Crave (3 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Crave
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Inwardly she was filled with jealousy, but she smiled as she agreed with their hostess, hoping her eyes didn’t give away what she was really feeling.

“I understand the dessert for your table has already been chosen,” continued Amber.

Grace shook her head. “No.”

“It has, my darling. If you remember I told you last month that you would have to leave the Controlled Chocolate Delight for another month,” said David.

“I thought you meant for another time, and it’s not what I want this weekend,” she retorted.

Amber stood quite still, her face expressionless.

“No, I meant ‘another month’ in the same way as a doctor might say that he’d see you in ‘another month,’ ” replied David calmly. “In any case, as I told you, there will be a second guest retaking the same trial, so it can’t be altered.”

The clinging bodice of the beautiful dress suddenly felt too tight, as though it was imprisoning her, and Grace felt panic rising in her. She’d forgotten that she’d be doing the trial at the same time as another woman. “I…”

“Do you have a problem with this?” David’s voice was gentle, almost caressing, but his mouth was set in a tight line and when she looked into his eyes she could see that he was actually annoyed.

“You don’t have to choose it,” said Amber. “The Dining Club exists purely for pleasure. It would be silly to spoil your evening by doing something you didn’t want to do.”

At that moment Grace knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that Amber was her enemy. She wanted her to fail, to walk away from one of the trials, and there could only be one reason for that, and that reason was David.

“It’s fine; I was confused, that’s all,” she responded. Her reward came both from the tender smile from David and the brief flare of annoyance that crossed Amber’s beautiful face.

To her disappointment, Andrew didn’t join them for the meal, and she realized she’d been looking forward to talking to him again, but she quite liked the newcomer, who introduced himself as Will and said he’d been assistant manager at the Dining Club for six months.

By the time the main course of fish in a light lemon sauce had been eaten and digested, Grace’s nerves were on edge. As everyone began to leave the dining room she looked across to table three. To her dismay the petite red-haired young woman who was sitting there was crying softly. Her male companion had his arm round her, and was obviously trying to both comfort and encourage her, but it was quite clear that the woman didn’t want to retake the trial that she’d started the month before.

“Why’s she crying like that?” asked Grace. “If she doesn’t want to do it, he should take her home.”

“I’m sure he would, but she’s crying because she’s torn between wanting to do it for his sake and not doing it because it’s not really what she enjoys.”

“Why? What happens?” asked Grace, becoming more anxious by the minute.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine, my love,” he promised her. “Remember many people don’t complete the experience. She might be one of those. It’s also a great shame that she’s having to do some of this section twice, but she’ll be given some leeway because of that. It’s never happened before,” he added, clearly annoyed that it had happened at all.

Just before they left the dining room he went across and spoke to the red-haired girl’s partner. “It’s all right, she wants to do it because they’re hoping to get married,” he said steering Grace out through a different door from the previous month and down some stairs to what she assumed must be a basement room.

“I don’t understand why she wants to marry someone if what he enjoys makes her cry that much,” retorted Grace.

“She might change her mind about him. It does happen.” Opening a heavy wooden door he stood back to let her enter. All Grace could think was that she didn’t want the same thing to happen to her.

For a moment she paused at the basement entrance. There was something about a basement room that was more frightening than an ordinary room. It was more cut off from the rest of the Club, and bound to be dark.

“Table three’s guest will be here in a few minutes,” said David, as she finally found the courage to enter and he closed the heavy, soundproofed door behind them.

As she’d feared the room was darker than any of the others Grace had been in, and in the middle of the floor there were two very high beds that looked more like doctor’s examination couches than proper beds. In the shadows of the room she could see little tables and chests of drawers, and above the beds there was a large light that wasn’t yet switched on.

Laura was there, looking more subdued than usual, also Will and Amber. Stepping forward, Laura walked round the back of Grace and went to unzip her dress. Grace took a step away from the girl. Everything about the room, and the air of excited anticipation and heightened sexuality in it, scared her.

