Read Crazy as a Quilt (A Harriet Turman/Loose Threads Mystery Book 8) Online
Authors: Arlene Sachitano
Tags: #FIC022040/FICTION / Mystery & Detective / Women Sleuths, #FIC022070/FICTION / Mystery & Detective / Cozy
Mavis patted Harriet’s hand but looked at Sharon.
“I’ve heard him speak about his collection of nineteen-seventies polyester quilts. He’s very engaging, and he knows his stuff.”
Harriet tried to eat what by all accounts was a fabulous barbecue dinner and to listen to what was probably a great talk, but she couldn’t stop thinking about Aiden and the homeless man. She’d put her phone on mute, but that only meant she was looking at the screen every five minutes to be sure she didn’t miss Tom’s call. She was staring at her phone when Aunt Beth poked her in the side. She looked up. Everyone was applauding the conclusion of the keynote speech. Harriet quickly joined in.
“Wow, he was really good,” Sharon said. “Of course, I know so little about quilting, he could have said anything and I’d believe him.”
“Don’t worry,” Mavis said. “His talk was based on solid research.”
Jessica came around the table to where Harriet was standing.
“That was great. Can we go home?”
Lauren laughed. “How do you really feel?”
“I’ve been wearing this wig…” She tugged at her hair. “…and these pumps way too long.” She lifted her right foot and wiggled it. “I’m ready to get out of this getup.”
“Okay,” Lauren said. “We need to get home anyway. My landlady is dog-sitting Carter, and she’s probably giving him all the treats he doesn’t get at home. I need to get him away from her before he decides he doesn’t want to leave.”
Harriet flicked her phone’s ringer back on and looked at the screen for the hundredth time, but there was still no message from Tom.
“Come on,” Sharon said. “I’ll sit vigil with you at your house. We can stitch on our crazy blocks while we wait.”
Robin picked up her coat and purse from the back of her chair.
“I’ll check in with Aiden’s attorney and see if he was able to get a PI in play this afternoon.”
“Thanks for your help,” Harriet said. “I don’t know what I’d do without all of you.”
“We’re going to go home and work on our blocks,” Sharon told Lauren as they walked to their cars with Harriet and Jessica. She pointed at Harriet’s car. “Is that the mysterious Tom?”
Lauren looked. “That would be him. This may take a while. How about you come with us to the coffee shop for a nightcap? We’ll drop you back by Harriet’s when we’re done.”
Harriet hurried to her car.
“Did you find the homeless man?”
He ran both hands through his hair.
“Can we sit in your car?”
Sharon paused for a moment.
“I’m going to go get a cup of coffee with Lauren and Jessica.” She turned and left, eliminating the need for Harriet to answer.
“Did you just find him?” Harriet asked as she got into the car. “What took so long? Did he tell you Aiden called him? Did—”
He reached over and grabbed her hand.
“Harriet, stop. I found the man’s
. He’s dead. That’s what took so long. I had to hang around and be questioned by the police. Fortunately, I’d stopped for coffee and had a receipt establishing what time I’d arrived in Foggy Point. Joyce can back me up on when I checked with her. I guess they could tell by the guy’s temperature, too. He was too cold for me to have done it.”
“They won’t know until they do the autopsy, but I heard them say it looks like alcohol poisoning.”
Harriet pulled her hand away and leaned her head against the window.
“This nightmare just keeps getting worse. He was Aiden’s alibi, and now he’s gone, too.” She sat back up. “It can’t be a coincidence. I mean, someone kills Marine, and now the only guy who can give Aiden an alibi conveniently dies of alcohol poisoning? Just when we’re looking for him?”
Tom took back her hand and squeezed it gently.
“He was homeless, and from what Joyce said, he was an addict. He drank and used whatever else he could get his hands on. That’s why he wasn’t living in the main homeless camp.”
“Do they know who he is?”
“I don’t think so. When the police arrived, one person talked to me and another one searched his pockets. He didn’t have anything on him—no phone, no wallet, nothing. If he’s been living in the woods for a while, he probably has a hidey-hole where he keeps his stuff. I’m sure the police will look when it’s light.”
