Cracked (6 page)

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Authors: Vanessa North

BOOK: Cracked
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“I need to make things right. And I haven’t got the first clue how I’m gonna do that.” The little wolf sighed, wrapping her arms around her knees.

Angelo studied her for a long moment. Finally he opened the door to the holding cell, gesturing for her to come along. As she walked with him to Geoff’s office, her eyes met his questioningly.

“Are you turning me over to the FBI?” she asked, a hint of a smile on her face.

“No. You’re coming back to Amazon under my protection. I want to say goodbye to my friend Geoff before we leave. Kathy, let me make myself clear as possible. If you so much as look cross-eyed at my mate? I will
you. I will make you wish every one of your suicide attempts had succeeded. She is everything to me. You…” Angelo looked down his nose at the little wolf. “You are less than nothing.”

Kathy stopped walking. Angelo turned and looked at her, watching as her face crumpled. He steeled himself against any empathy that might have been sneaking into his heart as the words tumbled out of her.

“I never wanted to hurt anyone. I tried to resist the compulsions Gordon put on me, and I waited them out. I did everything I could to keep myself from acting on those compulsions.”

“You never said a word!” Angelo roared at her. “We trusted you—loved you like a sister! And you would have killed them both!” With a snarl, he shifted his teeth and claws and crowded her to the wall in his aggression. A few humans walking by shuddered at the sight, but they wisely kept moving—even the pompous pricks at the FBI knew better than to intervene in a wolf argument. “You betrayed us. There is no forgiveness at the Amazon compound for you. You say the Raven sent you back. You can talk with Bianca about that. I’m merely providing an escort.”

Angelo backed off, letting his teeth and claws shift back to their human state.

“Move,” he ordered, gesturing for her to start walking.

Chapter Six

ngelo groaned as they approached the compound gate. Cormac Murphy was on sentinel duty. He felt his wolf bristle at what was about to happen. All he wanted was to get back in bed with his mate after a satisfying run, but there was no way in hell Gerard’s boyfriend—and Sarita’s best friend—was going to let Kathy Kirk into the compound, even under Angelo’s protection, without a fuss.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Angelo had hardly gotten the window down before Mac’s teeth were snapping in his face. He had to give it to the kid—he was dedicated.

“Mac, back down,” Angelo snarled. “Let your mom and your aunt know I’m bringing her to the library.”

“Angelo, you are a guest of this pack,” Mac growled. “You’re not bringing that thing in here.”

“Thing?” Kathy murmured, one gray brow arching.

“Shut up.” Angelo scowled at her.

“Fuck you both,” she snarled back. “You must be Monica’s brat.” She sneered at Mac. “I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Clearly, self-righteous priggery is a family trait.”

“You’re one to talk about unpleasant family traits.” Mac sneered back.

“Oh for fuck’s sake, what is going on?” Angelo felt the bear’s rumbling presence as Gerard ambled out of the guardhouse, barefoot, in a pair of unbuttoned jeans and no shirt. Angelo looked at Mac, who blushed. It wasn’t unheard of, back when Monica was Alpha of Amazon, for a sentinel to have a friend keep company in the guardhouse at night to help stay awake, but Mac and Gerard…

“We weren’t doing anything,” Mac grumbled, “I take my job seriously.”

Angelo just looked at him.

So, she’s back.
He felt Gerard in his head, the rumbling thunder noise roaring in his ears. It was disorienting, having another species projecting into your head. Angelo wondered how Sarita stood it constantly.

It’s different for her. For you, I’ll try to be less ursine.

It’s okay. You don’t seem surprised about Kathy?

I’m not. She needs to be here. You did right. I’ll handle Mac. Take her to Monica and Bianca and tell them I’ll be there in a minute with Sarita.

Angelo sent the Guide a wave of relief and thanks.

With a shrug, Gerard whispered something in Mac’s ear. Still scowling, Mac threw the lever to open the gate, and Angelo drove through.

The ride up the elevator was filled with a stony silence.

“What was going on with G-man back there?” Kathy broke the silence. Angelo remembered her habit of giving everyone nicknames and bit back on the smile that threatened to emerge with the memory.

“He’s in my head.” Angelo tapped on his temple. “Because of Sarita.”

“Right, but what did he say?”

“He said you need to be here.” Angelo glanced at the little wolf and noted the smug smile that crept across her face. He felt the pang of loss he’d felt twenty-five years ago when her duplicity had been discovered. He had lost a friend that day as surely as if she had died. She had been an integral part of Bianca’s Guardian team, inseparable from the pack leaders. He gestured for her to walk in front of him off the elevator.

They were met by a stony-faced Jack Murphy. Angelo could tell that his friend—father-in-law now—was angry with him, but he also knew he had the high ground here, so he didn’t so much as blink at the glare Jack tossed him. The Murphy men were accustomed to having their sheer size intimidate other wolves, but that wouldn’t work with Angelo.