She looked across at David, hoping to see some reassurance and encouragement in his face, but it was totally impassive. Mutely she allowed the blonde girl to continue.

“It’s time to take this gorgeous dress off,” explained Laura. “It’s really lovely. You looked beautiful in it.”

As the dress fell into a pool around her feet, leaving her naked and totally exposed to everyone in the room, Grace instinctively covered her breasts and pubic mound with her hands.

“There’s no need to be shy, Grace,” said David. “You still look beautiful, don’t you think, Will?”

“Stunning,” agreed Will.

“I’ll help you into your new outfit,” continued Laura, bringing a short leather dress over to the waiting Grace. “It should fit you perfectly; it was made to measure.”

Bewildered, Grace tried to step into the dress but Laura explained that it would only go on over her head, so she raised her arms and tried not to think about what she must look like to the watching people as her breasts lifted and the dress was pulled down her body inch by inch.

“It’s very tight,” she protested.

“It’s meant to be tight,” said Laura, tugging on the hem. “You have to wriggle a bit to help me.”

“Let me,” said David, and his strong hands quickly adjusted the skintight leather garment, making it very apparent that it wasn’t a dress at all. Grace’s breasts were thrust through openings in the front, part of her stomach was exposed through another opening and her buttocks were totally revealed at the back. It was so short that it ended just above her pubic mound, leaving her trapped and exposed.

“Now I’m going to lift you onto the bed,” said David, his eyes bright with excitement. As he settled her in place, her buttocks slotting into a hole in the bed, she heard the door opening and the sound of new voices.

“It’s table three,” said David quietly. “You don’t need to worry about them. They’re not involved with your trial, although you and your fellow guest may find it interesting to hear each other’s reactions. Interesting and stimulating,” he added, pinching Grace’s nipples lightly before dropping a kiss on her forehead. “Remember, this is all part of my world,” he whispered before walking away.

Grace began to quake with fear. The low lighting, the way she was dressed and the air of suppressed excitement in the room scared her. Yet, despite her fear, the tightness of the leather outfit and the way it was pressing into her lower belly were combining to excite her body.

“Time to explain the trial, ladies,” said Amber after a short pause for the other woman to take her place on the second bed. “As you know, it’s called Controlled Chocolate Delight. Fortunately for you both, you don’t have to control your own pleasure. We do that for you. During the next hour you’ll be pleasured in many different ways. You may not enjoy them all, but that might come as a relief because every time you climax you’ll be punished for as long as your orgasm lasts. The pain is intended to encourage you to control yourselves but, as many people discover, it often has quite the opposite effect.

“In fact, pleasure through pain is what your partners hope you’ll discover during the course of the evening. As always, should you wish to quit the trial at any point you only need to say the word and you’ll be released from this room. Naturally you would then have to leave the Dining Club immediately. No one can attempt the trial twice, meaning this is your only opportunity to learn if you can take pleasure from something that your respective partners enjoy. If neither of you have any questions, then we’ll start the clock for the hour.”

Stunned by Amber’s words, Grace knew that she had to speak out. “I want to talk to David first,” she said firmly.

Within seconds he was by her side. “Is there something you don’t understand, Grace?”

“Yes, I don’t understand how, if you truly feel anything for me, you can take pleasure in seeing me hurt. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s not what a loving relationship is meant to be about.”

“I don’t want to see you hurt,” he said softly, one hand stroking her long, dark hair. “I want you to learn that immense pleasure can come through just a little pain.”

“I don’t believe that’s true. It’s cruel and you’re being unkind,” she retorted, on the edge of tears.

He bent lower, until his mouth was against her ear. “It is true, my darling. If you really loved me, then you’d trust me.”

“I do love you! Why won’t you believe that?”

“I want to believe it, but you’re making it very difficult for me when you won’t even try something that I’ve told you I enjoy.”

“You mean you’ll enjoy seeing me hurt in front of virtual strangers?” she asked incredulously.

“No! The pain is nothing compared to the pleasure that follows it. You keep saying you love me, yet you won’t trust me. Show me how much you love me, try it.”

