Crazy For You (15 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Crazy For You
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He shook his head. “Everything’s being taken care of.”

She shook her head. “There’s always something that needs to be done.”

Before he could respond, she clicked her tongue to Poca and urged the horse out of the barn toward the gate for the east pasture. Ella didn’t look back.

When she reached the pasture, she swung down from the horse, opened the gate and walked Poca through it, then closed the gate behind them.

She rode along the fence line, checking it with a practiced eye. To her complete annoyance, she kept thinking about Clint.

Damn him. He wouldn’t leave her thoughts. The nerve he had, to keep tabs on her as if she needed to be watched over.

The afternoon was growing long as she reached a stock tank, not too far from a small thicket of oak and mesquite trees. She dismounted and let Poca drink from the tank.

Ella felt a prickling along her spine and looked around to see a horse and rider approaching. Clint. A strange combination of irritation and pleasure traveled up and down her spine. Irritation that he had followed her, and pleasure that he was there. Then irritation at her pleasure.

Frowning, she turned her attention to Poca, ignoring Clint. Out of the corner of her eye she watched him dismount Charger when they reached the tank and then lead his horse to the water. She noticed a blanket rolled up on the back of Charger’s saddle.

She glanced at him. “What are you doing out here?”

“Checking up on you.” He said the words casually.

She scowled at him. “What right do you have—?”

In the next moment he gripped her upper arms so tightly that she caught her breath in surprise. The look in his brown eyes caused her heart to pound and she dropped Poca’s reins to brace her palms on Clint’s chest, ready to push him away.

He had never looked as handsome as he did that moment, his expression so intense that she felt as if she might be consumed by the need she felt emanating from him. A raw, powerful need that she shared with every part of her being.

She swallowed as flutters traveled through her belly. “Let me go, Clint.”

His expression turned serious, but he didn’t let her go. “I have one question for you. Whether or not I let you go depends on the answer to that question.”

She raised an eyebrow. “And that would be?”

“What’s your relationship with Johnny Parker?” he said slowly.

Confused by his question, she blinked. “We’re good friends. Why?”

“That’s all I needed to hear.” He dragged her up against him and his mouth came down hard on hers.

Completely caught off guard, she let out a startled gasp, but he swallowed it with his kiss. It was powerful and demanding as he slipped his tongue into her mouth and he gripped her ass in his big hands. His cock was hard as he held her tightly to him.

The thought of struggling came to a quick death as she fell into the kiss. She gave a soft moan as he ground his erection against her belly and she felt an answering tingle between her thighs. Not just a tingle but a full on explosion of need and desire. She thought about the night he had touched her and brought her to orgasm and she gave a soft moan.

She grew lightheaded, as if she needed more oxygen. When he drew away she stared up into his eyes. “I need to finish checking the fence line.” The words came out in a husky whisper, as if she wasn’t sure about herself, not at all like she’d intended.

“You need to stay right here.” He moved his lips to her ear. “With me.”

A shiver traveled down her spine. “No.” She swallowed. “I need to—”

He took her mouth hard again and she felt every bit of resolve slipping. How many times had she dreamed of his kisses? And now that she was a grown woman, here she was, in his arms.

Her whole body felt like soft clay, as if he could mold her, shape her, make her a work of art with his touches and kisses. He groaned deep and low in his throat and she shivered again as he moved his palms from her ass to her waist and back again. His hands felt sure and strong, and she felt a sense of possessiveness running through him, as if she belonged to no other.

No, he was just trying to change her mind and she couldn’t allow him to get away with that.

She shoved at him hard, breaking the kiss, severing the fire that had made her feel connected to him in ways she couldn’t have imagined. “That’s enough.”

“I’m just getting started.” He caught her up in his embrace so that his arm was beneath her ass and she was halfway over his shoulder.

She struggled in his arms. “Put me down, Clint.” He was so strong that she could barely move.

He held on to her with one arm and with his other he unbuckled two straps holding the rolled up blanket on the back of Charger’s saddle.

