Read Crazy Dreams Online

Authors: Dawn Pendleton

Crazy Dreams (12 page)

BOOK: Crazy Dreams
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Dallas waved his hand, dismissing me. “Fine. Get out.” He went to his bedroom, leaving Baker and me staring after him in surprise.

“Wow. I was bluffing,” I admitted after I heard the door to Dallas’s door click closed.

“I figured. What’s up with him?” Baker asked me.

“I don’t know. Have you talked to him about Stone at all?” I asked.

“Yeah. He actually told me he was coming around to the idea of you and him together. I don’t get it.”

“Me either. He totally ruined my high.”

Baker patted my hand. “Don’t let him get you down. You should be proud of yourself.”

“I am. If this actually goes through, I don’t think I’ll go back to Maine.”

“Your mother will have a fit,” he commented.

I nodded. “She’ll get over it. Eventually. I’m doing what I want to be happy, and if she doesn’t like it, then she doesn’t truly care about my happiness.”

“So true.”





It took me an hour to call Ember. I sat in my apartment after I got off the phone with the record company in utter shock. I couldn’t believe it was finally happening. Months of trying and all it took was adding Ember to my set. She was talented, possibly even more talented than me but she wasn’t the type to go off on her own. If she and I stuck together, we could be the next big duet. There were so many possibilities for us. I wanted them all, even if it scared the shit out of me.

I had a hard time waiting to pick her up after work. The hours seemed to drag. Finally, it was eight o’clock and she came out of the restaurant. I was parked out front. She jumped in the truck, leaned over the center console and kissed me.

Our tongues met and dueled passionately. Her fingers dug into the collar of my shirt, keeping me close when I would have pulled away. Her right hand trailed down to the crotch of my jeans and she rubbed me. I was instantly hard.

“Make love to me,” she begged.

I sucked in a breath. I made a promise. I wouldn’t sleep with her. I wouldn’t. The more she moved her hand against me, the more my resolve weakened. Finally, I had to grab her hand and push her back into her own seat.

“We can’t,” I said. I felt as disappointed as she looked.

“Fine,” she pouted.

“Don’t be mad,” I begged.

She buckled and then looked at me. “Is there something wrong with me? Some weird reason you won’t sleep with me?”

Her insecurities were misplaced, but I couldn’t tell her the truth. It would only piss her off. “No, of course not! You’re beautiful. I just want to wait. I want it to be special.”

be special. I don’t agree with this waiting thing,” she murmured.

Sadly, I agreed with her. Maybe there was a way I could get around my promise. At least a little bit.

I drove us to my apartment and led her straight to my bedroom. Her eyes widened and then she grinned. She thought she was getting what she wanted. I kissed her, taking my time to work her up.

She was restless, more than ready to get started, but I forced us to go slow. I removed her shirt, lifting it over her arms and then tossing it behind me. I focused on her full breasts. I rubbed my thumbs over her nipples and she moaned. I wanted her so bad. I knew this was dangerous, but I couldn’t convince myself to stop. I wanted to taste her.

I undid the button on her jeans and the lowered her zipper. I yanked them and her panties down, desperate to get them off her. She was almost completely naked in front of me. She reached behind her, undid her bra and then let it drop, leaving her totally nude. She stepped forward to me and started to undo my belt.

I pulled her hands away and backed her into the bed. Her knees hit the mattress and she fell back, laughing as she fell. I helped her move further up on the bed and then I leaned over her, taking a nipple in my mouth. She arched up into me, shamelessly rubbing herself against my dick through my pants.

If she kept it up, I’d be coming in my pants in no time. My mouth left her nipple, kissing a path straight to her pussy. She moaned as soon as I touched her. I swirled my tongue over her clit, rubbing it. I thought she would come up off the bed when I put a finger inside her. She entangled her hands in my hair, pulling me closer to her body. I knew what she wanted. I sucked her clit hard and finger-fucked her at the same time.

In less than two minutes, she was coming, moaning my name and then going completely limp on the bed. It wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to give her more. I wound her up and made her come two more times before I finally relented.

Her labored breathing was music to my ears. I crawled up the bed beside her, kissed her cheek and then fell back on the mattress. I was just as tired as she was.

She turned toward me, her hand trailing down to my jeans. “Your turn.”

“Ember, we aren’t having sex. Not yet.” It killed me to say the words.

“I figured. Lucky for you, you’ve worn me out, so I don’t want to have sex. I just want this is my mouth,” she said, cupping me. My dick jumped at her words.

She moved over me, helping me get out of my jeans and then giving me another mind-blowing blow-job. She was talented at it; I had to admit I’d never had one as good as what she gave. It seemed to turn her on, too, which was even better.

When I finally came, she swallowed it down, every man’s dream. She licked me clean and then passed out beside me. I grabbed a blanket off the foot of my bed and covered us, snuggling her.


* * * * *


The next morning, I woke with a start. Something jolted me out of my dream and I belated realized someone was banging on my door.

I shook Ember awake. “Ember, I think your brother is here. Wake up.”

“Which one? It’s fine,” she grumbled.

“No, it’s not fine,” I said, getting out of bed and pulling on a pair of shorts. “They’re going to think we slept together and then they’re going to kill me.”

“We didn’t sleep together. Don’t worry, I’ll tell them,” she said, her eyes drifting closed.

“Dammit! Wake up,” I demanded, shaking her again.

“Ugh, fine,” she groaned, sitting up. I watched as she got dressed and then stood up, still exhausted.

We walked to the front door together. I pulled it open to find Baker and Dallas, both spitting fire. The glared at me and then turned their attention to Ember.

“Go get in my truck while we talk to Stone.” Dallas’s voice was authoritative and didn’t leave room for argument.