“Heya, Big Boy,” Kathy smirked saucily and threw a wink at Jack.

For a little bit of a thing, she had some huge balls
, Angelo thought.

Faster than Angelo could even think, Jack had her pinned against the wall, her throat in his hand, her feet dangling, his teeth and claws shifted. Angelo knew Jack detested violence, but he delivered it with breathtaking efficiency, reminding Angelo why Jack was such a good Guardian for the Amazon Pack. Kathy stared into Jack’s eyes, and something unspoken passed between them as Angelo looked from one to the other, feeling the tension rolling through them. Though none of them were packmates in the traditional sense, they were all tied together under Fionn’s national meta-pack. He felt Monica and Fionn stepping out of their apartment, watching. He realized Fionn was communing silently with his brother when Jack bit off a curse. Jack let go suddenly, tumbling Kathy to the floor as he yanked back on his claws and teeth and stomped back into the library apartment. Monica and Fionn followed, and Angelo reached a hand down to help Kathy stand.

“That went well, don’t you think?” A wistful smile quirked up her lips as she stood. Angelo felt his attitude towards her thawing a bit as he led her into the apartment. The Murphys, Bianca included, were arranged about the sitting room in a semi-circle. Angelo pushed Kathy into a chair and walked to the sideboard, pouring himself a drink as if this were nothing more than a social gathering.

“Irish whiskey?” He raised a brow at Monica, who gestured with her chin toward Fionn. Wolves didn’t get drunk really, but he enjoyed the flavor and relaxing warmth. He moved to sit on a small chaise, just big enough for him and Sarita when she arrived.

As if the thought had beckoned her, the little wolf stepped off the elevator and practically skipped into the apartment, Gerard rumbling alongside her. The other wolves hid their indulgent smiles as best they could as she dropped down onto the chaise with Angelo and with all the audacity of a newly-mated wolf, pulled him into a heady kiss that made his wolf—and a more human part of his anatomy—sit up and take notice. When she released him with a giggle, he grinned at her.

She winked. Then she turned her curious eyes to Kathy.

“So, you’re what all the fuss is about.” She remarked, cocking her head to the side like a curious pup.

“I guess I am.” Kathy looked at her just as curiously. “Wow, you look like your mom.”

“Everyone says I look like him.” She gestured toward Jack.

“Some,” Kathy agreed. Angelo was starting to feel uncomfortable as the two women stared each other down. Seeing them in the same space, he realized his little mate wasn’t much bigger than Kathy.

“Can you get in her head?” Sarita turned to Fionn. He shook his head. The Kirk family all possessed unusual mental abilities—in Kathy’s father’s case, and that of her uncles, that had included using their voices to manipulate and compel others. In Kathy’s case, she seemed to be able to block anyone and everyone from her mind unless she wanted to share information. She had to project, be an active participant in any mental exchange.

She turned back to Kathy. “Let him in. Now.”

The authority in her voice startled Angelo, and he realized once again that he barely knew his new mate—her youth and seeming innocence were in sharp contrast to this power that seemed to ooze from her. It shouldn’t have been surprising—she was an Usher—but it still startled him. He watched as Fionn flinched as the connection opened between him and Kathy. He felt his own connection to Fionn shudder slightly as that long closed doorway opened, and Fionn pushed his awareness toward it. Angelo remembered then how Kathy had felt in his head years ago, like champagne bubbles bursting along the nose.
Always playful.
Fionn studied Kathy for a long moment. Emotions flickered across his bearded face—sadness, loneliness, anger, regret, pain. No bubbles there.

“Keep it open.” Sarita looked at Kathy sharply, not breaking eye contact as Mac walked into the room and stood next to Gerard behind the chaise.

Finally Fionn nodded. He looked at Bianca and nodded again; his expression weary. Then he turned to Sarita. “She’s no threat to anyone but herself. You’re safe, Littlebit.”

The childhood nickname brought a smile to Sarita’s face. Angelo could feel the warmth and affection between her and her uncle. She looked at her mother. “She has to stay, Mom.” Sarita explained. “Gerard told me Raven sent her.”

Bianca looked like a marble statue as she stared at Kathy. She hadn’t said a word since Kathy and Angelo had entered the room. Finally, she stood and left the apartment. With a shrug, Jack followed her.

Sarita turned back to Kathy with a smile. “It’s okay. No one is going to hurt you.” She stood and crossed to the other woman, touching the side of her face with her palm. “You’re safe with me.” She turned to face Mac and Gerard. “I’m assuming you two are sleeping in the same room these days. Can she borrow whichever room you’re not using until Mom gets someone to set her up with one of her own?”

A round of growls erupted in the room, but Sarita stared them all down. She knew they had all expected Kathy to sleep in a cell. Angelo was a little surprised that she had assumed Kathy would be free to roam the compound.

Finally Gerard spoke. “She can stay in my room. Mac will guard her. He got Ellen to take his sentinel duty for the rest of tonight, so he can make himself useful.”

