Craig's Heart (30 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

BOOK: Craig's Heart
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“Evie will love it.” He’d kept her away from the space, which hadn’t been easy. The daybed from her old apartment took up a place of honor in the corner. It was no longer bare, but covered with soft sheets, a thick comforter and about a dozen pillows in various earth-tone colors. The skylight let in the light of the moon and the city. It also had a metal shutter that could be closed during the day to keep out the sunlight. One wall consisted entirely of bookshelves, filled with the belongings they’d salvaged from her apartment. A brand new easel stood in one corner alongside a table filled with paints and brushes. All waiting for Evie.

Craig sensed his brother coming up behind him. “That’s the last of it.” Quinn had removed the last of the tools and empty boxes from the room. The space was truly done.

“Thank you, Quinn. For this and for everything.” It hadn’t been easy for them, but they’d done their best to accept Evie. Seeing him and Evie together had made it easier for them. Like he’d told Evie, once they saw how happy she made him, they’d love her. And while they weren’t quite there yet, it was getting better every day.

“You’re my brother.” Quinn pulled him into a quick hug and whacked him on the back. “Whatever you need. Whatever makes you happy.”

“Evie does.”

“We can all see that,” Chrissten said. “We’re all going over to Haven. Join us there later?” They’d gotten into the habit of meeting at Haven after closing a couple of times a week. Spending time together was helping all of them adjust to their new reality. Craig and Evie hung out with the group and caught up on all the news of the day while the rest of them had a drink or something to eat.

“We’ll stop by for a few minutes, but we can’t stay. We promised Damek we’d spend some time with him and Sonia tonight.” Craig had spent a lot of time with his friend these last weeks, talking and learning, training with weapons and learning battle tactics to use against humans and other paranormal creatures.

Damek was giving both him and Evie a full education. He’d also monitored them closely, making sure their blood intake was sufficient to keep the bloodlust at bay. So far, things had been working out great for both he and Evie. Sure, they had their moments, but they helped one another through them.

It was funny, but Damek had accepted Evie more easily than his siblings had. Maybe because Sonia and Evie had become fast friends and there was nothing Damek wouldn’t do to please his wife. Or maybe it was because it had finally occurred to the older vampire that he had a friend for eternity now that Craig was a vampire.

Either way, Craig was happy.

And speaking of happiness. “Evie is coming.”

Chrissten laughed. “We’ll leave you here. I’m surprised you managed to keep her away at all.”

“I made her promise.” And Evie always kept her promises.

His brother and sister left and he heard Evie exchange a tentative greeting with them as they passed on the narrow staircase. She slowed as she reached the door.

He walked to the thick wooden panel and opened it. Evie stood there dressed in dark jeans and a deep-purple turtleneck sweater. Her hair was loose around her shoulders and she looked good enough to eat. He had her several times every night, but it never seemed to be enough. He loved the sound of her moans when he pleasured her, the touch of her soft hands on his skin, especially wrapped around his cock.

He shuddered but managed to control his unruly hormones. Now was not the time. He smiled and invited her in. “Welcome to your new studio.”

Her eyes widened as she stepped into the room and turned in a slow circle. “It’s incredible.” She took in the entire space. “It’s almost exactly like my old space, only better. I love it.”

Craig wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on the top of her head. “I wanted you to have a space that was just yours. A place where you felt comfortable and at home.” He rocked her slightly as he pointed out the different features. “There’s no kitchen, for obvious reasons, but the daybed, the bookshelves and your belongings are all here.”

“The easel. It’s incredible. And all those paints.”

“It’s time for you to get back to doing what you love. You have a new gallery waiting to show your work.”

Evie tilted her head back and scowled at him. “You made your sister and Bethany ask me if they could show my work, didn’t you?”

He shook his head. “I simply showed them a few of your paintings that survived Vladimir’s wrath when he destroyed your things. I’m so glad he never bothered with most of the things in the closet.

She shivered and snuggled closer. “Me too. They really want my paintings?”

“They really do. Bethany is already rubbing her hands together with glee, talking about how much they plan to charge for them.”

Evie laughed. “That girl does enjoy her work.”

Both Bethany and Chrissten had found their niche in the local art world and they both loved it. Now his Evie could be a part of it. Everything was perfect. Or it soon would be.

“Do you remember what I said that night in your apartment?”

Evie turned in his arms and kissed his chin. “I remember. You told me we’d make this special place for me. Thank you.”

He caught her before she could kiss his lips, because if she started he’d never say what he wanted to. And this was too important to put off. “I said something else too.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring. “I told you I wouldn’t rush you and I tried not to. But I want you to be my wife.” He went down on one knee in front of her. “Evie, will you marry me?”

Her eyes widened and her lower lip trembled. For a moment, his stomach clenched with fear. Then she launched herself at him. “Yes. Oh, yes.”

He fell back on the floor with her in his arms. She kissed him and he could resist the lure of her no longer. He rolled until she was under him. “Thank you for making me the happiest man, the happiest vampire in the world.”

Evie laughed and then frowned. “Where’s the ring?”

Craig threw back his head and laughed. That was his Evie. Bold and beautiful. He scanned the room. “Over there.” He crawled off her and snagged the ring.

She pushed herself into a seated position and held out her hand. He slid the ring on her slender finger. It fit perfectly. Evie raised her hand and examined the glittering diamond. “It’s beautiful.”

