Creating Characters (28 page)

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Authors: Howard Lauther

Tags: #General Fiction

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Adjectives: charming, cheerful, congenial, considerate, convivial, engaging, friendly, genial, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, lighthearted, mannerly, pert, pleasant, respectful, sociable, sunny.


Exposes that which would otherwise remain hidden. Tells one or more secrets to one or more people. Confesses his complicity. Acknowledges what others have always suspected was true. Unmasks a lie that has deceived a great many. Tells the truth under pressure. Fear of recrimination forces him to insinuate rather than boldly attest. Wittingly or unwittingly betrays a confidence, spills the beans, brings something into the light. Becomes a witness against someone.

May also be called: betrayer, blabber, finger-pointer, informer, revealer, snitch, squealer, stool pigeon, tattler.

Adjectives: confessional, enlightening, informative.


Looks for things that set people apart rather than what binds them. A creator of monetary, religious, geographical, or racial divisions and barriers.

Looks at himself as being better than someone else. Ability to understand the lifestyle of another group is practically nonexistent. Separates, isolates, shuts out, rejects, excludes. Fond of pecking orders, color-line barriers, and class structures. Abhors the notion that he should try to mix with those who are not in his so-called class. Appalled when he learns that he too is not welcome within a group into which he thought he had access.

May also be called: bigot, highbrow, high-hatter, illiberal, prig, racist, segregationist.

Adjectives: aloof, arrogant, biased, bigoted, class-conscious, contemptuous, disdainful, disrespectful, haughty, high-hatted, high-nosed, hoity-toity, imperious, intolerant, lordly, narrow-minded, partial, prejudiced, scornful, small-minded, snob, snooty, standoffish, stuck-up, supercilious, unindulgent, unsympathetic, uppity.


Inclined to weep for those who experience misfortune. Deeply touched by stories that have either happy or sad endings. Has the ability to mentally put himself in the other fellow's shoes, and thus feel the gladness or sorrow that abounds in that person's soul. Wears his heart on his sleeve. His emotions can be played like a stringed instrument. Falls for any sob story that comes down the pike. Swells with pity when a living thing suffers. Wishes he could stop others' pain and make their misfortune go away. Understands misery without being in its grip. Has a reservoir of tears that is easily tapped. A desire to help is ever-present. Feels guilty because he was spared the misfortune he sees, and he also feels guilty because he is glad that he was.

May also be called: bleeding heart, soft touch.

Adjectives: affectionate, commiserative, compassionate, concerned, condolent, emotional, empathetic, kindhearted, merciful, openhearted, sensitive, softhearted, soulful, sympathetic, tenderhearted.


Attracted to what is viewed as the world's more elevated features, among which may include any of the artistic attractions—that is, fine literature, classical music, great architecture, the ballet, paintings, etc. Has a deep appreciation for those gifts bestowed by nature. Has an intelligence that enables him to grasp at least some of the complex refinements that comprise those things he admires. Views with scorn those things that fail to fall within those areas he so admires.

May also be called: high-hat.

Adjectives: cultivated, cultured, educated, erudite, genteel, high-class, learned, polished, refined, well-bred, well-mannered, well-read.


Has never owned a dollar that he didn't want to spend on himself or someone else. Has no serious attachment to money; sees it merely as a means of exchange for something he wants far more. Fritters away his paycheck on things that are not important. Does not save for that so-called rainy day. His motto: Easy come, easy go. Squanders what he has, as if plenty more were coming. In a burst of senseless generosity, may be heard to say, "Hang the expense."

May also be called: prodigal, wastrel. Adjectives: dissipative, extravagant, improvident, incontinent, profligate, unrestrained, thriftless, uneconomical, unthrifty, wasteful.


Happiness and sadness do not register on his face, but rather are buried in his heart. He is a closed book, an indecipherable inscription. Feels it is unbecoming to show how he feels about something. Meets pleasantness and unpleasantness as if they were only strangers passing through. Never shows nervousness or even a residue of doubt. Without complaint, does what must be done. Sometimes he acts as if he didn't care about the outcome, when in fact the exact opposite may be true. Takes things as they come. All ofhis emotions seem to be in perfect equilibrium. In comparison to others, he sometimes appears to be a steel bar standing in a plate of spaghetti.