“Thanks, Bear.” She smiled at her Guide. “Mac, I’m going to ask my dad to assign you as her bodyguard full-time.” When he would have protested, she shook her head. “Don’t. She’s not going to hurt me. I need her and she needs me.
I need her
, Mac. You’ll take care of her for me.” Angelo watched his mate stare down her best friend until he finally nodded his assent. She smiled and turned to Angelo.

“Let’s go. Thanks.” She gestured over her shoulder at Kathy.

De nada, querida
,” he murmured as he followed her out the door and into the elevator.

The stars seemed brighter than ever as Sarita and Angelo walked out into the night, hand in hand. She lifted her face to the moonlight as she dropped his hand and walked past him. Her worry over the scene that had just occurred in Monica and Fionn’s apartment began to wash away as she began to peel off her clothing. She looked over her shoulder to see her mate watching her with wild eyes. She smiled at him, feeling the heady delight of being a woman wanted. She turned and watched him stare at her. His shirtsleeves were rolled up, his hands in his pockets. Inspiration struck her, and she moved toward him, watching him swallow in nervous anticipation.

“It occurs to me, since you’re my mate…” Her voice sounded strange and husky to her own ears. “…I should take good care of you.” With a nip at his ear, she felt her teeth shifting, and she reached for one arm. He let her pull his hand from the pocket, let her unroll the sleeve. Saturated with heat and yearning, she reached for the other hand. Though she’d only touched his arms, his eyes had closed and his breathing was coming in unsteady gasps. She lifted her hands to the buttons of his starched white shirt—though she was tempted to tear it off him like the one he’d been wearing the night before, she didn’t—choosing instead to torment him with gentleness.

“You’re so proper,” she teased as she worked each button free, pressing a kiss to the heated skin above his heart, feeling a fierce exhilaration at the way it quickened under her lips. She tugged the shirttails out of his pants and pushed the garment from his shoulders. Like all wolves, his chest and back bore tattoos marking his achievements. She saw the one that had marked his place as Third in the Amazon Pack back before she had been born, and she traced it with a fingertip before dropping her hands to his belt.

“Do you ever just…come undone?” she asked as his pants fell to the ground at his feet.

Angelo’s eyes snapped open, and she felt her blood might boil over. He stepped out of his pants and wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her tight to his body, letting her feel exactly how undone he was. She placed her arms around his shoulders, tugging his face close enough to run her tongue over his shifted teeth. She wondered at the power of seduction within her that had brought this man to shudder at her touch.

,” he whispered. “I could, right now, sink my teeth into your pretty shoulder and make
come undone. Do you know how much I love to watch you come? You’re so beautiful and unfettered. Goddess, it gets me hot and hard just thinking about it.”

Now it was Sarita’s turn to shudder in anticipation.

“But I’m not going to do that just now,” he smiled. “Because my wolf wants yours. Needs yours.”

She hadn’t realized he had backed her up against a tree but then suddenly the roughness of it was at her back and his face blotted out the moon. He placed his shifted teeth right—
oh Goddess, right there
—where her neck and shoulder met, then teasingly sucked the skin into his mouth, carefully scissoring it between his teeth just enough to make her wolf whine. With a suddenness that left her bereft, he took a step back and shifted, turning and running away from her. Without conscious thought, she followed, feeling her wolf burst out as she ran after her mate.

He knew the compound grounds as well as she did, even after years away. She followed the brown wolf over a hill and deeper into the woods. When they came upon a moonlit clearing, he stopped and stared. Slowly he circled her, sending a wave of lust and need through their bond. She shied back slightly. She knew what needed to happen, and she wasn’t exactly reluctant, just…

With a growl, he circled her again, and she began to understand the dance her wolf was doing, flirting with her mate. Smiling inwardly, she rubbed her muzzle along his, enjoying the electric spark between them before she stepped away again. One big brown paw reached toward her; again she skipped away.

The playful dance between them lasted long minutes as she flirted and teased while he stalked about the clearing, displaying his alpha male qualities while barraging her with sensual images of their night together the night before, putting the memory of her first orgasm into her mind with so much intensity she almost felt it all over again. Feeling her need escalating sharply, she turned and presented herself to him. In a flash, he had the back of her neck in his teeth: he was over her, inside her, giving her everything she’d never known she would need. The human part of her felt detached but curious, the wolf part of her felt…victorious. She felt his body flood hers with his release, and she knew their bond was complete.

When they collapsed to the ground, she felt him shift and she followed, sitting cross-legged beside him. With a still-animal look in his eyes, he pushed her down to the forest floor and took one puffy, brown nipple in his mouth. Her hands buried in his hair as he pulled her legs apart, kneeling between them. Before she could wonder what he would do next, two of his fingers were buried inside her, his thumb brushing along her clit, playing over her body with the mastery of a man who knew exactly how to please his woman. Humming against the hard nipple in his mouth, he drew upon it hard.

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