Read Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, and Live Like You Mean It! Online
Authors: Kris Carr,Rory Freedman (Preface),Dean Ornish M.D. (Foreword)
Tags: #Nutrition, #Motivational & Inspirational, #Health & Fitness, #Diets, #Medical, #General, #Women - Health and hygiene, #Health, #Diet Therapy, #Self-Help, #Vegetarianism, #Women
If your budget allows, update your pillows and bedding to the organic cotton version. Research organic chemical-free mattress companies online. Sucking back flame retardants for eight hours ain’t
healthy. Add some plants to your room, too. Plants are nature’s air purifier. Do what it takes to make your bedroom an ashram for sleeping.
Also, train yourself to sleep and rise at around the same time each day. Everyone has an internal clock, but over time and because of stress, inflexible schedules, and other modern inconveniences, we lose the ability to self-wake. Contrary to popular belief, sleep isn’t something we can ever catch up on. It’s okay to sleep in a bit on the weekend, but don’t overdo it—you’ll throw your whole rhythm off. Also, avoid stimulants like caffeine, depressants like alcohol, and strenuous exercise for a few hours before bedtime.
Your good sleep intentions go straight out the bedroom window when life gets crazy (not-so-sexy) busy! Enter the nap. Our bodies have a natural rhythm of sleep and wake cycles. You’ve probably noticed that you feel a dip in your energy and alertness in the afternoon between about 1 and 3 p.m., even if you’re well rested. That’s perfectly normal—it’s siesta time and your God pod knows it. If you take a nap of just twenty minutes, you’ll go from feeling like a wilted plant to an alert and perky Energizer Bunny.
If it’s at all possible to carve out the time for a power nap during your day, do it! All you need is a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Empty conference rooms are a good napping spot; so is your car. A leopard-print eye mask blocks out distracting light, and a pillow and perhaps a light blanket make you comfy. Set a timer for at least twenty minutes (the alarm function on your cell is handy) and let yourself doze off. Learning to nap when you’re not lying on a bed takes a little getting used to, but with practice you’ll become an experienced napper, able to fall asleep quickly. Sweet dreams, beauty!
There’s nothing in the least selfish
or trivial about taking care of yourself. Many of us have established routines that involve gobs of the aforementioned beauty goop. Think of replacing old grooming and fitness rituals with the new ones I’ve outlined here. You’re too pretty to pass on the chance to be even more gorgeous. When you’re taking care of your body and mind, your skin and what’s beneath it, you are taking care of your whole world. Why? Because, silly, when you’re at your best you do your best. How nice for everyone else!
Ana C. G.
With Kris’s guidance I reconnected with my body physically, mentally, and spiritually. I’m empowered by the real energy that flows through my body as it heals naturally.
The level of energy in my body has s kyrocketed. I feel clean in and out, no more toxic waste. During my first week on the cleanse I developed some detox signs that honestly scared me. I did not know what was going on until Kris wrote to expect such a reaction: rash on my arms and legs. I started dry brushing and having hot Epsom salt baths and in a few days I was me again—but better.
One thing that also helped me amazingly were some simple tools to balance and calm my body. My bath-time calming was a daily gift. Meditation guided me to my inner peace and continues to be an eye-opener for me. I had never done yoga before but today I recommend yoga to everyone. Only a few minutes a day every day helps stretch your body in a deeply satisfying way.
I also have a daily walking routine, first thing in the morning for thirty to forty-five minutes, then I do a dry brush, and oh, it’s so refreshing. Now I walk for pleasure instead of just burning calories, which always felt like a torture. Feeling the morning sun on my face is an instant energizer. Wow!
Make and keep promises to yourself.
Create a morning spiritual practice.
Do nothing with purpose—learn to meditate and get into a daily habit.
Take up a yoga practice, and try to find one taught by a true yoga master so you get both the physical and spiritual benefits from your daily routine.
Sweat = glow.
Many of the personal care products we use every day contain hundreds of dangerous synthetic chemical compounds.
Charm your skin with dry brushing and essential oils.
Take care of your sinuses with a neti pot.
Practice breath work.
Take it down a notch with a massage and a bath.
Sleep, beauty … sleep.