May also be called: cool customer, man of iron.

Adjectives: calm, cool, coolheaded, enduring, even-tempered, forbearant, imperturbable, level-headed, long-suffering, patient, persevering, poised, self-confident, self-controlled, serene, steady, steel-nerved, stoical, strong-nerved, uncomplaining, unexcitable, unshrinking.


Can look unblinkingly at someone's misery and feel nothing, as if his soul were encased in an impenetrable shell; but, by the same token, neither does he extract pleasure from observing someone's misfortune. Nothing really plays on his heart strings. Has no tears to spare. Compassion does not fog up his observations. Able to look at the saddest of scenes without ever becoming emotionally involved. Perplexed by sympathy, the idea of guilt. Views misfortune as a fact of life, not an occasion for commiseration. His own experiences have blunted his feelings.

Adjectives: callous, cold-hearted, detached, dispassionate, frigid, hardened, hard-hearted, impassive, indifferent, objective, thick-skinned, uncompassionate, unconcerned, unemotional, unfeeling, unmoved, unsympathetic.


Will not abandon a friend, lover, or family member, or even those whom, from afar, he supports for some reason—even when it may be far more convenient to do otherwise. Commitments are never shallow, but are rather deeply embedded and verge on permanence. Remains faithful long after everyone else has given up. Stands as the one person you can call when you are in trouble, no matter if it is the middle of the night. Does not engage in second-guessing. The pillar one leans upon. Quick to lend a hand, provide aide, take someone's side, go to bat for, and offer words of encouragement. Remains by one's side during times of trouble. A constant companion, a faithful friend. Intensely loyal. Displays understanding when almost no one else will. Comes when called; stays after everyone else has gone. Forever plays second fiddle.

May also be called: advocate, backer, buddy, chum, collaborator, colleague, companion, comrade, crony, friend, man Friday, partner, patron, righthand man, sidekick, teammate, upholder.

Adjectives: complimentary, constant, faithful, helpful, loyal, persevering, steadfast, sympathetic, trustworthy, understanding, unfaltering, unhesitating.


Seizes that which does not belong to him, or he readily accepts whatever is offered to him without ever giving thought to repayment.

As one who pounces upon that which he believes he requires, he will resort to whatever means necessary to gain it. Has the patience to lie in wait for an interminable length of time. Sees possession as 99-percent ownership. If he wants men, he will commandeer them; if he wants land, he will annex it; if he wants money, he will steal it; whatever it is that entices him, he does not allow morality or any hindrance to deter him. If his taking impoverishes another, so be it. His mind is totally focused upon the prize to be had rather than upon the person who currently holds it. When he sees an opportunity, has no compunction about overcharging. More than happy to bleed one dry.

As the receiver of that which is kindly given, the words "thank you" rarely form on his lips; if they do, they are laden with insincerity. He will continue to accept whatever someone continues to give; there is no point when he says,

"Enough!" Neither guilt nor gratitude can find a home in his heart. Easily forgets the benefits he has received.

May also be called: bloodsucker, buccaneer, extortionist, ingrate, looter, pirate, plagiarizer, plunderer, poacher, privateer, profiteer, robber, thief, vulture.

Adjectives: cutthroat, larcenous, light-fingered, plunderous, predatory, thievish, unappreciative, ungrateful, unthankful.


Cannot be counted upon to stand by his promises. Mouths loyalty, but is not committed. Sells himself to the highest bidder. Able to withdraw from an allegiance with no compunction. When it is convenient for him to do so, disavows any warm association with those whom he once claimed to support. Switches religion, politics, principles, and friendships as easily as he might change shoes. Goes the way the wind blows.

May also be called: apostate, backslider, betrayer, deserter, double-dealer, rat, renegade, scab, snake in the grass, turncoat, turntail. Adjectives: bolter, disloyal, false, faithless, traitorous, treacherous, treasonous, two-faced, unfaithful, untrue.


