close my eyes and even place a hand over them
for good measure, then cleverly offer
, “So, if I guess what I’m eating do I get to undress you?”  I feel his breath against my neck and a delicate almost faint kiss.

“I’ll take my clothes off while you eat, if that’s what you want.”

I smile and shake my head, “No, I would rather have a challenge...I like a challenge.”

I hear him laugh, “Ok
baby, here we go.” I feel him touch my lips so I open my mouth a bit more, that’s when I can tell it’s a smooth delicate piece, possibly steam cooked, as I bite into it I immediately taste the savory flavors from the shrimp.

Once I finish th
e morsel, I lick my lips and divulge
, “A hint of green onions, ground fresh ginger and an amazingly perfectly blend of succulent oyster sauce, the best shrimp dumplings I have ever eaten.”

I feel Marc’s essence even before he touches me.  His hands gently pull mine to a button on his shirt, “Good, I’m glad you enjoyed it, as much as I am watching you devour my dumpling.”

I can only imagine his expression as he says that, struggling with myself to not remove my hand from my eyes, I laugh, “Ok, what’s next?”

His lips graze mine, and he replies, “Ready?” I nod and open my mouth again, this time I find a texture a little different than before, soft, like a bun with a light sweet taste to it.  Biting into the piece I realize it is filled with an assortment of sautéed steamed vegetables.  This taste is
unique to me, and if it’s something I have had before, I don’t remember.  The flavors from the veggies seem to have a rich buttery zeal.

I finally swallow and feel a slight bit defeated as I say, “I’m not sure, but I can tell you it has fresh spinach, mushrooms, garlic, dashed with sesame seed
s and soy sauce, all baked into
delicious sweet bread.”

Biting my lower lip, I wait for him to tell me what I just ate.

“You are so sexy when you do that.”  I can sense him smiling from ear to ear.

“Do what?” I reply back.

“Biting your lip the way you do, you’re driving me crazy here.  Ok
, let me pull myself together.”

I want so badly to peek at him, there is a silence that follows, and then I hear a rustling sound.  Something falls to the marble floor.

, you win the first round, my shirts off, but since you missed the second guess you’ll have to wait, oh
and by the way the dish is called Cai Bao.  You are right on about the veggies and filling on all counts, so...” his irresistible lips press against mine.

As our kissing becomes deeper I almost forget to keep my hands over my eyes.  He places his hand over mine, “Ah
now, no cheating.”

Licking my lips ever so slowly, teasing him, “No, we definitely wouldn’t want that, now would we?” His hands run along my legs and up to my breasts and I swear his touch feels icy.  The curiosity is killing me, so I peek.  I open my fingers slightly and Marc’s hands have frost on them, and
, he glances up catching me peeking.  He wraps his hands around my waist again, picking me up off the counter with almost no effort and carries me into the dining room.

“Oh, I see how you want to play, you cheater.” He whispers playfully.

Teasing back I try to wiggle out of being caught, “I wasn’t fingers have this kink and I’m moving them for relief, you can’t have a girl with kinks now can you?”

Shaking his head at me in disbelief, “ know you’re a really sorry liar but I have known that since day one.” His incredulous smile washes across his face and stops my heart at a moments notice as he lays me down on the long glass dining room table.

He looks at me with extreme hunger in his eyes and a deviously
raised brow of his own, “I can
not have you that way, so let’s work those kinks out.”

The thought of food quickly vanishes from our minds as we consume each other on the table, which I’m shocked to find how stable it really is.



Chapter 18



After he pulls on his faded jeans, I ask, “Are you interested in learning more about your magickal abilities?”

“Of course, I’m willing to learn whatever you w
ant to show me.” He winks,
“What do you have in mind?”

I stand up
straightening my clothes and motion toward him,
“Follow me.”

In his room we stand together beside his bed.  He
his hands around me and looks with a slightly disarming curve to his lips.  “Whatever you are planning, I already like it.”  We begin kissing
as if we couldn’t get enough
the thought of
ing in this rapture
all night long
is a temptation for me
, but we need to focus so I move

Stealing a breath
“We’ll start here tonight, I’m going to shift and I want you to follow me.  I can’t go through objects, like walls or glass doors.”  I walk over and open his doors to the deck.  “I can only move to a place I have been, at least that’s how most of us do it.  Remember where you have been and the path you took to get there. Ok
, ready?”

