COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1) (173 page)

BOOK: COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1)
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Chapter Three


              “Here it is.”  Chris reined in Casper outside the old cottage, and dismounted so he could help Rebecca down from the saddle.  “Instead of going on vacations, my grandparents built this as a little getaway.  We still use it during the summer when the trout are running.”  He glanced out over the ice-crusted lake and frowned at the darkening horizon.  “No one comes out here in the winter.”

              Rebecca followed him inside, and smiled as she took in the vintage furnishings and colorful handmade quilts his grandmother had hung on the walls.  “It’s lovely.”  She went over to examine the hearth and the old stack of split wood piled beside it.  “If you’ll build a fire, I’ll make you some dinner.”

              “I’ve got some snacks in my saddlebags, but I don’t think there’s anything edible . . . .”Chris’s voice trailed off as he watched her unload from her bag cans of stew, boxed crackers, jars of sliced peaches and a huge thermos.  “Is that coffee?”

              “Hot water.”  She held up a plastic bag bulging with small packets.  “But I have tea bags, instant coffee, sugar and creamer.  Oh, and some hot chocolate mix, too.”  She grinned.  “Boy Scouts aren’t the only ones who are always prepared.”

              “Honey, the Marines aren’t that prepared.”  He went over to select some firewood and retrieve the kindling box, and crouched down in front of the hearth.  “Seriously, that’s a lot of provisions.  How long were you actually planning to hide out in the barn?”

              “As long as it took until I figured out what to do next.”  She wrinkled her nose.  “Or I ran out of food.” 

              He struck a match to ignite the kindling, and then sat back on his haunches to watch the flames spread before he rose.  “All right.  I’m going to get Casper situated for the night, and then check in with the family.”

              “Please, don’t call anyone.”  Rebecca shot to her feet and clutched his arm.  “They might tell Holly I’m here.”

              “If I don’t, my brothers will coming looking for me, and find us both,” Chris told her.  “I’m just going to let Ethan know that I’m spending the night here – by myself.”

                Some of the tightness around her mouth eased.  “Thank you.”

              “My pleasure.”  Chris bent down and kissed her brow.  “And if you’d be so kind as to make some coffee for me, I’ll love you forever.”

              “Oh, yeah?”  Her doe brown eyes sparkled.  “What will you do for hot chocolate, Cowboy?”

              “I’d marry you,” Chris told her, “and take care of you, and give you my babies, and make you the happiest woman on this Earth.”  As she gaped at him he grinned.  “So you might want to start out with coffee first.”                

              He first took Casper into the cottage’s little storage barn to settle him in.  After he unsaddled and brushed the gelding, he called Ethan to tell him that he’d be bunking down at the old cottage for the night.

“There’s rain heading our way from down south,” his oldest brother told him.  “If the temp keeps dropping, it’ll turn into an ice storm.  You’d best head back.”

“I can’t.”  Chris silently debated with himself for a moment before he told his brother the truth.  “I found Rebecca hiding in the tractor barn.  Her stepmother murdered Big Bill.”  Once Chris had related the rest of Rebecca’s story, he added, “Don’t call anyone yet.  Rebecca’s terrified of this woman, and I’ve got to calm her down before we go to the police.”

“You sure you can do that?”  Ethan asked gently.  “What if this is all in her head, Brother?”

“What if it’s not?” Chris countered.  “Ethan, Bill Carson wasn’t a fool with horses, but he got trampled by one he knew was dangerous.  Rebecca wasn’t crazy in school, and no one has ever seen her act that way, but her stepmother’s gone all around town telling everyone she is.  Any of that smell a little funny to you?”

“Yeah.  It does.”  His oldest brother sighed.  “All right, stay with her.  I’ll see what I can find out about the stepmother.  Hey, what are you going to do for food?”

“Rebecca packed a bag with enough canned stew and peaches to last us through Christmas,” Chris assured him.  “Ethan, be careful who you talk to about Holly Carson.  If she could kill her husband, she’d have no problem coming after you.”


              By the time Chris returned from looking after his horse Becca had the table set, the coffee made and a pot of stew simmering on the stove.  “Dinner’s ready.”

“My two favorite words – besides Rebecca Rose.”  He took off his hat and jacket before he joined her in the kitchen.  “That smells great.”