Wavers between what he thinks he should do and not do. Lacks core convictions. Subject to frequent mind changes and attitude reversals, without ever being sure he is committed to the right course. Often does not know which way to turn. Highly persuadable. Usually attracted to the last argument he hears on a matter. Cursed by the fact that he often sees the merit regarding both sides of an argument. Blows hot and cold; hems and haws; flip-flops on any issue at almost any time. Once he makes up his mind to do something, immediately wonders if he is not making a mistake. Has as many phases as the moon. Grows dilemmas in his mind as if they were grass. Acts as though he had two minds, one being contrary to the other and causing his thoughts to teeter-totter. Tends to delay taking action until the very last minute.

May also be called: chameleon, rolling stone, weather vane.

Adjectives: capricious, desultory, elastic, erratic, fickle, flighty, fluctuating, hesitant, inconstant, indecisive, irresolute, pliable, shilly-shallying, uncertain, unconfident, unreliable, weak-willed, willy-nilly, wishy-washy.


Life is marked by a distinct passivity and quite likely attended by daily monotony that does not seem pervasive. To quote a cliché: snug as a bug in a rug. More wealth, status, or achievement would not render greater satisfaction; ambition, therefore, is at a treading-water stage. Content with the way things are, barring perhaps a few minor irritations that the world always manages to impose upon the living. Healthy, worry-free, and not burdened with any meaningful regrets or pangs of conscience. Faces the future without reservations or anxiety. Entertains a rather casual optimism.

Adjectives: blissful, comfortable, complacent, contented, cozy, happy, pleased, relaxed, satisfied, unbothered, undisturbed, untroubled.


Highly experienced in a particular area. Seen as the "old hand"—the person who has been around, who has been through it all before, who has seen it all, who knows how to do it, who's aware of what all the little secrets are. Knows the ropes, the ins and outs, and the little shortcuts that make things easier. The one person to turn to when you get stuck. Not born yesterday. Knows where the bodies are buried. Able to find and solve the problem, cut through all the red tape. Nothing gets past him.

May also be called: handyman, Jack-of-all-trades, old soldier, old timer. Adjectives: accomplished, adept, crackerjack, masterful, practiced, skillful, versatile.


Sees those things that could be, but which may never be. Within that mountainous terrain of the mind, searches for some gossamer stones and an acre upon which to build. Loses all sense of time and place. Juggles wishes. Fabricates notions. Journeys into places that have never been seen outside the circumference of his mind. Has a round-trip ticket to Utopia. Sees the creation before it is created. Hears the sounds before there are words or music.

May also be called: idealist, innovator, inventor, romantic.

Adjectives: absent-minded, creative, dreamy-eyed, fanciful, imaginative, impractical, ingenious, inventive, museful, notional, oblivious, preoccupied, unrealistic, woolgathering.

the Authoritarian, the Intimidator)

The Warrior does not try to make others fearful of him. While he is quick to fight, he does it to protect what is important to him. He is not, at heart, an aggressor; he is, for example, the athlete who must win, the debater who must prevail, the businessman who fends off a takeover of his company, the attorney who defends his client—a rival to be reckoned with in a specific area. Strong-willed, but doesn't flaunt it. Picks his quarrels carefully, and, when he does, fights tenaciously to achieve his desired end. At a moment's notice, and either for himself or on behalf of another, will utter a challenge and cross swords with anyone. Engages in a nonphysical assault upon those who wish to deny him entry, who use him as a target for mockery, or who see him as being unimportant.

May also be called: advocate, combatant, competitor, defender, guard, knight-errant.

Adjectives: combative, competitive, contentious, guarded, hostile, strong-willed.

(See also
the Luminary)

Has achieved a recognizable level of success, which may be discerned by the amount of money, property, fame, or achievement that is attributed to him. Has made a so-called noise in the world or has, as they say, made the grade. Born under a lucky star or with a golden touch. Stands at the top of his profession. A voice to be reckoned with. One of the privileged few. Has the upper hand, the advantage, the best of all possible worlds. Has made a killing, won the day, brought home the bacon. Rich as Rockefeller. Has done all right for himself.

May also be called: capitalist, champion, conquering hero, man of means, money-maker, mover and shaker, nabob, plutocrat, tycoon. Adjectives: accomplished, comfortable, famous, opulent, prosperous, rich, smug, solvent, triumphant, wealthy, well-fixed, well-heeled.

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