He kisses my lips
and looks at me with resolve as he says, “Ready.”  I shift into a silvery mist and take my path to his deck.  My form takes solid shape and I wait for him.  Shifting takes only a fraction of a second, but while you’re shifting it seems longer.  This being Marc

s first real attempt at shifting it seems like forever, but then a silvery mist floats before me.

His body takes solid form slower than normal, which is expected for his first time.  Many witches try for months to achieve what Marc just did. He kisses me and says grinning
like a kid in a candy store
, “How was that?”  I wrap my arms around him softly, teasing him and ever so gently touching his lips with my own.

“Ready?” I ask as he kisses me back.

” I shift again next to his nightstand.  I take my full form and wait, soon his silvery mist appears and he turns into
form right behind me and traces his sinful lips
down my neck. He takes the pin out which was holding
my hair up and it cascades along
my shoulders.  He pulls my hair to one side going back to kissing my neck again.  I hear his breathing, more rapidly.

He whispers, “I want you.” I shift onto the bed.  Before I know it, his silvery mist appears above me, and then his true form.  He is getting faster.  Our kissing involves undressing each other as if it’s a race, and I win.  As the last piece of clothing falls away I begin to shiver.

His body lays over me as he moves without any
I can feel ice surging through us.  It’s coldness intensifying with each passing moment.  Closing my eyes I try pulling my ice back, but it’s too strong.  I’m not sure if I should panic
or just let it go. I warily
open my eyes to find Marc looking down at me.

“Don’t be afraid, Alyssa, embrace it.”  His soothing lips find mine again.  I feel him pushing our ice elements together, the control he has astounds me as our bodies, together, turn into solid ice.  The feeling dispels any words of description and just for this moment we are bound in ice.  Our bodies shift back into true form, but are encased in a thin layer of ice.

As fast as it started
the ice shatters like glass all around us. I am so breathless, just as much as he is and still he says, “I love you more than words can ever say.”

He collapses beside me exhausted.  I turn my head
facing him
and say in a whispered tone … “I love you too.”


* * *


I open my eyes after one of the deepest sleeps I have ever had to find Marc propped up on his elbow, watching me, “Morning,”
I grumble

He kisses me, “And morning to you too.”
I move off the bed to find my clothes and start dressing.  “Do you want me to follow you back to your house?  I can take you to school
your dad may not be finished with your

I’m not
sure if
is finished with the
yet or not, “Sure.”
  I finish getting all my
clothes on, brush my hair and take a glance
back at Marc who is still reclining in
the bed enjoying himself just ogling

I start to walk towards the bedroom door and
decide to suggest a challenge. Briefly I
look over my shoulder, “Race you there”…and
shift out of the bedroom.


* * *


rest of the week soars by, e
very free moment we have we spend together.  Friday night we are going to finally meet his parents.  The kicker is that
are with us also.  Dinner is great, Marc’s cooking is phenomenal.  We move into the living room after dinner wher
e my dad talks about the Arcane,
“I have the pleasure of being the Dean of an exclusive University.  You literally have to be born into
the university to be
accepted.  I feel that Marc will flourish in such a place.  The education is, by far, the best anywhe
I am fully prepared to award a full scholarship to Marc, if he chooses to attend.”
Mr. Colten seems very impressed; then again my father is very persuasive.

Mom states to Mrs. Colten,
“If you would like, I will be happy to set up a private tour for you and your hus
This last comment raises my brow
but I keep my silence
; we never bring the mundanes to the Arcane, for any reason.  My parents are amazing about reading people and I am sure they know what they are doing.

Mother must have sensed doubt from his mom o
r maybe even both of them.  Jim
says, “Marc, you know that if you feel this is the place for you, then I am behind you all the way.

Noreen fidgets with her jewelry and even though her hesitation is very evident she finally shakes her head in agreement.

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