Grace was about to refuse when Amber spoke. “She doesn’t want to do it, David. We must let her go. No one can be kept against their will, or coerced, and you’re trying to…”

Hearing David’s sigh of acceptance, Grace suddenly realized that she couldn’t just let him go. She didn’t want to lose him, and she certainly didn’t want to return to her previous life never knowing if they could have been happy together. She would be left with nothing except her work, but he would continue visiting the Dining Club whenever he liked, and almost certainly would regularly enjoy the delights of Amber’s beautiful, sexually sophisticated body.

Amber wanted Grace out of the way, which had to mean that she saw her, Grace, as a threat to the hopes she clearly had for making David hers and hers alone.

“It’s all right, I want to go ahead now,” she announced, and the look of relief that crossed David’s face before he left her side was a reward in itself. Clearly he did care deeply for her, and wanted to love her. Now she had to hope that he was right and they were as sexually compatible as he believed.

On the bed next to her she could hear the young woman from table three whimpering, and realized that inadvertently she’d made it worse for her by delaying the start of the trial. She heard Andrew’s deep voice coming from that side of the room, but it was Will who fastened her wrists into fur-covered cuffs set on each side of the bed. Then he pushed her feet up until her knees were pointing to the ceiling, fastened her ankles in the same way as her wrists and waited while Laura fastened soft leather straps around the tops of Grace’s thighs.

Shocked and terrified, Grace twisted and turned in the restraints. No one had ever tied her up before, and she didn’t like the resulting feeling of helplessness. All control had been taken away from her, and she was totally at their mercy. The feeling was worse than anything she’d ever imagined, and now she understood only too well why the red-haired young woman had been crying at the prospect of undergoing the trial again.

“What are you doing?” she asked Laura, her voice barely a whisper.

“It’s a labia spreader,” explained the younger girl. She parted Grace’s outer sex lips and then her slim fingers were opening Grace up and she felt something small but quite hard fasten on each side of her outer labia, meaning she was fully exposed all the time.

“It helps during oral sex,” Laura whispered, but Grace didn’t find the words as comforting as they were clearly meant to be.

As soon as Grace was properly positioned Amber announced that the clock was starting, and as Laura gently stroked Grace’s breasts, so tightly trapped in the leather openings, Will began to massage warm, scented oil into her equally exposed and gently rounded belly.

She could feel what they were doing, but because she was lying flat she couldn’t see, and this made her nervous. She started to tremble, fearful of what might happen next. “It’s all right,” murmured David, coming to stand by her head. “They are only trying to give you pleasure. We want you to orgasm, remember?” His words, which seemed so kind, in fact only served to remind her of why they wanted her to orgasm.

She did remember, and she remembered too what was going to happen when she did, so she tried to fight against the tendrils of pleasure that were slithering through her lower belly.

Her breasts started to swell and tighten as Laura flicked her tongue against the sensitive tips of her nipples, before drawing each of them in turn into her mouth and sucking delicately on them.

In the meantime Will’s clever tongue was sliding up and down her rapidly dampening inner channel, and when he pushed back the clitoral hood and swirled his tongue around the incredibly sensitive clitoris she felt a heavy throbbing begin deep in her pubic mound. Whimpering with rising excitement she felt her hips start to move upwards, and then Will pushed firmly against the flesh above her pubic bone, which increased the heavy, aching need inside her.

Lost in the sensations, it took her a few minutes to realize that David was now sitting on a chair at her side, and had reached beneath the raised bed. His fingers were spreading a cool gel between the cheeks of her bottom, which were imprisoned tightly in the hole in the bed, preventing her from wriggling away.

“What are you doing?” she cried, feeling his fingers moving insidiously toward her back passage, but he didn’t answer. Instead he continued to spread the gel around.

Laura, who had briefly stopped caressing Grace’s breasts, began to suck them again, but her mouth was now so cold that Grace gave a squeal of surprise. “I sucked on an ice cube,” explained the twin, “doesn’t it feel good?”

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