Craig's Heart (4 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

BOOK: Craig's Heart
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She didn’t want to lose this moment, the tenuous connection between them, but he deserved answers. She also didn’t know how long her good period would last. She vacillated between moments of complete lucidity and rationality and times where animalistic bloodlust ruled. Whether she’d ever have any kind of control over the craving for blood that continually gnawed at her was something she didn’t know.

But maybe Craig did. He’d known what she was before she attacked him.


She eased out of his arms, wanting to be able to get away if she needed to. He was calm now, but that could change in a heartbeat. She knew that all too well as it had happened to her.

“I’m an artist. I was an artist.” She didn’t know what she was any longer.

“What kind of artist? Sculpture, painting, mixed-media?”

She was impressed he knew there were differences. “Mostly oils and acrylics, but I dabble with watercolor as well. I’ve sold at a few local galleries and some of the local coffee shops hang my work for sale. I’m not famous, but I make enough to support myself.” And she’d never needed much, not as long as she had enough to buy paints and canvas. Now her dreams of having an art career were gone.

“Go on,” Craig encouraged. She studied him, trying not to notice how handsome he looked leaning against the wall in his ripped T-shirt and jeans. His shoulders were broad and his abs taut. Her stomach fluttered.

Evie glanced away, shocked she could feel attraction toward a man she barely knew. Considering what she’d done to him, she didn’t think Craig would appreciate her interest. Heck, he’d probably run in the opposite direction if he had any idea. That thought depressed her and she went back to her story.

“This mysterious patron started buying up my work. It was flattering at first, you know. The idea that someone loved my work enough to buy so many pieces, to spend so much money.” She gave a wry laugh. “Should have known it was too good to be true.” Evie pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, suddenly cold. She could mostly regulate her body temperature, but she still had problems doing so from time to time.

“Your leather jacket is right there if you need it.” She pointed off to his left. “I cleaned it up the best I could. You were very sick.”

“I’m fine, Evie.”

She liked the way he said her name. Liked it way more than she should.

“So anyway, it started with a phone call. After that, I came back to my studio apartment one day after being out and found a rose on my daybed. It happened again and freaked me out. Then there were notes saying he was watching me or that he liked a particular painting I’d done.”

“Did you contact the police?”

She nodded, remembering how alone she’d felt and how frightened. “They took a report, but there was nothing they could do. I didn’t know who this guy was or why he was stalking me. And the woman who’d sold him my paintings could only describe him in the most generic terms. He’d paid for my work in cash so there was no way for the police to trace him.”

Craig scooted across the floor until he was sitting right in front of her and caught her chin in his hand. “It’s not your fault. The vampire targeted you. It was nothing you did, but something about you captured his attention.”

His kindness and understanding almost reduced her to tears, but she couldn’t allow that to happen. She had to be tough. Had to learn how to fight if she was going to defeat the monster who’d done this to her.

“That went on for a few weeks. Then I went home one night, it wasn’t late, but it was dark.” Evie swallowed hard as her remembered fear turned her blood cold.

“I hurried even though I couldn’t sense anyone watching me.” Her boot heels had made a fast clicking sound on the sidewalk as she’d practically run home. “I had three deadbolts on my door and locked them all.”

Craig rubbed his warm hands over her arms and shoulders, but she ignored the comfort. She had to finish. “I was standing in my tiny kitchen when he just seemed to appear out of my bathroom.”

Fear made her sweat and terror almost closed her throat. “He talked to me at first and I thought maybe I could fight him and escape.” She gave a bitter laugh. “I had no idea what I was up against. I don’t remember much. I fought him, but he laughed. He bit my neck and drank my blood. Just when I thought I was going to die, he told me I was his for all eternity. I have a vague memory of him forcing me to drink his blood.”

“It’s okay, Evie. You don’t have to do this now.”

She jerked away from Craig and stood. “Yes, I do. I don’t know how long I was a prisoner in my apartment. Hours. Days. It’s all a blur. I was sick, so sick. I thought I would die.”

“I know.”

And she realized he did. Craig was one of the few people in the world who did understand what she’d been through. “Maybe he thought I was still too weak to do anything. Whatever the reason, he went out one night. I pretended to be passed out so he didn’t tie me up or anything. I figured he didn’t plan on being away for long. As soon as I was sure he was gone, I dragged myself out of there. I’ve been running ever since.”

“Do you remember what he looks like?”

Evie rubbed her brow. “Yes. I’ll never forget his face.” It was etched on her memory for all times and starred in her nightmares every night.

“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. I have a friend. His name is Damek.”

“You mentioned him when you were dying. Told me to call him.” Evie was getting a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. “Who is he?”

“Someone who can help us.”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t want anyone else involved.” She couldn’t live with herself if another person got hurt because of her. As it was, she’d have to live with what she’d done to Craig for the rest of her life. Granted, she didn’t expect that to be much longer than it took to kill the bastard who’d done this to her. No way did she want to exist for centuries as a monster attacking innocent people. She’d rather die.

“Evie.” Craig stood slowly, and when he wavered on his feet she went to his side to steady him.

“You need to rest some more.” She was worried about him, knew he’d need blood and soon. “You might not remember it right now, but you’ve been really sick.”

“I need to get help from someone who knows how.”

Maybe he did know someone who could help. “And this Damek can do that?” She nibbled on her bottom lip and thought about it. “He knows what vampires are?”

Craig offered her a reassuring smile that did nothing to quell her anxiety. “I’d say he knows more about vampires than anyone else in the world.”

“And you just happen to know him?” It made her suspicious and she took a few steps away.

