Crain's Landing (9 page)

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Authors: Cayce Poponea

BOOK: Crain's Landing
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“Someone has an admirer.” Brittney’s singsong voice was like listening to cats in heat. I glanced in her direction as she placed the enormous vase on my desk. The flowers were so fragrant and simply breathtaking. The bright petals assured anyone who would look of their message of good cheer. “You must’ve rocked his world to get something this big.” She tossed back in what I suspected was an unbelieving tone.

I glared at her as I rose from my seat. I located the card and noticed it was still sealed. I would have been pissed if she had opened it. Brittney stood waiting for me to reveal the sender, as if that was going to happen.


I wanted to apologize to you for not being quicker on my feet yesterday and allowing my mother to suggest dinner together. It’s entirely your fault, however, as I was completely captivated by you. I would love nothing more than to take you out and get to know you better. Please call with a time I can pick you up.



What an arrogant son of a bitch, “
Please call with a time I can pick you up.”
His words caused steam to roll out of my ears from the anger he brought on. I buried the card in my pants pocket; I would tear it up later when I was at home. The last thing I wanted was for Brittney to get it and start spreading rumors around. I then picked up the vase and carried them into the main room. I placed it on the front desk gently, spun back around, and returned to my desk.

I had just finished sending a thank you email to George when Brittney appeared at my door again holding a second flower arrangement, this one even bigger than the first. This time it was full of white roses. Brittney was bouncing on the balls of her feet as she stood there, waiting for me to react. I feared she was going to drop the massive vase. I walked over, took the envelope and, again, shoved it into my pocket. “Take them and set them out there on the table near the front doors.”

I didn’t wait for her to leave as I returned to my desk and continued to work. For the next three hours, a new delivery of flowers appeared at my desk, each one outdoing the previous. The library was starting to look like a funeral home and I finally had enough and placed a call to the florist.

“Emily’s Blooms!” A chipper voice spoke into my ear.

“Good morning, this is Natalie...”

Rushed words interrupted me before I could give my full name. Taken by surprise, I stood gasping like a fish and listened to the hurried voice. “Oh, yes! Hello, Ms. Reid, are you enjoying the flowers Dr. Crain sent you? He must’ve really upset you to send that many flowers. My Dwight stayed out with his cousin one night and then came home the next afternoon covered in mud. Well, let me tell you, I was mad as a wet hen at that man. Even then, he never apologized like your Dr. Crain. Dwight bought me a pack of that beef jerky he knows I like, the stuff that old man Johnson makes. But never flowers, not in all the years we have been together. And may I say, you’ve caught yourself a real sweetheart in that Dr. Crain...”

“Ma’am,” I practically shouted into the phone.

“Oh...I’m sorry, Dwight says I talk a mile a minute, but what...”

This was completely insane; did the lady even need air to breathe? “Ma’am!” I shouted again. For the first time, the line was quiet. I took the opportunity to jump in. “Yes, the flowers have been beautiful, but I need them to stop. Please, the next time he calls to order more flowers, let him know it isn’t necessary.” I felt as if my words mimicked hers, rushed as to convey everything I needed to.

“But, Ms. Reid, he has a good number of deliveries already paid for. He gave strict instructions to keep delivering until he called and said otherwise. I mean he’s already paid for them and everything, and thank God he did, as business has been so slow since the end of the season. No hunters telling their brides they’re sorry for staying in the...”

“Ma’am, I understand. Here’s what you can do.” I felt slightly rude for interrupting her, but it seemed like the only way. “Please have the remaining deliveries go to the hospital. I'm certain the nurses there would love some fresh flowers around. Just don’t send any of them with cards, that could get...interesting, if you know what I mean?” I thought about what the quirky lady had said about finding “a real sweetheart” and I needed to clear that one up before the rumor mill got wind of this. “One more thing, Dr. Crain is only playing a joke on me. We’re not in a relationship; he’s only trying to creatively welcome me to town.” I added a touch of laughter at the end, hoping to have her join me in the purposed silliness.

“All right, but he’s given you his personal cell number and that isn’t something he gives out to anyone.”