“Why would some random homeless guy help set Aiden up?”
“Come on, do you really have to ask? The guy was an addict. If—and this is a very big if—he is even the right homeless guy, and if he was part of a setup.”
Harriet yanked her hand away and turned to glare at him.
“Are you saying you think Aiden did kill Marine?”
“No, of course not. Doc couldn’t kill a spider, much less a person. I’m just saying the homeless man’s calling might have been a coincidence. Where would Aiden have been if he hadn’t been looking for the guy?”
“He had the morning off because he’d worked the night before. He went for a run, and then he was going to shower, and eventually, he would have gone to work.”
“So, all the killer had to do was wait until he went to work. If they were watching him, they’d know once he went down to the clinic he’d be gone for hours.”
“Still, I don’t believe in coincidence. It’s too weird that Aiden is gone on a wild goose chase right when someone is staging a crime at the apartment.”
“For what it’s worth, I spent quite a bit of time in those woods before I found the guy. If anyone else is living out there, I didn’t see any signs of it.” Tom shivered and rubbed his hands on his arms. “It was really cold out there.”
Harriet turned the engine on and put the heater on full blast. He smiled at her gratefully.
“Well, we aren’t going to be able to solve this tonight. How are you doing? Are you remembering to eat? And sleep?”
Harriet tried to smile.
“Sure. I’m busy with the quilt meeting and my houseguest.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, and I can see from your face, you aren’t eating enough, and you’re not sleeping. That won’t help Aiden. He needs you to be on your A game.”
She did smile at that.
“Okay, Dr. Phil. Way to make it about Aiden. But your point is taken. My not eating or sleeping isn’t helping him at all.”
“I’m just worried about you. Of course, I’m concerned about Aiden, too, but I’m having trouble believing anyone is going to actually prosecute the good doctor for a crime he obviously didn’t do.”
“Every wrongly accused person sitting on death row probably has had that same thought.”
“Let’s not borrow trouble. I’m going to be in Foggy Point for a few days. What can I do to help?”
Harriet thought for a moment.
“How would you feel about going to Marine’s memorial service? Since her family doesn’t have any resources, the quilters took up a collection, and Pastor Hafer said the church would pick up the rest. It’s going to be on Saturday. Another set of eyes might be helpful. True crime shows always talk about detectives attending funerals because perpetrators like to show up.”
“Well, it must be gospel if it’s on TV.” Tom laughed. “Seriously. I’d be happy to be your extra set of eyes. Is your roommate staying for that, too? I’d like to meet someone from your old life.”
Harriet briefly considered telling him what Jessica had told her about Sharon and the photo album, but
didn’t want to think about the whole mess, much less involve Tom in it.
“She’s just another quilter, so don’t get your hopes up.”
“I’d better go so I don’t keep the Renfros up too late. I have a key so they can go to bed, but they never do. Mrs. R always waits up with a snack for me.”
“Thanks for helping today.”
He leaned in, took her face in both his hands, pulled her toward him and kissed her on the forehead.
“If you need anything, day or night, call me, and I’ll come. Okay?
With that, he got out of her car and walked away.
Harriet knew Lauren would be still be at the coffee shop, waiting to hear what Tom had said. In any case, it wasn’t much out of the way to drive by on her way home.
Sure enough, Lauren, Sharon and Jessica were seated around a table at the Steaming Cup, each with her hands wrapped around a mug.
Lauren flagged her over when she came through the door.
“I went out on a limb and ordered you a cinnamon dulce hot chocolate when I saw you drive up. It’ll be ready in a minute.”
Harriet slid out of her coat and sat down in the fourth chair. Jessica reached across the table and took her hand.
“Sweetie, I can tell by your face something’s happened. Do you feel like talking about it? If you don’t, we can just sit here with you.”
Lauren and Sharon looked at each other but didn’t say anything.
The barista brought Harriet’s drink, and she took a long, slow drink.
“Tom found the homeless guy.”
“That’s great,” Jessica said.
“No, it’s not great. He found the guy’s body.”
Lauren sat back in her chair.