“Yeah. We’re actually friends.” Craig held out his hand to her. “Don’t be afraid. Not all vampires are monsters.”

Could she dare to even believe him? How could she not? Craig needed help she couldn’t give him. And if there was a chance this Damek could give her the knowledge she needed to avenge her death, she really had no choice but to take it.

“Call him.”


Craig slipped his hand into his back pocket, pulled out his phone and hit the second number on his contact list. It was answered on the first ring.

“Where have you been?” The imperious voice, so deep and commanding made him smile.

“I’ve got a bit of a problem.”

“What do you need?” Damek demanded. “Where are you?”

Craig knew Evie was listening to every word of the conversation and could easily hear both sides, so he kept the exchange as neutral as possible. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her away. He wasn’t up to chasing her. “I need to meet you somewhere private. Somewhere safe.”

“I will come to you.”

Craig eased the phone away and stared at her. “Where are we?”

“Who are you with,” Damek demanded.

Evie hesitated and Craig patiently waited, knowing she had to do this at her own pace. “Give me a second,” he told his friend. “Evie?”

He could almost hear her mulling over her options and knew the second she decided to trust him. A huge weight fell from his shoulders when she gave him the address.

“I heard it,” Damek told him. “I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

The line went dead and Craig turned off his phone. “You did the right thing,” he told her.

“Did I?” He could tell Evie was unsure.

“Damek will help us,” Craig promised. He knew a lot of folks who would laugh at his assessment, knew they feared Damek, what he was and the power he wielded. But Craig knew better than most that, at his core, Damek was fiercely loyal to his mate, her family and his small circle of friends. While it was a very good thing to be Damek’s friend, it was a very bad thing to be his enemy. Thankfully, Craig fell into the friend category.

“He’ll be here soon.” Fatigue swept over him and he sat down heavily. “Damn, I’m tired.”

“You’re doing too much, too soon.” Evie hurried to his side, practically picked him up and dragged him back to the blanket. She covered him with his leather jacket. “Rest. I’ll watch for your friend.”

Craig closed his eyes, promising himself he’d rest for a minute. That was the last thing he remembered until an unearthly roar jolted him from his slumber.

Chapter Three

“What have you done?” Craig heard the anger in Damek’s low, precise words and opened his eyes to find his friend had Evie pinned to the wall by her neck. Pure menace pulsed through the air, making it heavy with anticipation of violence to come. Evie was fighting, hissing and scratching at Damek with clawed fingers, but she was no match for the ancient vampire.

“Stop.” Craig jumped to his feet. The jackhammers in his skull started up again, but he ignored the pain and he stumbled toward them. He wrapped his arms around Damek’s waist and tried to pull him off. It was like trying to move a mountain. Impossible. “Damek. Don’t hurt her. Let her go. It’s not what you think.”

“And how would you know what I’m thinking?”

The walls of the room warped with power. Fury radiated from Damek, causing the very foundation of the building to shake. Crap, Damek was really pissed. And that was never good for anyone.

As always, Damek was wearing a custom Armani suit, silk shirt and Italian leather shoes. The guy always looked as though he belonged in international banking instead of the nightclub he ran. But he was the most dangerous creature Craig had ever met.

“Please.” Craig prayed his friend would release Evie before he hurt her. “For me.”

Damek slowly loosened his grip on Evie but didn’t quite release her. She glared at Craig, a look of utter betrayal in her eyes.

“I promised her you’d help us.”

“I will help you, but I’m not so sure about her.” Damek turned to him, anguish in his face. “You are a vampire.”

It wasn’t a question. Craig knew Damek would be able to see, to smell, to hear the difference. “It was an accident.”

Damek sighed and looked back at Evie. “I will release you, but do not run. You will not like what happens if I have to catch you.”

“He’s a vampire.” Evie shot her accusation at Craig. “After I told you about the monster who attacked me, you told me to trust you and I did. And you call in another one of them.”

Craig walked toward her, trying not to let it hurt him when she flinched away from him. “I told you not all vampires are monsters, Evie. I’m not. You’re not.”

She rubbed her face and tears filled her eyes. He watched her blink them back and knew it was because she didn’t want to appear weak. Didn’t she realize how strong she was to have survived the vampire who’d attacked her and escape him? To survive on her own without being caught out in the light or hunted by paranormal bounty hunters. Obviously not. Craig didn’t even know if she was aware such hunters existed.

They both had a lot to learn.


Evie couldn’t believe what was happening. What was it about her that attracted monsters? The vampire in front of her reeked of power. In spite of her newfound strength, she’d felt like a weakling when he had her pinned to the wall choking the life out of her. She’d half-expected him to yank her head from her shoulders and had no doubt he had the strength to do it.

The ironic thing was when he’d first stepped into the room she’d thought her maker had found her. Her first thought had been to protect Craig and she’d attacked the creature without hesitation.

And he’d swatted her away as though she were no more than a pesky fly.

No, this Damek wasn’t her maker. There was no way anyone would escape him unless he allowed it. Evie swallowed hard and backed deeper into a corner. Not that it would do her any good. There was nowhere to go, nowhere she could run or hide from this particular vampire.

“What are you going to do?” She had to know. She was tired of her life being dictated by others.

“That depends.” Damek’s crisp tones held a slight accent, but it wasn’t one she could place. It definitely sounded foreign. He turned his back on her and faced Craig. She didn’t for one second think he didn’t know exactly what she was doing. “Usually only older vampires can make new ones. It is very rare, almost unheard of for one so young to make another. Talk to me.”

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