I sighed as I came up with a distraction. “That’s just in case I have an emergency with my daughter.” Sounded plausible to my ears.

“If you say so,” Emily added as we ended the call.

I took a deep breath as I hung up the phone. Dr. Crain had been correct when he’d said he would be persistent. However, I knew this would only last a little while. He would figure out I wasn’t the type to drop at his feet with my legs spread wide and my mouth open and waiting. He would be right back to the regular stream of locals he was used to. I was just the fresh new meat around town. My appeal would wear off and he would cool his jets; returning to his life before I entered town.

Lunch had just ended when Ashley came into the office. “Natalie, we need to talk.”

I motioned for her to close the door. She did with a huff and then plopped into a seat.

“I know you’ve been getting flowers from Dr. Crain. Brittney is out there telling the entire world you’ve placed a spell on him and now he’s ‘off the market.’” Her air quotes only added to the drama that was brewing, something I didn’t want or need in my life. “I’ll warn you, Janice and Brittney are about to become your best friends, or maybe your worst enemies, as they’ve been after him for years.”

I leaned back in my chair as I took in her words. How could one man cause this type of disruption? It would be one thing if I was in pursuit of him, but this was the complete opposite and it left me practically speechless. “Well, you can let the Dr. Crain fan club out there know I have no interest in a relationship with him.”

Ashley only shook her head and snickered. “It’s not the fan club you have to worry about,” she said confidently. “You know Lily over at the daycare center?” She pointed in the direction of the back parking lot.

“Yes, she takes care of Peyton for me.” I leaned my elbows on my desk, my interest peaked.

“Yes, well, when she moved here with her family she, of course, turned many heads. She’s beautiful inside and out.” I nodded my head in agreement. “Her daddy made it known she couldn’t date until she turned sixteen. The day that happened, several boys in town made it known they wanted to be her boyfriend. Lily wasn’t interested in any of the guys in town, though.

“Well, Morgan Crain decided to pull out all the stops and overwhelmed her with gifts and crazy acts of chivalry. Just like Grant is doing to you. Everyone thought he’d get tired and give up when she showed no interest in him. The weekend of the big homecoming game something happened at Lily’s house. Her family to this day won’t speak of it. However, the next Monday at school, Lily and Morgan were a couple.”

I found this to be odd—did he pay her or blackmail her?

“I can tell by the look on your face you think he did something to make her like him, but I happen to know what happened. My father was called out to the house as the family minister. Morgan did nothing wrong or evil. After nearly a year of trying to get her attention by giving her gifts opening doors, decorating her locker, and even writing her a song he sang at the talent show, one act of bravery sealed the deal for her.”

This news had me intrigued. What could have happened that made Lily change her mind about Morgan? And why would you call a minister to the house? Specifically the good Reverend here in town.

“What I’m trying to tell you is the Crain men can be very aggressive when they want something. If you think diverting his gifts to another location is going to work, you’re kidding yourself.” Her face now colored with glee.

“What do you mean?”

“Please, Emily Merchant couldn’t keep silent if her mouth was welded shut.” Her eyes rolled as her hands flipped in time with her words.

“Wait...did you say Emily Merchant?”

Ashley looked at me puzzled. “Yes, she owns the flower shop. She and Dwight have been married for about three years now.”

“Dwight...the guy who...?” I pointed at the parking lot still buzzing with activity.

“One in the same. Let me guess, he invited you to one of his family get-togethers?” I nodded my head, but remained silent. Ashley chortled darkly as she tipped her head back and then looked at me again. “Well, at least he’s still the same disgusting pig he’s always been. The ‘get-together’ he invited you to is a bonfire, which turns into naked couples scattered all over the place. Every time they have one of their ‘meetings,’ Dr. Crain has to order penicillin shots for everyone in attendance.”

Once again, Ashley had confirmed my belief about all men. Didn’t matter if it was the big city or a little peaceful town, they were all cut from the same cloth.

“Dwight is one of the many men in this town that’ll use you and toss you. He only married Emily because he had no other choice. His father and her father came to an agreement. Too bad no one told Dwight the definition of ‘forsaking all others.’” I instantly felt sorry for poor Emily. She seemed like such a lovely person on the phone, a bit talkative, but still a nice person. “I’m only telling you this because it would seem Dr. Crain has upped his game, so to speak.”

