Craved: A Chosen Ones Novel (23 page)

Read Craved: A Chosen Ones Novel Online

Authors: Nia Davenport

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

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His mouth curved in predatory anticipation that if I didn’t know any better, I would swear wasn’t just part of the act. His kissed the lobe of my left ear then kissed a hot trail down the side of my neck to my collarbone. He licked, and nipped and slightly applied pressure to the skin he took between his teeth as he went. When he got to the spot where my neck and shoulder met, he bit down hard enough for it to sting but it also sent a delicious jolt of electricity through my body that made me lose all good sense. My back instinctively arched and my nippled strained against the leather, aching for the same attention. He continued to kiss and lick and nip his way down my chest to the hollow swell of my left breast. I wanted, I needed him to take it in his hand almost begged for him to do it even though a small part of me shrieked at how wrong the public display would be. I’d never been an exhibitionist. Never before even considered the idea of anything beyond a kiss or two
in public.

I let out the breath I’d been holding and an accidental soft moan escaped behind it. It was all the encouragement he needed. One of his hands traveled from my waist to cup my left breast. He kneaded and massaged it through the leather fabric. The pad of his thumb rubbed back and forth over the spot my nipple lay beneath and I suddenly really wanted more than his hands on it and to feel them a lot more intimately then through the barrier of clothing.
As insane and completely unlike me as it sounded, it that moment I wanted him to yank my top down, baring me to himself and the world, and allow me to feel his rough, calloused hands against my bare skin. The corseted top was pulled too tightly for his hands to fit underneath it. His hand left my breast, traveling down my side to the hem of my corset. He cursed, coming to the same conclusion that I had. It traveled back to the swell of my breast and gripped the leather fabric there. Just when I thought he was about to do what the insane part of me wanted him to do, he cursed again.

“Fuck, Alex,” He groaned against the base of my neck. Momentarily halting the licking and the biting he’d been doing to it. “If we weren’t in public and others weren’t around to see.”

I almost told him it didn’t matter. To do it anyways. That I didn’t care where we were or who we were around. Almost. The rational part of me still had some semblance of control. I opened my mouth, not sure, half afraid, of what was about to come out of it. I never found out. His mouth crushed mine and he greedily drank me in.

The way he kissed me was different than any time before.
There wasn’t an ounce of self-control behind it. It was hungry and demanding and frenzied. It was like he was allowing himself to do everything he wanted and couldn’t do at the moment with the kiss. I melted in his arms and another part of me flared further to life, igniting with an ache ten times fiercer than the one my nipples pulsed with. I squeezed my thighs together, trying to quell it by giving it what little relief the friction of doing so provided. Chase picked up on their movement and the hand not still cupping my breast moved to my thighs. He caressed the outside of one and then the other. He slid his hand between them and inched it upward, slowly toward the deep V they made up under my mini skirt. His hand stilled at the hem of it, caressing the skin exposed just beyond its edges, waiting for permission to continue its journey upward. My thighs squeezed together again with his hand between them, this time in excitement and anticipation. The ache between them had become near maddening and I desperately wanted him to answer the wordless command my body was issuing for his hands to keep traveling toward my center. However, that still rational part of me, which was growing weaker and weaker by the second, wouldn’t allow me to verbalize my consent. It’s what made me remain quiet even while the irrationally part of me screamed at him to forge ahead, my explicit permission be damned. The muscles in my thighs relaxed opening them a fraction wider as they did so, silently giving Chase permission to slip his hand farther between them. He half way complied. Letting it slide along my inner thigh to the most intimate part of me. He rubbed his fingers against the lace material that was the only thing left between my core and his hand as a barrier blocking what it throbbed with need to receive.

“Let me touch you, Alex,” he whispered into my mouth. His fingers tugged at the end of the elastic that would allow him entry, but they didn’t slip beneath it.