He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. “No, you’re the one who is beautiful.” His gaze went to the door. “We’re about to have company. Come on in,” he called.

Chrissten and Bethany burst into the room with their husbands close behind them. “We hadn’t left yet.” Chrissten motioned to all of them with her hand. “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but there were still a few empty boxes on the stairs and I figured I’d take them down to the trash to save you the trouble.” His sister was totally out of breath but kept talking. “I heard you propose.” Chrissten glanced at Evie’s hand and saw the ring.

Both women squealed and jumped up and down. “You’re getting married,” his sister cried. Bethany and Chrissten hugged him for a brief moment and then abandoned him to hug Evie. She gave him a deer-in-the-headlights stare, but he shrugged. Evie’s eyes narrowed, promising retribution later. He simply laughed.

“Oh, let me see your ring,” Bethany exclaimed. “It’s beautiful. This means you have to let us show your work. You’re family now, and family sticks together.”

Evie burst out laughing and Craig muscled his sister and sister-in-law aside so he could reach his future wife. “I told you.” He felt smug and happy.

“Let’s go to Haven to celebrate,” Quinn suggested. He was a bit more subdued than the women, but Craig knew he was coming around.

“It’s too early for us to go to Haven.” It was still difficult for both him and Evie to be around large groups of humans. “You go on ahead and we’ll join you later.”

“Promise?” Chrissten asked.

“Promise.” He kissed her cheek.

“Okay, everybody out.” Hank ushered his wife and the others out, giving Craig a nod as he shut the door behind them.

Craig turned to Evie. “Now where were we?”

Evie laughed and launched herself into his arms. He carried her to the daybed and laid her down on the thick comforter. “I love you, Evie.”

“And I love you.” She pulled him closer. “Thank you for not letting me go.”

He cupped her precious face in his hands, wondering how he’d gotten so damn lucky. “Never.”

About the Author

N.J. Walters has always been a voracious reader of romance novels and decided one day that she could write one as well. The contemporary story,
Discovering Dani
, was the very first novel she wrote while living in a little town much like the one Dani O’Rourke lives in, though all other similarities to Dani’s life pretty much end there. Then she wrote another one that followed up on Dani’s friends and neighbors. But she didn’t consider herself a “real” writer yet.

Just a few years later N. J. had a mid-life crisis at a fairly young age, gave notice after ten years at her job on a Friday and received a tentative acceptance for her first published novel (an erotic romance) from a publisher on the following Sunday.

Happily married to the love of her life, with his encouragement and support she gave up the job of selling books for the more pleasurable job of writing them. She now spends her days writing novels of her own. Werewolves, vampires, time-travelers, seductive handymen and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to do it. And some days she actually feels like a “real” writer.

N.J. enjoys hearing from readers, and she can be reached at
[email protected]
. You can check out her web site at

Look for these titles by N.J. Walters

Now Available:



Discovering Dani

The Way Home

The Return of Patrick O’Rourke

The Seduction of Shamus O’Rourke

A Legal Affair

By the Book

Past Promises



Alexandra’s Legacy

Isaiah’s Haven

Legacy Found

Quinn’s Quest

Finding Chrissten

Damek’s Redemption


Spells, Secrets and Seduction

A Touch of Magick

Dreams of Seduction

Love in Flames


Hades’ Carnival

Night of the Tiger

Mark of the Bear

Pride of the Lion

Howl of the Wolf


Coming Soon:


Salvation Pack

Wolf at the Door

Wolf in her Bed

She outran her memories. She couldn’t outrun her past.


Legacy Found

© 2011 N.J. Walters


Legacy, Book 3

Shelley is a killer. Never mind that her “crime” freed her from thirty-five years of brutal captivity—the bounty hunters on her trail don’t care. For the first time in her life, she is on her own, free to put the past behind her and explore what it means to be a werewolf.

James Riley is dead tired. After a week untangling legal and financial affairs his brother’s death left behind, he’s feeling every ounce of his new responsibility as Wolf Creek pack alpha. He’s not too tired though, to notice his sexy waitress is a werewolf—one that strangely doesn’t recognize him as one of her own kind.

After his questions rattle her composure and get her fired, Shelley figures the least James can do is drive her to the next town, but he wants more. He wants to take her home. And despite her fear, something inside her is irresistibly drawn to his commanding yet gentle presence.

James is willing to give Shelley all the time she needs to embrace her heritage, her sexuality, and eventually his love. But her past will not be denied...and her secrets demand a price paid in blood.

Warning: This book contains a hunky werewolf, a woman with a secret past, a lost family found, nasty bounty hunters, and lots of steamy hot sex!


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Legacy Found:

He paused in the open doorway and removed his sunglasses, tucking them in his shirt pocket as he looked around. The place was crowded, mostly with men, but there were a few women as well. Almost all the tables were filled. The sound of chatter was punctuated with the noise of utensils clanking as they all ate. The coffeepot hissed and the grill sizzled in the kitchen.

Something else permeated the air, but James couldn’t quite place it. Grease, sweat and food all mixed together to dull his preternatural sense of smell. Shrugging it off, he stepped inside and let the door swing shut behind him.

Several men glanced up from their meals and stared, but most ignored him, too intent on finishing their food and getting back on the road. To a trucker, time was money.

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