“Oh, geez.”
Sharon looked at Lauren and back at Harriet but didn’t say anything.
“Are you sure it’s the same homeless guy?” Jessica asked.
“No, but Foggy Point isn’t that big. Most of the homeless people in Fogg Park are in the main camp. It’s possible there are multiple people out in the woods, but Tom was out there for an hour before he found the body, and he didn’t see anyone else. Besides, like I was telling Tom, I don’t believe in coincidences. What are the chances of us needing to find a homeless guy who set Aiden up, and we find a guy in the same area, and he’s dead, and then he turns out
to be Aiden’s guy?”
Jessica’s shoulders sagged.
“I was trying to think positive, but you’re right. It makes sense that it’s the same guy.”
Sharon shivered. “That’s a scary thought. If he’s the same guy, it means whoever killed Marine was willing to kill again to keep Aiden in jail.”
“Now, there’s a thought,” Harriet murmured.
Lauren set her mug down.
“Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong. I’ve been thinking it was about Marine, and Aiden was a convenient target because of their past relationship. Maybe it has nothing to do with Marine and more to do with preventing Aiden from doing something. I know he has to testify in a dog hoarding trial. I don’t know if someone would commit murder just to prevent him from testifying, or at least to discredit him.”
“That seems awfully thin,” Jessica said.
“I’m grasping at straws,” Harriet said with an attempt at a smile.
“I like it, though,” Lauren said. “We need to consider all possibilities and then, one by one, disprove them.”
“Please don’t quote Sherlock Holmes,” Harriet warned her. “I don’t think I’m up to a quote.”
Lauren looked hurt.
“He wasn’t wrong, you know.”
“He wasn’t real, either.”
Jessica stood up and took her empty mug and added it to a tub full of dirty dishes on a cart near the bar.
“Okay, you two, I think it’s time to go. Our discussion is no longer productive. Besides, I’ve been in big girl clothes far too long today.”
“Thank you for all your help,” Harriet told her.
Jessica wrapped both arms around her and gave her a hug.
“You’ll get through this. We don’t know anything tonight, but maybe the answer will come in the morning.” She let go but didn’t step away. “And not to get all nun-ey on you, but I’ll pray for Aiden before I go to bed, and for you, too.”
Lauren stood as well.
“Come on, let’s get out of here before somebody starts crying.” She put her cup in the busing tub and led the way to the door.
Chapter 20
Sharon was standing in Harriet’s kitchen when she returned from taking Scooter out for his evening walk. She hung up the leash and removed her coat. Sharon hadn’t moved.
“Can I get you anything?”
“I was wondering if you could recommend someplace I could stay for a few more days.” Sharon shuffled her program from the dinner from one hand to the other. “I know you were only planning on having me here through tomorrow afternoon. I’d like to stay for Marine’s memorial service and maybe one more day, but I know you’ve got a lot on your plate right now, and I don’t want to impose.”
Harriet was quiet for a long moment.
“Here’s the deal,” she said finally. “You staying here is not a problem, but I can’t help thinking you’ve got another agenda.” Sharon started to speak, but Harriet held her hand up to stop her. “You’re right. I’ve got a lot on my mind with what’s going on with Aiden. I don’t need any distractions, so I’m just going to come out with it.
“The other night when the Threads were here, and you were upstairs working on your embellishments, Jessica went up to look for you. She checked the TV room, and you weren’t there, so she opened the next door she came to, which was your room. You weren’t in there, either, but she noticed an open photo album on your suitcase. She assumed it would be pictures from your modeling days, so she took a look. I’m not saying what she did was right, but it’s what she did.”
Sharon went to the kitchen table and collapsed onto a chair.
“She saw the pictures of me and Steve.”
“You and Steve ‘in compromising positions’ was how she put it.” Harriet sat down opposite her. “Look, it was a long time ago, and obviously way before I met Steve. I couldn’t care less if you and Steve had a teenage romance. He told me you dated briefly, but he said you’d been friends for so long that it felt slightly incestuous, so you both decided you were better as friends. In fact, wasn’t he the best man at your wedding?