“I can’t cook,” she admitted, “but I can warm up anything.”

“Same here.”  He moved the pot to the table and sat down with her, taking a big gulp of his coffee and sighing with pleasure.  “This is a real treat, baby.  Thank you.”

Becca dished out the stew, and watched him wolf down his portion with a smile.  “I hope I made enough.”

“I’m saving room for some of those peaches.”  He eyed her bowl.  “And you need to eat more than that.”

“I haven’t had much appetite lately.”  She felt her throat tighten and put down her spoon.  “You want some more coffee?  I found an old percolator I can use to heat the water—”

“I’m good.”  He reached out and covered her hand with his.  “Ethan said we might get hit by an ice storm tonight, and if that happens we’ll be stuck here for a while.”  He waited a beat before he said, “There’s still time for us to ride back to the main house.”

“That’s okay.”  She rose and took her dish over to the sink.  “Listen, if you’d rather not stay, I understand.  I’ll be fine now.”

Chris came up behind her, and encircled her waist with his arms.  “You can’t get rid of me, Rebecca Rose.  Not after I’ve waited on you for seven years.”

To keep from melting all over him, she gripped the sink’s edge.  “You don’t have to say that.  I know you were nice to me in school, but with all those girls crushing on you . . . you must have dated a lot.”

“I’ve done my fair share of chasing skirts.”  He turned her around to face him.  “But I’ve never loved anyone but you.”

She stared up at him.  “Christopher.”

“It’s true,” he said softly.  “First time I saw you, freshman year, you stole my heart right out of my chest.  Never got it back.”

“I didn’t bring my yearbook to graduation because I tore out the page with your picture.  I kept it in my Bible so I could look at you whenever I wanted.”  She ducked her head.  “Whenever I was lonely.”

“Oh, yeah?”  He pressed her closer, eliminating all the spaces between their bodies.  “Did you look at me when you were in church?”

She nodded.  “And in my room.  In my bed, late at night, when I couldn’t sleep.”  She stroked her hand over the hard vault of his chest.  “I’d think about that day outside art class, when you kept me from falling on my face.  The way it felt when you held me in your arms.”

Chris splayed his hands over the small over her back.  “Did you like me holding you, baby?”

“Yes.”  She loved the way his deep voice rumbled softly in his big chest, and rested her cheek over his heart to listen to its strong, heavy beat.  “I’d look at your picture and wonder what it would feel like, to have you beside me, in my bed.”  She took in a quick breath.  “Sometimes I’d take off my nightie and lay there, naked, while I thought about what you’d do if you could see me like that.”

He rubbed his cheek against the top of her head.  “What did I do to you, Rebecca?”

“You’d start out touching me.”  Daringly she took hold of his hand, and bought it to her breast.  “Here.” 

“Oh, yeah.”  Slowly he rubbed his palm in a slow circle, massaging her hard nipple, stopping only when she began unbuttoning her blouse.  He lifted his hand away.  “Baby, I don’t mean to push you into anything.”

A strange calm settled over Becca.  “I’m twenty-five years old, and still a virgin.  I don’t want to be one anymore.”

Doubt flickered over his handsome face.  “It’s a big step.  Maybe you should think about this a bit.”

“I have.  I have for seven years, since I fell for you in high school.”  She nodded as he stared at her.  “I want you to come to bed with me, Christopher.  I want you to be my first.”    


Chapter Four


              If any other girl had asked him such a thing, Chris would have hauled her off to bed without another word.  Already he could feel his cock swelling and his muscles hardening as his body reacted mindlessly to her sweet request.  But this was Rebecca Rose, and for her first time she deserved all the tenderness and care he could muster.

“I’d love nothing more,” he murmured to her.  “So you think about this while we get things ready for tonight.  And if you still want me to love you when it’s time for bed, then it would be my pleasure.”

“You don’t want to wait.  I can feel it.”  She shimmied slowly against him, her body caressing the thick bulge of his erection.  “You’re all big and hard.  You want me now, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I can’t hide that.”  He kissed the tip of her nose.  “But I want you to be sure.”

“Okay.”  She drew out of his arms and stepped back, unbuttoning her blouse and shrugging out of it.  “I’m thinking about it now.”

Chris stared at pink lace bra hugging the sweet curves of her breasts before he averted his gaze.  “I meant with your clothes on.”