My eyes followed her gaze as she looked out the window that faced the street. There, standing beside the flower planters, was my elderly neighbor. Harry and his wife had the most beautiful, well-kept lawn I had ever seen. His wife, Betty, had come over the other day and brought me a casserole, welcoming me to the neighborhood. I commented on how lovely her yard was and she boasted that the government had previously employed Harry. He had been responsible for keeping the White House lawn in pristine shape. His specialty was the rose garden the first lady was accredited with. He was currently removing trash and debris from the planters. His truck, parked along the street, contained bags and bags of various supplies piled up in the back.

“Please tell me you’re not going to tell him to stop,” Ashley’s voice pulled me back into the room.

“No,” my voice was barely above a whisper.

I closed my eyes as I rose from my seat, rounded the desk, and headed for the front door. During the course of the morning a tent had been erected in the parking lot. Several men were busy applying stain to the already-completed bookcases. “Ms. Reid,” one of the workers tipped his hat at me as I walked by. He couldn’t have been more than twenty years old. I smiled and bid him a soft hello. I continued around to the front of the building where I found Harry whistling; he was in his element. He had several trash bags full of what, I assumed, were the contents of the planters. He was now mixing different bags and feeling the dirt in his fingers.

“Mr. Greer!” I called as I continued to walk toward him, not wanting to startle him.

He removed his large straw hat as I approached. “Ah, Ms. Reid, what a beautiful day God has given to us. ”

I couldn’t help but return his smile. “Yes, Mr. Greer, I have to agree with you. The sun is a welcome sight today.”

He removed a red bandana from his side pocket and wiped the dirt from his hands. “Dr. Crain came by the house this morning and asked me to take care of these old planters. He said a beautiful lady such as yourself should have flowers to look at every day. So here I am helping the young lad out.”

Grant Crain held true to his word, he was persistent and by the measure he had shown today, he had no clear boundaries.

“Oh, Ms. Reid, before I forget, he asked me to give this to you.” Mr. Greer handed me a white envelope, which I took without a word and bid him a good day as he began to work again. The whistling started before his shovel hit the dirt.

Truly, I couldn’t complain about the flowers since everyone would be able to enjoy them. They would be an added benefit to the aesthetics of the building. I noticed the workers taking a water break and wondered if they had eaten today, because I hadn’t heard the saw stop since I’d gotten here this morning. I walked into my office and called the local pizza shop. I ordered enough pizza to feed all the workers outside, as well as the girls in my office. I gave Ashley enough money to cover the cost, plus a sizeable tip. I settled back into my seat and began my work again.

Ashley opened the door to my office, a burst of pizza aroma following her in. The Cheshire cat grin on her face was of someone who had been proven right. The white box she held in her hand was wrapped with a large red bow. Her grin grew tenfold when she set it on my desk.

“What’s this?”

The laughter began as she took a seat. “This, my fair Natalie, is from Erickson bakery in Charleston. They’re closest gourmet bakery we have. They’re also famous for their brown butter carrot cake, which I believe is what’s nestled in that white box.”

I stared at the box as if it would open itself.

“Oh, and by the way, here’s your money back. Evidently, our good Dr. Crain has the entire town working for him in his pursuit of you. The pizza was already paid for.” She slowly got up and left, closing my office door behind her, grinning the whole time. This simply could not be real.

By the end of the day, several bookshelves had been completed and I had hired a contractor to come and install new flooring. There had even been enough money left over to purchase new couches, benches, and chairs. If things kept up, it looked as if we would open on schedule. My last email of the day informed me to expect the computers to arrive next week and we would have online services shortly thereafter. Thank God my day had ended with something positive.

I didn’t take the time to open the bakery box; Ashley had been right most of the day so I didn’t even question its contents. I walked across the parking lot to get my baby and head home. I wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with her and forget everything that had happened today. As I entered my security code into the pad, I shifted the box to my other hand. It was then the door flew open and I was face to face with both Lily and Autumn.

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