“No.” Ember crossed her arms over her chest. “What are you guys even doing here?”

“Are you kidding me right now? You’re supposed to sleep at Dallas’s house,” Baker started. He was much calmer than Dallas, but I could tell he was pissed.

“Actually, I can sleep anywhere I damn well please,” Ember retorted. “So do us a favor and get lost.” She started to close the door in their faces but I stopped her.

“Stay here. I’m going to talk to your
.” I stepped out and closed the door behind me. To my surprise, she didn’t yank it open.

“It’s not what you think,” I started.

“You’re dead,” Dallas replied.

Baker put a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s give him a chance to explain.” He looked at me, waiting for my explanation.

“I didn’t sleep with Ember. Not that it’s really any of your business, but it’s the truth. We fell asleep. Yesterday was kind of exciting for the two of us.”

They didn’t look impressed. “Not good enough,” Dallas decided.

“Before I let Dallas beat your face in, I’m going to remind you of your promise to me and then ask you a single question: do you love Ember?” Baker asked.

I took a deep breath. “Yes, I’m in love with her.”

Dallas stepped back, his eyes wide. “What?”

“I’m crazy about her. How could I not be? I know it’s too soon, which is why I haven’t told her, yet. It’s also why I haven’t slept with her. I respect her more than that. I want it to be special for her. For both of us.”

They both stared at me. “That changes things,” Dallas muttered. He didn’t sound happy about it.

“How’s that?” I asked.

Baker glanced at Dallas before answering me. “If you’re in love with her, chances are, she’s in love with you, too. Which means she’ll be pretty pissed off if we bash your face in.”

“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“I’m going to give you one warning, and one warning only,” Dallas started. “You break her heart, I’ll kill you.”

“Got it.”

Baker shook my hand. “Take care of her.”

“I wouldn’t dream of doing anything but.”

“Good luck at your audition today,” Dallas murmured. It was a sign of his acceptance, but I knew he still needed to work things out with Ember. They both needed to.

“I’m glad we’re good, guys, but I think both of you owe Ember an apology. She’s old enough to know what she wants, and if you keep treating her with kid gloves, she’ll never be able to make her own decisions. I’ll send her out here to talk to you.” I said and then went back inside.

Ember was on the couch, a bewildered look on her face. “Hey, they want to talk to you.”

“Okay,” she said. She got up and walked outside without the slightest amount of a fight.





He loves me.

I shouldn’t have eavesdropped, but I wanted to make sure Baker and Dallas didn’t kill him. Instead, I found out the truth, the reason why he was holding back. He was waiting to
make it special
, which probably meant he wanted us to say
I love you
to each other.

I wasn’t quite there, yet. I liked him a lot. I could imagine loving him, but I didn’t want to move too fast, either. We were happy in our little bubble. And we had a professional relationship to maintain, as well. It was all so confusing.

I stepped outside and found Dallas and Baker waiting patiently for me. “Hi.”

“Stone’s not so bad,” Baker admitted.

“Seriously? He’s an amazing man,” I said.

Dallas smiled. “He’s alright.”

“I suppose I should be grateful you guys didn’t beat him up?”

“Actually, we’re sorry.” Baker said.

I was shocked. “What? For what?”

Dallas put an arm around me. “We should have realized you’re old enough to do your own thing. You’ve grown up so much since Rainey passed that we didn’t even see it. Stone had to point it out to us, and let me tell you, there’s nothing worse than having your sister’s boyfriend tell you you’re wrong about something.”

I laughed. “So does this mean you guys approve of our relationship?”

“Not a chance.” Baker gave me a lopsided smile. “But it means we trust your judgment. And we know that if you
have a problem, you’ll come to us. We know we’re overbearing sometimes, but it’s only because we love you.”

“I love you guys, too,” I said, holding back tears.

There were so many people in my life who cared, who loved me, who only wanted what was best for me. It was a lot to take in. I felt closer to Dallas and Baker than I ever had before.

“Just do us a favor and don’t tell us when you start sleeping with him,” Dallas begged.

“You mean you don’t want every gritty detail?”

Dallas covered his ears. “I can’t hear you!”

Baker and I laughed. “Just be safe, okay? Neither of us wants a niece or nephew right now,” Baker warned.

“Don’t worry,” I agreed. “I don’t want kids right now, either.

“What time is your audition?” Dallas asked. “Are we allowed to come?”

“It’s at ten. And honestly, I don’t know. We can ask Stone. You guys want to come in? I’ll make breakfast,” I offered.

I knew they couldn’t turn down food, and they didn’t. The three of us entered Stone’s apartment to find Stone already cooking.

“Hey, I was going to cook,” I said.

“I figured. But I wanted to get it started, at least,” he said with a smile.

I looked at everything he’d taken out. He expected a large breakfast, apparently, and I was betting my brothers did, too. I pushed him out of the kitchen, telling the three of them to go watch TV until it was ready and then I got to work.

Twenty minutes later, I had a breakfast spread worthy of kings set out. I called them all into the dining room and we all dug in.

“This is amazing,” Stone said, his mouth full of food.


Dallas spoke up. “Yeah, Ember, this is fantastic. You could have a future in the culinary arts.”

“I’d rather have a career as a country music artist,” I admitted, giving Stone a wink. He returned it.

After breakfast, I cleared the table and the guys insisted they clean the kitchen, giving me plenty of time to get ready for the audition. I left them to it and took a shower. I gave my hair a quick blow-dry and then turned on the curling iron. While I waited for it to heat up, I put on minimal makeup. I didn’t have my usual stuff with me, so I had to use just what I had in my purse, which was mascara, eye liner, and lip gloss. I didn’t usually wear a lot of makeup, but I still felt a little naked without my concealer.

BOOK: Crazy Dreams
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