“But I’m hot.”  She bent down to pull off her ankle boots and socks, and then straightened to unfasten her jeans.  “Really, really hot.  Makes it hard to think, doesn’t it?”

In that moment the only thing that could have kept his eyes from her were blinders.  Chris caught his breath as he took in her pale skin and tiny waist, and watched her skim her jeans down her legs.  The sweet curves of her hips and thighs entranced him, until she turned and he saw her left side.

From her ribs to mid-thigh, ugly, dark bruises mottled her flesh.

Rebecca saw where he was staring and touched one of the reddish-purple patches.  “Holly didn’t just hit me in the face.  She also likes to pull hair, scratch and kick – anywhere the marks won’t show.  She’s been hurting me since she married my father.”

Chris’s size had forced him early on not to give into his temper, and he prided himself on gaining complete control of it as an adult.  Now seeing the evidence of Holly Carson’s abuse of Rebecca made his big hands curl into fists.  “Why didn’t you tell someone?”

“I did, the first time she hurt me.  I told my Dad, and I even showed him the bruises.  He said Holly saw me do it to myself, and accused me of trying to break up their marriage.”  Her lips twisted.  “She came to my room later that night, and told me that if I ever tattled on her again she’d put me in the hospital.  Then she beat me until I blacked out.”

“My God.”  Chris felt sick.  “No wonder you’re terrified of her.”

“She’s an evil woman.”  She wrapped her arms around her waist.  “I was too afraid after that to say anything more.  I mostly stayed out of her way.  The worst of it was knowing that whatever she did, my Dad would believe her over me.”

“I’ve got to get you to a hospital.”  Chris went to her, and carefully touched the bruises on her side to feel the ribs underneath.  They felt intact, but he was no doctor.  “Does it hurt to breathe?” 

“It’s not bad.  Just a little sore.”  She covered his hand with his.  “Please don’t look at me like that, like I’m tragic.  I’m not.  I’m free of her now.”  She sidled up against him.  “We can be together, Christopher.”

“You’re in no shape for this,” he told her, and then groaned as she rubbed her slim torso against him.  “And I can’t take much of that.”

“Take more,” she dared him, and tugged down the front of her bra until her tight, rosy nipples popped free of the lace cups.  “Take all of me, Chris.”

Every man had his breaking point, and seeing Rebecca’s pretty breasts hurtled Chris past his.  He scooped her up in his arms and carried her out of the kitchen to the back bedroom, where he set her down next to his grandparents’ big bed and pulled back the heavy checkerboard quilt from the white linen sheets.  He ran his hands down her arms, and then reached back to unfasten her bra, tossing it over the footboard as he trailed his fingers over her quivering curves.

“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful as you.”  He hooked his thumbs in the sides of her panties, and tugged them down until they fell to her ankles.  He stared down at the neat triangle of dark curls before he lifted her onto the bed, and began quickly stripping off his own clothes.


              Watching Christopher Boone undress made Becca’s cheeks grow hot and her thighs tremble, for his big, tough body looked even more massive with its bulging muscles and smooth, golden skin exposed.  It also her made her feel a new, delicious feminine hunger to touch him everywhere.  She ached to feel all that resilience and strength under her fingers.

              He hesitated for a moment before pushing down his jeans, and when he straightened she saw why.  His erect penis stretched painfully up from its nest of dark hair, with raised veins along the thick shaft that crested with a reddish, satiny bulb like a ripe plum.  All that had to go inside her, and for a moment Becca felt alarmed by the prospect.

              “It’s all right, baby,” Chris said as he sat down on the edge of the bed.  “We’re in no rush to do anything.  You want to stop, you just tell me.”

              He wanted her so much he had to be hurting, so for him to say such a thing made her heart melt.  “I’m not scared.  I’m just . . . not sure what to do first.”

              He smiled.  “Anything you like.” 

              As he stretched out beside her Becca turned on her side to look at him, and run her hand over his chest.  When her fingertips brushed his small, flat nipples they puckered like hers, and she bent her head to try to same caress with her lips.  The low groan he uttered as she licked him made her feel a little bolder, and she moved over him, straddling his thighs and bracing her hands against his shoulders.