God, I wanted them to. Regardless of where we were or who was around I needed him to right now. A pressure was building inside me that I felt like my entire body would explode from if relief didn’t come. My back arched again and my hips jerked toward him. I tangled my hands in his hair and crushed his mouth back to mine. I thought it was all the invitation that he needed, but his fingers stayed exactly where they were. Tugging and playing along the edge of the elastic line of the lace panties.

He broke the kiss and stopped doing delicious, mind-bending things to my breasts with his other hand. He cupped my chin and forced me to look him directly in the eyes. They had darkened from sapphire to the dark blue of a midnight storm. Lightning flashed as thunder roared within them. “Let me touch you, Alex?” It was a question and a plea all rolled into one, my name a benediction at the end. My voice was stuck in my chest so I nodded my head giving him permission.

Again, his hands stayed where they were. It was absolute torture and drove me completely insane. He continued to stare into my eyes. Lightning flashed and thunder roiled as the storm continued across their midnight sky. Heat crept into his stare and I knew one of those flashes of lightning had struck a cord and ignited something fierce. And yet still, he restrained himself. His fingers stayed where they were. “I need to hear you say it, Alex. Speak the words.”

My cheeks almost burned, for a hot second they almost flushed. But then something inside me snapped too. Maybe it was the rational part of me completely giving way to the part that had gone mad. “Yes,” I breathed out. “Please. Touch me.”

Before I got the words out good his fingers slipped beneath the elastic band and one finger sank inside me. My hips jerked, rubbing myself up against him, and I half-whimpered, half-moaned at the stinging but mind-shattering shock of him penetrating me. I meant for it to be as soft as the other sounds, but his finger sinking then moving inside me so completely overwhelmed my senses and control mechanisms that it came out loud enough to turn a couple of heads, breathy, and full of need. I was beyond the point of caring.

“Fuck, Alex,” he groaned more loudly then I think he intended to too because he immediately lowered his voice a few octaves. “You’re so wet and tight.” His finger stilled on that last word. “Are you-, am I going to-, shit.” He slipped out of me altogether. “I can’t. I won’t do that to you here.”

My cheeks did flush a little at what he was insinuating. But not enough to make me let him stop, or not do what we were about to do. We’d started this and my hormones screamed that we’d damned well better finish it. The sane part of me long past gone, I shrieked in agreement. I grabbed his wrist and held it in place, preventing him from retracting any further. His hand rested in the V between my thighs.

“No, I’m not,” I breathed out. “It was…it has already been broken. It’s just been a long time. Like two years.”
I pushed the bashfulness trying to creep in away. I tightened my hold on his hand and tugged it back toward where I wanted it to be. It didn’t move an inch. Frustration and need and that damn pressure that he’d started building inside of me that now screamed for release took over me and made me brazen. I let his wrist go then climbed on his lap, straddling him. I cupped the length of him. Hard. Desire flashed in his eyes but I could also see the self-control retaking hold of him. The lightning strikes were becoming fewer and farther between and the midnight blue in his eyes was clearing to sapphire.

Absolutely fucking not,
something primordially female on the most visceral of levels growled within me. I let the length of him go to wrap my arms around his neck and mold my body to his. I rocked slowly, teasingly back and forth against his hardness. I closed my mouth over the pulse in his neck and bit down hard enough on it to leave a mark while sucking and licking on the skin at the same time. His hands moved to my waist, tightening at my sides, and urging the rocking motion back and forth against him to continue.
. I licked a trail from the spot I’d bitten on his neck to his ear.

spot between my
legs you started
touching then stopped, is
fucking throbbing
with the need to be stroked. I am on the
verge of coming a part and I am beyond all rational
thought right now. I
to be touched there. I
you to
touch me there. But if you won’t then…” I threw a sideways glance at one of the males in a nearby booth. He wasn’t particularly paying attention to us, but that didn’t matter. The message I sent with the glance was still loud and clear and complemented my whispered words perfectly.