It occurred to her then exactly what he planned to do with that blanket. She tried to get away but he carried her to the thicket of oak and mesquite trees. He unfurled the blanket on the ground with his free arm, at the base of a group of rocks that were beneath the trees.

He turned and twisted her in the air and she let out a surprised cry as he sat on one of the big rocks. In the next moment she found herself laying facedown, over his knees, her arms pinned behind her back, her hair hanging over her face.

“You deserve a spanking for being so damned difficult,” he growled.

A spanking? Hell no. “Let me go, Clint. Or I swear you’ll regret it.”

“Be still.” He held her wrists in one hand then swatted her hard with his other.

The sting caused her to cry out and her eyes watered. “Don’t!” Again he swatted her and again she cried out. “Stop it!”

To her shock, she felt a tingling between her thighs as he spanked her. She didn’t know how it could be, but with every swat she pictured him thrusting inside her. Her breasts ached and her nipples were hard nubs. She wriggled and felt his rigid cock against her body.

He paused and rubbed her ass with his palm. “Will that make you be quiet and listen?”

“You’re a big bully.” She realized her breathing had quickened and a thrill had coiled deep in her belly. “I’ll never be quiet with that kind of treatment.”

“Is that so?” He swatted her again, harder this time, and she felt a greater tingling between her thighs. “I think you like it.”

“Never.” The more she fought him, the more turned on she was getting.

He moved his fingers between her thighs and she caught her breath. He had to feel her heat and maybe even how damp she was through her jeans.

Her head spun, her hair flying around her face, as he swept her up and held her to him. Automatically she wrapped her arms around his neck and her thighs around his waist and held on.

He laid her on her back on the blanket. She started to scramble away but he grabbed her leg and pulled her to him. She tried to kick free but he was on her, pinning her legs between his thighs and holding her wrists above her head as his big body pressed her to the makeshift bed.

She was pinned so securely that there was no struggling now. Before she could utter another word, he kissed her hard. At first she refused him, but she melted and gave in to the kiss and answered back with the same intensity he showed her.

He kept her arms above her head with one hand and pushed up her T-shirt with his other. She gasped as he moved his mouth to her cloth-covered nipple.

His mouth was hot and wet, his tongue teasing, and he lightly scraped her nipple with his teeth. She gave in completely and barely realized he had let her arms go as he moved his mouth to her other breast.

He rose and tugged her T-shirt up, yanked it over her head, and laid it over the rock he’d been sitting on. He reached beneath her and unfastened her bra and pulled it away from her. The air was cool on her nipples and she felt an amazing sense of wickedness at being bare outside on the range.

After he tossed the bra aside to land on top of the blouse on the rock, he moved over her and braced one hand to the side of her head.

“Are you going to be good?” His expression was dark and intent as he reached between them and unfastened her belt. “You know what I’ll do if you aren’t.”

She swallowed. She could fight him and she knew he’d catch her and punish her all over again. That thought sent another thrill through her and she was tempted to struggle just to be manhandled by him. But at the same time she didn’t want to fight him anymore. She wanted whatever he would give her.

He brushed his lips over hers. “Are you going to fight me?”

She shook her head. “No.”

His smile was slow and sensual and he eased down her body. He knelt at the foot of the blanket and watched her as he took one of her boots in his hands and slipped it off before setting it aside. He took off the other boot before removing her socks and stuffing them into the boots.

He moved closer again and pulled her belt out of the loops and unbuttoned her jeans. As soon as her zipper was down, he tugged off her jeans and stripped them away, leaving her only in her black panties. It only took a moment for him to slip those off, too. He put her panties and jeans on top of her other clothing.

He tugged at her nipple. “I want to eat you up like you ate that ice cream in Scottsdale. It was so damn hot watching you.”

She swallowed, feeling suddenly shy and nervous. She started to put her arms over her breasts but he stopped her by catching her wrists in one hand.