              That pressed the swollen shaft of his penis between her legs, where she felt hot and wet, and she rubbed herself against his hard girth, her belly tightening as the contact made her feel achy and empty inside.  She bent down to kiss him, opening her lips for his tongue and pressing her breasts against his hard chest.

              Chris rolled over with her, covering her with his big body as he ravished her mouth.  When he finally broke off the kiss they were both trembling, and need blazed in his eyes.

              “I’ve never been with a virgin,” he told her hoarsely.  “But I’ve always used condoms with other girls, so I’m clean.”

              “Good.  So am I, obviously.”  She parted her thighs, hugging his hips as she cradled his erection, the throbbing ache inside her growing to an impossible hunger.  “Chris, I feel so strange.  I need . . . ah.”  He was touching her down there, working his thumb gently over the little pearl inside her folds, and it felt so good she gasped with pleasure.

              “There, I knew you’d like that.”  Chris kept stroking her as he nuzzled the side of her throat, and then whispered against her ear, “I want to put my mouth on you, Rebecca Rose, and kiss your sweet pussy.  Would you like that?”

              She blushed furiously, but his question sent a new pulse of wetness between her thighs.  “If you – if you really want to.”               

              Chris kissed his way down her body, stopping to leisurely lick and suck at her nipples.  By the time he settled between her legs Becca’s whole body trembled.  She moaned as she felt his warm breath caress her sex, and his fingers gently exposing her clit.

              “So damn pretty,” he murmured as he looked at her, and then bent his head, first kissing her hard nub and then setting his mouth over it to stroke it slowly with his tongue.

              The wet, hot caress made her clit swell and pulse, and Becca arched against his loving mouth, crying out as a terrible, wonderful sensation billowed inside her.  A moment later she felt as if she shattered into pure light, her body bursting with radiant bliss.

              Chris moved up over her slowly, hitching her legs up around his hips as he reached between them to wrap his fist around his shaft and press the thick head between her folds.  “Look at me, baby.  I’m going to make you mine now.”

              Becca knew the first time was supposed to hurt, and braced herself for the expected pain.  Yet as Chris slowly worked the head of his penis inside her, all she felt was her softness stretching around the broad dome until she engulfed him entirely.

Chris’s eyes closed for a moment before he looked down at her, his lips parted, his expression filled with hard, masculine need.  “Am I hurting you?”

Becca shook her head and curled her hands over his wide shoulders as she strained against him.  “More.  Give me more, please.”

“I’ll give you more.”  He pressed in, working another inch of his shaft inside her, making her whimper.  “I’ll give it all to you, baby.”

The slow, steady strokes he used to penetrate deeper into her body rekindled Becca’s need, until she clenched around him, almost frantic to have him completely inside her.  Chris held her as she shook and whispered to her, telling her how lovely she was, and how good she made him feel.  Finally he sank his last inch into her, filling her to his root.  The feel of his body hair and the velvety press of his balls against her tightly-stretched opening made her curl her fingernails into his shoulders.

“You’re all mine now, baby,” he murmured against her lips, his eyes sparkling like blue diamonds as he kissed her.

Becca didn’t think it could feel any better, and then he slid out of her and pushed back in, his swollen shaft caressing her from within.  She tightened around him, squeezing him as he came into her, and he groaned out loud.

“Don’t,” he begged.  “It’s too good.  I can’t take it.”

Heady with her new-found power over her big lover, Becca kissed his ear and whispered, “Then take me, Christopher.  Take me the way you want to.”  She nipped the side of his neck before she added, “I want all of it, all of you, right now.”

              “Then take it.”  He jerked her legs up higher, his face taut with need as he began pumping hard into her.  “Yes, baby, there it is.  Just what you wanted.  Take my hard cock in that hot little pussy.  All of it, like that.  I want you to come on me, come hard for me.  Oh, God.”

              His graphic words and the hard, deep shafting he was giving her sent her back into the sizzling heat of delight, and as it burst over her in an explosive climax Chris shoved deep into the center of her pleasure.  She cried out as she felt his penis swell and jerk as he came inside her, his seed flooding her trembling tissues with silky warm wetness.

              Chris stared down at her, his eyes filled with a dazed satisfaction.  “Now all I need, Rebecca Rose, is some hot chocolate.”

              “Oh, Christopher.”  With a sob she hugged him close.  “I love you.”

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