I moved to get up from Chase’s lap, but hands still gripping my waist jerked me back down. A breath later I found myself laying down on my back against the booth’s velveteen cushion. I tried to sit up but Chase growled against my ear warning me not too. I looked into his eyes and the breath in my lungs rushed out of them. The storm was back in them along with the heat but something new was there as well. Something dark, and dangerous, and predatory, and possessive, and primitively alpha male. He held me in his stare as his hand cupped the spot between my thighs then I heard lace ripping as he angled his body against mine. Not one but two strong, long, delicious fingers pushed inside me flexing and coaxing and thrusting and doing all sort of mind-shattering things as they did so. My back arched violently and my hips jerked into his touch. I moaned his name not once, not twice, not even three times but over and over again. My mind was so completely jumbled, my senses so completely overwhelmed that it was the only thing I could think and the only noise I could get out. My legs spread a part to accommodate him then wrapped themselves around his waist. My hands slid beneath the leather jacket to feel the corded muscles in his back that bunched and flexed underneath.

Even if I wanted to look away from him I couldn’t. He continued staring straight into my eyes as if he was staring past the irises and into the very depths of my soul. He slid a third finger inside me and smiled wickedly as my insides clenched and convulsed around it. He quickened the pace and thrust in and out of me deeper, harder, and more relentlessly than before.

“That word on your lips Alex, this is only one of the things it makes me want to do. It also makes me want to fuck you exactly how I’m doing with my fingers right now. Hard and deep and mercilessly. From the moment I first saw you I’ve wanted to do that and this and more. I’ve wanted to know what it feels like to have you writhing and moaning my name in ecstasy beneath me. I want to make you come Alex, so hard that you see stars and shout my name to the heavens. But we’re in a public place, surrounded by people and even though it’s hard as shit to keep, I do still have a shred of decency in me. So I’m going to make you come, exactly like you so fervently demanded, but I won’t leave you shaking uncontrollably and screaming my name. I’ll settle for a tightening of your muscles, of your gorgeous legs around my waist and a quiet whimper shared just between us.”

Then he released me from his stare so his lips could slant over mine. He thrust his tongue passed my teeth and tangled it up with mine. As he kissed me his fingers continued to push me towards the edge and then his thumb found the sensitive bud between the folds above them and lightly pressed down on it completely taking me over the edge. My legs tightened around him as my nails dug into the muscles at his back. The pressure built to a crescendo then burst into a thousand splendid stars before my eyes. I whimpered, “Oh my God,

and then his name immediately afterward so it ended up sounding like
Oh my God, Chase,
as if I were paying homage to him as a living, breathing, in the flesh deity. And after what he’d just done, shit, he could be. I wouldn’t be surprised. I didn’t think the average man was supposed to be able to make women come like he’d just done. Then again, Chase was a far cry from the average man. He was a human soul that possessed the essence of an Archangel. Hell, maybe my whimpering hadn’t been too far off. He was as close to a God on Earth as you could get.

Once my breathing had evened out and Chase had pulled us both to a sitting position
tucking me into his side, I noticed two untouched drinks sat in front of us. My entire face, no by entire body down to the tips of my toes burned. The waitress had returned to our booth at some point, only God knew which point, and silently sat our drinks down and left. I didn’t have time to wallow in the mortification because no sooner than Chase had tucked me into his side and began nuzzling the side of my neck to keep up the pretense that we were still very much affected by the aphrodisiac that was supposedly in the air, one of the Brethren in the booth near us shot to his feet and grabbed another one that approached them around his neck. He slammed him to the floor and the life-ending stare he gave him dared him to get up. The Brethren smartly stayed on the ground.

“Zacharias,” the Brethren on the floor stammered. “Please…please… I beg of you mercy.”

“You fucked up,” the one standing above him, apparently named Zacharias snarled back.

Whatever he’d done, he had to be an idiot to piss him off. Terror-inducing power wafted off of him by the gallon. The cold stare he leveled the one on the ground with, made it clear that the word mercy had never existed in his vocabulary.

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