“Oh, no you don’t.” He shook his head. “I want to see you.”

He released her then tossed his Stetson onto her clothing before unbuttoning his western work shirt, all the while keeping his gaze fixed on her. The air felt cool on her body and her nipples were impossibly tight. She swallowed as she watched him remove his clothing, piece by piece, from his boots and socks to his belt.

When he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, along with his boxer briefs, her heart thudded and her eyes widened. She hadn’t expected his cock to be so big, so thick. Would it hurt? Could she take him inside her? Considering she had never had a man inside her, she was pretty sure it was going to hurt.

Still, hunger for him curled in her belly. She didn’t know what it would really feel like, but she wanted him more than anything.

When he was naked, he eased onto the blanket beside her. He brought her close to him, so that they were both on their sides facing each other, their bodies flush. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his cock against her belly, her nipples against his chest, and the heat of his skin.

He kissed her slowly, his mouth moving over hers as he grasped her in his callused hands and pressed her more tightly against him. She moaned, wanting him so badly that she realized she was digging her nails into his powerful biceps.

When he slipped his finger between her thighs and into her wetness, her eyes flew open. He was looking at her with a sensuality that set her even more on fire.

“Don’t come.” He increased the pressure on her clit and she swallowed. “You’re in for another spanking if you climax.”

Her mind spun and she had to fight off the oncoming orgasm. Just as she thought she would lose it, he stopped. She swallowed back a protest as he started to ease down her body. He moved between her thighs and pressed them apart with his palms.

She went still as he nuzzled her curls and gasped as he ran his tongue along her folds. She’d never had a man go down on her, and she couldn’t believe how incredible it felt. She looked down and her orgasm rushed closer as she saw his head between her thighs and his eyes focused on hers.

He stopped and she squirmed, wanting more. “Not yet,” he murmured. “Don’t come until I let you.” He slipped two fingers inside her and her lips parted. “Damn, you’re tight, honey.” He started pumping them in and out, down to his knuckles. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

She felt her eyes cross as she came closer to orgasm, but he stopped again. He had her so hot that it was a miracle she didn’t climax just from one more touch of his fingers or his tongue.

And then he buried his face against her, his fingers pumping in and out as he sucked her clit and she completely lost it. She shrieked as she came hard. Vaguely she was aware of the fact they were far from the house and thankful that she couldn’t have been heard. The orgasm rocked her, and seemed to go on forever as he sucked her clit and moved his fingers in and out of her.

It was the most intense orgasm of her life, far more powerful than even the one he’d given her the first time he’d touched her. Her entire being throbbed and her world seemed like it was on fire.

When he stopped licking and moving his fingers in and out of her, she shuddered from the complete and total pleasure she’d just experienced.

“I told you I’d spank you for coming without my permission.” He eased up the blanket until he was beside her, his hand resting on her hip and her breasts pressed to his chest. “I’m going to be thinking about how and when to do it.” He kissed her forehead. “Now what do you think I should do?”

“Take me.” She was surprised she was able to speak or that she had the boldness to say the words. “I—I want to feel you inside me.”

He slowly shook his head. “That would be a reward, and you’ve been a very bad girl.”

She found her heart was beating faster. “What are you going to do to me?”

He drew her close to him, so that she was firmly in his embrace. “For now I’m going to hold you while I think of something perfect.”

His embrace was so firm and solid around her that she found her body melting, relaxing. It felt amazing being out in the open with him, both of them completely naked.

It felt right being in his arms.


Chapter 19


“What about ants and snakes?” Ella finally said.

“You’ve got a point,” Clint murmured.

She managed to slip out of his arms and got to her knees at the head of the blanket and started putting on her clothing. She frowned when she couldn’t find her panties, but Clint was making her nervous as he rested on his side, his eyes smoky as he watched her dress. She hurried to slip into her jeans without her panties. It wasn’t comfortable, but she had to get out of there.

“I need to go.” She felt off balance as he focused on her. “It’s almost dinnertime.”

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